Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 477 Goguryeo Being Targeted

Chapter 477 Goguryeo Being Targeted

Tubo is developing at a rapid pace, not to mention whether their reforms are useful or not, but the resources of the Jieri Dynasty allow them to absorb, at least enough time for a group of reformers who support reform to grow.

And once a group of reformers can grow up and hold military power, and have the strength to compete with the conservatives, basically even if the reform cannot be pushed to the depth, it is basically enough to keep the fruits of the reform.

Because the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was separated, Datang did not know the situation in Tubo.

Wang Xuance also guarded one acre of land in Xihai County, and had no intention of continuing to attack the depths of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

After all, the weather is getting warmer in this era. After all, it has just begun. For Wang Xuance, instead of looting them, it is safest to develop the animal husbandry in Xihai County by himself.

It must be mentioned that in this era, as the global temperature rises, the weather is getting warmer.

This kind of global warming will bring about a more significant temperature improvement in low-temperature areas. For example, the average temperature in Xihai County is about 1°C to 2°C higher than now. Heaven.

Therefore, the scale of the breeding farm that Wang Xuance created is getting bigger and bigger, especially after a large number of people represented by Hou Junji were executed for treason, the original shares in their hands were naturally divided by other shareholders up.

Li Tai said that he gets four floors, other generals who have participated in the war get three floors, and the other three floors are for Wang Xuance's hard work.

So the recent Wang Xuance lived happily on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

The most important thing is that he somewhat expects that King Wei will soon ascend to the position of prince, or even the position of saint.

Then he is at least very competitive to become the Minister of the Ministry of War, just like Li Shiji's history of being in power, he has been stationed at the border for many years, and then he went directly to the minister to become the Minister of the Ministry of War, and then fought a war to stabilize his current position.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuance felt even more grateful to King Wei.

Thinking about the suppression I received when I was implementing the Grass Seed Project back then, it was Wei Wanghui who recognized talents with his eyesight, not because of his humble status, but because he believed that he was very capable and entrusted him with important tasks several times.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuance silently felt that he should take two layers, and give the extra layer to King Wei.

Naturally, Li Tai didn't know what Wang Xuance was thinking, even if he knew, these horses had to be selected and sent to the palace.

Mere goods are no longer meaningful to Li Tai, but the required etiquette still needs to be done.

But recently, Li Tai has also slowly been idle, following the completion of the construction of the framework for the road from Chang'an to Luoyang.

With Wang Zhenru and Fan Yuefeng at the core, they set up a construction framework with full authority and responsibility for execution. Following the pace of construction in Henan Road, they began to steadily advance the project. The distance is not too far, only more than 300 kilometers.

Generally speaking, it takes one or two days for an expedited [-] miles to arrive.

However, the Chidao he built was mainly for transporting goods, so Li Tai planned to build three large Chidao rest stations and four small rest stations in the Chidao.

In other words, if you are rushing and don't spare your horsepower, you can still have a place to rest if you travel hundreds of miles a day. If you transport goods normally, you can travel from Luoyang to Chang'an in a week at most, and you can get there.

Of course, if you really work hard, you can do three hundred miles a day, changing only horses but not people on the road.

Bi Xiu built this road to connect Chang'an to Luoyang, so that the grain hoarded in Luoyang can be continuously transported to Chang'an within a week.

Even in some extreme cases, the Chang'an army can reach Youzhou directly within a month.

After all, it took me a week to arrive in Luoyang, and then after changing ships, I went directly north to Youzhou, and the main time I went north was in the cabin.

Therefore, the physical strength of the soldiers can also be preserved to a large extent, enough to deal with the crisis in the north.

However, this road connects Luoyang to Chang'an, which can be said to be the most prosperous area in the entire Tang Dynasty.

Those aristocratic families who did not join the Silk Road project hopped their feet in regret. Who knows if the Silk Road will be successful or not.

But when the road from Chang'an to Luoyang is built, even if it is just to occupy a post station to collect tolls, it will be soft to collect money!
Needless to say, for these seven post stations, those ten aristocratic families still need to continue wrangling and trading.

But in the end it was Fang Xuanling, the big devil, who appeared on the stage, saying that this road is too critical to belong to any family.

If any of you can sleep soundly holding it, then you should hold it.

After all, Fang Xuanling had seen Chidao and the lucrative benefits brought by these key nodes after the canal was circulated.

The king of Wei went to the position of prince, in order to win over the family, he didn't care about the specific income, but Fang Xuanling had to uphold the attitude of being responsible for the country. Anyway, it is impossible for your family to take away this cash cow, even if you invest money!

Faced with Fang Da Demon King's insistence, even though these aristocratic families are not afraid of Fang Xuanling in terms of background, they all know that Fang Xuanling represents the imperial court.

What can they do? Where they should make concessions, they can only choose to make concessions.

Li Tai came forward and rented the houses in these strongholds to these aristocratic families, allowing them to manage these industries.

However, the government will still set up post stations in these strongholds, and ordinary civil servants can enjoy the treatment of civil servants in the post stations.

As for those merchants, they can choose one of the aristocratic shops and go in to rest as if they were being slaughtered.

Of course, these businessmen can also choose to prepare more food and horses by themselves, and walk the whole road day and night.

All in all, it will not be common people who can walk this path, and even poor families may not be qualified to walk.

For Li Tai, the establishment of this Chidao mainly has three purposes.

One is to promote the link between Chang'an and Luoyang, forming a special economic zone from Chang'an to Luoyang, which is also the starting point of the Silk Road.

The second is to further promote the standardization of their own weights and measures.

At the beginning, it was unrealistic to expect the imperial court to enforce the smooth implementation of units such as meters, kilometers, grams, and kilograms.

But with the Weishui River, the canal, and the sea fleet, and now with this road linking Luoyang to Chang'an, theoretically speaking, the ginseng packed from Goguryeo will be packed at the port of Goguryeo according to the standard, and then transported. To Tianjin, Youzhou, put it directly into the canal in Tianjin, and go down the river to Luoyang. Now when the Chidao is completely established, the ginseng can go directly to Chang'an.

After arriving in Chang'an, those transport trucks that have been unified in size can even transport these ginseng to the warehouse immediately, and then put them on the shelves of the hospital the next day.

On this entire shipping route, the entire shipping system can be described as unimpeded and helpless.

Passing taxes will be collected for each port call, so in theory, for merchants, the less port stays, the better.

And in this way, the material conversion efficiency from Goguryeo to Chang'an can theoretically be reached within one month.

Of course, in the specific operation process, for example, the port corvee will also check whether there are any prohibited items inside, and stop for half a day, for example, to check whether there are any prohibited items.

It's easy to say that nothing happened, but if something happened, all the government servants in the port stations that had stopped would definitely be dealt with, and as for the officials, it would be a serious dereliction of duty.

If weights and measures are unified, taxation will be much more convenient.

However, what Li Tai values ​​is the third one, which is implicitly taxing the wealthy.

Yes, for any regime in the world, the most troublesome problem is how to tax the rich. At the same time, not only will the rich not oppose it, but they will support it.

Because the richest people in the world are often the ruling class.

After all, in the end, even if you know that the people at the bottom are easy to bully, there is really too little grease on them.

Even if their ancestors have been your tenants for a piece of land for generations, how much oil and water can you squeeze out of their few bodies.

Even in modern times, it can be seen from the tax standard that those who do not receive the tax standard basically have no value in being squeezed out.

In other words, with the meager wages in their hands, they need to do their best to survive.

As a result, even if the government size them up, capital will not let them go.

All kinds of loans can't wait for these people's children and grandchildren to borrow money, so that people can use their limited lives to support the disorderly appreciation of capital for a long time. How can such a society not make people feel depressed.

Therefore, when Li Tai built Chidao, he implicitly collected fees from these aristocratic families or wealthy merchants.

He created the futures market by himself, and he also created stamp duty, a fee guaranteed by the court to collect taxes from the rich.

But the next step is to wait for Tian Changgeng to come back from the west of the Western Regions, and when he comes back, he will be able to take advantage of the trend and launch the stock market.

Well, in principle, it is to give everyone a chance to buy shares. If something happens to the product in the west of the Western Regions, at least everyone will bear the loss. As for the imperial court, it only collects a little stamp duty.

As for who wants to use the stock market or the futures market to set off a bloodbath or something, Li Tai can just watch the show on the sidelines.

Because the people buried in the stock market are rarely the kind of people who can't even meet the tax standards.

In other words, even if those people really lost their money in these markets and encountered an unprecedented stock market crash, as long as they don't borrow money to speculate in stocks, they basically have a stable mentality.

After all, it's just the money for moving bricks for another month, so let's just treat this month as a waste of time.

As for personal choices, Li Tai didn't care.

But with things like the stock market, there is at least one more reservoir for Li Tai.

In the future, I don’t need to print money like this, and sometimes I can even deliberately promote the shattering of the deification of the stock market, thereby looting the wealth of the middle class.

While this process can be painful, it's sometimes a stealthy way to eliminate overpayments.

It's just that sometimes it's just a small fluctuation, and sometimes it might be a big tsunami.

Li Tai carefully counted the tools in his hands, but he also knew that this kind of financial game could not solve the problem.

Because no one is an idiot, after a loss, they just don't want to continue playing with you.

The landlord class is not strong, relying on the land in hand, the ability to resurrect is still very strong.

"The foundation of the family is knowledge and land, not wealth. It is enough for them to have enough wealth!"

Li Tai couldn't help but press his head, knowing that this method of harvesting wealth cannot be commonly used.

At most, it will have a cleansing effect for the first time, and then the surviving guys will gradually form a Matthew effect.

"Scholarship is passed through agricultural institutions, through strengthening grassroots education, and even the imperial examination system will sooner or later squeeze the upward channels of the aristocratic family.

But if the land issue in the hands of the aristocratic family is not resolved, then sooner or later Datang will still cause trouble because of the land issue! "

Li Tai thought about it but turned his attention to the land in the northeast.

"It seems that the Goguryeo issue needs to be resolved, and its existence is not needed in my plan!"

Li Tai silently crossed Goguryeo in his heart, and immediately people began to collect news about Goguryeo.

It has to be said that because Yuan Gai Suwen, who had killed the monarch and the minister, saw that Datang didn't seem to want to do anything, so he started to fight.

At this time, because Silla had seized more than 40 cities (villages) in it, Baekje and the Goguryeo company blocked the road from Silla to Tang, and Silla sent envoys to Tang for help.

And Li Shimin sent Xiangli Xuanju to Goguryeo to warn Goguryeo to stop attacking Silla, otherwise he will send troops to crusade in the future and give a very severe verbal warning.

To be honest, if it wasn't for Li Chengqian's rebellion this year, a lot of people in the army who were related to Hou Junji needed to be cleaned up. Li Shimin had already chosen to lead his troops to attack Goguryeo, but bear with it for now.

But you can figure it out with your toes, it's no wonder Yuan Gai Suwen would listen to Li Shimin's words.

However, Li Tai didn't expect Yuan Gai Suwen to listen, this time the emissary was for the people in the court to see.

After all, for Li Shimin, the biggest resistance to the crusade against Goguryeo is not outside, but inside the court!

At that time, Tang Jun's military reorganization was also completed in sevens and eighties, and the most important thing was that his division was famous.

For Li Shimin, there is only one last wish left in his heart, which is to destroy Goguryeo and truly complete the unification of the Chinese territory from the Han Dynasty, which is direct evidence that the Tang Dynasty is better than the Sui Dynasty.

So even if Wei Zheng is still alive, I am afraid that he will definitely not be able to stop Li Shimin's idea of ​​attacking Goguryeo, and it can even be said to be Li Shimin's obsession.

And since Goguryeo can't be defeated this year, let's take Xue Yantuo for a walk first.

Because Qibi Heli was arrested, Li Shimin first ordered Cui Dunli to tell Xue Yantuo that Xinxing Princess would marry Xue Yantuo Khan in exchange for Qibi Heli.

After Qibi Heli came back, he was worshiped as General You Xiaowei.

Then, Xue Yantuo sent his nephew Tuli She to Tang Xiapin, offering [-] horses, [-] cattle and camels, and [-] sheep.

But Qibi Heli, who was rescued, said that he should not marry Xue Yantuo, even as long as he agreed to Qibi Heli, he might as well let himself die in East Turkistan.

So Li Shimin had no choice but to let Zhenzhu Khan go to Lingzhou for his in-laws, but Xue Yantuo's Khan naturally couldn't come when it was due.

At the same time, during the time when the envoys were traveling, many of these cattle and sheep died naturally because no one took care of them on the way, and there were even plagues.

Li Shimin said that if your dowry was not delivered, other tribes would despise Datang, so he rejected Xue Yantuo.

After a series of operations, the entire grassland knew that the Tang Dynasty was unhappy with Xue Yantuo, denying one of the political foundations for dominating the grassland.

Not to mention that Xue Yantuo's cattle and sheep suffered a lot of damage during this process, and the national power was greatly damaged. It can be said that the surrounding tribes began to move around.

(End of this chapter)

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