Chapter 436

Of course, this matter is just the unification of the upper echelon. If all these people are really to participate, then there will be some arguing in the middle.

And Li Tai didn't know that he was interested in these gossips, because for Li Tai, the sum of all these guys' cash could exceed 100 million yuan.

And even if it reaches 100 million guan, I can use various legal means to dilute the shares of this money to about 30.00% or about [-]%.

The standard is not that Li Tai can't continue to reduce their share, but that if they drop their share again, they are afraid that they will have to cut themselves.

After all, there are some things that cannot be done absolutely. If you take away all the shares, it may not be to force others to take risks.

The most vulnerable people in the world are the ones where you do everything and make all the money.

After all, this is not an era of fantasy, and even the rules can be realized into combat effectiveness.

At most, this world is only a little bit of the essence of heaven and earth, and this little bit of essence of heaven and earth is not strong enough to change the normal order of the world.

That's why, if Li Tai can lead everyone to make money together, then everyone likes Li Tai very much.

But if Li Tai took all the money by himself, everyone would want Li Tai to die.

Of course, because Li Tai is Li Shimin's son, he can't do anything for the time being. Just look at the current foot pot chickens. They hold all the industrial patents in their hands, dreaming of the spring and autumn dream of making money lying down.

As a result, neither the resurrected rabbit nor its godfather Ying Jiang stopped playing with it, and then he was eliminated by the world.

Humans are social animals, and without social organizations, there would be no human civilization. If Li Tai intends to make a game, he can harvest the family at once, but what's the point of that? New families will appear, but they don't bring Li Tai to play.

On the other hand, Li Tai listened to Li Shimin's order and first planned the journey from Chang'an to Luoyang.

There was no need to think too much about this kind of thing, and immediately sent someone to greet Fan Yuefeng. After all, his quasi-spiritual talent was too convenient for geographical surveys.

But Fan Yuefeng has been very happy in Chang'an these past few months, relying on his two consecutive titles as a chess master, and Li Tai decisively dialed him three thousand guan, asking him to take friends to eat and drink tea , playing chess, chatting, so unrestrained for a while.

To be honest, the style of celebrities in the Tang Dynasty was much lower than that in the Han Dynasty, but it was actually still very heavy in the middle and early stages.

This has something to do with the current imperial examination system.

Because the imperial examinations in the Tang Dynasty did not have a system of obfuscating names or copying papers, the officials responsible for correcting the examination papers could know the birthplaces and names of the candidates.

This made many exam candidates try their best to sell their poems and show off their talents at the homes of various princes and nobles before the exam.

There are not many requirements, as long as these princes and nobles remember their names, when the examiners make corrections, they can choose themselves.

As for those who are admitted purely on their own talents, to be honest, apart from Wang Bo who really has this ability, Li Tai believes that other people more or less relied on their family status to find connections or become celebrities, so they were seen by the examiners. bingo.

But Fan Yuefeng is different, because he is now the number one Go player in the world, and even went to the palace to play a few games with Li Shimin, which made Fan Yuefeng sweat.

In the end, after a tough battle, they drew with Li Shimin.

Li Shimin still wanted to keep Fan Yuefeng in Chang'an, but Li Tai used Fan Yuefeng's ability to plan the road and said that Fan Yuefeng was really not a chess player, but a real skill, so he let him hang under Wei Wangfu.

The main thing is that Fan Yuefeng is not used to being an official, but if he is a celebrity, Fan Yuefeng is still very qualified with Li Tai's support.

Because of Fan Yuefeng's reputation for donating money and helping others, coupled with his top chess-playing skills in the Tang Dynasty, the most important thing is that Fan Yuefeng himself did not need to seek an official position, so he naturally became famous in the circle of celebrities.

Especially because of Fan Yuefeng, the habit of drinking clear tea has gradually become popular in the circle of celebrities.

However, he has been unrestrained in Chang'an for a few months, and now it's time to work.

Facing Li Tai's invitation, Fan Yuefeng quickly came over, holding a folding fan in his hand, and wearing a plain robe, very chic.

"You've had a lot of fun these days!" Li Tai looked at Fan Yuefeng's handsome and aggressive posture. For some reason, he was still the same person, but after being in the celebrity circle for a few months, his temperament changed a lot.

"Without you, King Wei, how could there be wind today!" Fan Yuefeng said very politely.

Of course, that's what I said, but when a person's skill reaches its peak, his temperament will change.

And reaching the peak of one's own skills is rarely the only capital that can cross the class, but skills are after all physical skills inferior to mental skills, which leads to different people's time to maintain the peak is not the same.

For example, if your strength is sports skills such as running, then your peak period is when your physical fitness reaches its peak.

If you can't realize your commercial ability during this window period, then the window period across classes will be closed.

At that time, not only will you not be able to achieve class leapfrogging, but you will also be replaced by latecomers as your physical fitness declines.

If your strengths are mental skills, especially with the accumulation of knowledge, you will grow older and more confident through your own efforts, such as lawyers and doctors, then your window of realization will be longer and longer, and you will be able to live more and more calmly .

But there is a special existence here, that is, civil servants or court officials.

Its life cycle actually has nothing to do with its own capabilities, but is closely related to the life cycle of the regime.

If it was ancient times, as long as you became an official of the imperial court, as long as you don't offend your superiors, and be an obedient silent person, you can basically get along safely until you retire and return to your hometown.

As for now, the low-level civil servants naturally hope that their working life will be shorter, and they will take their pension earlier to rest.

But for civil servants who hold power, they wish their working life could be extended. It’s not that these people accept bribes, but that there is a lot of traffic at the door when they are in power, and people take their seats when they retire. This is not something that everyone can easily accept. .

However, extending the age of government officials is simply to delay the outbreak of conflicts, but it will eventually be repaid in the future.

The position above the heads of young officials is firmly occupied by older officials, and the entire organization will inevitably age and decay after all.

But for laborers with physical skills, the extension will only make them more active and desperate.

Because the window period for their physical strength to be realized is getting narrower and narrower, they will inevitably become factors of social instability, which cannot be solved simply by suffering.

Political procrastination often becomes an unfavorable means of winning, but administrative procrastination often delays the last chance to solve the problem.

Politics is different from administration after all.

Looking at Fan Yuefeng, Li Tai could feel the change in Fan Yuefeng's temperament, but he didn't want to suppress it. On the contrary, the more this high-spirited temperament, the more likely Datang would surpass the brilliance in history.

"The road from Chang'an to Luoyang has entered the preparatory stage. You need to do a comprehensive survey, and then carry out the most effective construction based on your survey!" Li Tai looked at Fan Yuefeng and said his purpose.

"Of order." Fan Yuefeng nodded upon hearing Li Tai's words, "Then can I take my little apprentice with me?"

"Don't tell me the specifics, just hand over the surveyed map and surrounding data to Wang Zhenru."

Li Tai waved his hands when he heard Fan Yuefeng's words, but as if he had thought of something, he asked Fan Yuefeng,
"By the way, is the money enough for you? Do you need some more?"

"There are about 1000 guan left!" Fan Yuefeng looked at Li Tai with a bit of embarrassment, it was too fast.

Although Li Tai took the initiative to pay for him to eat, drink, have fun and donate money, but when it came time to reconcile the accounts, he was somewhat guilty.

"This time I'll give you another [-] guan. This time, if you're going on a long journey, it's better to bring some more, and let a team of personal guards follow you along the way, so as to prevent you from being picked up by wolves in the wilderness."

Li Tai said calmly, "By the way, you have noticed some people who know the art of surveying mountains and rivers like you, and recruit them as much as possible. Even if they help you, it will make you more comfortable!"

"Thank you King Wei!" Fan Yuefeng replied to Li Tai very touched when he heard Li Tai's words.

Li Tai watched Fan Yuefeng leave, thinking in his heart, Fan Yuefeng is just a person, after all he can't be taken apart for use.

If we can get a few more guys like him out, I don't require them all to have the same ability as Fan Yuefeng, but it is very meaningful for the country to be able to be simple geological surveyors in this era.

Not to mention that many local projects can be decentralized to a certain extent, and the other is to find water sources.

If one wants to completely occupy the Western Regions in the future, water sources are really indispensable.

For these special talents, it is best to prepare a reserve now, otherwise, due to the shortage of these talents, I am afraid that a large number of local people will be used.

If the local assimilation is completed, it doesn't matter if you use the locals, but a certain degree of Sinicization has not been completed. To be honest, Li Tai has a bit of an idea in his heart that people who are not of my race must have different hearts.

Of course, Li Tai didn't have much time to rest, because not long after Fan Yuefeng left, and soon at the end of June, the Datang motorcade that followed Belus to Sasan was about to leave.

As for this scene, Li Tai personally went to send it off, and then looked at the convoy, slowly disappearing from his sight.

At this moment, Changsun Chong watched his younger brother disappear into the horizon with his own chariot and horses following the convoy, turned his head and asked Changsun Wuji, "Aye, I heard that King Wei is going to build a road from Chang'an to Luoyang. "

"En." Changsun Wuji nodded, but said, "What are you going to say!"

"Does our family have to pay for it?" Zhang Sun Chong couldn't help gnashing his teeth, and asked with a little expectation.

"You discovered King Wei's wrist!" Changsun Wuji looked at Changsun Chong with a calm expression.

"I think that all the aristocratic families or clans that participated in the rebuilding of the Silk Road project will not be able to escape this time!" Changsun Chong said.

Changsun Wuji calmly said: "The ticket to Persia is indeed very important, but everyone knows that if you can sit on the ground and collect tolls, you can earn more.

Especially for the ten of us, who can gain more voice in the future cannot be simply determined by a single entry ticket, but also depends on how much everyone has really paid for this business route.

Everyone is rich and powerful, no one is inferior to anyone else, so we can only talk about the rules!
So everyone knows that this is a pit, and even when the section from Chang'an to Luoyang is completed, they are afraid that there will still be roads waiting to be repaired.

But everyone can only bite the bullet and jump down. After all, it is very good to have this pit. Those who have not got this ticket have no chance to jump into the pit! "

When Changsun Wuji said this, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of embarrassment, and Qingque's layout was a bit too long-term.

At the beginning, when supporting Li Tai's Silk Road reconstruction, at most, he felt that he had received too many rewards and was suppressed by his older sister, so he couldn't control the real power, so he followed Li Tai's Silk Road project. .

After all, Li Tai was his own nephew, so it would not be too much for his uncle to support him a little bit and make some money along the way.

But when Li Tai put forward the plan of going from Chang'an to Luoyang, and then thought about Li Tai's plan to rebuild the Silk Road, Changsun Wuji soon realized that Li Tai's goal was to build a Silk Road.

Even this road began to be built when he was on the Henan Road, but he didn't realize it at all.

Changsun Wuji was brought along to discuss matters in the imperial court, so Changsun Wuji naturally knew that this path was fixed.

Of course, the king of Wei took the lead, and the inner government, the court, the clan, and the family all participated, which also shows that this road will definitely be built.

But this money is not collected randomly. The inner government and the imperial court don't talk about it, but there is always a threshold between the clan and the aristocratic family.

Leaving a hole for them not only showed the sincerity of the court, but also shared the risk as much as possible.

As for how to choose, no other method can convince people. The most convincing ones are these ten tickets.

But for the aristocratic family, is money a problem, really not!Everyone said that they had no money, but no one saw that they were short of money in their lives.

For the aristocratic family, what is really needed is fame and the ability to develop into a top aristocratic family in a certain area, or even in the entire Tang Dynasty.

And these ten places, for these aristocratic families, it is very easy to form a certain degree of interest alliance, and I have become the core of this interest alliance.

For example, my status among the nobles of Longxi, with this quota, I can gather a lot of Longxi families. As for the money, those families are definitely willing to pay and let me participate.

Thinking of this, Changsun Wuji couldn't help but look at his nephew's receding back, turned his head and said to Changsun,
"Stop going to the East Palace recently, study hard at home for me, and come back next year with a Jinshi exam!"

"Me? Take the Jinshi exam?" Changsun Chong looked at Changsun Wuji and said, "Do you need it? Didn't you say try not to go into politics?"

"If you don't want to break your leg like Du He, it's the best choice to try your best to become a Jinshi!" Changsun Wuji said quietly.

 Didn't it mean that this is the most valuable weapon pool? What is the Codex of the Four Winds! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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