Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 534 Preparations Before the Snowstorm

Chapter 534 Preparations Before the Snowstorm

With the arrival of winter, both Tang Jun and Goguryeo have entered a stage of rest.

Yuangai Suwen sent some of the main force of Goguryeo to station by the Yalu River, and sent soldiers to keep an eye on Su Lie who was by the sea.

But the most important thing is to search for the food in the hands of the people, no matter if we can survive this winter first.

Of course, Yuan Gai Su Wen originally believed that with the arrival of winter, the Su Lie who was stationed in the camp established in Pyongyang would definitely leave due to the severe cold and lack of supplies.

But soon, he saw the Datang Fleet along the coastline, generously transporting supplies to the Datang camp, and even in this military camp, there was still a faint smell of wine.

Wine, this is wine, for Goguryeo, who almost didn't even agree to kimchi, drinking is a sin!

To be honest, Yuan Gai Su Wen also took the opportunity to attack the camp once, but this time the attack on Yuan Gai Su Wen still failed.

Yuan Gai Suwen knew that this time the Tang army sent not only food, but also cotton coats and hats and other cold-proof supplies that even Goguryeo had never seen before, Yuan Gai Suwen was extremely envious of seeing it.

But he knows better that this big Tang nail will be stuck here this winter.

However, the drinks were not for fun for the soldiers in the camp as Yuan Gai Suwen thought. The main purpose was to warm up the soldiers on patrol in winter. In other words, they were military supplies.

In addition, there is an additional winter military material that is sucrose.

A piece of sucrose is about one or two hundred grams, and the soldiers can get one every day. They can obviously feel that they are in good condition after eating sugar in the winter.

"Aren't you going to attack yet? I've already let the fleet leave, and I won't be back until next year!" Li Dejian looked at Su Lie and said helplessly, "I think the weather is already cold enough! Yawn!"

"After the Chinese New Year, there should be heavy snow. It's better to be a blizzard. It's not enough to cool down at this point!" Su Lie said to Li Dejian,
"We are fighting in Goguryeo after all, and we have been fighting against Goguryeo for a while, it is impossible for Goguryeo not to be wary of us.

So we only have one chance. Since the favorable location is in Goguryeo, we must wait for the perfect weather before we can start the plan decisively! "

"Okay!" Li Dejian couldn't help sighing, "I got some new equipment from Youzhou. The pure steel ram specially built by King Wei weighs fifteen or sixteen tons. Even with multiple wheels, But if you really want it to work, you might need centurion school soldiers without armor! This thing is really too heavy!"

"Century without armor?!" Hearing this, Tian Changgeng's expression changed involuntarily.

"What are you afraid of? This car has a defensive hood, steel at least as thick as a fist, and a circular design. The craftsman named Mo Ling said that this design is very resistant to frontal impact.

There is even a steel partition at least [-] centimeters thick in front of you. Unless you accidentally hit the eye hole, even if you use a crossbow, you may not be able to leave a hole in this siege weapon. "

When Li Dejian said this, he couldn't help sighing, "This thing has no major disadvantages except that it is a little more expensive, heavier, and has higher requirements on the road surface.

At least use this thing to smash the city gate, unless the city gate is also made of steel, otherwise it is impossible to resist this thing! "

Li Dejian couldn't help but sigh a little bit when he said that, because generally speaking, it would be good if the city gate could be wrapped with a layer of iron sheet.

It's not that I don't want city gates made of all metal, and even in the Tang Dynasty, except for the gates of Chang'an City, which can be made all metal, the gates of other cities basically just choose special hardwood, and then wrap a piece of wood on the outside. A layer of iron sheet.

It is not uncommon for even the city gates in some remote places to be made of stone.

"It sounds like a good thing, but it's so heavy, I'm afraid it won't be easy to carry it during a surprise attack!" Su Lie frowned.

"The king of Wei has already considered this point, and designed these things as detachable appliances weighing one hundred to two hundred catties.

I also brought the craftsman who assembled the utensils. I need Xuefu soldiers to disassemble this thing a few times, and it should be able to be used normally.

In addition, I just asked for three sets, and there was a spare set that Li Chunfeng forced to give me, saying that if any parts of the other two pieces did not match, I would disassemble it and use it! " said Li Dejian.

"It sounds even more unreliable!" Tian Changgeng couldn't help sighing when he heard Li Dejian's words.

"Okay, okay, as long as this thing is useful!" Su Lie waved his hand,
"It's a big deal to leave the job of the assault to us. In comparison, you should take your centurion to assemble this thing a few more times.

Not only do you want to be able to assemble, but you must compress the assembly time of this thing within a quarter of an hour! "

"I'll try it, and let the craftsman who knows how to assemble it come over and teach us how to assemble it!" Tian Changgeng replied.

Tian Changgeng couldn't help but want to scratch his head at the moment, assembling or something, let's try it out.

Su Lie watched Tian Changgeng leave, and began to think about assembling the siege equipment. Su Lie said seriously, "I want you to prepare. Have you got the supporting equipment for the raid?"

"I got some good things from Li Chunfeng." Li Dejian quickly asked the soldiers to bring the equipment that Wang Xuance had prepared for the White Disaster Army.

"These things are..." Li Dejian looked at these things, and couldn't help being stunned.

"Wang Xuance also wanted to engage in white calamity talent at the beginning, and even prepared specialized weapons, but because of the appearance of heavy-armored school soldiers, this plan was exempted!"

Li Dejian said, "However, this part of the weapon idea remained, and Li Chunfeng asked the steel factory to work overtime to drive out a batch!"

"Because the time is relatively short, we designed skis that increase the speed of the snow, and ski poles that change the direction of the snow. Normally, it is a one-handed shield, but soaked in hot water overnight, it can become a two-handed shield. Ice shield, and a one-handed machete made of special steel!" Li Dejian introduced to Su Lie one by one.

"This is directly using us as infantry!" Su Lie couldn't help sighing as he looked at the pieces of equipment.

"Let's be realistic. Is there any normal horse that can withstand the cold winter?" Li Dejian said, "The idea of ​​skiing to increase the speed of movement, and the special equipment configuration shows that Wang Xuance really thought about it at the beginning."

Su Lie picked up a special ski pole, which was in the shape of a Chinese octagonal prism, but in comparison, it was slightly curved instead of straight.

However, this thing is still quite thick, and it is completely fine to hold this thing as a weapon when necessary.

At least if the snow wheel on this hits the enemy's head, it can really kill people.

Then Su Lie looked at the design of the one-handed shield thoughtfully, his gaze finally fell on the one-handed machete, and said,

"What do you say about this special steel, could it be sharper?"

"That's not true. The main reason is that the white calamity talent in extremely cold weather may make all iron products and even steel products brittle when the cold air overflows. Therefore, special weapons are required to fight.

Otherwise, it is basically a weapon sleeve diaphragm, and you can use hot water to make ice weapons to play with.

This kind of steel was specially researched by King Wei in order to be able to build in the north of Youzhou. Relatively speaking, it is much more reliable than ordinary iron weapons! "Li Dejian couldn't help sighing.

"Why, what did you see when you were in Youzhou? Why did you look like this?" Su Lie couldn't help but wonder.

"The king of Wei built a camp along the coast of Bohai Bay, and he said he wanted to combine villages and villages, you know that!" Li Dejian asked.

"I know, it is said to be used for transporting grain in winter!" Su Lie nodded and said, "This place has been built. As expected, the corvees under the king of Wei are really fast in building it!"

"It is used, but the method of using it may be somewhat different from what you think!" Li Dejian couldn't help complaining.

"Huh?!" Hearing Li Dejian's words, Su Lie was somewhat curious, and couldn't help but said with a smile, "What can it do, can it be built into a smooth road?"

"A few days ago, when it snowed, he put wooden boards on it, built a roof, sprinkled hot water, and even changed the livestock into dog sleds.

Except for a few places where a turn must be made, temporary stations were set up, and the others basically followed a straight line. "

Li Dejian said, "To a certain extent, it can be regarded as fast. Compared with sea transportation, the speed of transporting food is slower, but it is limited.

The only downside should be that you need to prepare meat for the dog, and each site needs to send someone to add water every night. "

"How can you do this? By next spring, I'm afraid they won't be available anymore!"

When Su Lie heard Shuo Shu's words, he couldn't help feeling puzzled, "Then what about delivering food!?"

"At that time, it will be transported by sea! After all, the ice on the road has melted, so sea freight can be used again!"

Li Dejian couldn't help saying, "All in all, I always feel that the logistics in the hands of King Wei are completely different from those in the hands of others!"

"Then let's fight this battle well!" Su Lie couldn't help but sigh when he heard Li Dejian's words, and then said, "How's your legion talent improving? Do you need my help?"

"Then I'll leave it to you?!" Li Dejian said decisively when he heard Su Lie's words, "I'll go and distribute equipment to the soldiers!"

"Really!" Seeing Li Dejian ran away resolutely, Su Lie couldn't help shaking his head, but he also responded.

Seeing Li Dejian run away to Su Lie, he decisively assumed the important task of changing the talents of Li Dejian's headquarters, and Li Dejian's headquarters did not reject Su Lie, and even a few centurions would take the initiative to say hello to Su Lie .

Because compared to Li Dejian, Su Lie is more like Li Jing's successor.

At most, Li Jing's inheritance is too much and too difficult. Su Lie is learning while honing, and now he can barely learn one out of ten, like the current ability to change his talent.

For those who have not reached this level, it is difficult to master the corresponding skills

For example, Li Dejian, even though Li Jing taught him hand in hand and completed the systematic official training, he still couldn’t do it.

When Su Lie first met Li Tai, he had basically mastered this ability, especially after the appearance of military musicians in the army, the transformation of the army's talents became faster.

It's almost like changing the talent today, adapting to the talent tomorrow, and using this talent to kill the enemy the day after tomorrow!

As for Li Jing or Li Shiji, the method of setting up an army to directly change the talent.

I'm sorry, even if Su Lie belongs to the human category, this kind of operation is really impossible.

Su Lienu worked so hard that he might be able to become the commander of a large army in his middle and middle age, and even if he was lucky enough to be born in the Wu Zhou Dynasty, he could kick Wang Xiaojie into the 72 generals.

But this kind of big boss in the eyes of ordinary people is almost the difference between a big boss and a god, compared with the Four Sages who set the rules, or the ten philosophers who took a certain military rule to the extreme, and even distorted the rules of war.

There are still quite a few occupations that need to be changed, anyway, this is not an object that normal people should compare.

In the following time, the entire camp seemed extremely busy, like Tian Changgeng selected three groups of centurions, and began to dismantle and reorganize continuously against the rushing cars.

At the beginning, everyone felt that the assembly and disassembly of this car was rather cumbersome, but after the first assembly was completed for the first time, a group of people suddenly became excited about the feeling of assembling and disassembling the machine.

From then on, the Centuries didn't reorganize the all-steel rush car once a day, and felt as if something was wrong with them.

In particular, Tian Changgeng said that the order in which they will eventually participate in the attack will be determined according to the speed of their assembly.

No.1 participated in the surprise attack, No.2 the reserve team, No.3... No.3 is of course a spare parts backup for the other two!

In an instant, the three groups immediately aroused their desire to win and decisively started a collective speed competition.

After all, it's okay to be the No.2 reserve team, but it's too miserable for No.3 to directly become the spare parts backup of the other two.

Of course, compared to the constant competition among the three teams here at Tian Changgeng, Su Lie's side is much more normal.

His legion is all getting used to skiing. However, compared to Tian Changgeng, because he has a talent for tool mastering, even though he has never seen a steel rush car, after dismantling it a few times, he quickly mastered it. However, it was much slower for the soldiers on Su Lie's side to master skiing.

"Why not just change it to tool mastering talent, and change it back after the soldiers have mastered the skiing skills?"

Tian Changgeng couldn't help asking Su Lie suspiciously, because Tian Changgeng knew that Su Lie had this ability.

"It's best to use less talent to replace what skills can achieve..." Su Lie thought about it, "How should I put it, talent is a gift brought by the rise of the essence of the world, but at the same time, with the essence of the world, The decline of talent will also disappear.

But only the skills that have been tempered by your own sweat can never live up to your efforts, and the skill of skiing is worth sweating for the talent of the white catastrophe. "

Facing Su Lie's words, Tian Changgeng scratched his head, after all he really didn't understand.

But the only thing that is clear is that at least Su Lie's goal is much farther than his own, and his vision is different from his own.

And Tang Jun was in this tempering, and finally waited for a big snowstorm in December.

 Continuing with the next update, I want to correct those who said that I play Huashenshu. I didn't do this task because I was struggling in Yuanxia Palace recently.

(End of this chapter)

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