Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 531 Liao Difficult Canal

Li Tai looked at the crowd and just looked at each other without saying anything, so he pretended not to know what these guys were thinking.

Because the disappearance of the mausoleum system can be regarded as the elimination of the Han Dynasty's original policy of strong stems and weak branches.

Why the aristocratic families in the Western Han Dynasty were not as powerful as the aristocratic families in the Eastern Han Dynasty at all, and more foreign relatives were involved in the political arena. The very important reason is that the Eastern Han Dynasty did not have the Tuling system to suppress the local wealthy families.

I have to say that this system is really a very good stable place in the centralized feudal dynasty, and at the same time it can absorb the wealth of the world.

But after the aristocratic family grows up, if you want to implement this system, it will be impossible to implement it at all.

Because this damages the interests of local wealthy families and aristocratic families, even if anyone in the current Tang Dynasty says to implement this system for aristocratic families, even Li Shimin may not be able to resist the counterattack force brought by this system.

So Li Tai naturally wouldn't implement it in Datang now, because he might be completely killed by the counterattacking family.

But in order to absorb Goguryeo and implement this policy against the nobles of Goguryeo, no one will object.

Because even in their minds this is a unification war, but it is undeniable that for the aristocratic family, bringing the Goguryeo nobles to Chang'an is the only way to knock the bones of the Goguryeo nobles.

After all, everyone is against it during a war, but when it comes to sharing fruits, no one wants to take a bite.

The more powerful the organization is, the more shameful it is?Individuals may have it, but the collective absolutely does not!
But Li Tai didn't continue to struggle. After all, the more honored and noble the family, they had the least number of people but the most resources.

Basically, as long as you know the distribution plan, these people will definitely be targeted by the family, and you don't even need to say anything, the family will eat up the fattest part of Goguryeo very rhythmically.

"And the second point about Goguryeo is that Goguryeo's aristocrats and rich peasants, especially those who own land.

They are considered the middle class of the entire Goguryeo, and they may even be inextricably linked in the local area.

For these people, if they continue to stay, they will easily think of their hatred with our Tang Dynasty, and continue their customs and inertia, which will easily become an unstable factor in the border area.

Maybe in the future, they will collude with the neighboring small countries and continue to rebel against my Tang Dynasty! "Li Tai said in a deep voice.

"So, the king of Wei plans to send them to the four counties of Hexi for resettlement?" Li Shiji said after looking at Li Tai's memorial.

"Yes!" Li Tai nodded in acknowledgment when he heard Li Shiji's words, and said,

"I think everyone understands the quality of the Goguryeo people after fighting against each other. This is a nation that likes to fight and can fight.

Further in-depth observation can reveal that they highly respected the soldiers, and the status of the soldiers in the whole Goguryeo is very high.

At the same time, the more soldiers you are, the more benefits you can get, and this benefit has contributed to the further strengthening of the status of soldiers! "

When Li Tai said this, he said in a deep voice, "So, we can't easily waste such a nation that is both warlike and capable of war.

More importantly, with the settlement of Goguryeo, the center of our Tang Dynasty will definitely shift towards the Western Regions, and wars will be indispensable.

Therefore, we need to use reasonable means to kill these soldiers with a sense of honor in Goguryeo.

As for the battlefield in the Western Regions, I believe it can speed up their integration into our Tang Dynasty, and make them stop thinking about Goguryeo! "

To be honest, things like the army are the most troublesome to deal with after a country dies.

If it is preserved, there will inevitably be hidden dangers, and direct execution will inevitably lead to turmoil.

And it must be said that there were too few ascending channels in ancient times. The army did not mention the people at the bottom, at least it was the main ascending channel for the middle class.

Everyone listened to Li Tai's words of indifference towards alien races from the bottom of their hearts, but they couldn't help but sigh, Wei Wang's unique vision when formulating the upper-level strategy, and the fact that he really took action, directly rushing to make people exterminate the race Fierce.

To some extent, this kind of person should be a born king, but working under this kind of person really has to make people feel a bit cold!
"What about the last group of people, especially those Goguryeo people who have no land!" Du Ruhui said.

To be honest, in Du Ruhui's opinion, King Wei's ability to target people of different levels in Goguryeo like a scalpel is much better than many forced one-size-fits-all policies from a certain perspective.

At least after the treatment of King Wei, Du Ruhui felt that the Goguryeo nation would be completely integrated into the Tang Dynasty after a hundred years.

"What I'm doing now is dealing with the low-level people in Goguryeo!" Li Taiyue said with a bit of regret,
"The economic belt around the Bohai Sea forcibly relocated the people at the bottom of Goguryeo to this circle, making them rely on the Bohai Sea to survive.

At the same time, relying on Bohai cities such as Youzhou, Cangzhou, and Laizhou, to help the people of Goguryeo survive. This is the first step! "

"First step?" Liu Ji didn't understand Li Tai's words.

"Yeah!" Li Tai nodded, and said solemnly, "For me, labor reform is implemented for the integration of all common people, and punishment is combined, so that they can quickly integrate into our Tang Dynasty!"

"The king of Wei is going to build roads here too?" Li Shiji thought thoughtfully when he heard Li Tai's words. After all, the memorial only wrote about the project, not the specific project.

"No!" Li Tai shook his head and said, "In Youzhou, building roads won't solve the problem!"

When everyone heard this, they nodded in agreement, after all, this place is too remote.

"So, I expect to be able to build a canal here at the Liaoshui and Nanshui (Songhua River) (probably can be regarded as the Songliao Canal)."

Li Tai looked at the crowd and said, "This project can be done by the Goguryeo aborigines in batches, and their living quarters can also be arranged according to the needs of the project.

With this project in place, I think with years of corvée experience, I should be able to assimilate the people of Goguryeo!

How are you, any questions? "

have!So problematic!
When the crowd heard Li Tai's words, they looked at Li Tai quite differently, and they even fell completely silent.

Du Ruhui looked at Li Taidao and couldn't help but say, "We believe that you have the ability to undertake this project with the means of raising money, King Wei.

Even through labor reform, these Goguryeo people can be assimilated.

But in reality, does this count as what you once said, making a plate of dumplings for a pile of vinegar? ! "

Yes, when everyone heard Li Tai's words, they couldn't help feeling that Li Tai was a bit crazy.

This is the canal, the canal!

Even though King Wei has passed his own ability and has the ability to support these Goguryeo people, everyone is absolutely opposed to such a waste of resources.

Wouldn't it be good to let the Goguryeo people be slowly assimilated by China? Is it necessary to build a water conservancy project here?

This is a canal, a canal that Yang Guang built and the country disappeared!
Li Tai didn't feel any strangeness when he heard what everyone said.

Because even in the history of China, no river between Liaoshui and Nanshui was built.

It can be said that I have no historical reference for this decision.

But Li Tai felt that he was responsible for the Tang Dynasty, and more importantly, he needed to be responsible for the history of China, so he must build this canal!
"I know what you mean. Looking back, everyone, please see that my policy is the "Great Plan for Ethnic Integration in the North of Youzhou", not the "Koguryeo Integration Plan!"" Li Tai couldn't help emphasizing seriously.

"Qingque, what do you want to say!" Li Shimin heard Li Tai's words, and keenly grasped Li Tai's point!

"Aye, Qingque is thinking about one thing, that is why there is Goguryeo!" Li Tai looked at Li Shimin and said seriously.

When everyone heard Li Tai's words, they couldn't help but look at each other. They really didn't know why Li Tai suddenly had such a problem.

Logically speaking, what's so strange about this, is it strange that a small Goguryeo grew around Datang?

But Li Tai said, "My son personally came to the north of Youzhou, and asked the students from the agricultural school to conduct a certain survey of this area, and came to a conclusion.

Even if Goguryeo is solved, then in the future, there will definitely be other ethnic groups born on this land instead of Goguryeo, and then continue to fight against the civilization of the Central Plains.

This matter may be 100 years, maybe 200 years, even after the Tang Dynasty ceases to exist, a civilization that will continue to fight against us Han people will inevitably be born here. "

Liu Ji and Cui Renshi looked at what Li Tai said, and couldn't help but look at each other.

They discovered for the first time that King Wei always speaks so bravely?If it doesn't move, the Tang Dynasty will perish.

If you are not the biological son of the saint, you may implicate the whole family at this time!

As for Li Tai's words, Li Shimin was not surprised at all, because what Li Tai studied was why the dynasty was destroyed and how to make the Tang Dynasty last forever. Far.

Besides, Li Chengqian forgave himself for the rebellion, and Li Tai was just saying a few words of warning, so that's nothing.

"Why is the King of Wei so sure!" Du Ruhui couldn't help saying solemnly when he heard Li Tai's resolute refusal.

"Because of the terrain here, since Youzhou, it has become its own country, just like the land of Shu!" Li Tai said solemnly,

"And the resources here don't mean breeding empires, but at least they can breed top kingdoms like Goguryeo.

In this way, the kingdom does not matter when the Tang Dynasty is prosperous, but as long as the Tang Dynasty is weak, and the kingdom happens to be prosperous, even the scene of chaos will reappear.

As far as Goguryeo is concerned, if there is another country like Goguryeo, and the Central Plains is similar to the period of the five random China, no one knows whether our Chinese civilization will be destroyed by the other party! "

"The King of Wei has a heart!" Du Ruhui's eyes sharpened when he heard Li Tai's words.

Even Li Shimin's eyes became darker at this moment.

The Sui Dynasty had just collapsed, and the Tang Dynasty was also in the Zhenguan period. Li Shimin only wanted to conquer the unified land of China, so he didn't think much about going to Goguryeo.

But now, after hearing Li Tai's words, he immediately understood that it is indeed necessary to strengthen the connection with the north of Youzhou. Even if it cannot be completely digested by the civilization of the Central Plains like Shu, it must be controlled.

"So, this is the political reason that our Tang Dynasty must control this place. To control this place and the Shu land is to give the civilization of the Central Plains two wings, so that it can really take off!" Li Tai said solemnly.

To be honest, although the Qing Dynasty is very disgusted by modern people, including the author also thinks that the Qing Dynasty is bad, but it is undeniable that the Qing Dynasty has made an indelible contribution to the territory of modern China.

One is to retain the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, the roof of the world, so that China can have absolute geographical strength in dealing with India and even Central and West Asia.

The second is to completely integrate the Northeast Asian civilization with the Central Plains civilization, so that the Northeast has truly become the territory of China not only in terms of law, but also in terms of customs. This is really not easy.

Originally there was a third point, which was Mongolia's integration into China, but Mongolia is now divided into Inner and Inner Mongolia, so this is slightly flawed.

But no matter how you say it, the first two points make modern Huaxia somewhat inexhaustible.

In particular, the Northeast Asian civilization is completely integrated with the Central Plains civilization. This allows foreigners to choose border forces when they want to split China, instead of directly using the Northeast as a breakthrough point to split China like splitting India.

This would have happened without the Qing Dynasty, because the integration of the Central Plains civilization and Northeast Asian civilization had not yet been completed, at least during the Ming Dynasty.

Because in the final analysis, the emperor still guarded the gate of the country in the Ming Dynasty, which shows that in the consciousness of Ming Dynasty, the land in the Northeast did not belong to the Han people.

This is also the fact that although the Qing Dynasty was disliked by the Chinese people in various ways, as the last feudal imperial dynasty in China, he was not completely useless.

During the period of the Republic of China, the sages chose to let the Manchus exit with dignity, rather than directly overthrowing it. It also shows that the sages discovered and recognized the contributions of the Qing Dynasty, which gave China the legal principles to inherit these places, not just out of pure weakness and compromise.

Since then, Huaxia is not only the Huaxia of the Han people, but also the Huaxia of the Chinese people.

"Since this is the case, besides political reasons, then King Wei has other reasons!" Du Ruhui continued to ask.

"En!" Li Tai nodded and said, "This canal can make it a tentacles for our Datang to understand the northeast of Youzhou, and guide and assimilate the local ethnic groups to become a member of our Huaxia.

Another very important point is that my students discovered a black land north of Nanshui.

I took these soils and studied them, and I think that the hope of our Datang grain breaking through five stones per mu depends entirely on it! "

"Wait, King Wei, what did you say?!" Everyone couldn't believe Li Tai's words for a while!
Several people present were stunned at the moment, and even Li Shimin stood up involuntarily.

At this moment, Li Shimin said to Li Tai word by word, "Qing Que, repeat what you just said!"

"I found a very special piece of black soil in the north of Nanshui. After my preliminary research, the fertility of this soil is amazing.

The current crops are planted in it, and the production will inevitably increase in large quantities.

Wheat with three to three and a half stones per mu may be able to harvest about five stones per mu per year without falling fallow! "

Li Tai said seriously, "I think as the founder of my agricultural school, I should be able to make this guarantee!"

"How big is this land!" Li Shimin's eyes were bloodshot, as if he wanted to swallow Li Tai!
"I don't know, but just surveying now, I think this area should be larger than the land of Shu!" Li Tai said calmly.

"This Liao Nan Canal (Liaoshui Songhua River Canal) must be built! If God does not take it, it will be punished by God!" Even Du Ruhui shouted decisively.

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