Chapter 449

The new year begins with rebellion, and perhaps this heralds the overall rhythm of the year.

Xu Xuanhui, a member of Changshe, read the prophecy and said to Liu Lan: "There are elders in the world, and it is said that General Liu will become the lord of the world."

Liu Zhao, Liu Lan's son, said: "The prophecy says that the Son of Heaven was born in Haibei, and our family lives in Beihai."

After hearing this, Liu Lan felt itchy in her heart, and felt that she had the ability to have military power, and that she could sit in the position of emperor.

Then, Wei You Wenzhi of Huxian County committed a crime and was sentenced to death. You Wenzhi began to bite and bite randomly with the feeling that he could bite anyone before he died.
Unfortunately, Liu Lan was bitten by You Wenzhi, even a member of the imperial court, but after a little investigation of Liu Lan, she found out that Liu's family had bad intentions.

In this incident, the most conspicuous thing was neither Liu Lan nor You Wenzhi, but General Qiu Xinggong of You Xiaowei.

Qiu Xinggong brutally took Liu Lan's heart and liver and ate it on the spot, directly stealing the show and becoming the protagonist of this incident.

When Li Shimin heard about it, he summoned Qiu Xinggong and reprimanded him: "The state has its own rules for punishment, why do you have to do this!

If it must be said that eating the heart and liver of a rebel can be called loyalty and filial piety, then Liu Lan's heart and liver will be eaten by the prince Wei Wang and others.

Where is your turn! "

Qiu Xinggong was also silent when he heard this.

All in all, although Liu Lan rebelled, or just wanted to rebel, but it happened at the beginning of the year, which is not a good sign after all.

It's just that this incident is just the prelude to this year's drama.

However, for Li Tai, the task at hand, namely Lingyan Pavilion, was completed.

Then the 24 heroes who followed Li Shimin were listed in Lingyan Pavilion one by one. Of course, the above ranking has changed a bit. For example, Du Ruhui was originally ranked third in history, but now he is ranked behind Fang Xuanling.

After Li Tai settled the matter of Lingyan Pavilion, he put his mind on the road from Luoyang to Chang'an.

The truth is not only Li Tai, but when Li Taiteng started to build this road, the big and small families in Jingzhao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, they have more or less found someone to buy shares, if Li Tai doesn't build anymore, then they will be in a hurry.

This time Li Tai came to the Ministry of Industry and began to appoint officials from the Ministry of Industry. In the past, he did not need to be afraid of the constraints of the Ministry of Industry. Now he wants to use it, naturally because the Ministry of Industry itself has the most top craftsman talents in the entire Tang Dynasty, and the most extensive material mesh.

At the same time, since I am going to implement the model of craftsmen's ratings, it is natural to rate the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry.

Soon Yan Lixing, Xu Xiaode, Li Sheng, Jia and others appeared in front of Li Tai.

Yan Lixing is Yan Liben's younger brother, and to a certain extent, he is also the biggest helper in assisting Li Tai in controlling the Ministry of Industry. His position is the Minister of the Ministry of Industry, and he is also in charge of the Ministry of Industry, one of the four ministries.

Li Sheng looks like an old man, and he doesn't seem to have much energy, but Yan Lixing respects him very much, and he is in charge of Yu Department, one of the four departments.

Xu Xiaode was originally a general supervisor, but he did a good job, so he was transferred to the Ministry of Industry as a doctor, and part-time in the Tunbu, one of the four departments.

And the last one, Jia, mastered the Ministry of Water, one of the four.

To put it simply, the work of the Ministry of Industry is not only for the emperor to repair buildings. Among them, the Yu Ministry is in charge of mountains, rivers and swamps. Basically, the means of production in this area are related to the Yu Ministry.

Xu Xiaode's garrison department is in charge of allocating the land, like Li Tai's annual acres of land as a prince belong to the labor department.

On the contrary, Jia's Ministry of Water has the most dealings with him, because theoretically all canal facilities in the world are managed by the Ministry of Water, and even the water transport system established by Li Tai is strictly speaking under the name of the Ministry of Water.

So Li Tai has dealt with Jia more or less, and knows that this is a relatively easy master.

Li Tai looked at the crowd and said, "Everyone, the next construction of the Chang'an-Luoyang road is the first project that I actually preside over the construction of the Ministry of Industry. I hope that I can get along with you in harmony and complete this project properly together.

Because I am not familiar with the work process of the Ministry of Industry, so this time I still focus on the corvee under my subordinates. "

"Wei Wang?!" Hearing Li Tai's words, although Yan Lixing thought that Li Tai was strong, he didn't expect Li Tai to be so strong.

After all, King Wei has always used his own corvee system, but he didn't expect everyone to recognize his strength, and when he took the initiative to approach King Wei, King Wei still focused on his own corvee.

Li Tai stretched out his hand to stop Yan Lixing's words, and continued, "I know the structure of the Ministry of Industry.

Except for officials and master craftsmen, corvee labor was basically required to carry out large-scale construction projects.

It's just that I feel that this kind of work efficiency is too slow, so I use my corvees to do hard work.

As far as this point is concerned, it shouldn't have much impact on your usual work. "

Hearing Li Tai's words, everyone present couldn't help opening their mouths. They really wanted to say that Li Tai's behavior was too expensive.

But thinking about it, it's Li Tai, money is nothing to worry about, Yan Li said, "Then what does King Wei want us to do?"

"I want to rate the craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry." Li Tai said,

"I used to rate my corvee craftsmen, such as what master craftsmen, elite craftsmen, craftsman apprentices and so on.

But I hope that the Ministry of Industry will implement a more detailed grading system and divide craftsmen into nine levels.

The first three levels are considered qualified craftsmen who can help common people repair corresponding tools.

Those in the middle and third levels are considered excellent craftsmen. If something happens and they need to be recruited urgently, they can be found directly through the roster.

As for the third level, he is the best master craftsman in the world, so naturally he should be included in the Ministry of Industry as much as possible.

Of course, after craftsmen are rated, there will be some small benefits, for example, they will also have it when I send out New Year's Day every year.

In short, these craftsmen will enjoy certain benefits. When our court needs craftsmen to work, we can find them as soon as possible, thereby increasing the overall efficiency of the Ministry of Industry. "

"Wei Wang, what are the criteria for craftsman rating?" Li Sheng saluted Li Tai, and then asked.

"I don't know!" Li Taizhong replied angrily, and the people in front of him looked at each other in dismay.

And Li Tai said frankly, "The purpose of my standards is to allow the court to find corresponding craftsmen more efficiently based on the account books.

But craftsmen have all sorts of strange jobs, and how to evaluate them is not an easy task after all.

At least it is impossible for me to gather all of them and take a test to see.

So, my idea is to have all the artisans take part in the big project, where they are graded according to the excellence of their performance. "

"It's easy to talk about such large-scale projects, but what about blacksmiths and other craftsmen who are good at small-scale forging? Then how should we classify them!" Li Sheng asked again.

Li Tai replied to Li Sheng: "If you just make weapons, no matter how good you are, you are only a good craftsman.

Those who want to obtain the qualification of a master craftsman of the third rank must at least research methods that can increase the efficiency of iron smelting, or make iron tools sharper and tougher.

Of course, there will definitely be problems of one kind or another in this process.

Therefore, I don't want to directly promote it to the whole country at the beginning, but at least I have to evaluate the master craftsmen of the Ministry of Industry. "

"The king of Wei still wants to promote this project to the whole country, so that all craftsmen in the country will be assessed?" Yan Lixing asked.

"En!" Li Tai nodded, "It's just a vague idea.

That is, the lower three levels need local examinations, the middle and third levels need to work with large-scale projects, and the upper three levels need to see if there are any methods that are helpful to the entire industry.

In addition, Aye gave me a promise that if the craftsman who performed the best in Chi Dao this time will be allowed to be awarded the county male from the fifth rank! "

The few people present couldn't help being surprised when they heard Li Tai's words. Even for the few people present, there were not all five-rank county men, but this time the sage was willing to award the county man to a certain craftsman.

For these craftsmen, this is enough to make him work hard.

Even if this kind of title cannot be passed on, for the craftsmen, at least it gives their generation a chance to cross classes.

Even if his son is a craftsman like him, he is not a craftsman who works, but a technical official who can enter the Ministry of Industry's inner government as a supervisor.

"This craftsman rating project, and the road from Chang'an to Luoyang, this whole project should be regarded as a running-in between me and the Ministry of Industry."

Li Tai looked at the four, and began to introduce Wang Zhenru who was beside him, saying, "I may not come to the Ministry of Industry often in the future. If I am not in the Ministry of Industry in the future, my private soldier Wang Zhenru can completely replace me and handle the affairs of the Ministry of Industry."

"I have met you all, I hope we can get along happily in the future!" Wang Zhenru said to everyone quite kindly.

Wang Zhenru was so kind, but none of the people present dared to underestimate Wang Zhenru.

Because if King Wei is a planner, then Wang Zhenru is an engineer, and all the plans of King Wei are completed by Wang Zhenru.

Youzhou is like this, Luoyang is like this, Henan is like this, now it is the turn of Chang'an to Luoyang, and it is still handed over to Wang Zhenru.

Under Li Tai's trust, Wang Zhenru assisted Li Tai to complete the integration of the corvee system he created with himself and the original system of the Ministry of Industry.

For example, the project plan of the Ministry of Industry has always been just a rough idea, and how much it does every day depends on the self-consciousness of the corvees, and the soldiers behind them keep urging them with their whips.

And when Wang Zhenru came, just change one word.

Every month, every week, every day, a detailed project schedule is formulated, as much work as should be done every day, and you can rest after finishing.

If you can't finish it, you will work overtime until dark, and you must complete your project.

For example, the food for officials of the Ministry of Industry must be good, but corvee workers must bring their own dry food.

In addition, every time I do five repairs and one, the Ministry of Industry will complain a lot.

After all, in their opinion, the corvee should not rest, and it is not a legal holiday, so what's wrong with asking the corvee to do more work.

After all, only those who are useless to Datang would think about taking a break. As an official of Datang, I never thought about resting.

These corvees are paid, but they still have to rest!

Wang Zhenru ignored the officials' complaints, or Li Tai's support allowed Wang Zhenru to continue to follow the work process of the Gaoling corvees when doing things.

If these officials want to object, it is good to kick him out of the project. He will continue to be an official of his Ministry of Industry, but he will be marginalized.

This is why Li Tai first built the Vientiane Shrine, because the people in the Ministry of Industry knew very well that the corvee system of King Wei could build Chidao by itself.

Now King Wei has given them a chance to play with them, but if they don't know how to praise them, then don't blame King Wei for abandoning them.

Therefore, although the employees of the Ministry of Industry complained, they still took the initiative to integrate into Li Tai's corvee system.

These people from the Ministry of Industry are at least from aristocratic families. As long as they are willing to integrate into Li Tai's corvee system, they can actually master things very quickly, at least it is much easier than cultivating a qualified corvee by themselves.

At the same time, Li Tai also tried to add his own improved version of the examination method to this attempt of the Ministry of Industry.

To put it simply, it is to draw up three accounting books, the first one is with me, and I come here every month to check and supervise the progress of the entire project.

The second copy was sent to Fang Xuanling, who kept it in stock to monitor his work efficiency.

The last one is in the hands of Wang Zhenru, who is responsible for implementing it and urging everyone to complete the work according to the contents left.

To be honest, Fang Xuanling was quite surprised when she received the first account book from Li Tai.

Because the work of the Ministry of Industry has always been to urge money from the court, and Li Tai has made such a detailed task of the Ministry of Industry this month, as well as the money and food needed, which at least made Fang Xuanling feel a lot better. .

Turning a page, which official is in charge of the project this month, can even be held accountable to each specific official.

However, Fang Xuanling didn't know if this management method of supervising and urging officials was useful, but he also acquiesced in Li Tai's attempt to test the law in the Ministry of Industry.

After all, King Wei himself was here, so Fang Xuanling had nothing to say.

And Li Tai knew very well that things like the test method are most suitable for the Ministry of Industry Engineering, which deals with data.

At least it is more convenient to put it in these places in the early stage, because this kind of thing can be verified by mathematics, and it is as much as it is done.

If it is put into the hands of the book repairer, others will argue for half an hour for a sentence before they can determine whether to use this sentence. The existence of the test-tested method may not make them do a better job of repairing books.

But for Li Tai, the test method can help him choose someone who is more suitable for his work efficiency.

As for the person who does not meet his work efficiency, it is enough to keep him in the Ministry of Industry, and find a way to get rid of him in the future.

But what Li Tai didn't expect was that Li Tai still didn't feel anything after trying the test method for two months, but the more Fang Xuanling used it, the more his eyes lit up.

For Fang Xuanling, who has always been adhering to streamlining the bureaucracy, it seems that he has obtained a peerless sword that is very suitable for him!

(End of this chapter)

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