Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 511 Implementation of the Plan

Chapter 511 Implementation of the Plan

"That's about it, how do you feel?"

Li Tai glanced around, skipping the gazes of Li Chunfeng, Wang Zhenru, Zu Changming, Lu Chengji, Fan Yuefeng, Liu Shenwei, Wei Xu and others, and said seriously.

Peacock, Baihe, and Xu Hui did not follow Li Tai with the army, and basically stayed in Youzhou.

Peacock, in particular, was basically responsible for the transportation of materials throughout Youzhou with Cen Wenwen, while Baihe and Xu Hui were helping.

To put it simply, let them assist in the turnover of supplies, and other people will turn a blind eye when they see it.

But if Li Tai marched with them, even if he won the battle, he would be counted down. If he hadn't defeated Goguryeo, then Li Tai's feat of marching with a woman might be recorded in the history books, even more so. Make a big deal!

And Li Tai's plan to relocate the people of Goguryeo was a plan he came up with after knowing that the front line had won the battle, but the plan was a plan, and it was not an easy task to perfect this plan.

So after Li Tai said this, the corners of Wang Zhenru's mouth couldn't help twitching, Li Chunfeng stroked his beard, and Wei Xu couldn't help rubbing his hands.

Obviously, Wei Xu is still very eager for this opportunity to make meritorious service on the battlefield.

After all, at least before the Song Dynasty, military merit was the most solid channel to achieve class transition, and they only hated their lack of military merit.

However, Wang Zhenru came back to his senses, took a deep breath and said to Li Tai, "King Wei, how many Goguryeo population are you going to relocate, so I can plan in detail!"

Wang Zhenru has been working under Li Tai for a long time, and he is very clear that in actual projects, Wei Wang often wants to add items to the project when he slaps his head.

I have experienced this kind of thing a lot... then I will get used to it.

What can I do at the request of the king of Wei? Go back and stay up late, relying on your own spiritual talent to bear it, first make the plan and then talk about it.

After all, these days, when Party A is the King of Wei, how can I refuse power!
"According to the standard of 5000 villages and villages, from the coast of Youzhou to the mouth of Liaoshui River, arrange villages along the coast as much as possible. As for the specific density, it is more reasonable, and it is most suitable to arrive at least within half an hour based on shipping standards. !" Li Tai said.

"Half an hour?" Wang Zhenru couldn't help being surprised when he heard Li Tai's words.

"Can't it be done?" Li Tai was slightly puzzled when he heard Wang Zhenru's tone.

"Let me answer it!" Li Chunfeng stood up and shook his head.

"Because there are mostly mountains along the coast from Youzhou to Liaoshui, more people live in the valleys and halfway up the mountains, and not many can live along the coast.

If you want to take a boat for half an hour, you will think that the available arable land in a single village is too little.

Although you, King Wei, have always advocated the development of the fishing industry in the coastal areas as much as possible, but if there is no wide enough flat land, but only mountains, then there is no way to build enough docks, let alone further development.

In my opinion, it is better to build the village more sparsely, and it would be nice to get there in an hour by boat! "

Hearing Li Chunfeng's words, Li Tai nodded without objecting.

After all, this era was not the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the Guanning line of defense was smooth. Now, it is almost submerged in the sea. It is unrealistic for a village of at least 5000 people to be self-sufficient on the mountain.

After Li Chunfeng finished speaking, Wang Zhenru came out and said to Li Tai:

"King Wei, I don't understand why you insist on moving the Goguryeo people to the coast from Youzhou to the Liaoshui River.

In my opinion, if you really want to migrate, places like Jiannan Road and Lingnan Road should be more suitable, right?

At least there is enough land for them to survive. "

Li Tai understood Wang Zhenru's willingness to say this, but in the end it was still two words - food.

Although I have always advocated that we should increase the fishing of marine resources, so as to replace our dependence on land food as much as possible.

However, the vast majority of seafood can only be said to have replaced the side dishes, not the staple food.

It's as if ordinary people used to accompany pickles with wowo, but after the development of the marine industry, they became wowo with salted fish.

As for those who want to eat fish alone and want to be full, they are either so luxurious that they can eat a lot of fish at one time, or they are those upper-class people who don't need to do physical work.

Because as long as you do physical work, you must supplement enough carbohydrates, otherwise the people at the bottom will not have enough to eat, and it will be impossible to do relatively heavy physical work.

Not to mention that this era itself does not pay much attention to human resources. Even now, who would have thought that junior mental workers would feel the cruelty of being eliminated by society before mechanical manual workers.

The main food of low-cost manual laborers must be carbohydrate food, so these Goguryeo people must have some land to grow food. If there is no food, eating fish alone is not as good as eating carbohydrates to fight hunger.

Of course, they can buy food from outside, such as the Youzhou area, but they must have land that can grow food.

Otherwise, at least the villages that all rely on trading to survive, the actual anti-risk strength in this era is very fragile.

Not to mention, Li Tai plans to build a village every hour of shipping from Youzhou to Liaoshui, so the demand for food will be even tighter!

"I know what you mean, but I also have my own considerations!" Li Tai said,

"If you want to develop the area of ​​Youzhou, you must revitalize Bohai, and if you want to revitalize Bohai, you can't let these people get too much land!"

Hearing Li Tai's words, several people present couldn't help but look at each other, they really didn't expect Li Tai to say such words.

Li Taidao, "Simply put, if Goguryeo is not dealt with, then these villages will become frontier positions to prepare for the Tang Dynasty's next crusade against Goguryeo.

It's a bit like Zhuge Liang's garrison point when he crusaded against Wei, which can be regarded as preparation for the next crusade against Goguryeo. "

"Is the king of Wei not optimistic about the attack on Goguryeo this time?" Lu Chengji couldn't help asking when he heard Li Tai's words.

"War is a matter of not counting victory, counting defeat first, otherwise I would not need to arrange these people during the war. After the victory, all of them will be forced to move to the inland areas!" Li Tai replied to Lu Chengji.

When Lu Chengji heard Li Tai's answer, he quickly lowered his head and stepped aside, really afraid to speak in front of the boss.

And Li Tai continued, "But if the crusade against Goguryeo is successful, it will cause the strategic center of China to move westward.

At least compared with the Western Turks in the Western Regions, the other two small countries on the Korean Peninsula are really not worth noting.

At that time, all kinds of policies supporting Youzhou will definitely be reduced, and in order to maintain the economic vitality of the Bohai circle, it is necessary to give this economic circle a little stimulation. These Goguryeo people are my choice. "

Hearing this, Li Chunfeng thought thoughtfully, "The king of Wei means to reduce their arable land and force them to engage in navigation and other industries!?"

Li Tai sighed and said: "You rely on mountains to eat mountains, rely on seas to eat seas, you know the situation in Youzhou better than me.

Although it is guided by my policy, it is more important because of the existence of Goguryeo that the imperial court is willing to spend such money and food.

But as long as Goguryeo is resolved, then as the focus of the country's strategy shifts, the imperial court's resources for Youzhou will decline!
Datang is Aye's Datang, and the policy is based on Aye. It is impossible to implement any policy according to my preferences.

Under such circumstances, the people north of Youzhou have to support themselves even more! "

Hearing Li Tai's words, Li Chunfeng knew that Li Tai was not talking nonsense, and the situation that King Wei said was very possible in the future.

Because of the crusade against Goguryeo, the resources of the whole country are directed towards Youzhou, which makes Youzhou particularly prosperous.

But to be honest, the Tang Dynasty was the Tang Dynasty where the Guanlong nobles were in power. Even in the historical events such as Wu Zetian's ascension to the throne, the Anshi Rebellion, etc., there are vague deeds of the Guanlong nobles' confrontation with the Kanto nobles.

So with the end of the crusade against Goguryeo, it is impossible for Youzhou to enjoy such good resource treatment, which is inevitable with the development of the situation in the Tang Dynasty.

"However, if the land is not enough, how should we arrange them? What if they riot during the crusade against Goguryeo!"

Li Chunfeng took a deep breath and understood Li Tai's good intentions. Li Chunfeng no longer prevented Li Tai from arranging the refugees who migrated from Goguryeo in the future, but asked Li Tai instead.

"Zhenru is familiar with this!" Li Tai glanced at Wang Zhenru as he spoke, and asked Wang Zhenru to speak.

"If the previous method is to move these Goguryeo people here, let them live with the corvee, and let the corvee take them to find work on the project I am building now. If there is a lot of work, naturally it will not happen. Think about it all over."

When Wang Zhenru said this, he couldn't help sighing, "Since we actually want to attack Goguryeo, we will eventually lack manpower in logistics.

Fortunately, shipping can support a large part of the transportation share.

However, as time enters October, November and even December, the coast of the Bohai Sea freezes and ships cannot carry out transportation, and the number of labor required for transportation will increase sharply.

Therefore, these people are not short of work, at least as long as there is food, then they will not be able to mess up! "

When Wang Zhenru said this, his expression was quite confident.

chaos?What chaos? On such a battlefield where the two great powers are at war, these common people can save their lives and have a place to eat, so there is nothing wrong with them.

However, Wang Zhenru turned his eyes to Li Tai again, and said, "Did King Wei ever think about how to arrange them after the war, at least so that there will be no trouble?"

Yes, the real problem is the post-war problem. What Li Tai just said was just a plan in the general direction, but it is not so easy to implement it. When it comes to the lowest guarantee, at least let them not As for the riots!
"I've already thought about it!" Li Tai looked at Wang Zhenru's serious look and said,
"Placing them in Liaoshui along the coastline of the Bohai Sea is the real solution to their lives.

As for the way to continue to resettle them after the war is over, how have you ever seen me as someone who used up the people and threw them away! "

When Wang Zhenru heard Li Tai's words, he nodded in approval.

After all, for King Wei, he wished to use one person as two people, so how could he waste manpower.

Wang Zhenru relaxed slightly, and saluted Li Tai, "Then I'm going to make the plans for these villages!"

Li Tai replied: "You and Fan Yuefeng go to arrange the footholds of the villages one by one.

In the future, when the plank road is built, these people will also be given a job to work in multiple sections and multiple points, so as to build the plank road as quickly as possible. "

Then he said to Li Chunfeng, "Chunfeng, you need to make preparations for supplies. The number of the first batch of people should not be high, at most around [-] to [-], but the supply of food is long-term. Get ready for the food supply!"

"Please rest assured, King Wei, before the coast of the Bohai Sea freezes, the food in Youzhou can be supplied!" Li Chunfeng replied.

"So I'm relieved!" Li Tai couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and put his eyes on Wei Xu and said,

"I will leave the rest to you. You can bring corvée or bad people. Move and gather the people in the occupied area, let them follow the corvee transporting grain, and transport them to the coast of Bohai Bay. no problem!"

"Leave it to me!" Wei Xu said excitedly at the moment, "I'm good at this matter!"

Seeing Wei Xu's confidence, Li Tai nodded in satisfaction and said, "In that case, now you should set off with the medical camp and go to Gaimu City!"

"Medical camp?!" Wei Xu was stunned when he heard Li Tai's words, and couldn't help turning his eyes to Liu Shenwei.

Li Tai turned his head to look at Liu Shenwei and said, "The Duke of England and the King of Jiang Xia fought a decisive battle with Goguryeo's main force on the front line.

Although they also brought a team of healers, Gaimu City has been occupied anyway, and there is a forward position for you healers to play.

So your medical battalion is to go to Gaimu City first, and save as many people as you can! "

"Of order!" Liu Shenwei nodded when he heard Li Tai's words, and immediately went out to prepare.

Li Tai watched Liu Shenwei leave, more or less sighing.

The medical battalion is good, but as long as the medical battalion is needed, the manpower is always lacking. Now the medical battalion basically just follows the Chinese army.

However, fortunately, with the capture of the frontline city, there was at least a foothold for the medical battalion.

This is also the reason why Li Shiji and Li Daozong hardly have a medical battalion in their headquarters. They also know the benefits of the medical battalion, but as forwards, they can better display their combat effectiveness without a medical battalion.

And now, with the end of this critical regional war and the capture of more important cities on the front line, there is finally a place for the medical battalion to display its skills.

Of course, if the medical battalion continued to stay in the Chinese army, no one would blame Liu Shenwei, but Li Tai believed that Liu Shenwei would definitely go ahead and save a few more people.

Moreover, as Li Daozong and Li Shiji captured Gaimu City and occupied the important frontlines, the army led by Li Shimin will also take advantage of the trend to truly enter the land of Goguryeo!
 The next chapter, twelve o'clock or one o'clock, don't wait, read it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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