Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 405 The Road to the West Sea

Chapter 405 The Road to the West Sea (Today's update)
"Tea..." Fang Xuanling couldn't help but be silent when he saw the taxes sent by Yuhang.

Generally speaking, the imperial court does not collect commercial taxes, but because Li Tai takes the lead, people who trade with Li Tai generally have to pay two taxes, one to the Ministry of Households, and one to the Ministry of Finance. government supervisor.

And Chu Suiliang also understood the truth, so he also took the initiative to report the money and food he got from the exchange with the king of Wei to the Ministry of Civil Affairs to pay taxes.

As for what the Shaofu Supervisor is, Chu Suiliang doesn't know it.

Because for Chu Suiliang, his goal from beginning to end was to return to the court, and he did not return to the court as a courtier, but as a capable minister.

Therefore, it is impossible for Chu Suiliang to pay the Shaofu supervisor the same as Wei Wang.

After all, in the final analysis, Li Tai is Li Shimin's son, and if he earns money to give to his father, it is in line with filial piety.

Although the courtiers were envious, they would not say much.

But what is Chu Suiliang sending a sum of money to Li Shimin? Could it be that he planned to follow the route of "if you don't give up on the public, you will worship him as a righteous father"? It has become a joke inside and outside the court.

Therefore, Chu Suiliang chose to hand over the money to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and Fang Xuanling, who was under pressure recently due to military reforms, especially the overall increase in food, naturally noticed Chu Suiliang.

After all, Destroying Gaochang got a huge sum of money from Li Tai, but the money was just a windfall, so it shouldn't be possible for people to destroy a country every year.

Not to mention the cost of taking it in, even the population around Datang not every one has a million people!
Now, looking at Chu Suiliang's tax payment, it is obvious that this will be a relatively stable income.

Fang Xuanling naturally had an impression of Chu Suiliang, after all, his father Chu Liang and himself were among the earliest members of the Qin Palace.

Moreover, although Chu Liang has been in the court all the time, his posture is more of a dissociation from the court, and his actions in the court only pave the way for Chu Suiliang.

To put it simply, if Chu Suiliang can't help him up, then Chu Liang can make Chu Suiliang steadily inherit his Yangdi County Marquis.

And if Chu Suiliang is really talented, then Chu Liang can guarantee that Chu Suiliang will have no resistance at least until the fourth rank.

As long as it belongs to Chu Suiliang's meritorious service, then Chu Suiliang can get it steadily.

Basically, when an official reaches the fifth rank, he will fall into the eyes of the emperor, and if he climbs up, it depends on his personal ability.

For Fang Xuanling, if the son of an old friend has performed like this, it is only natural that he will be promoted.

To some extent, Chu Suiliang can be regarded as the real second generation of the Qin Palace, and even Li Shimin's direct descendant.

However, this time Chu Suiliang came into his field of vision because of the tea, which made Fang Xuanling curious about tea.

Because the tea I drank was mixed with vinegar, so it tasted sour and astringent, which was not very good, but the wine was still good.

To be honest, Fang Xuanling didn't quite understand why this kind of thing was so popular.

After thinking about it, he asked a knowledgeable person to ask, and soon, Fang Xuanling saw Wang Xuance coming.

After all, the imperial court was not so inhumane. Wang Xuance finally came back at the end of the year, but he was kicked to Xihai County before he stayed in Chang'an for a few days. Is this something that people do!

Since there is nothing to do in the frontier, let Wang Xuance and other meritorious officials spend the New Year in peace, and then let him go back to the frontier.

Although there is no practical reward, letting them celebrate the New Year and experience the Lantern Festival together in Chang'an is to let these frontier soldiers experience first-hand that it is because they are stationed in the frontier that there are thousands of lights in Chang'an.

It's just that living in Chang'an is not easy, especially for a newly promoted general like Wang Xuance. Li Tai lent Wei Wangfu to Wang Xuance to settle down, and frankly expressed to the entire court that Wang Xuance is my man.

Wang Xuance did not refuse Li Tai's kindness, after all, in Wang Xuance's view, it was because of King Wei's consistent support that he could achieve what he is today.

If it's another protagonist, such as the prince, I'm afraid I'll disappear if I fail for the first time!

But Wei Wang ignored the past and built a platform for himself, so that he finally had the opportunity to prove his strength.

With such kindness, it is only natural for him to be regarded as one of the Wei Wang's party, and he does not have a residence in Chang'an, so it is reasonable to rub against Wei Wang's mansion.

The most important thing is that although King Wei is not in King Wei's Mansion, the dishes in King Wei's Mansion are still intact.

Facing Fang Xuanling's subpoena, Wang Xuance quickly rushed to Fang Xuanling's front.

"Captain Wang, you are here!" Fang Xuanling watched Wang Xuance come in. Although he had been in Qinghai for several years, Wang Xuance's bookish spirit was not wiped out by his life on the frontier.

Just by looking at him, it is really hard to imagine that he is the commander in chief of an army.

"I've seen Fang Fu shoot!" Wang Xuance saw Fang Xuanling, after all, it was the first time he saluted Fang Xuanling.

After Fang Xuanling returned the gift, he said to Wang Xuance, "The reason why I asked you to come here this time is because I found that a large amount of tea leaves flowed to Xihai Prefecture, so I was a little puzzled. Did Xihai consume so much tea?!"

"So it's because of this!" Wang Xuance nodded repeatedly when he heard Fang Xuanling's words,
"Use it well, there is not much water in that place, and you can't grow any vegetables. The soldiers don't eat tea, and they feel panicked when they eat meat every day.

And even if we can't finish drinking it, we can get a lot of cattle and horses by changing hands of these teas to the local alien patriarchs!
The local cattle and sheep in Xihai County are not worth much, but the tea is very valuable. There are foreigners who are willing to exchange half a catty of tea for a yak. "

"I see!" Fang Xuanling thoughtfully heard Wang Xuance's words, and nodded understandingly.

Like the seed system established by Wang Xuance in Xihai County, meat is basically impossible to transport.

The reason is very simple, because the transportation cost is too high.

If you let the local cattle and sheep be slaughtered and sent out, you can't afford the transportation expenses, and if you sell live sheep and cattle, the price is higher than the price of cattle and sheep established in the Longyou area, and it can't be sold at all under normal circumstances.

Generally, what can be brought to Chang'an for sale are relatively high-quality horses and animal fur, as well as local unique medicines.

As for mutton and beef, if they were killed, it would be too late to send them out even in winter, or the cost of sending them out would be too high.

So here in Xihai County, although the grass seeding plan has been implemented very smoothly, the local purchasing power is really not strong.

Tea, pottery, silk, cane sugar... all kinds of things in Chang'an are quite competitive in the local area.

Among them, tea is especially the same sentence. In the past, the local people did not know about tea, but since they drank tea, tea has become a necessary item for their home and travel.

Fang Xuanling thanked Wang Xuance for helping him understand the special products of Xihai County.

Fang Xuanling asked Wang Xuance again, "Are the local aliens still obedient?"

"It's okay!" Wang Xuance nodded and said, "The local Qiang people, including Tuyuhun, are a little fearful of power and not virtuous.

The battle with Tubo at the beginning allowed the local people to fully see the gap between them and our Tang Dynasty, and it became much easier to manage.

They even implemented the seed plan among the Qiang people and asked them to raise some gray geese, and they were able to obediently implement it! "

"Grey Goose?" Fang Xuanling was slightly curious when he heard this thing, "Did King Wei ask you to do it?"

"That's right!" Wang Xuance said thoughtfully, "In the beginning, we were asked to raise ducks on it, but later we found that the ducks were not acclimatized to the climate in Xihai County, and gradually turned into gray geese.

Moreover, the probability of these guys breaking out in the plague in Xihai County is also low. For the local people, it is more convenient to raise gray geese directly.

The most important thing is that since then, there are more goose eggs in their daily food. When the Chinese New Year comes, a batch of gray geese will be slaughtered, and we will also buy gray goose feathers from them.

Some of them are made into arrow feathers, and some are made into down feathers. These are very important supplementary materials for Xihai, where the transportation of materials is difficult! "

"En!" Fang Xuanling nodded when she heard Wang Xuance's words.

Because the imperial court implements the government military system, basically everything except the armor needs to be prepared by the soldiers. The soldiers below and the generals above basically have considerable autonomy.

Especially the frontier fighters, it's not that they want to become a small government, but if they can't become a small government, it's basically impossible to stay in the frontier area for a long time.

It is precisely because of this kind of training that every general in the frontier area has more or less the ability to go from general to prime minister.

This is what they have honed little by little in practice.

Because of the deep influence of the government military system and the land equalization system from top to bottom, the imperial court did not feel that there was any problem with this policy.

The Tang Dynasty finally led to the end of Jiedu. To a certain extent, the land equalization system and the military military system on the surface have been forced to end due to various reasons, but the military military system and the land equalization system in the heart have not really been cleaned up. .

Fang Xuanling said to Wang Xuance, "Whether there is any difficulty in Xihai County, the imperial court needs to support it!"

When Wang Xuance heard Fang Xuanling's words, his eyes couldn't help but light up at this moment. What he was waiting for was this sentence.

Wang Xuance decisively smiled and said to Wang Xuance, "Can the imperial court allocate funds to Xihai Prefecture? We want to build a road leading to the Hehuang Valley!"

"You are really welcome!" Fang Xuanling muttered in his heart.

Fang Xuanling rolled his eyes, and said calmly, "Didn't you detain [-] Tubo slaves? Isn't this group of people enough to build roads for you?"

"How about the road change in Xihai County... the ground under your feet is constantly changing!" Wang Xuance said with a headache:
"In winter, the land is like a block of ice, and the upper paved roadbed will be pushed up.

And in summer, the land is wet and starts to melt, and the roadbed and pavement laid in winter will sink and deform again.

It is impossible to repair roads normally! "

To be honest, Wang Xuance really never thought that building roads would be such a troublesome thing.

When I followed King Wei in Youzhou, one of the opportunities for King Wei to unite the big and small families in Youzhou in Youzhou was to build roads.

So I saw that Xihai County was promoted to Xihai Prefecture, and I was also powerful in Qinghai, so I wanted to follow suit and integrate these Qiang people through roads.

But after one year of my plan to build roads, even the simplest gravel roads will fall apart after half a year of winter snow and half a year of exposure to the sun.

If he hadn't been supervising the construction this year, Wang Xuance felt that someone had embezzled the money for road construction.

It's just that, looking at the dog beside King Wei, he can easily assist the administration by building roads.

For example, what Du Chuke did the most in the Hehuang area was to build roads along the river, and there was no problem of road cracks!

How could it be so difficult to build roads here, Wang Xuance expressed his incomprehension.

Thinking about the seed plan given to him by King Wei at the beginning, he was also kicked out of the plan by Xu Jingchong inexplicably.

Now that he wants to build roads, he can't do it himself. Could it be that he is born in conflict with internal affairs? Wang Xuance feels that he is really unlucky.

On the other hand, Fang Xuanling heard Wang Xuance's complaint, and couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. He patted Wang Xuance's shoulder and said,
"I haven't seen the specific situation, but this kind of situation that will split the road cannot be solved by simply throwing money at it.

I might as well recommend some of your master craftsmen. When you return to the West Sea, let them build the road along with you and investigate what's going on.

Only when the problem is found and solved, can the road be repaired smoothly! "

For Fang Xuanling, the imperial court has spent a lot of money recently, if he can save a little money, then he can save a little money.

In Wang Xuance's situation, at least in a short period of time, it is impossible to spend money to build roads.

It's better to send some master craftsmen to Wang Xuance to help him solve this problem.

After all, the imperial court is very supportive of your road construction, and has sent master craftsmen to give you technical support, but if this technical problem is not resolved, then you can't blame the imperial court!

Naturally, Wang Xuance didn't know what Fang Xuanling was thinking, so he thanked Fang Xuanling very much,
"Thank you Fang Pushe, I originally planned to second some master craftsmen from King Wei to help find the reason.

Now that the imperial court is willing to support Xihaizhou, it is really great! "

Fang Xuanling looked at Wang Xuance, but solemnly said to Wang Xuance: "Don't ask Wei Wang for everything.

You are now the governor of Xihai Prefecture in the imperial court, keeping a certain distance from King Wei will be good to you and King Wei! "

"But I want to tell the King of Wei that the supplies can basically be delivered within two months. Even the armor on the body was prepared for us by the King of Wei. If we tell the court..."

When Wang Xuance heard Fang Xuanling's words, he looked at Fang Xuanling with some desire.

"But you are a side general. If you don't go back to Chang'an in the future, if you have a better relationship with King Wei, then it will be better!"

Fang Xuanling patted Wang Xuance on the shoulder and said, "Just stick to King Wei's grass planting plan in Xihai County!"

Fang Xuanling decisively dismissed Wang Xuance, and he couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart, Wei Wang was too generous to his own faction, the court couldn't even afford this price!
If King Wei was not the son of a saint, Fang Xuanling felt that King Wei should consider how to die now.

In contrast, the saint's other son, the more he grew up, the more headache it caused these veteran officials.

 There are guests at home, there is an update today, so don't wait any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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