Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 413 Xue Yantuo's Attack

Li Tai wrote in his diary that recently Wang Zhenru said that the corvees are more and more diligent in their work, so I asked the corvee captain to take charge of the management of those foreigners who actively learn the culture of the Tang Dynasty and help them integrate into our Tang Dynasty. .

Li Tai closed the diary and heaved a sigh of relief.

Although in Li Tai's view, his plan was perfect, after all, how could it be possible for all 15 corvees to become a talent, not to mention that he would mix in some foreign races from time to time.

After all, it is not easy to build the basic organization, but it is much easier to destroy the basic organization.

It will take at least a year for the foreign race to fully adapt to the tacit understanding and rules within the organization.

When these alien races get used to it, let this guy be the captain or corporal leader of the alien race, kick him out of the organizational structure, and then bring in a new alien race to slowly get used to it.

Even so, if paper can't cover the fire, at least I have to make sure that the fire doesn't burn myself.

For example, I honestly confessed that the corvees are working more and more diligently, but I am at the top, and I don't know the specific reasons for the so-called work more and more diligently.

Of course, don't show it yourself, just highlight the one you don't know, don't express your position, and don't take the initiative.

I am just a ruthless planning machine, please ask Wang Zhenru about the bottom-level situation.

To be honest, in Li Tai's view, this matter itself does not need to cure the root cause.

As long as Li Chengqian knelt down in a few years, even if this incident broke out, Li Shimin would probably admit it with his nose held.

At that time, whether you send these corvees to serve as soldiers, or pull them over to be guards, 15 talented soldiers, it is impossible to kill your own son just because you sent someone to train them Bar.

And as long as I don't give myself to death, then I can only let myself take the throne in the future. After all, if Li Zhi goes up, he can sleep well!
Of course, I can't pin my hope on Li Shimin's kindness, so this matter can be delayed for a few years if possible.

It's best to be able to extend it until you are in the top position, that's really the best.

Again, there are many problems in political affairs. Delaying is the best way to solve it.

Either procrastinate this issue until others hold their noses and admit it, or procrastinate until the person who can stop you dies.

But still the same sentence, for Li Tai now, the most important thing is to develop Luoyang well, complete the finishing work of the entire expressway, let himself return to Chang'an with the opportunity, and truly enter the courtiers' field of vision, this is the most important thing .

Li Simo, who discovered Xue Yantuo's 20 troops on the grassland for the first time, was ready to die.

Under Li Simo's command, there are only [-] households and [-] soldiers. This is because the Turkic tribes pay attention to the fact that all the people are soldiers.

If there are 15 people in China supporting [-] soldiers, if it is not a last resort, I am afraid that they will not directly rebel.

But for the grassland people, this kind of thing is very normal. Basically, every family has at least one male, and some even father and son or brothers have joined the army.

Because only by joining the army can he be taken care of by the government. Although life is poor, at least he can survive.

Moreover, Li Simo was a Turkic general who was loyal to Datang, or Li Shimin.

So he knew that the Tang court was implementing a seed plan for the frontier. At least after the trial in Youzhou and Xihai County, Li Shimin also generously told Li Simo that the imperial court's seed plan had been implemented in Lingzhou, Fengzhou, Shengzhou, etc. to promote.

When enough talents are cultivated, it will be the turn to enter Li Simo's tribe.

Regarding this point, Li Simo only hated why there were so few talents in this field. He really hoped that the seed project could take root in his tribe.

Because Li Simo was in Chang'an before he formed an association and led his brain to rebel. Until this incident broke out, the imperial court expelled Li Simo, and then let his people live in the grassland.

So Li Simo knew more or less about Datang's seed plan.

Anyway, with Li Simo's wisdom, he still can't see the collision between farming civilization and nomadic civilization under the planting plan.

But what he can see is that through the seed project, the lives of these alien races are more stable.Not to mention food and clothing, but at least I can survive in the north.

Li Simo felt that the imperial court was willing to implement such a policy that would help the lives of its own people so vigorously, because it really regarded itself as one of its own.

Then there is nothing wrong with pouring out your heart and soul to the imperial court, not to mention being loyal to God Khan, this is not a matter of course.

So Li Shimin ordered the Turkic aliens to move to the north, and Li Simo had no complaints.

But having no complaints does not mean that you are going to die.

When he first came to the north, Li Simo obtained permission from Li Shimin. When Xue Yantuo attacked aggressively, he allowed himself to evacuate to the south of the Great Wall, that is, Shuozhou.

Therefore, when Li Simo confirmed that Xue Yantuo was recruiting large and small tribes on the grassland, he decisively organized the tribe to evacuate towards Shuozhou.

Originally, Li Simo thought that the border generals would be entangled, but he didn't expect that the gate of Shuozhou would be opened to him directly, allowing his people to enter Shuozhou smoothly.

At the same time, Li Simo also met Li Shiji, the president of Shuozhou and the general manager of Shuozhou Road.

Yes, since Datang is ready to play tricks on Xue Yantuo, Datang will know when Xue Yantuo makes a move.

Li Shiji was awarded the title of marching chief of Shuozhou Road. He led 200 infantry and [-] cavalry to station in Shuofang.

The only pity is that the speed of the infantry is a bit behind, and now Li Shiji only has cavalry in his hands.

These cavalry were veterans trained by Li Jing in Bingzhou, Ren Yaxiang, a local tycoon who brought funds into the group, sponsored some of them, and there were six thousand cavalry in total.

Ren Yaxiang served as a soldier under Li Shiji for two years, so he may not have the ability, but he has the ability to get some good horses over after all.

With his face, Youzhou Horse Farm is more or less giving face, at least after King Wei agrees, he is willing to sell the horses to the frontier army at a preferential price to enrich the cavalry force in Bingzhou.

As for the problem of supplies, Li Taihuai originally wanted to send Ren Yaxiang to earn military merits, so he tried to solve it as much as possible.

However, these matters must have been resolved by Ren Yaxiang in private.

Anyway, apart from providing horses, Li Tai would not admit anything else.

Li Shiji also turned a blind eye to the matter of increasing the fighting power on the frontier.

After all, the commander-in-chief of the frontier also has a lot of autonomy. Since there is a kind-hearted person who came here for meritorious service and spent his own money to strengthen the defense of the frontier, the most important thing is that the prince who is currently second in line of succession has exposed what he did.

This allowed Ren Yaxiang to lead the two-legged infantry under Li Shiji at most, and turned him into a noble six-legged cavalry.

Of course, Ren Ya doesn't support many, only about 1000 or [-], even so, it can be regarded as strenuous.

However, under the guidance of Li Shiji, Ren Yaxiang gradually integrated into the Bingzhou army.

However, Li Shiji's real trustee is Zhang Wenguan who joined the army in Bingzhou.

This is almost a talent selected by himself. After Li Ji was transferred from Bingzhou, he took over the daily training of the Bingzhou army.

Although these tasks are not a big deal, they are also the key to maintaining the morale of the Bingzhou soldiers.

As for the 15 cavalry, they were built bit by bit by Li Ji during his [-]-year garrison in Bingzhou.

Therefore, after the five thousand cavalry came to Shuozhou, Li Ji was not afraid of who his opponent was at all.

In front of the elite that he has honed over the past 15 years, no matter what kind of opponent Li Ji is, he is fearless.

However, Li Shiji only had cavalry in his hands, and the dispatch speed of infantry was too slow.

Although nominally he has 5 infantry and cavalry, in reality, he only has the county soldiers and [-] cavalry from Shuozhou.

"Boss, the generous plan is here to scold again!" Ren Yaxiang came over and said to Li Shiji, "Do you need to go out of the city to fight, kill Xue Yantuo's spirit!"

"Don't worry about it!" Li Shiji shook his head and said, "Xue Yantuo took his strength and traveled south across the desert, traveling thousands of miles, his horse was already exhausted.

The way to use soldiers is to advance quickly when you see benefits, and retreat quickly when you are unfavorable.Xue Yantuo couldn't take advantage of Li Simo's unpreparedness to attack him, and now that Li Simo had entered the Great Wall, he didn't retreat quickly.I have already ordered Li Simo to burn the autumn grass, and when they run out of food, they will naturally retreat.

Now we and Li Simo are the horns of each other, there is no need for a quick victory, the enemy will retreat, when the time comes, we will chase again, the enemy will be defeated. "

Li Shiji knew about this plan, and Datang consciously manipulated it from beginning to end.

Xue Yantuo's hasty response to the shortage of food and grass is a hidden danger after all, so he can naturally win the battle by making the best use of the situation.

Ren Yaxiang was just here to give it a try. No matter what he said, Ren Yaxiang wanted to come here to make meritorious deeds, so he would not let it go if he had the opportunity, but since Li Shiji had already made better arrangements, he didn't need to force it. Get ahead.

As for patience, hehe, Li Shiji was assigned to Bingzhou at the age of 32, and he took root in Bingzhou for the next 15 years.

Even though he had a lot of credit for defeating the Eastern Turks, Li Shiji was never transferred back to Chang'an, but continued to stay in Bingzhou until he was 47 or [-] years old.

After Hou Junji was suppressed, Li Shimin thought of Li Shiji as a backup, and arranged for him to be Minister of the Ministry of War.

It can be said that all the best years of Li Shiji's life were spent on the frontier of the Tang Dynasty. Patience is the most indispensable quality among the qualities Li Shiji needs. He has already waited for such a long time, and he doesn't care about waiting a little longer .

It never occurred to Dadushi that Li Simoju could enter the Great Wall built by the Han people.

Because the Turks led by Li Simo were driven out of Li Tang by Li Shimin and entered the grassland to make nails.

How dare the frontier generals put such a person into the Great Wall?

In Dadu, or Yi Nan's plan, there is no plan for Li Simo to enter the Great Wall at all.

After all, it was impossible for them to lead Xue Yantuo's army to attack Li Tang. After all, the corpses of the Turks hadn't cooled down yet!

I didn't see that Li Simo, a Turkic aristocrat, was still working for Li Tang, and there were many transactions between Xue Yantuo and Li Tang.

Such as silk, salt, porcelain... and tea, which has become popular recently, also appeared in the trade with Xue Yantuo.

Under such circumstances, although Xue Yantuo was strong, he was more or less hesitant about whether to directly attack Datang.

After all, it's okay for them to dominate the grassland now, but if they are in front of Datang, as long as they can't win, or even win, there is not much benefit, then Xue Yantuo will inevitably be suppressed from all aspects!

These are the reasons that make Dadu set feel hesitant. After all, Xue Yantuo is weak and Datang is strong.

Xue Yantuo couldn't afford to lose, not even once.

So after staying at the gate of the Great Wall for a few days, and Li Simo didn't come out even after scolding Zhan Li Simo, Dadu She knew that he couldn't delay any longer, so he immediately chose to retreat instead of continuing to confront.

Seeing Dadushe start to retreat, Ren Yaping will come to Li Shiji again to fight.

However, at this time Zhang Wenguan worried: "Our infantry haven't caught up yet, if we pursue Xue Yantuo's army, it will be an army of six thousand against one hundred thousand!"

"A mere [-] Xue Yantuo people are nothing more than chickens and dogs in our eyes. As long as the formation is generous, Xue Yantuo will be defeated!"

At this time, Xue Wanche, the deputy commander, was full of confidence.

"It is precisely because the opponent has an army of [-] that we have a chance to win!" Li Shiji said calmly.
"Since he is going to retreat, I will pursue him and let Li Simo choose [-] Turkic elites as the forward to attack Xue Yantuo's troops.

I will lead Bingzhou Jingqi to follow behind, and when I find an opportunity, I will kill Xue Yantuo with one blow! "

After all, Li Shiji was the general manager of Shuofang who led the battle this time, and he made the final decision decisively.

Soon Li Simo led three thousand elite cavalry as the vanguard, with the purpose of catching up with the retreating Xue Yantuo army.

Li Shiji personally led the Bingzhou cavalry trained by himself, crossed Baidaochuan, chased Qingshan, even approached Nuozhenshui, and caught up with the retreating Xue Yantuo army!

Dadu imagined that not only did Tang Jun not let himself and others leave, but he didn't even know what to do to pursue him, his heart was ablaze.

Dadu saw that he had a strong army, and there were two elite talents in the [-] army. Yi Nan gave him considerable trust.

Especially when Dadu knew that the Tang army that was chasing him was only 9000 people, and [-] of them were Li Simo's Turkic troops, which made Dadu unconsciously increase his courage.

I know that Tang Jun is powerful, but with a hundred thousand troops, ten of them will beat you one by one, so they can't beat you!
Thinking of this, Dadushe didn't intend to continue to evacuate, but resolutely reined in his troops and fought back. Chen Li was ten miles away, and he was ready to fight the Tang army here.

After all, for Xue Yantuo, this is already the best opportunity.

As long as the myth of Tang Jun's invincibility is defeated here, Xue Yantuo's fear of Tang Jun will completely dissipate. .

At that time, it will no longer be thousands of Tang troops chasing tens of thousands of Xue Yantuo's troops all the way.

To some extent, there is nothing wrong with Dadu’s design, and there is nothing wrong with his determination.

At this moment, Dadu is full of ambitions, and the key is to start writing the myth of Xue Yantuo from here.

In the next time, my family will visit relatives, and my relatives will also visit my family.Not much, my dad has six older brothers and two older sisters, and my mother has about ten sisters. The holidays are very lively every year, so I don’t have much time to update the novel. It should be just one update. The seventeen chapters owed will be next month. It will definitely be paid off. After all, I want to organize another event next month. Well, that's probably the case.

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