New Lubu War

Chapter 295 Parallel Space

Chapter 295 Parallel Space
Qianyuan sixteen years, spring.

Since more than a year ago, the army of the Four Routes returned, the government of Daqi was smooth, the people were harmonious, the business was prosperous, and the people had ample food and clothing.

That ten-year expedition did not involve the Eighteen States of Daqi.

Of course, there are now one hundred and eight states.

The original eighteen prefectures have become the core area of ​​Daqi, the surrounding thirty-six prefectures are sparsely populated, and the outlying fifty-four prefectures are barren, which are just divided on the map.

For the eighteen prefectures of Daqi, especially the thirteen prefectures inherited from the previous dynasty, the people have been out of war for sixteen years.

A whole generation.

Such a long time is enough to make the people of the world forget everything.

Therefore, in the present Daqi, it is not too much to say that singing and dancing make peace and the world prospers.

Especially the population, which has skyrocketed!

Daqi was first established, with a population of about [-] million.

In the first three years, the weather was smooth, the grain was plentiful, the harvest was bumper every year, and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment.

In the next three years, although natural disasters continued, the court handled them properly. Although a large amount of property and agricultural products were destroyed, there was almost no loss of personnel.

In the next nine years, Daqi officials ruled Qingming, and people everywhere lived in peace.

In addition, the introduction of high-yield crops such as sweet potatoes and potatoes has made all the people no longer worry about hunger.

As the so-called "feeling warm and thinking about sex", after the life is rich, can the common people still make people vigorously?

There is also a policy of encouraging births that has lasted for many years.

In this case, it is impossible not to increase the population!
Over the past sixteen years, the population of the common people has continued to increase, reaching as many as [-] million.

As the new generation of population comes of age, it is foreseeable that this population explosion rate will further increase!
Reaching one billion, ten billion, it won't take long.

In fact, the prosperity of the Central Plains has surpassed any period in history.

Even the original remote states and counties, such as Jiaozhou and Nanzhong, have gradually prospered as the population has increased significantly.

In recent years, many common people have responded to the government's call and went to distant places to open up wasteland and relocate their industries.

Because, for those who participate in pioneering, the government promises to provide free seeds, agricultural tools, etc., no tax for three years, and all wasteland reclaimed will belong to the people themselves.

Some people whose families are growing in population and have insufficient land property are quite moved by this.

The world can be said to have entered an unprecedented period of prosperity.

The fundamental reason for the formation of such a situation is that without the oppression of aristocratic and wealthy families, the people can stand on their own, and all aspects are thriving.

Of course there are aristocratic families, and there are many more!
But there is no such aristocratic family with tens of thousands of people in the past.

Because, within the family, every generation has to separate!
Even before the next generation, there are many children who left on their own initiative to start their own businesses.

In this way, no matter how big the family is, it will gradually become smaller as it continues to be separated.

Ordinary wealthy families are driven by the 'Tweet Order' and have no choice but to do so.

The dignitaries standing in the courts and temples, because their minds are not on the family, but on themselves, so they let the family divide and ignore it.

Just kidding, with the hope of immortality, who cares about the family?
One's own children and direct descendants are naturally valued, but those numerous collaterals are not so integrated.

This is not mentioned.



It is located in the west of Luoyang, east of Chang'an, and northwest of Shendu.

There are many peaks, and the mountains are dangerous.


A fiery red figure came to the foot of Mount Hua, and then quickly went up the mountain.

Like a fiery red lightning, or like a shooting star across the sky, the fiery red figure leaped between the mountains.

Almost in a breath, he came to the top of the mountain.

The figure appeared.

Dressed in fiery red gilt imperial clothes, tall and strong, with a handsome appearance, two sword eyebrows slanting to his temples.

It was Lu Bu, the current emperor.

Standing on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back, Lu Bu looked around for a moment.

Here is the famous "Huashan Head of State" South Peak in later generations.

Of course, this era does not have such a name.

Around the top of the mountain, white mist lingers, it looks like a heavenly palace surrounded by clouds, and the scenery is wonderful.

Lu Bu didn't come to enjoy the scenery.

After looking around for a moment, he withdrew his gaze and sat down cross-legged on the spot.

With a terrifying light in his eyes, Lu Bu murmured to himself:

"Starting today, I will start to set foot in the parallel space, collect the timeline, and return to one source!"

What is parallel space?

At the same point in time, there is another space, or world, that is almost exactly the same as this world!
The so-called almost identical means that the mountains, rivers and rivers are exactly the same, all creatures are exactly the same, and human beings are exactly the same.

Human culture, thinking, and even the formed social structure are almost exactly the same!
Even everyone's name, environment, interpersonal relationship, etc., are exactly the same!
Only in one respect, there is a difference.

How big this difference is depends on how far and how long the two parallel spaces are separated on the timeline!

The relationship between two parallel spaces is like brothers and sisters, or immediate relatives.

Because they have a common root, a common origin!
The origin of time and space!

There are countless such "brothers and sisters" in any world or space. 'Immediate relatives'!
It is also like a tree, every branch has a fork, and the branched branches have forks.

In the infinite branching, all branches have their own characteristics, but the root of them all comes from the same branch.

These branches can be regarded as parallel spaces!

Every moment, every minute, every second, there are infinite parallel spaces born!
As time goes by, there will be more and more parallel spaces, which cannot be calculated, infinitely many!

Then, is it possible that two parallel spaces coincide?

Or, what about returning to the same timeline?

It seems that the branches on the tree grow back?

In general, it is impossible.

But if certain conditions are met, it can indeed be done!


The black "God of War Book" exuding infinite golden light appeared in front of Lu Bu.

Looking at the mysterious "God of War Book" in front of him, Lu Bu fell silent.

"Book of God of War" cannot allow two parallel time and space to overlap.

But it can open the time and space barriers between parallel time and space, allowing the two spaces to contact each other.

What happens when two parallel spaces come into contact?
Here, it is necessary to explain the essence of parallel space.

Parallel space is a spontaneous extension of the origin of time and space, or projection and duplication.

How to understand?

At a certain point in time, the origin of time and space will project countless similar spaces.

Projection will not affect the origin of time and space itself.

Because, this kind of projection belongs to the duplication, and it is just the space duplication.

It's like copying information for later generations.

Copying a message does not affect the content of the original message.

Well, still somewhat abstract, metaphysical.


For Lu Bu, it is enough to know that the overlap of two parallel spaces can strengthen the origin of the world, increase the background of the world, and expand the level of the world!
PS: Although the description of parallel spaces in these chapters and this book is very reasonable and excellent, it is purely fabricated!


(End of this chapter)

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