New Lubu War

Chapter 141 The Death of Dong Zhuo

Chapter 141 The Death of Dong Zhuo
In the first year of Chuping, it slowly came to an end.

Soon, it entered the second year of Chuping, that is, 191 AD in later generations.

This year, many things happened.

With the help of the fame of the four generations and the three princes, coupled with his own courage and ability, Yuan Shao finally exerted his strength.

At the suggestion of counselor Feng Ji, Yuan Shao instigated Gongsun Zan to attack Jizhou. At the same time, he secretly made friends with the generals under Jizhou Mu Han Fu, such as General Qu Yi.

Gongsun Zan sent troops to attack Jizhou in the south.

Han Fu was defeated in the first battle and panicked. At this time, Gao Gan and Xun Chen, Yuan Shao's lobbyists, came to Yecheng to persuade Han Fu to surrender to Yuan.

Regardless of the opposition of many subordinates, Han Fu finally surrendered to Yuan Shao, the prefect of Bohai County, as a state shepherd.

Yuan Shao was also able to enter Jizhou and lead Jizhou herdsmen.

Compared to Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu's path was even smoother.

Shortly after returning to Nanyang after discussing Dong, those disciples of the Yuan family in Yuzhou automatically worshiped Yuan Shu as their master.

From then on, Yuan Shu led Yuzhou to herdsmen and occupied the fertile Yuzhou in the Central Plains.

The reputation of the four generations and the three princes is so great, and the disciples and old officials are all over the world, so that the two brothers Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were quickly established.

Of course, the relationship between the two brothers was not good, and they soon started fighting, but they didn't mention it.

Facing Yuan Shu in the south and Gongsun Zan in the north, Yuan Shao made every effort to govern, and the fight was very lively.

At this time, Yuan Shao was undoubtedly on an upward path.

On the other hand, Cao Cao, who issued a public appeal at the beginning and called on the heroes to challenge Dong, has not yet made a fortune at the moment, and is just a small Dongjun prefect.

Liu Bei continued to take shelter under Gongsun Zan's sect.

Sun Ce is keeping filial piety for his deceased father and grandson.

By the way, Gongsundu in the eastern part of Youzhou established himself as Marquis of Liaodong.

In short, after the battle against Dong, the entire Kanto region was in chaos.

The princes from all over the country became self-reliant one after another. Except for the rewards, the imperial edicts were not obeyed, and they attacked each other.

This situation is obviously what Dong Zhuo is happy to see.

Therefore, the shot was very generous, and the princes from all over the country, but those who led the state herds and county guards by themselves, all gave affirmation and formal canonization.

But there are also things that give Dong Zhuo a headache.

The veteran of the Han Dynasty, the famous general Zhu Jun, had a complete falling out with Dong Zhuo, and with the support of the Shandong princes, he raised troops to attack Chang'an.

It is also the only person in the world who sent troops to attack Dong Zhuo at the moment.

Dong Zhuo sent generals Li Jue, Guo Si, Zhang Ji and others to meet the enemy. Zhu Jun was outnumbered and defeated many times, unable to attack Chang'an.

After all, those Shandong princes had limited funding, and it was impossible for Zhu Jun's army to truly become stronger.

Facing the Xiliang iron cavalry with strong soldiers and horses, Zhu Jun is alone, how can he be an opponent?
But Zhu Jun insisted on fighting Dong Zhuo to the end.

His military skills are outstanding and his combat experience is seasoned.

Li Jue, Guo Si's generation, although relying on the strength of the troops under their command, they were repeatedly defeated, but they were still unable to be eliminated.

Therefore, in addition to the melee among the princes of the Guandong, this year, the land of Sili also continued to fight.

This is the current situation in the world, turbulent.


Chuping three years.

The day before the Lantern Festival.


Situ House.

"I was invited by Situ to come to the appointment. Don't ask too many questions, just hand in this letter!"

A middle-aged man with a vicissitudes of life and a serious face, wearing a rough linen coat and wearing a long sword on his waist, said to Situ's servants at the gate.

Glancing at the middle-aged man, the servant showed hesitation.

This person is poorly dressed and does not look like a nobleman. It seems that he is not qualified to see Situ?

But since he said it was Situ's invitation, he naturally didn't dare to delay.

"Your Majesty, wait a moment, the villain will report to Situ now!"

The servant turned around, entered Situ's mansion, and reported the matter to Situ Wangyun.


Wang Yun, who was drinking to relieve his worries after hearing the report from the servants, suddenly opened his eyes with burning eyes.

With a sound of 'whoosh', he snatched the sealed letter from the servant, and eagerly opened it to read it.

"Good good!"

After reading the letter, Wang Yun looked excited and said 'OK' three times.

"Please come to the secret room as soon as possible, and don't let others know!"

Staring at the servant, Wang Yun solemnly ordered.


Chuping three years, May.


Mighty Marquis Mansion.


Lu Bu looked at Cao Xing in surprise.

"Dong Zhuo was assassinated by Wang Yue?"

"Chang'an's aristocratic families and court officials, headed by Wang Yun, controlled the Chang'an Forbidden Army and killed Dong Zhuo's entire family?"


Cao Xing said with certainty.

Lu Bu was dumbfounded.

Let’s not talk about the specific process.

In short, it was Wang Yun who bribed Wang Yue, and after several operations, on the 'Fengchan Terrace', he rose up close and violently.

A sword pierced his throat, and Dong Zhuo was killed on the spot.

Immediately, Wang Yun, who had been prepared for a long time, sent troops to kill Dong Zhuo's family.

It is said that even the dogs were not spared!
Dong Zhuo's corpse was set in the navel with fire, made into a lamp, and laid on the street, allowing the people to trample on it.

Only General Hua Xiong is brave and invincible.

Even though he was surrounded by tens of thousands of soldiers, he still protected Li Ru, and together with a dozen personal guards, he bravely broke out of the encirclement.

The timing Wang Yun chose was very good. At that time, the Xiliang army was fighting against Zhu Jun outside, and the city of Chang'an was empty.

With the cooperation of many court and central officials, as soon as Dong Zhuo died, Wang Yun immediately made a thunderous move, killing all Dong Zhuo's party in Chang'an City in one fell swoop.

"not good!"

Lu Bu suddenly remembered something and said to Cao Xing:
"Order Chang'an to work carefully, bring the imperial envoy Cai Yong to Jiuyuan, go quickly, don't delay!"

Perhaps it was because Dong Zhuo suppressed him so hard, the current Wang Yun is equally murderous, and he will never let go of anyone who is on the side of Dong Zhuo.

Cai Yong is a nerd, he only knows that Dong Zhuo is kind to him, and he is afraid that he will cry for Dong Zhuo just like the original time and space.

In this way, there is no doubt that he will die!
"That's it!"

As soon as he finished giving Cao Xing, Lu Bu stood up and said:
"It's better to go there by yourself. It's more than a thousand miles away. Only Chitu can make it in time!"

Cai Yong is Cai Yan's father, that is, Lu Bu's father-in-law, so we can't ignore it.

Moreover, Lu Bu also respected Cai Yong himself very much.

Therefore, Cai Yong must be saved!
As soon as he said go, Lu Bu went out immediately, took Shangtian Tianhuaji, and rode a red rabbit to Chang'an alone.

The red rabbit and BMW that travel thousands of miles a day and eight hundred at night are extraordinary.

That night, they rushed to Chang'an.

Contacted the local Bingzhou spy, and came to persuade Cai Yong. In the early morning, he began to move to Bingzhou Jiuyuan.

Wang Yun soon learned of this, but when he heard that it was Lv Bu who came in person, the encounter that day came to mind instantly, vividly in his mind.

Shivering secretly, Wang Yun acted as if this had never happened.

What's the big deal for a mere Cai Yong?

What's more, at this time, the incident of Cai Yong crying for Dong Zhuo has not happened yet, so Wang Yun naturally doesn't care much.

Cai Yong's family, with hundreds of people, moved slowly, and it took two full months to reach Jiuyuan.

Well, during the period, Lu Bu's halberd fell, adding an unknown number of dead souls.

In the time of war and chaos, there are countless thieves everywhere, how could it be possible to go all the way without incident?
After all, in Cai Yong's line of work, dozens of carriages were filled with books, which could easily be mistaken for valuable property.

But with Lu Bu accompanying him, nothing happened.

(End of this chapter)

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