Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 486 Continuation of Politics

Chapter 486 The Continuation of Politics (One Update Today)
"Because the strategy of enfeoffment can only save one moment, so there is a second..." Li Tai was about to continue.

Hearing Li Tai mention the second, Fang Xuanling's pupils couldn't help shrinking suddenly. Originally, Fang Xuanling thought that Li Tai said that it was over, but he didn't expect that there would be a second. Fang Xuanling's expression remained unchanged. He just continued to look at King Wei calmly.

Li Tai naturally didn't know Fang Xuanling's inner thoughts, looked at Fang Xuanling's serious face, felt guilty for some reason, and said, "The second is to increase productivity."

"Productivity?" Fang Xuanling frowned slightly upon hearing this term.

And Li Tai explained: "In ancient times, people used stone to make plows, and people in Shang and Zhou Dynasties used bronze to make plows. People in the Warring States period began to use iron to make plows, and even began to use livestock to plow, so that fewer people could cultivate more land. , This is the increase in productivity!"

When Fang Xuanling heard Li Tai's words, he nodded suddenly. With a more vivid example, Fang Xuanling naturally understood.

And Li Tai went further, "Because I was rejected by Confucianism, I can only figure it out by myself.

It is found that Confucianism only solves the problem of social production distribution, but the improvement of productivity itself does not solve the problem of Confucianism.

Maybe even because Confucius hated farmers and Mencius competed with Mohists, all knowledge related to production was suppressed! "

Fang Xuanling couldn't help but fell silent after hearing Li Tai's words.

Li Tai didn't reveal these things, Fang Xuanling naturally didn't notice it, but when Li Tai brought it up, Fang Xuanling keenly realized that what Li Tai said was not wrong, after all, as the builder of the top-level administrative system, everyone Tang No. 1, as long as you tell Fang Xuanling about many things, Fang Xuanling will understand immediately.

And Li Tai continued, "If you want to pass on the Great Tang Dynasty for generations to come, you can only do everything possible to increase productivity.

Allowing fewer people to plow more land and allowing more grain to be produced per mu of land is the foundation of the long-term stability of the Tang Dynasty.

Otherwise, once the productivity stagnates and the limited land feeds the ever-expanding population, the Tang Dynasty will break out of civil strife due to the contradiction between man and land, which cannot be changed by anyone. "

Fang Xuanling couldn't help being silent when he heard Li Tai's words, but nodded in approval.

At least in Fang Xuanling's view, as long as the land can support the people, the people will not rebel, the people will not rebel, and the country can survive.

After all, it is really rare to see the best of Sui Yangdi. If the second generation has a ranking, it will not be easy to surpass him.

Li Tai looked at Fang Xuanling and said. "So in my opinion, Datang wants to inherit, fundamentally speaking, it wants to develop productivity.

If productivity stagnates, enfeoffment will be started to reduce the pressure on the population, but as long as the productivity has achieved a breakthrough, the opening will be tightened to stop enfeoffment.

Such a cycle goes on and on, not to mention that the Great Tang can pass it on for thousands of generations, but it will be a little longer than the Dahan can pass it on! "

"The king of Wei has far-reaching knowledge, and I have never heard of it, an old minister!" Fang Xuanling looked at Li Tai and couldn't help but praise.

And Li Tai shook his head at this time and said, "Master Fang is absurd, Qing Que doesn't know whether what he thinks is correct, but he doesn't dare to be careless, after all, governing a big country and cooking a small fish can't be careless! "

"The king of Wei is a wonderful man, such a metaphor is interesting!" After Fang Xuanling's words reached this point, he couldn't help but salute Li Tai solemnly. Li Tai hurried up to stop him, and Fang Xuanling said,

"Today's exchange with the King of Wei really enlightened the old minister, especially the theory of productivity. I can only comment that the King of Wei can be a master. If it was in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States, he might be one of the masters."

"No, no!" Li Tai hurriedly said to Fang Xuanling, "I just hope that Mr. Fang can give Qingque some pointers."

Fang Xuanling said calmly, "To be able to get along with the King of Wei today, the old minister's trip is not in vain.

In the future, I hope to have more opportunities to communicate with King Wei and share...the experience of governance! "

"Ms. Fang is serious!" Li Tai humbly replied to Fang Xuanling when he heard Fang Xuanling's words.

And Fang Xuanling smiled, but didn't say anything more, and said goodbye to each other when they left the palace together.

Li Tai went back to Prince Wei's mansion, while Fang Xuanling went back to his own mansion.

Of course, the conversation between Li Tai and Fang Xuanling was in the palace, and there was no taboo.

So whether it was Li Tai or Fang Xuanling's words, they were quickly delivered to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin watched the conversation between Li Tai and Fang Xuanling, but nodded silently.

For Li Shimin, it's fine for Li Tai to communicate with Fang Xuanling, but as long as he doesn't avoid communicating with him secretly.

After all, to a certain extent, if Fang Xuanling was extremely firm in supporting Li Tai's ascension, maybe he would have to bloodbath the court to get rid of them.

Although he told himself rationally that such a thing would never happen, as an emperor, he dared to say that it was unrealistic to give all his trust to other people.

"The improvement of productivity is the main focus, supplemented by the enfeoffment system. Is this the future of Datang that you hope to build?" Li Shimin thought.

To be honest, although the word productivity is quite unfamiliar, after Li Tai's description, Li Shimin still seems to understand what it expresses.

To be honest, what Li Tai said to Fang Xuanling is not important, the most important thing is Li Shimin's review of Li Tai's behavior, Li Tai has always been doing his own things according to this standard, to some extent it can be regarded as a unity of words and deeds.

The unity of words and deeds is very important, the more upper-level people, the most fearful is to change the order overnight, which will make the people below at a loss, and will also make people lose trust.

And trust is the cornerstone of the entire administrative system. Without trust, even if there is force to rule for a while, the time until the collapse of this regime has entered a countdown.

But Li Tai has been walking with his words and deeds for so many years, then everyone will understand what Li Tai is going to do.

To be honest, it is actually very dangerous to be seen through what to do as a superior person.

But I have to say that because Li Tai held high his political banner without any cover, showed his political will, and walked down step by step, many people around Li Tai followed Li Tai step by step. .

Many people, no matter whether they agree with Li Tai's words or not, will reunite with Li Tai after a long time.

Li Tai does not engage in mysticism, nor is he afraid that others will see through his thoughts.

It would be fine if Li Tai was not yet strong, but with Li Shimin's protection for Li Tai for more than ten years, Li Tai's agricultural school has become a towering tree step by step, and Li Tai has countless people who are willing to support Li Tai. A fellow traveler who went to die in Thailand.

This meant that unless Li Tai passed away unexpectedly, others would have to admit that Li Tai was somewhat unrivaled now.

More importantly, because everyone can understand Li Tai's path, you can choose not to follow if you don't want to follow, but at least you don't need to worry about being targeted by Li Tai for no reason. This is very important to many aristocratic families of.

Because the aristocratic family is an organization that wants to follow the rules, no matter how bad the rules are, it is better than no rules.

However, Li Shimin also understands that this is just the style of doing things that Li Tai can do by himself. If other people learn from Li Tai to do this, they will soon be smashed into the south wall and have a bloody head.

Because they can't bring benefits like Li Tai, and they are monstrous benefits.

Don't look at what Li Tai said that productivity improvement is the main focus, and the enfeoffment system is supplemented. If there is no Li Tai's ability to turn stones into gold, or always be able to find profits, Li Tai's actions may be different from those of all aristocratic families. The nobles are all right.

But now, for those aristocratic families, if they follow the path pointed out by King Wei, they will naturally be able to reap benefits, so why do I still choose a path that I can't see the future without believing in evil?

In the past ten years, can't it prove that King Wei's eyes are farther than all the others combined, and they are all correct!
It is precisely because Li Tai is not naive to win over the aristocratic family through benefits that the aristocratic family is willing to act with Li Tai.

Because Li Tai only talks about money and doesn't talk about morality, let alone loyalty, at least for the aristocratic family, such a pragmatic King Wei is really great.

Li Shimin kept this information well, and Li Shimin understood that Li Tai's words were not only for Fang Xuanling, but also for himself.

"If Goguryeo doesn't respect the imperial court, let Qingque do the logistics. After all, if you really want to implement enfeoffment, you need Qingque to have enough prestige!" Li Shimin thought in his heart, after all, he made up his mind secretly, and the time is not waiting for me. The urgency was a little less.

For Li Shimin, a successor who can inherit his political ideas is the most important. Even if his life is limited and he cannot complete it, he can rest assured that he will hand it over to the latecomer.

No matter what Li Tai thinks in his heart, at least what he does inherits his own political philosophy and continues to expand.

For Li Shimin, having such a successor is not a bad thing. Again, what a good politician needs most is a successor who can inherit his political ideas.

It would be even more perfect if this heir happened to be his own son, it would be equivalent to having two joys at the same time!
"However, if enfeoffment is really going to be implemented, then the matter about the military academy should be put on the agenda!"

Li Shimin couldn't help thinking, but he still couldn't make up his mind.

After all, for a class that studies military and law, even if it is endorsed by the state, Li Shimin can't guarantee how huge the impact of this institution will be after its establishment.

"There is still time, we can delay it a little longer, at least we are not urgent about this matter now!" Li Shimin thought.

Because Li Shimin came from troubled times, and now there are many good generals in the Tang Dynasty, and even since Li Jing destroyed the Eastern Turks, none of these good generals had any achievements in participating in the war of destroying the country, so they were embarrassed to come out to say hello.

This made Li Shimin not bothered by the lack of good generals. On the contrary, he was worried about which good general he should use.

For example, the successor of the military god Li Jing was Hou Junji, but when Hou Junji disappeared, Li Shiji could take over as well.

This kind of thing is simply outrageous. A commander at the level of ten philosophers is actually just a spare tire. How dare you think about it in other eras!
Not to mention that Wang Xuance broke 30 Tubo troops with 72 troops. If they were placed in Wu Zhou, they would definitely enter the level of [-] generals without any dispute. That's it? !
Even many people who have learned about the Xuefu Army can't help but think in their hearts, if they have Wang Xuance's equipment, the record they created will be even better than Wang Xuance's, that's really my own way!

Therefore, Li Shimin's demand for military academies is not strong. As for law, it can only be said that law in China is actually quite sacred.

After all, before the reform of the law, Qin State was almost a simple doormat, especially for Wei State, it was really a matter of beating Qin State beforehand.

However, Qin State passed the reform, but it was able to achieve a complete change directly, sweeping the six countries of the Kanto, and completely completing the unification.

This made the legalist works from now on the top of the list of banned books in China.

But if we really promote enfeoffment, then these two things are necessary, Li Shimin couldn't help but sigh.

At least Li Shimin also understood that at least in the era when he was in power, it would be impossible to divide the feudal titles.

After all, the population in my own era was too small, and even the vitality of the Tang Dynasty had not been restored, so how can we talk about enfeoffment!

"Maybe my mission is to bring down Goguryeo, complete the unification of the Tang Dynasty since the Qin and Han Dynasties, and wipe out the surrounding alien races. As for the enfeoffment, I can only entrust Qingque!"

Li Shimin couldn't help but be certain in his heart that he didn't continue to think about it.

After all, I am luckier than most of the emperors. The heir to my political philosophy happens to be my son. The continuation of blood and thought is really double happiness!
When Li Tai returned to Wei Wang's residence, he saw that Ye Ting was just sending the maid over. Of course, Li Tai saw Xu Hui among them.

Li Tai walked over, glanced at these maidservants with low eyebrows, and finally fell on Xu Hui, then pointed at Xu Hui and said, "Come with me!"

"Follow the order!" Xu Hui quickly lowered his head and agreed, but ignored the other maids who were chattering.

It soon became clear to everyone that King Wei knew Xu Hui, and everyone was jealous or envious.

At least for now, King Wei is the most likely to become the prince, and even become the next generation emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Under such circumstances, it seems that there is nothing wrong with being treated differently by the King of Wei, and even becoming the wife and concubine of the King of Wei.

Maybe she could become a noble concubine or Jieyu just for that!
It's just that after Li Tai found Xu Hui, he didn't act like a beast, but brought him to the study, with Bai He standing beside him.

Li Tai looked at Xu Hui and said, "I heard that you like reading books? What parts are involved?"

To be honest, Li Tai still did some research on Xu Hui. After all, from the performance at the beginning, it can be seen that this woman is very intelligent, and Li Tai naturally likes intelligent women, especially since she is so intelligent, it would be a pity not to use it for work. up.

Anyway, Li Tai treats men and women equally, and only pays attention to the work efficiency of both parties, without any discrimination against gender.

"Aye taught me to read, and I have a collection of books at home, so I have read a lot!" Xu Hui said frankly.

"En!" Li Tai looked at Xu Hui and said, "From now on, you will follow Bai He first, and let him familiarize you with my working mode.

If you can behave well, your sister, I will have someone take him out of the courtyard and let her reunite with you.

But I can't do anything about your male, after all, the crown prince is involved, and the matter needs to be decided by the sage himself! "

"My concubine thanked King Wei!" Xu Hui burst into tears when he heard Li Tai's words.

 Today, I made an appointment with someone to kill the script in the afternoon. It is said that I will play the script until twelve o'clock, so I will go back to the bed to catch up on sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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