Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 408 Meeting with Li Shimin

Chapter 408 Meeting with Li Shimin (Today's update)
Li Tai returned to Luoyang after completing the treatment of Zezhou plague.

At this time, Li Shimin and Empress Changsun had been waiting here for a month.

In addition, Li Tai's father-in-law, Yan Lide, had just been dismissed, and the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, who had worked hard for many years, was gone.

There is no way, the newly built Xiangcheng Palace was originally intended to be used to escape the summer heat, but because of the site selection, the place is hot and humid, and there are many poisonous snakes running rampant. How can this place escape the summer heat.

With great difficulty, Li Shimin managed to save more than 190 million yuan under the watchful eyes of Wei Zheng and others, all in vain.

Li Shimin is very heartbroken!Yan Lide, who was in charge of supervising the construction, naturally had to take full responsibility.

When Li Tai came back, Li Shimin had decisively occupied Li Tai's Wei Palace as a temporary residence.

After all, in the place of Xiangcheng Palace, whoever loves to stay, anyway, Li Shimin doesn't want to stay there anymore.

So when Li Tai came home, he saw Li Shimin and Empress Changsun welcoming him with smiles.

After Li Tai saluted, he took care of his chores and returned to his mansion with the two of them.

And Yan Wan quietly told Li Tai what happened during Li Shimin's stay in Luoyang.

For example, Yan Lide was dismissed, or Li Shimin moved into Wei Wangfu.

To be honest, Yan Lide's dismissal did not have much impact on Li Tai.

Because the aristocratic family attaches great importance to official positions, but after becoming a high-ranking official, it is commonplace to be dismissed.

After all, the vast majority of people who were able to sneak into the emperor's side smoothly had special abilities.

Regardless of Yan Lide being dismissed now, Li Shimin will think of Yan Lide first when he thinks of any projects that need to be built.

The biggest difference between the aristocratic family and the poor family who mixed up all the way is that they don't necessarily pay much attention to the children of the dismissed aristocratic family.

They can basically jump out after staying at home for a few years. This kind of thing is not small or big!
Not to mention, a person like Yan Lide, who can leave his name in history through his craftsman skills, might be dragged over to continue building Zhaoling after a few years.

Compared with his father-in-law being dismissed, what troubled him even more was how Li Shimin lived in his Prince Wei's mansion.

For example, Empress Changsun asked herself when she would give birth to a son and when she would take a concubine, both herself and Yan Wan were under great pressure.

So Li Tai ran to Li Shimin decisively to report the business, it was really troublesome for the parents to be short.

Li Shimin watched Li Tai fleeing for his life and ran to his side to seek refuge from the thoughts of Empress Changsun, but he was full of majesty.
"You have handled the affairs of Zezhou very well. I can rest assured that I will leave these matters to you!"

"It's Datang who has accumulated popular support under Aye's governance. I followed the trend to achieve this effect. I can't be considered a meritorious service!"

Hearing Li Tai's words, Li Shimin nodded and looked at Li Tai and said, "You have been building roads for the past few years. After so long, haven't you finished it yet?"

"It's almost finished!" Li Tai hurriedly said, "Finally, the road section in Laizhou can be repaired!"

"This part is critical?" Li Shimin frowned when he heard Li Tai's words, but said in a deep voice.

"It is mainly connected to Jiaozhou Bay, which is the port of the Datang Navy. If there is any material that needs to be dispatched in the future, it can be dispatched as quickly as possible through this road." Li Tai explained to Li Shimin.

"That's it!" Li Shimin nodded and said, "How long will it take for the whole project to be completed?"

"It should be completed before August this year, and it will be fully put into use in the remaining four months of trial operation!"

Li Tai looked at Li Shimin and said, "Aye, what's the matter?"

"At first, I thought that Yan Lide was unfavorable this time. After he was dismissed, he wanted you to take over the position of Minister of the Ministry of Industry, but now it seems impossible."

Li Shimin waved his hand and said, "Let's wait until your road is built!"

But facing Li Shimin at this moment, Li Tai couldn't help asking vaguely, "Aye wants me to go back to Chang'an?"

Li Shimin glanced at Li Tai when he heard Li Tai's words, and said, "Why, don't you want to?"

"It's natural to think about it!" Li Tai heard Li Shimin's words and said, "But my son is a vassal king, so it's not easy to go back to Beijing!"

"I haven't been back to Chang'an for several years, I just want to go back during the Spring Festival this year!" Li Shimin waved his hand, "It's just a small matter."

"Thank you!" Li Tai immediately expressed his thanks to Li Shimin when he heard Li Shimin's words.

However, Li Shimin said in a deep voice, "It's just a small matter, but it's another matter that needs your attention,"

"Aye, please speak up!" Li Tai looked at Li Shimin and listened resolutely.

"Aye wants to fight Goguryeo, you know this, but Xue Yantuo is a little restless these days!" Li Shimin narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Do you have any way to punish Xue Yantuo?"

"Fight!" Li Tai said decisively, "Only by beating Xue Yantuo, the grass seeding plan can spread to the north of Yinshan Mountain, otherwise, with Xue Yantuo's obstruction, it will not be easy to implement the grass seeding plan."

"Except beating!" Li Shimin pressed his temple.To be honest, Li Shimin really didn't want to fight Xue Yantuo.

Because Li Shimin knew very well that if he fought with Xue Yantuo, the conquest of Goguryeo might be delayed for several years.

This year, the Turkic Libi Khan had [-] households, [-] elite soldiers, and [-] horses. He set up a tooth tent in Dingxiang City (now Pinglu, Shanxi). Invasion, please allow them to live within the Great Wall.

At this time, Li Shimin understood that after more than ten years of development, Datang's national strength was rapidly recovering, but likewise, Xue Yantuo's national strength was also rapidly recovering, and had even reached the potential to fight a battle with a scale of more than 20.

Such a neighbor in the north, Li Shimin had to feel jealous.

After all, compared with Goguryeo, which was huddled in the northwest, Li Shimin also worried that the current Xue Yantuo would develop into a top power that was as Turkic as the Turks and could even control the northern princes.

So for a while, Li Shimin thought whether to destroy Goguryeo first or suppress Xue Yantuo, and needed to make a precise judgment.

Although Datang has always won consecutive battles, in fact, looking at the way Datang uses troops, one can know that Datang is actually very cautious in using troops.

Basically, large-scale use of troops is often done every other year, or even every two years.

And after the fight, they immediately put their swords into the warehouse to recuperate, fearing that the war would affect the normal development of Datang.

"Then I can't help it!" Li Tai said helplessly, spreading his hands,

"The grass seeding plan can be rolled out first in the areas south of the Yin Mountains in Fengzhou, but in the end we must find a way to push it to the north of the Yin Mountains.

The Grass Planting Project essentially wants to change them from a nomadic people to a farming people, and let them change from the original model of chasing water and grass to the farming model of our Han people building cities and saving materials.

The production of this model is definitely more stable than the nomadic model, but it is bound to be resisted by the old nobles.

To some extent, this model is a kind of reform for Xue Yantuo internally, a kind of reform force imposed from outside.

As for the reform, I think you know the horror of this thing.

And I hope to conquer them first, and then implement them in Xue Yantuo's territory. To a certain extent, it can be regarded as solving Xue Yantuo's problem once and for all. "

Li Shimin listened to Li Tai's words, but said, "Why don't you implement this policy against Xue Yantuo first, and watch them make a coup for this, so that we can operate more controllable!"

Li Tai replied: "Because in essence, changing the proportion of Xue Yantuo's class power internally through the Grass Seed Project will increase Xue Yantuo's national power at least within a certain period of time!

The increase of Xue Yantuo's national strength is a threat to our Tang Dynasty after all, so I am more supportive of finding a way to beat Xue Yantuo first before talking about other things. "

To be honest, the history of China told Li Tai that in this world, it is not necessarily that those with high productivity will be able to defeat those with low productivity, nor that an advanced civilization will necessarily be able to defeat a backward civilization.

As long as there is no obvious generation gap between the two sides, things like barbarism defeating civilization are not only possible, but also frequent occurrences.

There are five chaos in China, and there are three barbarians abroad to destroy Rome.

Therefore, Li Taining can choose to reserve the talents and materials needed in this area first, and wait until there is a suitable opportunity to implement it.

Otherwise, although Li Tai knew that Datang was very strong, especially in the Zhenguan era, as a general, if he had never participated in the war of destroying the country, he would be embarrassed to come out and say hello to the people around him.

But even so, Li Tai didn't want to increase unnecessary risks.

What Li Tai prefers is that he hoards power like a hamster, and constantly strengthens his own combat power. Even if the strongest point of the opponent hits the weakest point of his own, it is best to hit his head and bleed. Only then can I feel a little more at ease.

Moreover, after beating Xue Yantuo, the grass planting plan will not only be politically forced to gradually change the people of the grasslands to the people of the Tang Dynasty, but will also force the living space of the nomads to become smaller.

More importantly, with the grass seed plan as a basis, he can also start to purchase a large number of various special products of the grassland, and control the grassland economically.

Li Shimin nodded listening to Li Tai's words, he probably understood what Li Tai meant.

At least in Li Tai's view, it would not be easy for the grass seed plan to be implemented in the grasslands without first beating Xue Yantuo severely.

"Then what about Goguryeo!" Li Shimin knew Li Tai's attitude towards Xue Yantuo, so he asked Li Tai again.

"Wait!" Li Tai said to Li Shimin, "wait for an opportunity to crusade against Goguryeo, divide the army into two groups, advance by land and water, and fight two decisive battles with Goguryeo at once, so as to destroy Goguryeo's production to the greatest extent.

It is best to take it once, but if they can't take it once, at least let them recover in a short time.

Then while sending troops to harass, we continued to recover and prepare for the next war, until Goguryeo was destroyed! "

"You really thought about it!" Li Shimin heard Li Tai's thoughts thoughtfully, and said, "If that's the case, why don't you harass Goguryeo from now on!"

"Haven't we turned our backs on Goguryeo yet?" Li Tai Chen said, "Our Tang Dynasty is a country of Taoism, how can we easily raise troops with Goguryeo!"

"How long do you think Goguryeo will give us a chance!" Li Shimin didn't refute when he heard Li Tai's words.

"In a short time, there probably won't be any. After all, our country has just destroyed Gaochang, and Goguryeo has always been very timid. At this time, they are afraid that they will strengthen the defense line north of Youzhou, fearing that Tang will find an excuse to attack them! "Li Tai said.

"That is to say, there is no chance in a short time!" Li Shimin couldn't help but lower his voice.

"If Aye is willing, I think the time is ripe to try to weaken Goguryeo's national power!" Li Tai said calmly.

"Huh?" Li Shimin asked curiously when he heard Li Tai's thoughts, "Tell me what you think!"

"It's just Guan Zhong's weary strategy." Li Tai said,

"Goguryeo has three treasures, ginseng antler and fur, and we have increased our efforts to purchase these.

At the same time, didn’t we in Youzhou transport a lot of grain from Guangzhou? There is no war with Goguryeo, but simply piled up there and it will slowly deteriorate, so it’s better to use low-priced grain to destroy Goguryeo’s grain market.

Cooperating with each other, the people of Goguryeo were forced to forget farming and pursue huge profits. When we really started to cut off food in the year when we really started, I believe it will be really difficult for Goguryeo to bear it! "

"Qingque!" Li Shimin looked at Li Tai and couldn't help sighing, "When you were looking for a country, you really drove people to death!"

"Aye, this should be a compliment." Li Tai couldn't help answering when he heard Li Shimin's words,
"Under the management of Aye, this Tang Dynasty has had a bumper harvest every year, and the country is prosperous and the people are safe. It has left a strong capital for me to hurt others with my capital. To be honest, they would have thought of it sooner or later without my housekeeper.

However, it is necessary to seek the country, and the expenses required are not small. Can you help me reimburse a little, so that I can support myself! "

"You will have no money!" Li Shimin looked at Li Tai suspiciously when he heard Li Tai's words.

"It's not a matter of having money or not, but I can't be allowed to post money to work!" Li Tai said very seriously, "Especially when the money will be posted is not certain."

"Hmm..." Li Shimin looked at Li Tai suspiciously when he heard Li Tai's words, and said seriously, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"Can you discuss it with the house minister, the imperial court can give me some subsidies, such as how much I can make up for a piece of ginseng, how much I can make up for a piece of deer antler, and how much I can make up for a piece of fur." ​​Li Tai said very sincerely, "Otherwise, after a long time, I can't bear it either!"

Although Li Shimin was skeptical when he heard Li Tai's words, he still said in a deep voice, "I'll go back to Chang'an to discuss with Fang Xuanling, and you should pay for it first!"

"Okay!" Li Tai agreed decisively.

"You really didn't make any money this time?" Li Shimin asked Li Tai with some anxiety.

"I've earned a little bit!" Li Tai stretched out his finger in a small gesture, and said, "But the cost is so high, the earning is really not much!"

"Yeah!" Li Shimin was very satisfied with Li Tai's sincerity when he heard Li Tai's words, and patted Li Tai's shoulder and said, "We are [-]-[-] percent."

"Aye, I should get [-]%, right?" Li Tai said weakly.

"What do you say!"

 I don't know why today, but I have no motivation to code Chapter 2. It's definitely not Yuanshen who attracts me.

  I figured it out, from this month to today, I have asked for six days of leave in sixteen days, and only paid back ten chapters, and there are still eighteen chapters waiting to be recorded, so as not to ask for too much leave and get confused.

  Be alert to yourself, lean on the night to listen to the rain, lean on the night to listen to the rain, you can't continue to fall!
(End of this chapter)

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