New Lubu War

Chapter 316 It's Your Time to Take Action

Chapter 316 It's Your Time to Take Action
Jia Xu and the others had been prepared for a long time, and they made another rhetoric.
In short, there are all kinds of helplessness, and I really can't afford to pay the offerings this year.

He even took Zhai Tianming to inspect various resource producing areas.

I don't know what method Jia Xu and others used, but in the end Zhai Tianming believed their words.

But no matter what the reason, worship is indispensable.

Moreover, there must be no less offerings every year!

In this regard, King Lu Fang, Taiwei Jia Xu, and a group of courtiers swore to Zhai Tianming that in the next two years, Qi State would not want any resources of its own, but would pay tribute to the Daxie Dynasty and make up for the sacrifices owed in the past two years. .

After getting such a guarantee and receiving a lot of presents, Zhai Tianming finally let go.

He emphasized again and again that there were only three things to do, and after paying tribute as promised next year, Zhai Tianming left Qi.

In this way, Qi State delayed twice in a row.

The fundamental reason for being able to succeed twice is still the self-confidence and arrogance of the Daxie Dynasty.

For thousands of years, no small or medium-sized country has ever dared to disobey the imperial court's orders.

Due to his habitual thinking, Zhai Tianming never thought that Da Qi might never have planned to pay tribute to the Da Xie Dynasty!

until this year.

It's the third year.

Zhai Tianming didn't wait until the end of the year, and set off directly at the beginning of the year, intending to personally monitor the Qi State's tribute.

Although he is the grand master of the dynasty and has an extraordinary status, if the Qi State does not pay tribute, he will have a lot to do with it.

After all, there are many great masters in the Great Xie Dynasty, and he, the mid-term great master, has not been able to cover up everything.

If Zhai Tianming came directly to Qi State, things would be a bit difficult to handle.

After all, the status of the envoy of the Daxie Dynasty is not simple, and the surrounding countries are bound to join in the fun.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Qi Guo is not easy to make a move.

But Zhai Tianming thought that he was an envoy of the imperial dynasty, and he was a rare great master in the world, so he didn't think much about it at all.

He sent someone to notify Qi State first, and then Shi Shiran set off.

Jia Xu, Sima Yi and others made up their minds, forget it, don't procrastinate.

No need.

Qi State is almost ready.

As long as the Daxie Dynasty doesn't send troops within half a year, there will be no problem.

Thus, the four generals Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei, Tai Shici, and Xia Houyuan set out to assassinate Zhai Tianming in Wangxitan outside the Great Xie Dynasty.

The Daxie Dynasty is one hundred thousand miles away from Qi Guozu, so it is not easy to find out the murderer.

Continue to urge, why do we have to wait until the end of the year?

By then, Qi State will no longer need to hide.


Twenty years of Qianyuan in this world.


General Guan Yu of Anbei, leading an army of [-] green dragons, came out from the east and brazenly entered the Muyue Kingdom.

The [-] troops deployed by the Muyue Kingdom on the border would collapse at the first touch.

Very simple.

In this battle, in addition to Guan Yu, the Azure Dragon Army also had five great masters!

Five great masters charged into the army, and they specifically killed the enemy's generals. Whether they were masters or martial artists, they were all deadly with one punch.

The commander-in-chief of the army, a peak master general, can't stop Yihe!
Without the command of a general, what is the use of more troops?

Therefore, in the face of the menacing Azure Dragon Army, the [-] troops of the Muyue Kingdom would collapse at the first touch!
This is not mentioned.

Guan Yu attacked the city and seized land all the way, and quickly arrived at the capital, Muyue City.

Facing the six great masters including Guan Yu, the Muyue Kingdom was terrified, and soon the whole country surrendered.

Even the original Grand Master of Protecting the Nation also surrendered.

Following the proclamation of the king of the Muyue Kingdom, five thousand miles of great rivers and mountains quickly changed their banners and were included in the territory of Daqi.

At the same time, Guan Yu's troops were not the only ones who sent troops to the east.

There are also Cao Cao's Black Dragon Army and Zhou Yu's White Dragon Army.

They set out from the northeast, divided into two routes, and attacked two adjacent small kingdoms respectively.

Like Guan Yu's troops, the Black Dragon Army and the White Dragon Army each have five Grandmasters.

The Grand Master violated the unspoken rules of the mainland and directly participated in the war. Which kingdom can be the one?

Therefore, it also only took a month, and the two armies went to the country, expanding the land for more than a thousand miles in two directions. .

This is the case in the east, and the same is true in the north.

Ma Chao, Liu Bei, as well as Zhang Liao and Sun Ce, all four armies were dispatched and marched towards the vast north.

In the north, there are four small kingdoms.

Ma Chao, Liu Bei, Zhang Liao, and Sun Ce were each responsible for one side, and within a month, they all won.

There is no way, the small kingdom of others, the power of the whole country, but there is only one great master.

These four groups of troops, although the number of troops is only one hundred thousand, there are more than five Grand Masters!

And don't talk about Wude, attack the army!

Whenever there is a war, the great masters in the army will personally dispatch to kill the enemy generals quickly.

So, how can we not triumph all the way?
In addition to small and medium kingdoms, those miniature kingdoms without great masters, or cities in remote places, were all forcibly included in Qi.

One month later, the eastern part of the Great Qi Kingdom expanded by five thousand miles, and the northern part increased by two thousand miles.

But this is just the beginning!
After taking down the neighboring countries, the Seven Great Legions did not stop. When Jia Xu sent people to take over the local area, they bloomed in all directions again and rushed to further places.

In the twenty-first year of Qianyuan, spring.

Half a year.

In half a year, Daqi's seven-way army swept across the east, north, and northeast directions like a raging fire.

More than ten small and medium-sized kingdoms fell under the army of Daqi.

More than [-]% of the kingdom, after seeing the incomparable combat power of the Qi army, the king took the lead and surrendered the whole country.

However, there are also [-]-[-]% of the kingdoms. For various reasons, they are unwilling to surrender, and eventually the country is destroyed and the royal family is slaughtered.

The entire Qi army, starting from the main general, to the generals in the army, and even the soldiers, are not soft-hearted people!

Half a year later, Qi Jun's actions still did not stop.

Iron hoofs clank, murderous aura boils.

An army of [-] people ran around without stopping.

Wherever he went, all the countries were invincible, either the whole country surrendered, or they were beheaded and killed after stubbornly resisting.

The mainland was shocked, and the world was in turmoil!
to autumn.

Daqi once again expanded his territory thousands of miles.

During this period, more than a dozen small and medium kingdoms were destroyed, and nearly a hundred miniature kingdoms were captured!
So far, the territory of the Daqi Kingdom has reached nearly [-] miles in length and breadth!
The size of the six continental countries.

It can be called a dynasty!


Danyue Mountains.

"You guys, it's up to you to act!"

Wearing a fiery red gold-plated imperial robe, Lu Bu looked at Jiang Wushang, Yue Yunshan, Liupi, Tian Yixie and other nine people with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile:
"Next, the Great Xie Dynasty and the other five countries will definitely intervene. Only Wen Yuan, Yun Chang and others can't hold back the situation!"

"Only if you go to reinforce, can we prevent the six major countries from underestimating us!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty!"

Jiang Wushang and the others were all excited, they clasped their hands together and said:

"I really want to meet the heroes of this world!"

Hearing this, Lu Bu smiled slightly.

It has been almost four years since they entered this world, and with the support of sufficient resources, the nine Jiang Wushangs have completely returned to the top.

Nine peak masters are enough to compete with any of the six major countries!
(End of this chapter)

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