Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 411 Li Shimin's Helplessness

Chapter 411 Li Shimin's Helplessness (Today's Update)
Li Shimin came out of Zhang Xuansu's room, and immediately went to Sun Fujia, the Minister of Dali Temple.

Sun Fujia has also written the memorial, and Li Shimin just asked, and Sun Fujia handed over the memorial in his hand.

After Li Shimin saw it, he couldn't help being silent for a while, and said, "You mean, the crown prince obstructed your handling of the case!"

"I dare not, but I found out that the murderer was indeed a Turkic man who was taken in by the prince benevolently in Chang'an!" Sun Fujia said in a deep voice,
"However, when I led the yamen servants to arrest him, the road was blocked by Hegan Chengji, the guard of the Eastern Palace. By the time I continued to lead people to arrest him, the assassin had already escaped."

"Hegan Chengji..." Li Shimin couldn't help but fell silent when he heard Sun Fujia's words.

Because Li Shimin can't figure it out, Li Chengqian succeeded in this matter, so what is he trying to do.

Zhang Xuansu is the most upright person in the Eastern Palace, and he is even the guy who struggles with Qing Que under pressure every year.

Especially as King Wei has grown up over the years, if there is a stone in the memorial to the Qingque, Zhang Xuansu may have written eight of them.

Sun Fujia looked a bit hesitant, but looking at Li Shimin, he still gritted his teeth and said,
"My lord, I beg you to combine the assassination of the King of Wei with the assassination of the Zuo Concubine."

"What do you mean!" Li Shimin listened to Sun Fujia's words, but his voice was full of unspeakable anger.

"I know that the dead man who assassinated the king of Wei could not bear the torture and died, but I just want to confirm whether the assassin who assassinated the king of Wei belonged to the Turkic people, and they are the same as the Turkic assassin who assassinated the left son now. Is there any connection between them!"

Sun Fujia was not afraid of Li Shimin, because it was not the first time that the courtiers of Zhenguan dared to contradict Li Shimin.

"Investigate Zhang Xuansu's case, investigate Zhang Xuansu's case, what to do with Qingque, don't bring it up without direct evidence!"

At this moment, Li Shimin said to Sun Fujia sternly.

"I obey the order!" Sun Fujia looked at Li Shimin's gesture at this moment, and knew that this matter could not be carried on any longer.

After all, not everyone is called Wei Zheng, nor is everyone called Zhang Xuansu.

Li Shimin took a deep breath, "Could it be that Qingque's guess was right? Chengqian has lost his conscience to this point."

But no matter what, this matter is related to Li Chengqian, and Li Shimin dare not use Sun Fujia's to investigate.

When Li Tai killed the assassin and chose to cover it up, even though Li Shimin wanted to investigate, he was a little helpless.

But now it's different, now that the other party is attacking again, this time there is no kind and honest Qingque to cover up the matter.

In front of the state machine, this assassin really wants to see people alive and dead. Even if the people behind him want to kill their mouths, they will leave traces after all. What is needed now is time and patience.

Li Shimin took this matter to heart, but as an emperor, he had to deal with state affairs more than this matter.

Soon Li Shimin went to recruit Fang Xuanling, Du Ruhui, Wei Zheng, Li Jing, and Li Shiji to the palace.

Because Hou Junji is currently being consciously polished by the court, Li Shiji, who has been stationed in Bingzhou, came to take over the position of Minister of the Ministry of War due to the vacancy of Minister of War.

Now that it is discussed to use Li Taizhi's plan to plan Xue Yantuo and Goguryeo, it will inevitably require discussions and discussions among court ministers.

When all the ministers arrived, Li Shimin told everyone about Li Tai's plan, and said:

"What do you guys think, is the blue bird's plan feasible, or does it need to be supplemented!"

"It's my Tang Dynasty's good fortune that King Wei pursued his country steadily and steadily!" Du Ruhui nodded and said, "I have nothing to add."

To be honest, Wei Zheng wanted to persuade Li Shimin not to attack Goguryeo, but Li Tai's plan, as long as the court did not intend to attack Goguryeo, then he could live in harmony with Goguryeo.

On this point, Wei Zheng can still accept it.

But Li Jing lowered his head calmly at this time, and didn't say much.

For a long time, Li Jing felt that King Wei actually knew how to fight, but King Wei's fighting was a bit different from that of normal generals, which proved his words.

It's just that what Li Jing didn't expect was that King Wei's plan for Goguryeo would really push Goguryeo to death!

In contrast, it was the first time for Li Shiji to participate in a meeting of this level, and he was somewhat cautious for a while.

He really didn't expect that King Wei would have such deep thoughts. At least in his own opinion, if King Wei's plan is really carried out, then when Datang finds an opportunity, Goguryeo will at least be in the eyes of his general. That is certain death.

Is this the court of the Tang Dynasty? Even the 20-year-old King Wei is so scheming, I'd better be more cautious!

Li Shimin's eyes fell on Li Jing and Li Shiji.

It has to be said that after Hou Junji was thrown at home to be polished, Li Shimin really didn't expect that Li Shiji, like Li Jing, was a boring gourd.

"Maogong, tell me!" Li Shimin looked at Li Shiji and said calmly.

"Report to the saint!" Li Shiji took a deep breath and said, "I have been in Bingzhou for a long time, so I am not familiar with Goguryeo.

However, I can talk about Xue Yantuo. Since the Eastern Turks were destroyed by the troops led by the Duke of Wei, Xue Yantuo has been absorbing the remaining forces of the Turks on the grassland, and the speed of their rise is somewhat unexpected.

In my opinion, it only takes Xue Yantuo 15 years to restore the original strength of the Eastern Turks. Even in the past few years, the Eastern Turks may find the right opportunity to take the initiative to fight against us in order to restore the morale of the grassland people.

Therefore, looking back at King Wei's grass seed plan, I think it is a plan that can fundamentally solve Xue Yantuo's problem.

But far water can't quench the near thirst, at least wait until the talents of Lingzhou, Fengzhou, Shengzhou, and several states are cultivated, and then go to the north of Yinshan Mountain, I feel that Xue Yantuo can't wait! "

Li Shimin couldn't help squinting slightly when he heard this, he said that he attaches great importance to people like Li Shiji who are on the front line.

"If this is the case, then in the next few years we need to beat Xue Yantuo well, so that we can free up our hands to deal with Goguryeo!

And through this method, it also adds time to Qingque's grass seeding plan. "

"It's better to let out the wind that the sage is going to visit the east. If Xue Yantuo really takes the opportunity to attack, then we will defend and counterattack, and we are famous for our teachers.

If Xue Yantuo doesn't do anything, I think Wei Wang's seed plan can be carried out to the north of Yinshan Mountain! "Fang Xuanling said.

"Qingque once said that he was afraid that it would enhance Xue Yantuo's national power, and even damage the students of the agricultural school." Li Shimin said.

Du Ruhui said: "But if Xue Yantuo's national power improves, can it surpass the Eastern Turks in a short time?

Not to mention that Wei Wang's set looks simple, but let Xue Yantuo try it!
Don't say that Xue Yantuo wants to learn, even if our court wants to learn, it will take a lot of effort! "

Li Shimin nodded when he heard Du Ruhui's words.

What Li Tai made, although Li Tai said it was to reduce the cost of learning as much as possible, let's see if those people have not experienced the training of agricultural colleges and try it.

The simplest is a thinking that relies on mathematics, and the strict requirements for the unification of weights and measures.

These are not something that the grassland people can easily grasp, let alone the further subdivision of each plant and animal.

To be honest, if Xue Yantuo really recruits students from agricultural colleges, and even takes the initiative to learn the above skills, I am afraid that he will have to learn Chinese and know Han etiquette. By then, whether they are from Xue Yantuo or from his own Tang Dynasty, then maybe.

Wei Zheng also said solemnly: "Although I don't agree with lightly fighting, if you really want to beat Xue Yantuo, you'd better learn from a famous teacher, so that you can teach Xue Yantuo a profound lesson!"

"If that's the case, the students that Qingque finally cultivated will be damaged in the clubhouse!"

Li Shimin heard everyone's words, but felt a little bit sad,

"Let's let out the rumors about my patrol. If Xue Yantuo doesn't fall for it, then proceed to the next step."

To be honest, for Li Shimin, he also knew that what he did would damage the students trained by the agricultural college.

But at the national level, such sacrifices are insignificant, not even worth writing in the history books.

When a grain of sand of the times falls on an individual, at least it is a blow to the head, and whether he dies or not depends purely on destiny.

"Pharmacist, what about you, you should know something about Goguryeo's plan!" Li Shimin looked at Li Jing and said slowly, "The original fishing boat plan was arranged by you alone!"

When Li Jing heard Li Shimin's words, he saluted Li Shimin,
"I believe that Dejian has worked hard in the navy over the years, but I feel that if land and water advance together, then an army that lands on land is needed.

Dejian has been in the navy for too long, and his own ability is not enough to command the army.

If you rush to land and fight, you may be taken advantage of by Goguryeo instead! "

"Since you proposed it, how about Zhang Liang?" Li Shimin couldn't help asking when he heard Li Jing's words.

"Although Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry knows how to maneuver a ship, he is not proficient in land warfare, and he is not familiar with the northern environment!" Li Jing replied to Li Shimin.

"So it seems that you have been chosen!" Li Shimin said with a smile when he heard Li Jing's words.

"Youzhou Sima Su Dingfang!" Li Jing decisively recommended his former subordinates at this time.

"Su Dingfang!" Li Shimin heard Li Jing's words, pointed at Li Jing and smiled, "Pharmacist, you are selfish too!"

"As a parent, you will always plan for your children!" Li Jing said calmly to Li Shimin,

"But I never dare to forget the public because of personal interests. Su Dingfang's Jieli Khan Khan, who captured the Eastern Turks, is a good hand in surprise attacks, and it is just right for the navy."

To be honest, Li Jing knew very well that although he could deter those who had been promoted from Li Shimin's Prince Qin's mansion by himself, it would be better for his son Li Dejian to be the commander in chief.

If a Minister of the Ministry of Industry like Zhang Liang is to be stuffed in, then it will be Li Dejian or Zhang Liang.

After all, Li Dejian has only been fighting pirates these years, and his prestige in the army is really not high.

And my own requirements are not high, I just hope that Li Dejian will let him retire after beating Goguryeo, and then guard his Duke of Wei with peace of mind.

Under such circumstances, it is not too much to stuff some old subordinates to help Li Dejian finish the war!

And Li Shimin more or less understood Li Jing's thoughts, and Li Shimin must have his own considerations.

Needless to say, the current No. [-] water general in the Tang Dynasty, without considering Li Jing, is really Li Dejian.

After all, other people don't understand the sea at all, but although Li Dejian didn't take part in any big battles, he has been fighting pirates in Youzhou for ten years, and his soldiers are also rotated all year round. .

Moreover, Youzhou is across the sea from Goguryeo, and almost every patrol can meet Goguryeo's patchwork navy.

Under such circumstances, the Youzhou navy did not dare to slack off. Did the two sides really have no friction?

It's just more of a confrontation between sentinels, and dozens of people die every year is also a common occurrence.

Therefore, when the real crusade against Goguryeo, Li Dejian must be used as the commander of the navy to go straight into the hinterland of Goguryeo.

"Let Su Dingfang train the soldiers!" Li Shimin said in a deep voice, "It's just that the time to attack Goguryeo is still undecided."

"I understand!" Li Jing thanked Li Shimin for saluting.

"Speaking of Goguryeo, I feel that something needs to be added!" Fang Xuanling said in a deep voice at this time.

"Xuanling, please speak!" Li Shimin heard Fang Xuanling's words with a little solemnity.

"We need to send envoys to Goguryeo first, one to observe the situation in Goguryeo, and the other to reach an agreement on the purchase of special products with Goguryeo officials!" Fang Xuanling said,
"I believe that it is difficult to directly compensate King Wei with money and food, and it is better to reach a cooperation with the Goguryeo official.

It is better to grant such industries exclusively to the king of Wei, and let the king of Wei divide the proceeds from the sale between the imperial court and the inner court.

Of course, King Wei also kept three copies for himself. If King Wei didn't want to do it, someone else would. "

"It's hard for you to come up with this method!" Li Shimin looked at Fang Xuanling, knowing that Fang Xuanling didn't want to pay.

Fang Xuanling heard Li Shimin's words, but only looked at Li Shimin calmly, and did not directly refute.

To be honest, Fang Xuanling and Li Shimin look at things differently. To be more precise, Fang Xuanling has carefully observed Li Tai's operation mode since Li Tai performed the handprint money in front of Fang Xuanling. .

Although up to now, Fang Xuanling still didn't understand many things, but Fang Xuanling knew that currency was meaningless to Li Tai.

Relatively speaking, it is a lot of physical goods, and Li Tai has built quite a lot of reserves in Luoyang.

So from Fang Xuanling's point of view, this so-called subsidy is just a joke to Li Tai, and King Wei's real purpose is not like this.

In contrast, it is the kind of arbitrary right, which is probably what King Wei really wants.

From Li Shimin's point of view, this matter is Fang Xuanling's iron cock, which is really worthless. In order not to pay this so-called subsidy, he used this so-called franchise to fool King Wei.

The court is no stranger to the monopoly model. How did the salt and iron franchise come about? Does the court not know yet?

It's just that compared with things like salt and iron, that's a must, and ginseng and deer antler are nothing special.

"That's not right!" Li Shimin came back to his senses, looked at Fang Xuanling and said, "This is Qingque's filial piety money, why do you accept it!"

"Sage, this is a tax! The rest is your share with King Wei!" Fang Xuanling said very seriously and refused to budge.

Anyway, Fang Xuanling said that the court will definitely take a bite of this money, and it can't all go into your internal funds.

 I went to Tivat to save the world today... I believe everyone can understand.

(End of this chapter)

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