New Lubu War

Chapter 143 1 word, cool

Chapter 143 One word, cool
When everything in Bingzhou stabilized and the soldiers and horses from all over the country were kept in training, Lu Bu declared to the outside world that he needed to recuperate from his illness, and he never left home.

This move came as no surprise.

After all, in the mundane world, who doesn't get sick?

"God of War" is also a mortal, so naturally there is a theory of birth, old age, sickness and death.

But for Yan Shi, Diao Chan, Cai Yan and other pillow people, there is another way of saying it.

Well, there is no explanation, just let them keep it secret.

There is no way, how can people who sleep together every day hide it?
Only without saying the reason, forcibly asked to keep it secret.

Fortunately, over the years, Yan Shi has gradually gotten used to his overbearing, whatever he says is what he says, and he didn't ask further.

Diao Chan, Cai Yan is not a talkative person. Although he was puzzled, he asked a few words, but in Lu Bu's unquestionable tone, it was fine.

As for the rest of the concubines, there is no room for further discussion.

In short, in a short period of time, there is no need to worry about the back house.

It's not that Lu Bu didn't come back all the time, he returned one day a month and showed up once, but unexpectedly the situation got out of hand.

But after a long time, everyone will get used to it.

The most important thing is, after a long time, how can Lu Bu fail to gain in another world?

In short, now is to stabilize the people around me in the short term, and I will find a way later.

After transcendence, I think there is a way!

Chamber of Secrets.

"Inspired by luck, search the heavens!"

Lu Bu looked excited and his eyes were full of expectation.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the black "God of War Book" exuding gilded light slowly turned, and an invisible wave suddenly spread.

At the same time, the extremely thin layer of luck that originally enveloped Jiuyuan suddenly disappeared.

It didn't really disappear, but entered the "God of War Book".

Although these lucks are weak, they represent the humanitarian luck of Bingzhou and Hanoi. If it really disappears, it will be a disaster!
The "God of War Book" itself is infinitely powerful, enough to accomplish incredible things such as searching the heavens, opening time and space channels in the heavens, and so on.

These lucks only played a role in stimulating the function of "God of War Book".

Of course, some advanced functions still require luck.

However, it is completely unnecessary to search the heavens, open time and space channels and other trivial 'trivial matters'.

I don't know what the principle of the "God of War Book" is, in short, Lu Bu quickly saw countless small dots representing the world of the heavens.

Every world of the heavens, while being searched, its general information is also captured by the "God of War Book".

"It's this world!"

After spending several hours picking and choosing among the countless worlds of the heavens, Lu Bu set his goal.

The next moment, there was no one in the secret room.


Surrounded by colorful lights, colorful and sparkling, grotesque.

Lu Bu looked around curiously, but couldn't see anything.

However, he knew that this was the space-time channel opened up by the "God of War Book", and he was now heading to another world.

Turn around and look behind you.

A huge world is rapidly shrinking and going away.

That was his original world, the Three Kingdoms World where he stayed for eight years.

According to the world division given in "Book of War God", this Three Kingdoms world is a medium-sized small thousand world.

[-] miles up and down, and [-] miles left and right!
The earth, the sea, the stars, and the sky each account for half, just like the yolk and egg white, which are closely connected and yet distinct.

The whole world is like an egg!

Outside the world, there is nothing but chaos.

On the edge of the world, there are 'egg membranes' and 'eggshells', which protect the world from being invaded by chaos.

But Lu Bu knew that this protection was not permanent.

The world also has a lifespan!

Regardless of the size of the small thousand worlds, the lifespan is unified into one era, that is, one hundred and twenty-nine thousand and six hundred years.

The Three Kingdoms world has gone through more than [-] years.

The remaining life span is less than [-] years.

Compared with the lifespan of the earth of [-] billion years in the previous life, it seems to be a paradox.

However, not a paradox.

Because, this Three Kingdoms world is a parallel world independent of a certain timeline in the long river of time.

There are countless such parallel worlds!

These parallel worlds have a common origin of time and space, branching continuously on the timeline, developing countless worlds that are similar but not equal.

Mysterious origin of time and space, incredible parallel world!
Of course, with Lu Bu's current knowledge, it is obviously too early to think about these issues.

It's too late, the world of the Three Kingdoms has long since disappeared into the vast chaos, and Lu Bu's vision has been replaced by the colorful time and space channels around him.

Turn around and look forward.

Soon, the outline of a world countless times larger than the Three Kingdoms world appeared in front of my eyes.

The shape is almost the same, they are all 'egg' type.

Earth, sea and stars, sky, like egg yolk and egg white, separated from top to bottom.

But the scale is not the same.

In the world of the Three Kingdoms, the diameter of the land and sea is only [-] miles, but the diameter of this world is more than [-] million miles!
The difference in diameter is [-] times, the difference in area is [-] times, and the difference in volume is more than [-] million times!
Advanced mid-thousand world.

The lifespan is as high as one hundred epochs!
Such a huge world is only the projection of laws, and it can no longer maintain the laws of heaven and earth.

Therefore, this world has the laws of visualization!

Because of this, it has the possibility to breed extraordinary creatures!

Extraordinary creatures are not necessarily human beings, any living beings are possible.

Of course, the world Lu Bu carefully selected must be a world dominated by humans.

"Book of the God of War" is majestic and vast, with infinite power.

When searching the world of the heavens in the chaos, the corresponding information of this world is collected at the same time.

Compared with those worlds dominated by weird-looking creatures, of course Lu Bu chose a world dominated by humans.

The space-time channel is mysterious and unpredictable, and the concepts of time and space here are not normal.

In short, as soon as that huge world appeared, it immediately occupied Lu Bu's sight, and then continued to expand and expand...

Suddenly, he entered the inside of this world.

The "eggshell" and "egg membrane" that isolate the chaos outside have no effect.

The vast starry sky, the vast land, and the endless mountain range flashed before my eyes, and then disappeared.

The next moment, Lu Bu was already standing on a flat grass.


After a while of trance, all the colorful and strange things around him receded, and Lu Bu returned to normal perception.


As soon as he recovered, his genuine spiritual power of the great master immediately sensed the incomparably 'thick', ubiquitous vitality of heaven and earth.

After breaking through the Grand Master realm, Lu Bu, who had been in a state of 'hunger' all the time, took a deep breath at that time.

That feeling, that feeling...

How to describe it?
One word, cool!

Two words, very cool!

It's as if the baby is in the mother's womb, and it's like being massaged by countless beauties.




Closing his eyes, Lu Bu moaned intoxicated.

(End of this chapter)

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