Cultivation of chastity

Chapter 9 Cooperation with Dou Jing

Chapter 9 Cooperation with Dou Jing
Dou Jing knew that she was staying at her job for probation. If she did a good job in the future, let alone let it go, at least the punishment would not be too ugly.

But if he still can't contain the locust plague, then the end waiting for him is naturally conceivable.

"Thank you King Yue for your help!"

As the meeting dissipated, Dou Jing thanked Li Tai, and it was Li Tai who took the responsibility this time.

"You and I are doing our best to fight locusts, and I'm just telling the truth."

Li Tai replied gently.

When Li Tai said this, he recalled that he stood up to help Dou Jing speak. Although Li Shimin didn't make any statement, to some extent, not expressing a statement is the best statement, and he can still continue to fight locusts.

Li Tai looked at Dou Jing and said, "Sinong Dou, this is not a place to talk, let's go back to Sinong Temple to talk in detail!"

"Please!" Hearing Li Tai's words, Dou Jing stretched out her hand to invite Li Tai.

After this incident, Dou Jing was willing to listen to Li Tai, and for Li Tai, this was a very crucial step.

Just when Li Tai and Dou Jing returned to Sinong Temple, Li Gang and Kong Yingda also started talking.

Li Gang said to Kong Yingda:
"Yesterday the locust temple and today's court met the king of Yue. What do you think of the king of Yue, Li Tai?"

Kong Yingda heard Li Gang's words, fell silent for a while, and said solemnly, "The King of Yue is a saint."

"Is this a good thing, or a bad thing?!"

Li Gang asked after hearing Kong Yingda's evaluation.

"We will abide by the way of ministers and stick to it. No matter what the king of Yue is, the world will eventually belong to the saints!" Kong Yingda replied earnestly.

"I thought Kong Yingda didn't like Li Tai, but now it seems that you didn't take what happened back then!" Li Gang replied.

"Li Taibao underestimated me. Could it be that I really can't argue with a six or seven-year-old kid!"

As Kong Yingda said, his face changed, but he still had some doubts, and asked Li Gang,

"Why did Li Taibao ask me this question?!"

"When the court was over just now, the sage asked me if I wanted to be the prince's junior teacher."

Li Gang looked up at the sky with a little emotion,
"Originally I didn't want to refuse, but after seeing King Yue's performance now, I hesitated. I was afraid that the old things would happen again."

Kong Yingda said, "Prince Qi Yi is benevolent and filial, King Yue is courageous and wise, this is a muddy water, I hope Li Taibao will consider it carefully."

"That's right..." Li Gang sighed, "But I'm unwilling. Could it be that I really can't teach a good prince!"

"..." Faced with Li Gang's sigh, Kong Yingda didn't know how to persuade her.

Because Kong Yingda knew that teaching a good emperor had become Li Gang's obsession, at least he couldn't persuade him.

However, King Yue's performance today and his ability to resist locusts really don't matter to a monarch.

The most important thing is that everyone hopes that their monarch can take the blame, not that all good things are their own, and all the faults are their subordinates.

Perhaps it is precisely because the king of Yue showed some of these qualities today that the sage strengthened the cultivation of the prince.

Kong Yingda thought, "Although the sage appreciates King Yue's performance, he doesn't want to shake the crown prince's position!"

Li Tai didn't know Li Shimin's arrangement for Li Gang, of course, even if he knew, he would thank Aye for paving the way for him.

After all, the name of Li Gang's Prince Killer is too deterrent, and Li Tai feels that it is better to stay away from him.

At this time, Li Tai put all his thoughts on fighting locusts.

Because Li Tai knows very well that if the anti-locust is done well, the road ahead will become more and more stable.

After all, in the Zhenguan Dynasty, no stratagem was better than honest work, making Li Shimin a strong contender for the eternal emperor.

Li Tai and Dou Jing returned to Sinong Temple, and the officials of Sinong Temple were stunned to see Li Tai and Dou Jing coming back together.

After all, the performance of the two of them did not look like they were on the same road yesterday. How could they have such a good relationship after meeting together.

Of course, the most heart-wrenching one is naturally Zhao Yuankai who came over after hearing the wind.

He watched Li Tai and Dou Jing walk into Dou Jing's office room with his own eyes, as if the owner of the lunch shop you often go to is watching you enter the noodle restaurant opposite him.

This scene made people watch, and those who saw it were sad and those who heard it cried. It was almost snowing in June.

However, Li Tai and Dou Jing ignored Zhao Yuankai, but when they entered the office, they closed the door heavily.

"Dou Jing thanked King Yue for his protection at the court meeting today!"

Both Dou Jing and Li Tai were kneeling on the bed, and Dou Jing spoke first.

"You and I are both in Sinong Temple, so we should help each other to deal with this locust plague together!" Li Tai replied.

Dou Jing looked at Li Tai's calm posture and sighed in her heart, it was hard to believe that this was an eight-year-old boy.

Dou Jing said:
"As long as it is to fight against the locust plague, if you have any order, King Yue, as long as it is reasonable, Sinong Temple is willing to help."

"There are a lot!" Li Tai said seriously after hearing Dou Jing's words, "Sinong Dou, are you familiar with locusts?
Do you know what locusts like to eat, how long they live, what characteristics they have, and what to pay attention to when dealing with locusts? ! "

Dou Jing originally thought that Li Tai wanted to win her over.

To be honest, if Li Tai could help him solve the locust plague, even if he wouldn't be in Li Tai's party, it wouldn't matter if he defended Li Tai in front of Li Shimin in the future.

So Dou Jing has already prepared and made a decision in her heart, after all, Li Tai pulled herself in when she was desperate.

But unexpectedly, Li Tai wanted to solve the locust plague as soon as he opened his mouth. In other words, Li Tai really wanted to solve the locust plague.

Thinking of this, Dou Jing couldn't help but feel a little ashamed.

Li Tai looked at Dou Jing and listened to his own words, lost his mind while talking, and couldn't help but asked in surprise, "Dou Si Nong?"

"Oh..." Dou Jing came back to her senses and said, "Please ask King Yue to continue to explain my doubts."

Li Tai looked at Dou Sinog's appearance, as if he really just accidentally lost his mind, so he continued:

"In terms of lifespan, the age of locusts is generally one season, as short as two months and as long as three months.

This is why, there was a wave of locust plagues in early March and a wave of locust plagues in late May. I suspect that there will be locust plagues in July and August.

The way locusts reproduce is to lay their eggs in the soil and wait until the weather is warm and dry to hatch.

I have checked that every year before the locust plague comes, there are basically droughts recorded, and I think this inference is correct. "

Dou Jing listened quietly to Li Tai's words, she didn't pay attention to many things at first, but now hearing Li Tai's words correspond to each other, Dou Jing felt broad and cheerful.

The original mystery of the locust plague was revealed bit by bit in Li Tai's mouth at this moment.

Seeing that Dou Jing didn't speak, Li Tai continued to tell what he knew about locusts:

"Locusts and migratory locusts are two stages of locusts. Locusts are non-toxic and can be eaten by ducks and birds. But after becoming migratory locusts, locusts will have toxins, and they will never be able to eat them."

Dou Jing nodded, and said with a bit of sudden realization: "So, the King of Yue has always advocated the use of ducks to control locusts, and the purpose is to cull the locusts before they gather into migratory locusts!"

Dou Jing understood why Li Tai paid so much attention to raising ducks, and even developed artificial hatching technology.

Li Tai continued, "If you want to fight locusts, you can't just rely on those ducks.

If someone really follows my method and only uses ducks to kill locusts, I think the final result will definitely be unsatisfactory.

So in my opinion, the solution to locusts requires a combination of ground attack, water attack, poultry attack, and fire attack based on the characteristics of locusts. "

"Please also ask the king of Yue to explain in detail."

Hearing Li Tai's words, Dou Jing sat upright, even more serious than when she was studying.

"The target of the ground attack is insect eggs, and migratory locusts are passing through the ground, and some are even in the depths of the land. Si Nong can organize the people to renovate the fields through the Sinong Temple, and renovate the insect eggs in the soil, so that these insect eggs can be destroyed. Let the sun dry it out and kill it.

Locusts like drought and hate humidity. When there are signs of locusts appearing in the field, Sinong can ask his skilled craftsmen to invent equipment to guide the river water to irrigate the crops, so that the crops will not be too dry and the locusts will break out of the ground!

Even if the locusts cannot be killed, it is enough to delay the hatching of the locusts!

This strategy can be used as a water attack! "

"Delaying the hatching of locusts?" Dou Jing was slightly puzzled when she heard Li Tai's words.

Li Tai explained, "July and August dragged on for a few months until October, the weather will get colder and colder, and snakes and insects dare not come and go.

Therefore, the locusts will not hatch in this season, and if it is delayed until next year, we will be able to concentrate on solving the remaining locusts. "

"Then the next step is to attack the birds, and this is the adult locusts?" Dou Jing said after hearing Li Tai's words.

"Yes!" Li Tai nodded and said, "However, ducks and poultry may eat the seedlings of crops, so it doesn't matter if they are grazing in the wild. If they are used in crop fields, you'd better think about them!"

"Then this fire attack should be used to deal with migratory locusts!?" Dou Jing said with a bit of a sigh.

Li Tai nodded, acknowledging Dou Jing's judgment, and said. "It is indeed to deal with migratory locusts, but I am not sure whether it will be effective.

This matter is based on the principle of moths to the flame. I found that many flying insects instinctively gather towards the flame at night.

I don't know if migratory locusts have such characteristics, but no matter what, if it is effective, it can still be used as a means of exterminating locusts! "

"The king of Yue can plan so carefully, this time we can get twice the result with half the effort!" Dou Jing praised Li Tai.

"It's really easy to say, but the real difficulty is how to do it!" Li Taidao, "To do things, you need funds and manpower, but this requires the help of Sinong Temple!"

Li Tai didn't wait for Dou Jing to speak, but opened up about the difficulties himself:

"I have mastered artificial hatching technology, but to cover the entire Gyeonggi-do with ducks, a lot of coal and feed are needed.

If you want to raise them until the next wave of locust plagues comes, this is not something I can do with a little trouble, and I need Sinong Temple to come forward.

Moreover, coal will also be used in the future fire attack plan, and it will be a big expense if it is not needed in Gyeonggi Province.

Secondly, Sinong Temple needs to exert its appeal to the common people.

After the peak of this locust plague has passed, let the people reclaim the fields and take out the locusts in the land to dry.

This is another job that consumes labor, money and food, and may even call for corvee.

Finally, large-scale production of bobbins that can lead river water from the river to the fields is required, so that the water can be sent to the crop fields that have been plagued by locusts, so that these fields have enough humidity to suppress the hatching of locusts. "

Li Tai was silent for a while, looked at Dou Jing, and said,

"With so many plans going forward at the same time, I am afraid that the entire power of Sinong Temple will need to be fully mobilized.

Although Zhao Yuankai is a cadre, his character is lacking. Now in Sinong Temple, only you have such ability and leadership! "

After listening to all Li Tai's plans, Dou Jing understood why Li Tai wanted to help herself at the court meeting.

Because Li Tai is helping herself, but even helping Datang, at least Dou Jing can't see Li Tai's selfishness now.

Dou Jing bowed to Li Tai, and said solemnly: "This time, Sinon Temple will definitely go all out to fight against locusts."

Li Tai also returned the salute to Dou Jing, saying: "Work together to fight against the locust plague!"

Li Tai and Dou Jing were completely on the same front from this moment on.

After the court meeting, Dou Jing needs credit to wash away the negative influence of her resistance to locusts, while Li Tai doesn't care about merit, what she needs is to show that she has a set of skills in fighting locusts, so the two hit it off.

As for such a matter that required teamwork, a person with a problematic personal morality like Zhao Yuankai couldn't control the entire Sinong Temple, at least he couldn't mobilize the enthusiasm of the officials of the Sinong Temple.

It's like in an organization, someone can handle the company well in terms of personal friendship.

But when there is a big problem and someone needs to take it up, it is often the upright, bad relationship, but truly admirable person who can twist everyone into one rope, grit his teeth and solve the problem up.

And Dou Jing is such a person, he is not slick, but his style of acting is convincing.

Li Tai handed over the plan to Dou Jing, and letting Dou Jing complete it was Li Tai's greatest contribution in Sinong Temple.

As for self-righteous interference with the operation of Sinong Temple, it will only cause problems for the mature political institution of Sinong Temple.

To be honest, the efficiency of bureaucracy is indeed not high, but this is without endangering one's own black hat.

Now Dou Jing is very clear that if the fight against locusts fails again, she might just go to the frontier to eat sand. If she fails again now, then she is afraid that she will have to return to her hometown, so this directly makes Dou Jing full of motivation .

And Dou Jing has been stationed in the fields since Jinyang raised his troops, and he has basically promoted all the officials in the entire Sinong Temple.

If Dou Jing falls, several of these officials promoted by Dou Jing will have good fruit to eat, and they will be full of enthusiasm.

Li Tai returned to the duck farm, and began to focus on the duck farm. He has small arms and legs, so he can make plans and suggestions, but if he wants to really do things, forget it.

Li Tai watched the ducklings hatch continuously, and murmured:
"It's time to plan for the next step."

(End of this chapter)

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