Chapter 490

And God also gave Ah Luo regret a chance to recuperate.

The current Arabian caliph Umar I, who was also the true founder of the Arab Empire, was assassinated.

The current Arabia is not considered an empire. If you want to inherit the position of caliph, you need to be elected by a group of tribal leaders.

The Ottoman caliph was elected, and the process required constant games with everyone, but he had the support of the Umayyad family on his left hand, and married two daughters of Muhammad on his right hand.

He is both secular and ideal, not a bad choice for Sunni or Shiite minded people.

But even so, the change of the caliphate in Arabia is naturally a chance for people around them to breathe.

To what extent A Luojian can seize this opportunity to integrate the forces within Persia, and whether he can withstand the next wave of Arab attacks depends on A Luojian's own ability.

It doesn't matter to Tian Changgeng, because he has already completed his task and successfully brought Datang's kindness to Sassan.

Moreover, the task of making a geomancy map entrusted by King Wei has also been successfully completed. He also earned a handful of gold coins in the Sasanian area. Now all he needs is to go back to Datang.

It's just that this section of the road was chaotic when it came, and it was even less peaceful when it went back.

In particular, the Western Turks discovered that the forces of the Tang Dynasty had returned to the Western Regions, and began a long tug-of-war with the Tang Dynasty in the Western Regions.

However, the main target of this tug-of-war was Guo Xiaoke, so although Tian Changgeng was harassed a lot on his way back, no Western Turkic army really fought Tian Changgeng head-on.

This made Tian Changgeng walk slowly, but he was still on his way back.

It's just a coincidence that I met a monk who came back from the Western Paradise. Although Tian Changgeng didn't know much about Buddhism, he looked at the monk's every move and every word as if he was very wise, and he treated him very well. Respectfully.

And this monk is naturally Xuanzang, who has been on the road for quite some time because of the constant small-scale troop fighting between the Western Turks and the Great Tang.

Now seeing that there is a seemingly strong Datang army returning to Datang, I plan to use the army to return to Datang.

After all, to be honest, although the Tang Dynasty regarded Taoism as the state religion, it did not suppress Buddhism, and even many Buddhist national treasure buildings were built during the Zhenguan period.

One of the most important reasons is that Empress Changsun believes in Buddhism. If you want to make Empress Changsun happy, you can donate to the Buddhas, or reshape the golden body of the Buddha, or even build a Buddhist temple and so on.

So like Xuanzang who wanted to hitchhike behind the army, Tian Changgeng didn't refuse, he just put him in the caravan.

Anyway, I'm going to lead the caravan, so I don't mind bringing a few more people, especially these guys are strong and strong, even if they encounter ordinary thieves, they can help if they want.

At this time, Tian Changgeng's only hope was that he could rush back to Chang'an to report to King Wei before the Chinese New Year.

However, at this time, Li Tai was having a headache about the impact of Fang Xuanling's rectification of officials on his school system.

There is no other reason, but the proportion of corrupt officials among the guys from agricultural colleges is a little bit high.

There is no way, like those people who came out of aristocratic families, I have never seen money, I am not interested in money, at least they really have troubles, and few of them have problems because of corruption.

The people from the landlords of the common clan more or less have a certain pursuit of money. After all, they are not like the big families, but it is not so bad to say that they are short of money.

Think about Sheng Hong in it, did you see that he is short of money? !
This is the big landlord of the common clan, with the help of his clan, and at the same time he is the head of the clan.

But the students from agricultural colleges are different. When Li Tai selected them, they were at most ordinary people from middle-class and rich peasants.

The reason why they became petty officials may be more or less because of Li Tai's beliefs, but most of them just want a relatively stable job to support their families.

And when a large amount of money and grain pass through their hands, they will naturally find a way to make a fortune.

For example, in a certain Tianjin order for working in Jinkou, the imperial court stipulated that as long as the cargo of a large ship docked, the fee should be charged according to the container. on the ship, and then dismantled the container, which means that there is only so much cargo on our ship.

Jin Ling just turned a blind eye to this kind of matter that can be counted as a gray area.

When there is no investigation, naturally there is nothing wrong, but if Fang Xuanling wants to rectify the bureaucracy, he will naturally be reported.

But when he went to check the stolen money he had embezzled, he saw that the stolen money had piled up in a whole room, all of which were Kaiyuan Tongbao.

This Tianjin order is very pitiful, saying that there is 570 pennies here, and I am useless for a penny, because my family is poor, so counting these money, I feel at ease!

In addition to corruption, there are also those who use power for personal gain, because the students of the agricultural college are really not rich and powerful guys.

Now that he is well-off, the poor relatives around him think that he will become a high-ranking official and can rule the law in the local area, so they ask him to find a job.

This kind of thing is also normal in the Tang Dynasty. After all, in this era, internal promotion is the mainstream. For example, the imperial examination system is still a new thing, let alone exile officials like them.

But some people went too far. Apart from placing their relatives in and out of the government, they even wished that the dogs in their own village could receive a share of dog food from the court for the post of police dog who planned a share.

Still the same sentence, officials of the seventh and eighth rank seem to be petty officials, but to most ordinary people, this is the pinnacle of their lives, and they are the county magistrates and county lieutenants that most people can only hope for. jobs like that.

These small officials deal directly with the people. Although their official positions are small, the harm they cause is quite great.

The Weihe shipping was almost the first to let the agricultural colleges come in, so it naturally became the hardest hit area.

Li Tai didn't talk nonsense, in the past few months, whenever the whole Weihe River was exposed to be related to the agricultural college, he ran over to handle these matters himself.

Corruption did not cause death originally, but when Li Tai ran in front of them, he had to die.

Some committed suicide directly in front of Li Tai, while others hugged Li Tai's thigh and begged for forgiveness.

To be honest, the exile officials from agricultural colleges did not have much hope for them in terms of morality.

At least in the eyes of most of the aristocratic families, it is normal that there are so many people who are corrupt, accept bribes and use power for personal gain among exile officials. Some people even make sarcastic remarks, and feel that Li Tai's attitude is a bit harsh.

But Li Tai knew better that what he wanted was someone from an agricultural school who could step by step become a senior member of the third rank.

Then at least they can't have too many flaws in their personal morality, so that even if this person really can only follow orders step by step and work according to the rules and regulations, at least he can be promoted to the third rank in a stable way. hope.

Otherwise, if there is no representative of the agricultural college before his death, with his help, he will be promoted step by step to a third-rank official in accordance with the rules and regulations, then there is a high probability that the agricultural college will be suppressed after his death.

Rank five, or even rank seven, will once again become the pinnacle of the students of the agricultural college.

Therefore, Li Tai also knows that it is a bit too much for him to ask people to be both moral and capable, but there is no way, if the roots of the first generation of agricultural college students are crooked, then he would rather brandish a sickle and cut them off. them.

In short, when Li Tai returned to Chang'an after running through the Weihe system because of this incident, this year's Chang'an will soon be celebrating the New Year.

Li Tai came back with a bloody smell. For the first time, the courtiers saw Wei Wang's control over the agricultural school system, and also saw that when Wei Wang became ruthless, it was really ruthless.

From Qinzhou to Tongzhou, along the tributaries of the Weihe River, I walked back and forth for several months. Li Tai basically personally intervened in all matters related to the agricultural school system, but this was not to cover up the agricultural school, but to clarify crimes upon them.

Li Tai didn't say anything false, and directly took their criminal charges, chatted with these people from agricultural colleges, talked about the past, and finally asked them to recite the school motto, and then left a self-confession.

For those who are willing to take the initiative to admit their guilt, Li Tai will act according to the law and give them as much dignity as possible.

Those who choose to commit suicide to give Li Tai dignity, Li Tai will stop here, and their families will not pursue it.

As for those who still plead not guilty with solid evidence, they will be executed publicly, and all the benefits of the agricultural school will be withdrawn, leaving their family members to fend for themselves.

It can be said that Wei Wang, who has always been soft in the impression of the court, followed the inspection of the Weihe River, and everyone was surprised to find that his prestige among the low-level bureaucrats was terrifyingly high.

Because these criminal officials will plead guilty in nine out of ten, four out of ten will commit suicide, and less than one out of ten will choose to live.

To be honest, the court officials were a little surprised when they saw Li Tai's power over the grassroots bureaucrats of the Agricultural Institute.

But to be honest, this kind of thing was actually normal in ancient times.

Because there were not many ways to get promoted in ancient times, Li Tai's agricultural school is really a kindness between teachers and students, and a kindness to know each other for people of this class.

Especially when Li Tai mentioned their names one by one, talked about their past, their achievements, and their faults, they felt guilty and felt that they had failed Li Tai's expectations.

When Li Tai really came to see them in person, if he was really grateful to Li Tai for his kindness, he would have to die.

And those who have a conscience towards Li Tai should confess their guilt by themselves, and selfish people who are completely self-absorbed should ask for more blessings.

And when these people went down, the people from the agricultural school were arranged to come up, otherwise Li Tai would have made a trip himself.

It's just that this journey is more mentally exhausting, even if I know that there is no way to stop corruption, bribery, and power for personal gain.

However, the students who came out of agricultural colleges, became polished in the society, and finally became moths eroding the country. Li Tai still felt unspeakable depression in his heart when he knew it, especially because they were cultivated by himself.

However, Li Tai rushed to work all night, and came to the Taiji Hall with red eyes. Everyone looked at Li Tai and dared not look directly at him.

The court officials even Li Shimin looked at Li Tai as if he were looking at a monster.

After all, Li Tai didn't hide anything along the way. He watched the children of agricultural colleges commit suicide in shame after being discovered by Li Tai because of all kinds of corruption and bribery.

To be honest, everyone felt it was a pity when they heard one, but it was the same for each one. When the number increased, everyone felt shocked.

Even Li Shimin didn't expect Li Tai to be so popular in the agricultural school.

"Qingque, why are you here today? Didn't I allow you to take a few days off at home!" Li Shimin said to Li Tai.

To be honest, Li Shimin also began to re-examine whether to establish a school to train students in the two majors of law and military according to what Li Tai said.

Because there is nothing as shocking as the effect shown by Li Tai's campaign to purge officials.

After all, as an emperor, he instinctively wanted to strengthen his control over power, and Li Tai, the King of Wei, showed his control over low-level officials, which really shocked Li Shimin, so he also wanted to learn from Li Tai set of methods.

Of course, Li Shimin was not afraid of Li Tai after all. After all, Li Tai consciously kept a distance from his important ministers. The most important thing was that Li Tai didn't interfere with the affairs of other troops except that he was a school soldier he forced out.

Therefore, Li Shimin still cared about Li Tai, otherwise he would not let him rest for a few days before reporting.

It's just that Li Tai reflected on it after returning home, and then wrote a policy statement and handed it over.

Li Shimin opened Li Tai's strategy theory, looked at the upright but soulless handwriting, and then looked at Li Tai's eyes at the moment, it was obvious that Li Tai didn't take much rest after he came back.

After reading it, Li Shimin frowned slightly, and then stretched his brows. Looking at Li Tai, his eyes became softer, and he said to Li Tai,
"It's been hard work these days!"

"You don't have to work hard for a green sparrow, serving the country and family is something that the green sparrow enjoys!" Li Tai said with a serious expression.

Seeing what Li Tai said, Li Shimin closed his eyes slightly, opened them suddenly, and said:

"You want to regularize the job of Guanfeng? Tell the ministers what you think!"

"Qingque obeys!" Li Tai said,

"There are so many people who are corrupt, accepting bribes and using power for personal gain in the agricultural college this time, it is my college's responsibility to sacrifice, and I will not evade it.

But this investigation can only deter these officials for a while, but not for a lifetime.

So it is necessary to establish people who can supervise them institutionally! "

"If Guanfengshi becomes a practice, then I'm afraid it will become the governor of the late Han Dynasty in the future!" Cui Renshi worried.

"So instead of high-ranking officials, use small officials, especially the Jinshi and Mingjing who have just passed the examination of the imperial examination system!" Li Tai said seriously.

(End of this chapter)

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