Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 77 Confrontation with Yan Qinli

Chapter 77 Conversation with Yan Qinli

Li Tai and Lu Cai worked hand in hand...It should be due to their concerted efforts, after an organized discussion and vote, it was finally decided that Li Chunfeng would be the principal of the Youzhou Academy branch.

In order to avoid suddenness, Li Tai and Lu Cai naturally passed the post station one after the other to deliver the letter to Li Chunfeng, so that he would not have to pack it up and send it back to Youzhou after running all the way back.

Naturally, the station system in the early Tang Dynasty was not as good as in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, "when a concubine laughs while riding the world of mortals, no one knows that it is a lychee".

But it is still possible to help Prince Li Tai send a letter to Dou Jing's subordinates.

In order to avoid the melon field, this matter naturally needs to go through procedures, lest the censor participate in a book and Li Tai will communicate with important ministers in private.

After discussing the matter with Lu Cai, Li Tai was somewhat relieved, after all, there are still too many things this year.

For example, the expansion of teacher enrollment, the recruitment of new students, the beginning of spring plowing, and now there is one more... to establish a branch school.

These all need to be dealt with by Lu Cai one by one, but Lu Cai's talent is very effective in handling affairs in a reasonable order.

He can always rationally sort the affairs one by one in the optimal way, and then complete them in a leisurely manner.

So if you occasionally give him something, you will find that the amount of work he could have done in seven days, after you put one thing in, he can still finish all these things in seven days, and he will perform perfectly.

To a certain extent, what Lu Cai is best at is arranging the order of affairs reasonably and exerting the highest efficiency.

It's just that the only flaw is that Lu Cai himself will not build this framework. He needs someone to build this framework for him, so that he can handle this matter within this reasonable framework.

If you use music as a metaphor, it is necessary to set the rules of music for Lu Cai, and then give him Gongshangjiao Zhengyu Wuyin, let him write a beautiful music, let him create from scratch, for Lu Cai It's a little difficult to say.

As for planning, Li Tai can at least be far-sighted, so the two of them cooperated well.

However, Li Tai still misses Ma Zhou a little, because Ma Zhou's thinking is more divergent and agile, Li Tai has almost built a framework, and Ma Zhou can complete it from all angles, and he is more able to carry it out.

The two discussed the details, and it was getting late, so they slept in the school.

On the second day, after finishing the morning exercise, Li Tai obediently followed Yan Qinli to study.

Although homework is free, Li Tai followed Yan Qinli and focused on studying history books, but he still had to study a fixed number of courses every month.

In particular, you may not be able to memorize many scriptures, but you must be able to tell the source when others say it. This is a basic requirement.

So although I can run to Chang'an at any time if I have something to do, I still have to make up for the lessons that should be made up when I come back!

After finally waiting for lunch, Li Tai stretched himself. Even though Yan Qinli was the best at teaching this aspect, after half a day of class, Li Tai felt that his whole body was rigid.

But Yan Qinli was so silent that he started to pack up his textbooks, ready to leave.

Li Tai watched Yan Qinli's movements, and said to Yan Qinli, "Mr. Yan, how are the books in the academy organized?"

"With the assistance of Kong Zhiyue and Yu Jingming, and the help of Liberal Arts students, the classification has been completed.

However, if you want to copy all the volumes, I am afraid that it will take several years to complete. "

Yan Qinli paused at this point, and then said,

"Especially this year, the sage issued an order that all students who come to the capital for scientific examinations can use their student status to come to the agricultural school to read books.

This caused some court officials to collect books in our place one after another, so the speed of copying this volume has slowed down again! "

"Has Aye issued this order?" To be honest, Li Tai didn't know much about this matter recently.

Although I proposed this plan to Li Shimin at the beginning, after the book was cheated, Li Tai threw the plan to Java, but I didn't expect that although I forgot it, Li Shimin did not forget it.

After all, Li Shimin expected that his martial arts and martial arts would surpass those of the Sui Dynasty.

Therefore, after the Eastern Turks were wiped out, it was this cultural rule that was on their minds.

And the fact that this order was issued in this scientific expedition with the help of the deterrence of exterminating the Eastern Turks naturally represented Li Shimin's gesture that the situation has come to fruition.

At least now Li Shimin no longer needs to look at the face of the aristocratic family. Faced with this order from Li Shimin, the students of the scientific examination will naturally say that Li Shimin is good, so there are more scientific examination students who come to the Agricultural Institute.

Although it is said that as long as they can read books in this era, especially those who can come to Beijing for scientific examinations, no matter how poor they are, they must have a few acres of Susukida, but it is not easy for them to read books!
Now that there is such a place to read, it is heaven for the vast majority of students who really want to study!

Although Li Tai has not opened the function of borrowing books, as long as he can read books in the library, it is enough for the students!

Of course, part of the reason for not being able to borrow it is because of household registration, and another part of the reason is that most of the books in the library are hand-copied, not printed.

After all, these books are not "Friends of Rural and Land Talents", so I am not willing to go for engraving and printing for a book, and even printing with movable type is a bit troublesome.

Therefore, Li Tai opened a paper mill, a pen factory, and a paper factory. These small factories that are not worth mentioning are responsible for providing pens, inks, papers and inkstones at [-]% of the market price.

Relying on the daily consumption of thousands of people from agricultural colleges, these small factories still occasionally make a little money. If they make money, they will naturally expand reproduction and improve their craftsmanship a little bit along the way.

Although the current brushes, inks, papers and inkstones are not top-notch, they can at least reach the upper-middle level.

For Li Tai, this is enough, and this price is put into the Gaoling market, and it can even slowly spread to the surrounding area.

After all, there are still too few people who are willing to spend resources on process improvement and large-scale production these days.

At least what Li Tai pursues is not the best, but cost-effectiveness. For ordinary scholars of common people, the price and quality of these pens, inks, papers and inkstones are well-known, and this is enough.

And the income from these papers is really a little money for Li Tai, after all, scholars are a minority these days.

And I have to use a certain amount of paper to supply the agricultural college every year, so it's not too much to make some money from these scientific research students to subsidize the agricultural college.

Of course, in addition to the consumption of pens, ink, paper and inkstones, food, clothing, housing and transportation are all provided by agricultural colleges.

They will find that living in the school is definitely lower than the consumption in Gaoling, and even lower than the consumption in Chang'an.

However, this is not Li Tai's invention, but Lu Cai's.

Lu Cai also thoughtfully pushed out the student standard package, which can enjoy student-level treatment according to the price of one drop per month.

For example, food, clothing, housing and transportation are all treated according to the standards of students, and they are even willing to listen to lectures in various science classrooms as an auditor.

Li Tai knew Lu Cai's behavior from Yan Qinli's mouth, and he sighed in his heart that this guy is really suitable to be the principal!

"No way!" Li Tai shook his head hastily, and sighed, "I'm afraid he will make these students bald if he behaves like this!"

Yan Qinli nodded when he heard Li Tai's words, he just told Li Tai because he felt that Lu Cai's behavior was a little too much.

After all, the sages said that you can read books here, so if you exploit these students who are going to Beijing to rush for the exam, won't your conscience hurt!
After all, Lu Cai is the person in charge of the agricultural school appointed by Li Tai, and it is hard for him to refuse certain decisions that Lu Cai made!
"What kind of money do you want, do I look like someone short of money?" Li Tai sighed at Lu Cai's behavior.

After hanging around with me for so long, I didn't know that money was never the most important thing I valued.

"It seems that we need to find a time to discuss with Lu Cai, and find a way to include these scientific examination students into the credit system.

Let them know that credits can be spent on campus as money, so that they can unconsciously join in the construction of the school.

For example, if you become a teacher at the Agricultural Science Institute, you will not be given standard treatment for students, but standard treatment for teachers.

For example, during the five-day rest period of the school, you can hold open classes to attract students to attend classes.

I don't even care if they make extra lessons for the students, it's all for the welfare of the students in the school anyway! "

"..." Yan Qinli realized that he heard a lot of amazing ideas.

After all, what Lu Cai wanted most was to use these people to go to the library to study, so he scraped off a little oil and water.

But looking at Li Tai's posture, he intends to swallow him whole!
Li Tai looked at Yan Qinli and said nothing, but laughed a few times to cover up his embarrassment, and said:
"Mr. Yan, how about leaving this matter to you.

There is a big gap between other subjects and these imperial examination scholars, but what the liberal arts and scientific examination students learn is similar, how about doing a pilot first! "

"King Xie Yue showed his love, and Qin Li will ask those imperial examination students." Yan Qinli replied after hearing Li Tai's words.

At this time, Yan Qinli's expression became a bit serious, he hesitated for a while, and then said to Li Tai:

"It's just that Qin Li has some doubts in his heart. I don't know if King Yue can clear it up for me!"

"Oh?" Li Tai was stunned when he heard Yan Qinli's words, and solemnly replied: "Please sir!"

"It's like this!" Yan Qinli said, "The six departments of the Agricultural College, the five departments of medicine, agriculture, mathematics, ink, and music, have played a different role under the King of Yue. Show off.

Although I am a writer of Yue Wangfu, I also know that although Yue Wang respects me, he dare not reuse me.

So I'm curious, since the king of Yue didn't pay much attention to Confucianism, why did he establish this liberal arts? "

"..." Li Tai couldn't help but fell silent when he heard Yan Qinli's words. After thinking for a while, he looked at Yan Qinli and said,

"Mr. Yan, I treat you like a teacher. I have never underestimated liberal arts. Do you believe it?"

"I understand that King Yue treats me in Chicheng. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't say it so bluntly, because King Yue is not a narrow-minded person."

Yan Qinli continued, "Ever since I taught the King of Yue to read and understand, I understand that the King of Yue is magnanimous and extraordinary!"

"Mr. Xie Yan." Li Tai couldn't help clenching his fists and said,
"I still remember that when I was young, I said bad things about Confucianism, and Kong Yingda was so angry that he fainted for a while.

And after that, my father asked me to leave the East Palace Kaiyue Palace in order to give an explanation to Ru Lin.

It was also at that time that Mr. Yan became my teacher, and you have been teaching me all this time! "

Yan Qinli fell silent when he heard Li Tai's words. It had been a long time since he became Li Tai's teacher.

At first, I thought that Li Tai would be a stubborn person, but after I really educated him, I felt that Li Tai was young and mature.

Li Tai looked at Yan Qinli and said:
“With all due respect, I value liberal arts, but I don’t value Confucianism.

I attach importance to liberal arts because it is the root of my China. I don't attach importance to Confucianism because I feel that the road of Confucianism has come to an end! "

Yes, at least in Li Tai's view, Confucianism is not bad, but Confucianism was an advanced theory in the Qin and Han Dynasties, and it almost reached its peak in the feudal era in the Tang Dynasty.

Under the Confucian culture, the literati of this era are both civil and military, and it is normal for them to go out and enter the prime minister.

So Li Tai hates Confucianism, but he doesn't belittle Confucianism.

Because Confucianism in this era is actually like the sun in the middle of the sun, almost showing the advanced side of Confucian culture to the fullest.

But in the future, Song Confucianism has already given people a feeling that the mountains are fading away, and Ming and Qing Confucianism is even more stink.

After all, one can even say something like "If you don't be An An and starve to death, you will be like a praying mantis." One can imagine how far Confucianism has fallen.

"The road of Confucianism has come to an end?!" Yan Qinli couldn't help feeling arrogant and ridiculous when he heard Li Tai's words.

Yan Qinli said earnestly: "In the face of Confucianism, who can be called a wise man, who dares to speak of a sage, but Confucius is the only one who bows his head in the past and present! King Yue, do you really understand the way of learning of the most holy teacher!"

"I don't study, I don't take this path!" Li Tai said seriously,

"What I'm talking about is the road of Confucianism governing the country, and Confucianism has come to an end.

Starting from Han Wu's exclusive respect for Confucianism, from the Han Dynasty to the present, Confucianism absorbed the nutrition of hundreds of schools, and developed all the way to the present, oh... At most, there will be new Buddhists and Taoism with old trees blooming, and at most three schools will appear The theory of unity.

But Confucianism has only reached this level, and the road ahead has been exhausted, and if we continue on, there will only be a fork in the road! "

Yan Qinli looked at Li Tai, as if looking at a lunatic, and said:
"King Yue, do you really think that you have penetrated the wisdom of Confucianism, saw through the path of Confucianism at a glance, and feel that you are a born wise man!"

"No, do you still remember what caused the quarrel between me and Kong Yingda back then!" Li Tai changed the subject.

"Up to now, you still think it's a problem with Confucianism!" Yan Qinli's eyes were sharp, his body was upright and unyielding, as if Li Tai's words were even slightly inappropriate, maybe he would slam his head on the pillar decisively and die as a martyr !
"Mr. Yan, I just want to tell you that I have found the reason."

Li Tai approached Yan Qinli and said slowly,
"I have found the answer to why the sum of the two Hans only lived for more than 400 years.

It's just that I read the Confucian classics, but unfortunately Confucianism can't solve this problem. "

"What!" Yan Qinli suddenly realized when he heard Li Tai's words, and looked at Li Tai with disbelief.

"Mr. Yan, I can give you a reminder, the area of ​​arable land." Li Tai solemnly saluted Yan Qinli, and then continued,
"If Mr. Yan figured it out, come to me again! Because I really need someone who has the same goals as me academically!"

 Don't wait any longer, I just want to say, the two are more difficult, it can't be done!

(End of this chapter)

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