New Lubu War

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Martial arts hall.

'Dangdang Dangdang'

A big knife, a long spear, and a big halberd.

Three long weapons were cruising, interlacing, and colliding in the Martial Arts Hall.

Three young and strong figures, each holding a weapon, are entangled together.


Arrows flew across the air and shot at one of them continuously.

A few tens of steps away, a muscular young man in his twenties was holding a longbow, nocking arrows and shooting non-stop.

The tall young man with a double-sided halberd faced the threats of swords, spears, and arrows in the distance, with a calm demeanor and no panic.

Swinging the halberd like the wind, he blocked the sword and spear one by one, or dodged or blocked or knocked, and caught the incoming arrows one by one.

In the Martial Arts Hall, strong winds beat against the face, ear-piercing sounds pierced the air, and the sound of fierce weapon collisions kept coming and going.

What a battle!
After fighting for a long time, it was still impossible to tell who was superior.

The young man holding a big sword is superb in sword skills, suitable for weight and weight, fast and slow at will, and the sword has thousands of pounds of power, becoming the main force in this siege.

The burly young man wielding a long spear, his marksmanship is also mysterious, light or heavy, variable, and extremely brave.

Outside the arena, the young man who drew the bow and set the arrow, and shot feather arrows like the wind, posed a threat that was not inferior to the other two.

However, in the face of the siege of three people who were two close and one far away, the young man holding a big halberd was not afraid at all.

The big halberds were flying, dragons were flying and phoenixes were dancing, Xu Mijian took all the offensives of everyone.

After Lily, the young man holding the halberd even began to gain the upper hand!

During the fierce battle, with a loud shout, the halberd suddenly hit the broadsword.


After three dense high-pitched impact sounds, the big knife flew out, and fell to the ground with a 'choke langlang'.

The other young man with a gun was startled when he saw this, and quickly retracted his gun and backed away.

The strongest person on one's own side has let go of the weapon, and the outcome of the battle is already clear, so there is no need to continue the fight.

The archery youth also stopped his movements.


The euphorbia was stationed, the young man laughed and said:

"Refreshing, refreshing!"

"Shi Jun's halberd technique is truly unpredictable!"

The gun-wielding youth said with admiration.

"Zi Xun is not bad either. Now that he has broken through the realm of a master, he is considered a fierce general in the world!"

Glancing at the young man with the gun, the young man standing with the halberd said with a smile.

The four were Lu Bu, Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, and Cao Xing.

Under the guidance of Lu Bu, after five years of hard training, Gao Shun finally broke through his own bottleneck and became a master of martial arts.
Looking at Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, and Cao Xing who were walking in front of him, Lu Bu nodded secretly.

Gao Shun
General level: Destroyer

Qualification: Superior

Comprehension: superior
Talent: Superior

Martial Arts: Grandmaster

Arm strength: three bulls

Zhang Liao
General Level: Thousand Army Warriors

Qualification: Talented and Beautiful Jade

Comprehension: draw inferences about other cases from one instance
Talent: one in a million
Martial Arts: Top Grandmaster

Arm Strength: Four Bulls

Cao Xing

General level: Titans

Qualification: Ordinary

Comprehension: superior
Talent: Superior

Martial Arts: Grandmaster

Arm strength: two horses

Not long ago, Gao Shun finally comprehended the trick of "lifting weight as lightly as possible, and lifting lightly as heavy", and his martial arts made great progress, stepping into the ranks of masters.

At the same time, he has also become a "destroyer" that can be counted in the whole world!
In the original time and space, Gao Shun's force was definitely not at this level!
But under Lu Bu's careful guidance, he has now broken through his own limit.

As for Zhang Liao, he has made rapid progress, and has completely mastered the trick of "seeming fast but actually slow, seemingly slow but actually fast" and has become a top master.

He also became the top fighter in the world in one fell swoop.

According to Lu Bu's estimate, this is the original time and space, Zhang Liao's peak force level!

That is, the level of Yan Liang, Wen Chou, Tai Shici, and Sun Ce!

However, according to Zhang Liao's aptitude, savvy and talent, there should be room for improvement.

As for Cao Xing, limited by his physical fitness, even if his martial arts were also promoted to the level of a master, the rank of general did not change much.

Just more than 'brave', become 'Titan' nothing more.

But Cao Xing's arrow technique has reached the 'hundred-step piercing Yang'!
This kind of arrow method, apart from the power contained in the arrow, can be said to be no worse than Lu Bu!

On the battlefield, such an arrow technique is no less threatening than a 'destroyer general', or even a 'thousand army general' like Zhang Liao!
Besieged by such three people, even if it is Lu Bu, it is not easy to win.

"Fortunately, I'm getting more and more comfortable with this three-strike attack, otherwise, I might not be able to hold them down!"

Looking at Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and Cao Xing, Lu Bu thought to himself.

The current Zhang Liao may not be as good as Guan Yu, Xu Chu and other invincible generals, but the difference is very small.

Gao Shun is no longer under Hua Xiong.

On the side of Cao Xing, a master archer, the pressure on Lu Bu can be imagined!

"The combination of these three people is probably no worse than the combination of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei!"

Lu Bu secretly said.

A Zhang Liao is close to a Guan Yu or Zhang Fei. Although Gao Shun is not close, Cao Xing's all-pervasive arrows in the distance are even more threatening than Zhang Liao!
Such a lineup is indeed no worse than Guan Yu and Zhang Fei teaming up.

Maybe even higher!

Of course, if he was really on the battlefield, Lu Bu would never get entangled with Zhang Liao and Gao Shun foolishly, he would definitely get rid of them and go straight to Cao Xing.

So, this comparison doesn't make much sense.

"Now, under Brother's command, there are one 'thousand army general' and one 'destroyer general', one tiger general, one brave general, two brave generals, and eight brave generals!"

"In addition to Cao Xing, who is himself a 'Titan' and a sharpshooter, this lineup has surpassed Dong Zhuo, number one in the world, and number one!"

On the way to rest with Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and Cao Xing, Lu Bu thought to himself.

In the past five years, not only the strength of the original seven generals under his command has greatly increased, but also eight "valiant generals" have emerged from the army.

Coupled with daily drills and [-] elite soldiers who eat meat constantly, Lu Bu's current strength can be called the best in the world!
Cao Cao, Liu Bei didn't grow up, and Sun Quan was still a baby. In today's world, Dong Zhuo who has the most powerful army is Dong Zhuo who owns Xiliang iron cavalry.

Lv Bu thought to himself that although Dong Zhuo had many troops, they were definitely not as elite as him, especially for generals.

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that his current strength is number one in the world!
The Bingzhou wolf cavalry in the original time and space is a famous and powerful army in the world.

In the past five years, they have worked hard day and night, and the cavalry with both riding and shooting skills is bound to exceed the original level of time and space.

There is also the [-] 'trapped camp' led by Gao Shun, which is even more elite, and their combat power is even more extraordinary!
Thinking of this, Lu Bu felt complacent for a while.

"In today's world, who is better than me?"


Mid-Autumn Festival.

Lu Bu and Yan Shi, with their son and daughter, and the servants of the mansion, were enjoying the moon while drinking in the back garden, spending the Mid-Autumn Festival together.

Suddenly someone came down to report, and Cao Xing came to visit.

When Lu Bu heard this, his heart moved, and he immediately ordered Cao Xing to wait in the study, so he got up and wanted to go to the study.

Yan Shi refused, and said angrily:
"My lord, Mid-Autumn Festival, family reunion, why leave at this time?"

"Cao Xing is here, he must have something important to do, don't mess around!"

Lu Bu scolded.

You can't get used to this girl.

Otherwise, it must be like the original time and space, and it is a big deal to ruin yourself.


"My lord, Luoyang's detailed work will be reported soon!"

Cao Xing looked solemn and reported to Lu Buhui:

"Half a month ago, General He Jin ordered to summon former General Dong Zhuo, Governor of Taishan County Wang Kuang, Governor of Dongjun Qiao Mao, Captain Wu Meng and governor Ding Yuan of the state, and others to lead the army into Beijing, intending to kill the eunuch!"

(End of this chapter)

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