New Lubu War

Chapter 137 The Artifact of the Luck Dynasty

Chapter 137 The Artifact of the Luck Dynasty
Bingzhou Xihe.

In the past, [-] troops from Wuyuan fought fiercely against the [-] Southern Xiongnu army here, and were finally wiped out here.

At this moment, on the original battlefield, there is a cavalry force of [-] soldiers stationed, and the tents are one after another, stretching for several miles.

Inside and outside the camp, the atmosphere was quite dignified.

Because, without knowing why, the lord suddenly fell off the horse!
For the invincible "God of War" galloping across the battlefield, losing control and falling off his horse is an unimaginable and incredible thing.

Therefore, at this moment, the whole army is worried.


main account.

Left and right, alone, sitting on the simple military bunk, looking at the top of the tent, Lu Bu's eyes fluctuated.

At this moment, he still hasn't recovered.

"God of War book?"

Muttering to himself, looking at the top of the tent, Lu Bu was in a daze.

I do not know how long it has been.


With a long sigh, Lu Bu finally returned to reality.

"I see!"

After a long sigh, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Lu Bu's mouth.

"God of War Book" is a treasure!
At present, it is not known what grade of treasure it is.

There is no way, his level is too low, and he doesn't understand the level division of such treasures at all.

"Book of God of War" also can't speak, and there is no so-called weapon spirit in the legend that can chat, sing, dance, etc. to relieve boredom.

Therefore, no one interprets and explains the function for him.

It can only be understood and inferred based on the information conveyed by the "God of War Book" itself.

But Lu Bu knew that the grade of "God of War Book" must not be low! .

It is a very powerful, very powerful, very powerful treasure!
The reason why he fainted before was because he was hit by a large amount of information flow in an instant, and his brain went down for a while, so he couldn't control himself and fell off the horse.

At this moment, he finally barely recovered from the shock of the information flow.

I also have a preliminary understanding of what the "God of War Book" is, what it does, and what it can be used for.

Why preliminary knowledge?

Very simple.

Based on the information he has now, he understands.

That huge and endless flow of information is only [-]. Less than one-tenth of zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero zero.

There are too many functions, and I can't explain it at the moment.

The most important thing is that Lu Bu's head is still hurting, and he can't sort it out one by one. He can only roughly sort out some functions of "Book of War God".

First of all, the "God of War Book" is not a treasure for battle, but an artifact of the luck dynasty.

The indispensable treasure for establishing the luck dynasty is called the artifact of the luck dynasty.

Lu Bu didn't know what kind of artifact the "God of War Book" was, but he knew that it was definitely the top one.

The problem is coming.

What is the Fortune Dynasty?

three conditions.

One is a court with a complete social system, such as the common dynasty.

The other is that within the dynasty, there must be people of extraordinary level, who can promote the mundane dynasty to the extraordinary dynasty.

The last condition is also the most important condition.

Possess the artifact of the luck dynasty.

Only by possessing the Divine Artifact of the Luck Dynasty can one use it to gather the luck of hundreds of millions of people within the ruled territory, thereby blessing the dynasty.

With the blessing of luck, the dynasty will continue to be born extraordinary, the national strength will continue to grow, and the level of extraordinary will be raised.

In addition, only by using the Artifact of the Qi Luck Dynasty can the uncertain Qi Luck be firmly controlled and distributed reasonably, so that the dynasty's path to extraordinaryness will become longer and stronger.

The only one who can control and use luck is the artifact of the luck dynasty!

Besides, no one can control luck.

Luck is something that can be observed, figured out, and studied after reaching a certain level of strength, and use it in a certain way.

Some extraordinary people with special abilities, such as the legendary cultivators, do not need to become immortals, but only need to reach a certain level of Taoism to observe their luck.

But only for observation.

No one can really control luck.

Even if it is the first-class immortal Buddha!
Even the legendary omnipotent saint.

both are not!
Luck cannot be controlled by humans, this is the iron law!
It comes with the wind and goes with the wind...

It can gather on someone or a certain force for a short period of time, but it will eventually pass away one day in the future.

As the saying goes, "the heaven and the earth have the same force when the time comes, but the hero is not free when transported away".

Since ancient times, as long as the luck is in the body, everything will go smoothly, and if the luck is not there, every step will be difficult, that's how it is.

But the artifact of the Qiyun Dynasty broke this iron law.

Or, it's not considered a breakthrough, but through the luck dynasty artifact, you can indirectly control and use luck.

Of course, it is only to a certain extent, not 100%, there is always some luck, and the artifact of the luck dynasty cannot be controlled freely.

In fact, the luck that can be truly controlled by the artifact of the luck dynasty can only be one-half of the owner's own luck or the luck of the power he belongs to.

Even so, it's amazing!

The preciousness of such a treasure can be imagined.

You must know that even if you are extraordinary, even after becoming an immortal, you must have luck, which is absolutely indispensable.

Once the luck is insufficient, the mild ones will weaken, everything will not go well, and the serious ones will disappear and die, and there will be no redemption.

Let you be an immortal golden immortal, the power of an immortal Buddha who has practiced for hundreds of millions of years, without the blessing of luck, everything will become empty in a blink of an eye.

No one can exist without luck!
But no one can control luck!
Except for the artifact of the Luck Dynasty!

"Book of God of War" is such an artifact of the Luck Dynasty.

However, gathering and using luck is only one of the functions of the artifact of the luck dynasty.

Each artifact of the luck dynasty has its unique special functions.

The same goes for "God of War".

So, what are the special features of "God of War Book"?

a lot of!

But not important!

Because too many functions are limited to Lu Bu's current pitiful level, making it meaningless.

Of course it doesn't matter.

No matter how good something is, if you can't get it, if it doesn't belong to you, then it doesn't belong to you, and it doesn't matter.

Lu Bu clearly understood this.

Close your eyes and meditate.

After a long time, when he opened his eyes, there was a mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Not bad!"

An uncontrollable smile welled up on his brows, Lu Bu nodded and smiled, and muttered to himself:

"Just being able to freely travel through the heavens and worlds, from now on, no longer being restricted by the ordinary world, is already a great fortune for me!"

Yes, one of the functions of "God of War Book" is to open the passages of the heavens and enter other worlds.

But it takes luck.

It's not considered a waste, because those luck are used to support the "God of War Book" to open the passage to the heavens.

As long as the passage is retracted, luck will naturally come back.

"Book of God of War" is an artifact of the luck dynasty, how can you waste your luck at will?

Of course, there is no doubt that before the passage of the heavens is withdrawn, one's own luck will definitely plummet.

In this regard, Lu Bu expressed his understanding.

You can't just get without giving, can you?

He's not that stupid yet.

Not to mention that everything in the world must revolve around oneself.

(End of this chapter)

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