Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 455 Revenge VS Unity

Chapter 455 Revenge VS Unity
At this moment, Xue Rengui is continuing to garrison the Taiji Gate, but the ballista Li Anyan needs has already been delivered.

A row opened to the entrance of the Taiji Gate. The entrance of the Taiji Gate was not like Li Tai's house where there was only a long corridor left.

In fact, this square is quite open, at least it can be easily accommodated by the crossbowmen.

Li Chengqian ordered the soldiers who had fought fiercely for a quarter of an hour to retreat.

But for the soldiers, the sound of retreating was really a long drought and a sweet rain. They really didn't want to fight the iron lump in front of them.

In the confrontation between each other, the damage he caused to the opponent was extremely limited, but on the contrary, the Tang knife in the opponent's hand was really extremely sophisticated in use.

Every time you attack, it's better if you have a person with armor on your body, as long as you don't get hit by a hit or two, it's okay.

After all, the fighters under Xue Rengui's command are said to be strong, but their lethality is not too strong.

It can only be said that they are very skilled in using Tang Dao, which makes people feel a little tricky.

At this moment, the only ones with serious damage are the Turkic people wearing leather armor.

When they confronted these armored soldiers, it might not have any effect if the scimitars in the hands of the Turks slashed at these heavily armored academy soldiers.

However, relying on their own armor, the soldiers of the academy can often fight the Turkic people head-on.

Therefore, the Taiji Gate seems to be just a thin layer of academic soldiers at the moment, but in fact, Li Chengqian commanded the army to attack for so long, but still failed to take down any arrow stacks in the Taiji Gate.

At this moment, Xue Rengui watched the soldiers led by the prince recede without any relief on his face.

Because his sharp eyes had already seen the winch crossbow start to calibrate, he immediately said to the soldiers under his command, "Dodge!"

Without any hesitation on their faces, these soldiers immediately began to seek cover as much as possible.

But before Xue Rengui's voice fell, the winch stretched the strings and opened the bow. There were seven arrows on the crossbow arm. A huge arrow was placed in the center of the arrow, and three smaller arrows were placed on the left and right. When using it, all the arrows were fired together. The sound hit the Tai Chi Gate fiercely.

In an instant, Xue Rengui, who was standing on the Taiji Gate, felt that the entire Taiji Gate was crumbling.

"He didn't want to break through the Taiji Gate at all, but to destroy the Taiji Gate!" Xue Rengui finally understood Li Anyan's purpose, but Xue Rengui knew it too late.

After all, as the innermost checkpoint in Taiji Palace, it has not been repaired much in recent years.

It was not the first day that Li Anyan wanted to break into Taiji Palace and kill Li Shimin.

For the third hurdle that he couldn't buy, Li Anyan has always had the idea of ​​attacking by force.

Because the barrier of Tai Chi Gate is not as strong as everyone imagined.

"Bump into the wood! The whole army will follow me!" Li Anyan saw the effect of the ballista, and directly made the Taiji Gate crumble.

With a wave of his hand, he ignored the ballista and ordered the soldiers to charge.

After all, loading the ballista is not an easy task. At least more than 30 people are needed to complete the loading and calibration work.

Now that this thing has played a role, it has naturally completed its historical mission.

Li Anyan knew very well that the most important thing at this time was to take a gamble, if he could break through the city gate, then the battle would be decided.

If he can't break through the city gate and let the Tai Chi Palace come over, then he will definitely die.

At this moment, Li Anyan was commanding with great momentum, and Li Anyan's general talent also enveloped the entire army at this time.

As a general who stood side by side with Xue Wanche and Feng Li and was relied on by Li Jiancheng, he was considered the most low-key among the three.

Of course, in terms of ability, he is also a little worse than the other two. He only awakened the talent of a warrior after Li Jiancheng died, and even endured his talent of a warrior. Until this day, Li Chengqian turned against Li Shimin. reveal.

A smear of blood appeared on all the soldiers involuntarily, but it soon disappeared into the body.

This scene almost disappeared in a flash, and if it was not for staring at Li Anyan, no one would be aware of it.

Seeing the end of the crossbow shooting, Xue Rengui immediately rearranged his defenses.

But at this moment, Li Anyan personally led the team and ordered the guards to bombard the Taiji Gate with a ram!
Three times, five times, ten times, the Taiji Gate was smashed open, Li Anyan shouted angrily, "Kill!"

"Kill!" The army following Li Anyan also showed excited eyes at this time.

After all, if you break through the city gate, kill Li Shimin, and make Li Chengqian the emperor, then your group will have the power to follow the dragon.

Not to mention how good the mix is, at least it is much better than now. It can be said that a bright future is waiting for me and others!
At this moment, a row of Xuefu soldiers with a shield in one hand and a sword in the other appeared in front of them!

Xue Rengui had arranged for three hundred soldiers from the academy as a fresh force to block the Taiji gate with his own body and armor.

Facing an enemy army several times larger than their own, the academy soldiers were silent, but they gave off an unparalleled majesty.

Because the education in agricultural colleges has always told them that what they are doing now is to be loyal to the emperor and patriotic.

Now he is using his own life to practice his belief in loyalty to the emperor and patriotism.

"Kill them!"

Li Anyan commanded the army to go up decisively. Li Anyan knew very well that he had to break through the academy soldiers quickly.

Otherwise, if the door is blocked for a long time, the variables will become bigger and bigger.

The Xuefu soldiers were waiting in front of the forbidden army brought out by Li Anyan himself, but it was the Turkic servants who rushed up first.

The Xuefu soldiers used their shields to block the opponent's scimitar, and the Tang sword in his hand slashed at the servant of the Turkic Philosophy with his backhand, killing him directly!

On such a stage, there is no guy who doesn't even have the talent in the war department, so there is no need for a grand introduction at all.

But in the next second, he saw a sharp blade of nothingness condensed from the body of the Turkic servant, which directly penetrated into the body of Xuefubing.

For a moment, severe pain stimulated the academy soldier who had just killed him.

This deep-rooted feeling, as if he had been slashed with a knife just now, had to make the Xuefu soldiers back a few steps!
But in fact, not only this Xuefu soldier, but many Xuefu soldiers have experienced such deep-seated pain.

If you kill the opponent by yourself, the pain suffered by the opponent will be passed on to you, even if you have not suffered any damage, but you are suddenly stimulated by such a stimulus on the battlefield, and you can't even tremble uncontrollably. Already dead.

The entire school soldiers who appeared as a new force began to waver.

"Although the mastery of weapons has been smelted, the foundation is still self-adaptive, and there is no ability to fight against the spirit at all!"

Li Anyan said, "My general talent is for restraining heavy infantry like you!"

"Imperial Guards!" Li Anyan gave an order, and a blood-colored phantom rose from Li Anyan's Imperial Guards, giving people unparalleled pressure.

Li Anyan glanced around, but saw only a hundred or so soldiers with bloody phantoms on their bodies.

"So few?" Li Anyan couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but said without hesitation, "Kill!"

Li Anyan's warrior talent - revenge, is fully activated at this moment!
This is a general talent based on Li Anyan's hate target. After it is activated, the whole army can be blessed.

There are two types. One is that the target of hatred is different from that of the main general. After one dies in battle, there is a certain probability that one will turn one's will into an arrow of vengeance, and give the opponent who killed oneself the same pain. The more it will be illusioned.

The real strength of this talent is the second one. If the hate target is the same as the coach, then the physical fitness will be fully strengthened, the ability to resist blows will be strengthened, and even the attack will bring hatred-filled mental damage.

It has to be said that the guards personally trained by Li Anyan are more or less people who hate Li Shimin.

There was no way around it, even if Li Shimin was considered one of the top three emperors in the feudal era, as long as he was a politician, he would be hated by some people after all.

There will always be people who attribute their personal experiences to social injustice, which is unavoidable.

As the emperor, Li Shimin became the ultimate object of hatred for this injustice.

And Li Anyan's talent for revenge, under his development, has the ability to find these people who have a grudge against Datang.

He drew these people to his side and became the backbone force for him to control the imperial army.

It's just that these people who have resentment towards Datang often feel less resentment after staying in the Forbidden Army for a period of time, and some even start to support Li Tang.

Li Anyan could only give up such people and recruit new ones.

It was also Li Anyan's behavior of constantly recommending the elderly to the other troops that gave Li Anyan a good reputation among the Forbidden Army.

At the same time, this warrior's talent consumes not only Li Anyan's physical strength, but also Li Anyan's own lifespan if the time exceeds a certain limit, because revenge itself is a gamble with one's own life for one's own relief.

It has to be said that as these real elites with Li Anyan's talent for revenge entered the battlefield, even though they were wearing heavy armor, the academy soldiers would inevitably retreat steadily.

After all, the injuries on the body can be resisted by the shield, but there is no defense against the will!

"To establish a life for the people, to establish a heart for the world, to inherit the knowledge of the past, and to create peace for all generations!"

After Xue Rengui watched these bloody elites join the battlefield, the academy soldiers began to retreat steadily, but they also began to show their talent in the army.

At this moment, Xue Rengui yelled loudly. In the heads of the school soldiers, they couldn't help but think of the years of hard study in the agricultural school. glory.

The past scenes flowed in his consciousness like flowing water.

Under this common will, everyone suddenly found that the arrows of revenge shot at themselves by those people after death did not hurt.

Even those evil spirits that inspired the talent of revenge, the penetrating effect of cutting on his armor disappeared.

Xue Rengui's warrior talent - unity, also played a role at this moment.

Compared with Li Anyan's revenge, Xue Rengui's unity is also a talent of will, but he does not rely on himself, but on the whole army.

If the entire army has a unified will, the blessing brought by Xue Rengui's unity can even shake miracles in theory.

But the army led by Xue Rengui has his own ideas, so the blessings brought by Xue Rengui's army are so-so.

If the army led by Xue Rengui is slack, then this blessing will have no meaning, and it will even slow down after it is turned on.

And the best way to integrate the academy soldiers is the school motto, which has been accumulated over three to five years. It is also a turning point for them to change their own destiny, and it is also a turning point for them to look back on the best era after graduation.

Therefore, unifying the thinking of the school soldiers with the school motto can make the willpower of the school soldiers highly unified.

And the increase brought about by such a unity talent, especially the lack of will of the academic soldiers can be made up for to the greatest extent.

Of course, the talent of unity allows Xue Rengui to be able to unleash unimaginable combat effectiveness when leading an army and under the unified thinking.

But at the same time, if Xue Rengui is to lead the large army, then Xue Rengui must be assigned someone who can reconcile the factions and sort out people's hearts, otherwise the combat effectiveness of the large army that Xue Rengui displays will be close to nothing.

Of course, even if Xue Rengui was given to sort out factions and reconcile people's hearts, Xue Rengui would not be able to achieve the upper-middle level that a commander of a large army should display. There is almost an average level that is Xue Rengui's limit.

There is no way, sorting out people's hearts and reconciling factions will lead to more compromises than unity of will among the troops under his command.

If the will is not unified, then the upper limit of Xue Rengui's ability to play is there.

At this moment, Xue Rengui's academy soldiers, with the blessing of Xue Rengui's general talent, stabilized the front line again, and did not let the army in front of them break through the Taiji Gate.

And Xue Rengui himself took out his own sky-shaking bow, bent the bow and set up an arrow, and the arrows were like shooting stars.

The arrows of the arrows directly landed on the backbones of the Forbidden Army who were fully blessed with revenge talents. One arrow was a flower of blood, and one arrow was a life.

Xue Rengui shot eight arrows in a row, and each arrow exploded one of the most fiercely charging backbone of the rebel army.

This can't help but make the soldiers of the rebel army hesitate to move forward. After all, such a death method for the backbone of one's own side really hurts morale.

Even Li Anyan couldn't go beyond his own backbone and completely rely on himself to command the army!
Not only Xue Rengui's own strength is strong, but also his archery skills are terribly strong, and his talent for revenge just marked his position.

But it is impossible for Li Anyan to cancel the talent of revenge. Without this talent, how can he attack the last Tai Chi gate.

Li Anyan had no choice but to follow Xue Rengui's example and shoot arrows onto the shields of Xuefu soldiers.

With a bang, the arrow was directly shattered by the collision between the inner energy and the shield, and the academy soldier was shocked to take a step back and then immediately pushed forward.

Anyone can master the technique of attaching one's inner energy to the arrow and exerting amazing combat power.

That is the ability that non-human beings can master only when the concentration of the essence of heaven and earth is sufficient to directly become the inner qi above the body.

At this moment, Xue Rengui and Li Anyan continued to fight at this Taiji gate.

"This Xue Rengui is good, very good!" Li Shimin sat on the horse, looked at Xue Rengui's performance, and nodded in satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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