Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 122 The Clown Is Actually Myself

Chapter 122 The Clown Is Myself (5000 words)
As a communicative talent carefully cultivated by the National Defense Council, Sarina is proficient in the languages ​​of the five countries, not only can speak, but also has an in-depth understanding of the cultural customs of the five countries.

Chinese is also included, and it is no problem to pretend to be an authentic Chinese.

So she easily recognized the meaning of Xu Cheng's hellish joke, and also understood the deep irony behind the joke.

"Didn't you ask me what I thought about these pictures?"

Xu Cheng continued to output firepower, he stood up, and patted the wall covered with photos with his hands: "My evaluation is that it is not enough."

Sarina's pupils shrank slightly, but her expression did not change at all, maintaining a listening attitude.

"You have the face to post the suffering of the Japanese, why don't you post the massacre caused by the Japanese army in neighboring countries?"

Xu Cheng tore off a photo from the wall, which showed Nagasaki after a big mushroom grew.

He sneered: "What did the suffering of the Japanese in World War II come from? It came from their support for the war of foreign aggression, from their support of the Communist Party, and from their inhumane treatment of the military overseas." Cheering for the massacre. The Americans are dogs, and the Japanese are stinky shit. They did not punish you enough during World War II, and they did not fulfill the responsibility of maintaining world peace. They did not eliminate the Japanese Communist Party It’s because of the poisonousness that you shitty right-wingers have room to survive.”

With a sneer, Xu Cheng tore the photo into two pieces and threw it in Sarina's face.


Sarina bullied Shuang Saixue's fair and tender face, which was immediately marked with a red mark by the photo.

She silently picked up the photo on the ground, and said softly, "Mr. Xinghai, are you a leftist?"

"Don't put me together with your Japanese trash leftists."

Xu Cheng didn't show mercy at all: "I'm just a person with conscience and morality."

Sarina was taken aback by Xu Cheng's hatred for Japan, but she didn't panic.

The Guardian Council has carefully studied Xing Haiguang's past, knowing that he was imprisoned in the Qingyun Research Academy after awakening his ability, and was abused for more than half a year. It is very likely that he will develop an anti-social personality.

So after failing to stimulate patriotism and nationalism, she immediately switched to the second plan.

"Sorry, Mr. Xinghai."

Sarina bent down and bowed to Xu Cheng, with a deep apology on her pretty face: "I just wanted to show the modern history of Japan, but I didn't expect to make you so unhappy, please forgive me."

The corner of Xu Cheng's mouth twitched: "If you want to show Japan's modern history, you have to buy a set of history textbooks from neighboring countries."

Sarina knew that Xu Cheng was mocking the Japanese for revising modern history in textbooks.

She didn't refute, but said seriously: "Mr. Xinghai, I understand your hatred for Japan now, but it is precisely because of Japan's various imperfections that we need to change it and make it better. As a Japanese, Mr. Xinghai, you don’t want to see your country getting worse, do you?”


I'm not a kid at all.

Xu Cheng sneered: "It's a good thing for the whole world if an evil country like this one refuses to admit its mistakes.

Sarina: "..."

It's easy to kill the sky when you chat like this.

Fortunately, Sarina has received strict training, no matter how angry she is, she will not show it.

The second plan to elicit empathy also failed, but fortunately she prepared a third plan.

The third set of plans is the most direct and most effective - lure and seduction.

"I didn't expect Mr. Xinghai to have such a deep prejudice against Japan, but, as a Japanese, everyone should have the obligation to save this country."

Sarina knelt down deeply towards Xu Cheng, including the two beautiful maids behind her: "Please, Mr. Xinghai, become a hero to save the country, we need your strength, for this, we are willing to provide you with all necessary support, money, status, power, and even..."

She raised her head slightly, her delicate face was as bright as a flower, she bit her lower lip lightly, her watery eyes were shy: "Even including me, I am willing to give everything for you."

Good guy!
Xu Cheng called him a good guy in his heart. In order to win him over, the Guardian Council had spent so much money, money and power that even a top-notch woman like Sarina was willing to give it away.

Ninety-nine percent of ordinary people would not be able to withstand the attack of this sugar-coated shell.

He frowned and said, "Why me? There are many people who are stronger than me, such as Yudera Chizuru."

Of course it's because the things in Lingzi's tomb are very likely to be on you, so I trick you into it first.

No matter what Sarina thought in her heart, she had an extremely sincere expression on her face, and she boasted: "There are not many people who are stronger than you. Mitera Chizuru is already very old, but you are still very young. Our National Guard Young heroes like you are needed to join us and lead us to save Japan."

You should really tell Chizuru Midera what you said, and tell her that thirty years old is very old.

Xu Cheng looked conflicted: "These conditions you said...are you serious? You won't lie to me, will you?"

"Of course not, as long as you are willing to join the Guardian Council..."

Sarina showed her delicate collarbone and fragrant shoulders slightly, and said very shyly: "Even if I want to fulfill my promise tonight, it's fine."

"It's so tempting, the conditions you gave."

Xu Cheng sighed, and then the whole person's painting style changed, from a delicate and beautiful boy to a jojo face: "But, I refuse!"

The duck that climbed into the pot suddenly flew away, even with Sarina's psychological quality, she couldn't help showing a surprised expression at this moment.

Xu Cheng looked down at her, and said mockingly, "I'm not interested in money, and I'm also blind. I can't tell the difference between beautiful women and ugly women. The conditions you mentioned are completely meaningless to me."

Sarina slowly closed her small mouth that was slightly opened in shock, and she realized that she had been tricked.

This boy who is not yet eighteen years old is simply an old fox, probably he has been acting since he answered the phone.

But his age is so deceiving that it's hard to believe that he's mentally superior to most adults.

Sarina thought, maybe from the beginning of his performance, he was cooperating with us in acting, right?
Putting away the gentle smile on her face, Sarina solemnly knelt down and apologized again: "I'm sorry, Mr. Xinghai, I let you see a joke, but please don't doubt our sincerity in recruiting you."


Just as Xu Cheng was about to speak, he suddenly turned his head and looked into the courtyard.

A black shadow suddenly appeared in the courtyard, like a black arrow, shooting straight into the room.

Xu Cheng saw it clearly with his powerful dynamic eyesight. This black figure was a killer in a black tights, holding a samurai sword shining brightly under the light, stabbing straight at Sarina.

Sarina seemed to be frightened into a fool, she stood still in place, and let the samurai sword stab her snow-white neck.

But her gaze was on Xu Cheng who was standing aside.

Even if the two sides have different positions, if such a cute girl is assassinated in front of her, anyone with a sense of justice will stop her, right?
But what surprised Sarina was that Xu Cheng had clearly seen the killer's movements, but he stood motionless by the side, looking like he was just sitting on the sidelines and watching the show.


The people of Sarina are numb.

You are still not a man, why do you watch the beautiful girl in danger and remain indifferent?
Could it be that he is really face blind?

When the samurai sword was less than ten centimeters away from Sarina's face, the two maids kneeling behind her suddenly moved.

They rushed forward suddenly, stopped in front of Sarina, and at the same time took out ten weapons from under the kimono, and blocked the samurai sword.

The killer swung his arms quickly, and in an instant, he swung the samurai sword into hundreds of shadows, like a blooming kaleidoscope of thousands of layers.

And the two maids were not weak at all. Four ten-handed weapons blocked from left to right, interweaving into a dense defensive net, resisting all attacks.

The continuous sound of gold and iron intersecting suddenly exploded, piercing the ears sorely.

Xu Cheng's eyes froze slightly. Whether it was the black-clothed killer who suddenly ran out, or the two maids, the strength and speed they displayed were no less than the three-star killer who bestowed upon the dead.

Could it be that these three people also know how to breathe?

Xu Cheng observed carefully, but found that the breathing of the three of them did not show a special rhythm. It was obviously not a breathing method, but a strange force.

In just a few seconds, the black-clothed killer and the two maids engaged in a fierce attack and defense, and the movements made ordinary people's eyes unable to follow.

The black-clothed killer was still unable to break through the defenses of the two of them, and he wanted to retreat, as if he wanted to run away.

The eyes of the two maids suddenly turned red, and they shouted in unison, as if they were beasts, their strength and speed suddenly increased.

One of them clamped the samurai sword with ten hands, and the other kicked sideways, hitting the killer in the waist.

The killer was kicked and flew horizontally, adjusted his posture in the air, and unexpectedly landed beside Xu Cheng.

He looked up and caught a glimpse of Xu Cheng who was eating melons and watching the excitement, and immediately swung his knife and slashed over.

Is this still trying to test me?

Xu Cheng performed the four-layer breathing method, raised his hand and clamped it, and clamped the slashed samurai sword with two fingers.

The killer was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously twitched back forcefully, but there was no twitch.

Xu Cheng had already kicked him in the waist.

Compared with the soft strength of the maid, Xu Cheng's kick directly distorted the killer's body, turning it into a standard triangle, and directly shattered the spine.


The killer screamed in pain. Before the man could fly out, Xu Cheng grabbed his neck with one hand and twisted it hard.


His whole body hung limply on Xu Cheng's hand, and he lost his breath.

The two red-eyed maids originally had ferocious faces and exuded the breath of a beast, but when Xu Cheng's indifferent eyes swept over, they trembled and subconsciously stopped in front of Sarina, with a low growl in their mouths, as if A barking dog with its tail clamped.

Being watched by Xu Cheng, Sarina's scalp felt numb, and she felt as if she was being taken to Gao Tianyuan by Master Zong to meet the great priest.

She swallowed quietly, stretched out her hand to separate the two maids in front of her, and then bowed to Xu Chengying: "Thank you Xinghai Jun for lending a helping hand. Since our National Defense Council determined to change Japan, we have touched the interests of countless people, and many I was assassinated for the first time, but luckily Mr. Xinghai is here today..."


Xu Cheng interrupted her and threw the killer's body on the ground: "Isn't this one of yours? Just trying to fool me with an assassination scene?"

Sharina's complexion changed, and she hurriedly said: "There is absolutely no such thing, Mr. Xinghai, you have misunderstood us."

Her mind was running fast, thinking about where it was exposed.

This assassination scene was indeed arranged in advance.

On the one hand, it is to create opportunities for Xu Cheng to be a hero to save the United States, and on the other hand, he also wants to show a righteous image of defending the Congress against interest groups and being retaliated against.

Finally, I also want to test Xu Cheng's strength again.

It was originally a good show to kill three birds with one stone, but Xu Cheng saw what went wrong without knowing it.

"Mr. Xinghai, please trust us."

With tears in her eyes, Sarina said, "Our Guardian Council is absolutely sincere and friendly to you."

Xu Cheng sneered: "The rebel cadre bomber who attacked me a few days ago was the one you sent to test me?"


Sarina looked blank: "Sorry, Mr. Xinghai, I have never heard of this name. As for the rebels, we do have contacts, but it is just a cooperative relationship. There is no distinction between superiors and subordinates, let alone orders." They do anything."

Her heart sank gradually, she didn't expect Xu Cheng to know so much, even the relationship between the National Guard and the Rebel Army.

Inviting him here today is definitely a huge mistake.

Sarina's explanation did not convince Xu Cheng at all.

Although the person who attacked him was a cadre of the rebel army, being able to monitor Mitera Chizuru and use the countermeasures department's phone to trick her away is definitely not something the rebel army can do.

"Your acting skills are excellent, but you can only get zero points in my heart."

Xu Cheng said in a cold tone: "I don't know what you are going to do, but it's best not to mess with me again, otherwise I don't mind turning your congress into a memorial service."

He originally planned to kill Sarina and everyone here directly, but after thinking about it, these people are just small people, not the real high-level members of the National Defense Council at all.

Moreover, I am not in a task state now, and I have no chance to do it again, so I must be more careful to avoid overturning.

So Xu Cheng simply maintained an image of not wanting to cause trouble, and first paralyzed the National Defense Council.

"Mr. Xinghai..."

Sarina still wanted to speak, but two beams of dark red energy rays hit, piercing the floor in front of her and interrupting her words.

Xu Cheng turned around and looked at the photos all over the wall, his eyes suddenly turned red, and two beams of rays were ejected, burning all these photos.

The whole wall was ignited by the scorching rays, Xu Cheng stood in the firelight, looked back at Sarina: "This is my attitude, don't bother me again in the future."

Sarina showed a bitter smile, bowed and apologized to Xu Cheng: "I understand, the Guardian Council will not disturb Mr. Xinghai's life in the future."

Xu Cheng walked out without even looking at her.

Many maids and men in suits appeared in the corridor outside.

They all looked at Xu Cheng with slightly hostile eyes, but no one dared to stop him.

Xu Cheng swaggered and walked out of the courtyard gate all the way. When he came outside, he didn't know the way, so he chose a direction at random, and disappeared into the night.

Immediately after Xu Cheng left, many people came in with buckets to put out the fire.

Sarah had no expression on her face and didn't look at the killer's body on the ground. She got up and went to another room, which looked a bit like her bedroom.

She was sitting in front of the dressing table, and the two maids behind her immediately stepped forward to remove the heavy kimono and put on a light bathrobe for her.

Sarina didn't move the whole time, silently thinking about the gains and losses of tonight.

The wooing of Xing Haiguang can be said to be a complete failure.

The most fundamental mistake was to treat him as a young man who suddenly possessed strength, instead of a mature opponent, which would lead to the ineffectiveness of all three plans.

If you can regard Xing Haiguang as a smart person from the beginning, you should find out his interests and fundamental position in advance, and then prepare for exchanges and compromises, and you should not rashly send rebels to test.

However, everyone in the National Congress regards Xing Haiguang as a young man who was lucky enough to gain power, and thinks that he can be won over by deception or a little favor, which is how arrogant.

Tonight's various performances were simply fooling Xing Haiguang into a clown, so it's no wonder he got angry.

Sarina looked at her expressionless face in the mirror, and a thought came to her mind.

"The clown is actually me."

After changing clothes, Sarina came to another room.

There are not many furnishings in the room, except for the tatami, there is only an LCD screen hanging on the wall.

The display screen suddenly lit up, and an old man in ordinary clothes appeared on the screen, with a wrinkled old face full of majesty.

As soon as the old man appeared, Sarina and the two maids behind him slowly knelt down and saluted respectfully: "Lord Zong."

Elder Zong's stern gaze fell on Sarina through the display screen, and he asked in a deep voice, "Sarina, why don't you do it?"

The invitation tonight is not just to win over Xu Cheng, but also a trap.

Once Xu Cheng refuses to win over, or even shows hostility to the National Guard, the ambiguous dinner will become a deadly trap, and the people who have been arranged in advance by the National Defense Council will swarm out and chop him into pieces.

Even if Mitera Chizuru or the Hidden One came, they might not be able to escape.

But Sarina didn't give any information from the beginning to the end, so the trap didn't start.

"Sorry, Master Zong."

Sharina raised her head and explained earnestly: "Through close observation, I think we have seriously underestimated Xing Haiguang's mind and strength. Not only can we not keep him, but we will have endless troubles. Now the Liberal Party is eyeing us. If we are caught They know that the contents of Lingzi's tomb are on Xing Haiguang, and I'm afraid Xing Haiguang will completely fall to the liberals, because he has deep hostility towards us, and if he wants to deal with him, he has to plan slowly."

Elder Zong stared deeply at the obedient Sharina, and said after a long time: "Forget it, it's more important to find the whereabouts of the three artifacts now, Xing Haiguang will continue to pay attention to him, look for his weaknesses, and be sure to treat him next time." One blow will kill, and those who are so hostile to our National Guard must not stay."

"As you wish, Master Zong."

Sarina lightly touched her smooth forehead to the ground, her eyes were empty, her palm-sized face was as lifeless as a puppet.

 Chapter 114 has been released, and Chapter 113 has to wait for another two days.

  I'm really convinced that the content that violates the regulations is marked twice, and it takes two or three days to waste each time. Can't you tell me where the violations are at once? o(╥﹏╥)o
(End of this chapter)

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