Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 171 As long as I have no morals

Chapter 171 As long as I have no morals (5000 words)
"Your younger brother became a sacrifice in your place, went to participate in the celestial sacrifice ceremony, and became a god attendant. In the end, he was selected by Amaterasu and bestowed the Yata mirror, one of the three artifacts, and became one of the three great priests."

Mitera Reiko opened her mouth with an astonishing big secret, which shocked both Xu Cheng and Mitera Chizuru, with surprised expressions on their faces.

Xu Cheng thought to himself that he finally found the reason why Yuji Kirito's soul was with Yata mirror, and it turned out that it was bestowed by Amaterasu.

And Mitera Chizuru was even more surprised. She thought her younger brother failed after participating in the Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony, so her whereabouts were unknown, but she didn't expect him to succeed and become one of the three great priests.

"The three great priests are the servants who are in charge of the three artifacts respectively. They can directly communicate with Amaterasu, and they have the highest status in the Guardian Council."

Yudera Reiko showed a kind smile, looked at Yudera Chizuru and said: "Our Yudera family's long-cherished wish for many years has finally come true. With your younger brother's status, if nothing happens, you can return to the top of the Guardian Council."

Although she was smiling, she seemed to be praising and happy, but there was obvious mockery in her tone.

Yudera Chizuru couldn't help asking: "Then why was Yudera's house destroyed?"

Now that the younger brother has become a great priest and the top of the National Guard, why does the Yusi family ruin their family.

Xu Cheng didn't interrupt, just quietly being a melon eater.

Yudera Reiko's kind smile gradually faded: "That's because, after your younger brother became a high priest, Amaterasu sent down an oracle, asking the three high priests and the Protectorate to concentrate on attacking a certain place."

Mitera Chizuru's heart sank, and he said in a trembling voice, "Where is it?"

"I don't know, probably only God Amaterasu, or the three great priests of the year know."

Mitera Reiko sighed: "You should have guessed it, they failed to complete the oracle of Amaterasu, only one of the three great priests came back alive, and the other two, including your brother, are missing, and the Guardian Council suffered heavy losses , had to dormant again.”

Mitera Chizuru froze in place, without saying a word for a long time.

For more than ten years, she has been brooding about her brother's whereabouts, and at this moment she finally heard it from Mitera Reiko.

In Lenovo's Yata Mirror, Yuji Kirito's soul still maintains the same appearance as before. He should have died when his whereabouts were unknown.

Xu Cheng asked for her: "Then why is there no Yusi family?"

"Come on, have a snack, don't be polite to grandma."

Yudera Reiko smiled and pushed the plate with snacks in front of Xu Cheng: "Later, we found out that the place where the three great priests attacked was actually related to the US military stationed in Japan, and they had already obtained the names of some members of the National Defense Council. Among them is the Yusi family."

Mitera Chizuru, who was in a daze, was immediately attracted by the old man's words.

"Your father realized that the Guardian Council regarded the Yudera family as an abandoned son to attract the U.S. military, and began to dismiss the family that night, but it was too late. The U.S. troops directly surrounded the Yudera family's house, and most of the Yudera family, including your father, were taken away. Only a few of us escaped by chance and stayed incognito in Tokyo for more than ten years before we dared to restore our original surnames."

Mitera Chizuru was still digesting the events of more than ten years ago, when Mitera Reiko said to her: "I didn't know about these things, but your father told me the night he ran away, and I know he wanted me to tell them to you." You, let you take on the responsibility of revitalizing the Yusi family."

Yusi Qianhe's eyes widened, and a fierce aura burst out instantly, gnashing his teeth: "Then he found the wrong person, I can't wait to kill him, and I can't wait to destroy the entire Yusi family!"

Xu Cheng originally thought that Reiko Yudera would persuade him, but the old lady waved her hand and said, "That's right, it's a man's responsibility to revitalize the family, it's none of our business, don't worry about your idiot father, we just need to live a stable life."

She put her arms around Midera Chizuru, put her head in her arms, and gently stroked her hair: "Good girl, I have wronged you all these years, you must be very lonely."

Mitera Chizuru felt that all the grievances that had been hidden in her heart for the past twelve years burst out at this moment, her nose soured, her eyes shed tears, and she hugged the old lady in front of her tightly.

Xu Cheng ate snacks silently at the side without disturbing.

After a long time, Mitera Chizuru straightened up embarrassingly. Except for seeing her brother's soul last time, she had never shown weakness in front of others, let alone shed tears. She did not expect to break the record again today.

Yudera Reiko took the opportunity to grope her figure, and deliberately joked: "Hey, this figure and this weight are indeed inherited from our family, and she is a good-bred girl."

She said the following words on purpose to Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng stared at Mitera Chizuru's chest, and nodded in agreement, it was the same size as Qiu Gongyue.

If anyone marries her in the future, father and son will not be hungry.

Noticing that Xu Cheng's gaze fell on his chest, Mitera Chizuru immediately reached out and grabbed his ear: "Little pervert, where are you looking?"

Xu Cheng didn't turn his eyes: "I'm looking at grandma."

Midera Chizuru: "..."

The old woman next to her burst out laughing, "Young man, you have a future."

Mitera Chizuru was too embarrassed to beat him up here, so she had to endure it and asked Mitera Reiko, "Grandma Reiko, we are here this time mainly to ask you about the National Defense Council."


Mitera Reiko was taken aback, but she had to put away her smile: "Are you enemies with the Protectorate?"

Mitera Chizuru nodded with a serious face.

Yudera Reiko didn't ask the reason, but said helplessly: "I know the secret back then, it was your father who told me, otherwise I wouldn't even know what the Guardian Council is..."

Hearing what she said, Xu Cheng and Yuji Qianhe couldn't hide their disappointment, and thought they would make a futile trip.

As a result, Mitera Reiko changed her subject: "However, your father finally revealed that the Ito family in Kanto is also a member of the Guardian Council."

She smiled and said, "I don't know the news, can I help you?"

"Grandma Reiko."

Midera Chizuru was both grateful and helpless, how could this old man of the same generation as her grandmother be as skinny as Nagumo Narumi.

Xu Cheng heaved a sigh of relief, finally he didn't make the trip in vain, and finally grabbed the tail of the National Guard.

"Okay, it's time to say that all the questions are over, you can go back quickly, don't disturb grandma, I'm going to rest."

Mitera Reiko started to chase people away, but seeing that she was indeed looking tired, Xu Cheng and Mitera Chizuru had no choice but to leave.

When he came to the gate on the first floor, Mitera Chizuru still couldn't help but said to Mitera Reiko: "Grandma Reiko, move to my house and live with me."

Yudera Reiko is right, everyone in the Yudera family is afraid of loneliness and yearns for affection.

Although Yudera Chizuru said that he hated the Yudera family, but after finally meeting a clansman, he still couldn't help wanting to be together.

"No, maybe today is the last time we see each other."

In just a short while, Mitera Reiko's face became unbelievably pale, the blood color just now disappeared, and her whole body weakened visibly with the naked eye.


The girl in kimono rushed out and grabbed Mitera Reiko's arm.

Both Mitera Chizuru and Xu Cheng saw something was wrong: "What's wrong with Grandma Lingzi?"

The kimono girl's eyes turned red, she lowered her head and refused to speak.

"It's nothing. Birth, old age, sickness and death are normal. I still have a year or two to live."

Mitera Reiko didn't know where the strength came from, she took a step forward, tightly grasped Mitera Chizuru's hand, and said earnestly: "Qianzuru, you have to live a good life, marry and have children, and live a long life, not for revitalization The Yusi family is not for anyone, but for yourself."

Mitera Chizuru couldn't bear it anymore, she held Mitera Reiko tightly with her hands, feeling like a knife was piercing her heart, hating herself for not coming earlier.

Yudera Reiko whispered in her ear: "You see, the look in the eyes of this goddamn brother is not right. If you like it, take it as soon as possible. Age is not a problem, and we will not suffer."

Mitera Chizuru's head was full of black lines, and the old man couldn't get rid of his original sad mood all at once.

Yudera Reiko slowly pushed her away, pointed to the girl in kimono who came up to help her, and smiled: "She is my only granddaughter and also your younger sister. If you have time in the future, please take care of her."

"Don't worry, I will."

Mitera Chizuru nodded seriously, while Xu Cheng pointed to the unconscious young man outside and said, "Is that your grandson outside?"

"Do I have grandchildren?"

Mitera Reiko blinked, showing a weak but mischievous smile: "Why don't I know?"

What else could Xu Cheng say, he could only give the old lady a thumbs up.

The two said goodbye to the old lady reluctantly before leaving.

On the way back, he did not remain silent, but discussed the matter of the Ito family in Kanto.

Xu Cheng also took out his mobile phone and searched, but found no useful information.

Back in the villa, Xu Cheng saw Nanyun Minghai standing in the front yard, with two panda eyes on his head and a bottle of water on his head and hands, so she didn't dare to move.

Seeing Erhuo being dealt with so ruthlessly, Xu Cheng not only did not share the same hatred with the enemy, but laughed out loud: "What are you doing?"

Nagumo Narumi didn't know what it meant to lose face, and said solemnly: "I'm practicing balance."

"What's the water on that head for?"

"Drink it when you're thirsty."

There was no one around her, and she whispered to Xu Cheng, "Mogu, what are you doing hiding in the room with Teacher Qianhe?"

Xu Cheng had a strange expression on his face: "We are doing something beneficial to our physical and mental health."

Nanyun Narumi said dissatisfied: "Then why don't you do it with me?"

Xu Cheng: "..."

If I do it with you, your sister might chop me up with a knife, wrap it into dumplings and feed it to the dogs.

"Kids, don't inquire about it, or it's easy to cause trouble."

After leaving a word, Xu Cheng entered the villa.

Nagumo Narumi stared at his back, secretly swearing in his heart that he must find out what they were doing that was beneficial to his physical and mental health.

Entering the villa, Mitera Chizuru was already calling Ryo Uehara, asking him to investigate the detailed information of the Ito family in Kanto.

Xu Cheng also took out his mobile phone, called Hoshizaki Yukina, and asked how her investigation of Sarina was going.

"Can't find it."

Hoshizaki Yukina's voice reveals the indifference of others. She is now a secretary-type character because she is working in the countermeasure department.

"What's your attitude?"

Xu Cheng whispered: "Be careful next time I will spank your ass."

Hoshizaki Yukina provocatively said: "Come if you have the guts."

"You wait for me."

After hanging up the call, Xu Cheng was not very disappointed. Since Sarina is a member of the National Defense Council, it is not that easy to find her.

However, he was not willing to abandon this clue. After thinking about it, he still couldn't help but took out his mobile phone, directly found the number that the National Defense Council called him last time, and dialed back.

Soon, a male voice sounded: "Xinghaiguang?"

There was disbelief in his tone.

Xu Cheng simply said: "It's me, let Sarina answer the phone."

The other party was silent for a while, and said, please wait a moment.

After waiting for a while, Sarina's voice sounded again, also full of surprise and disbelief: "Mr. Xinghai, what's the matter?"

After all, the two sides have completely seen through their skins now, and they are life-and-death enemies. Xu Cheng actually called so carelessly.

Could it be that they called to spray someone?
Sarina was already mentally prepared to be scolded by Xu Cheng and greet her relatives.

However, Xu Cheng was not so bored, and asked directly: "I have been looking for you to defend the National Assembly everywhere, but I can't find it no matter how I look, can you give me some hints?"

Sarina was stunned and said, "What does Mr. Xinghai want us for?"

Xu Cheng was also very surprised: "Of course I'm going to beat you to death, what's the point?"

Sarina: "..."

You want to kill us, but also call to ask where we are?
Are you a fool, or do you think we are fools?

At this time, Mitera Chizuru, Nanyun sisters and the prophet have all come to the living room. After hearing Xu Cheng's words, they also showed the same expression as Sarina.

I wonder if Xu Cheng has played too much with the stone man and has become very clever, otherwise how would he think of making such a call to the National Defense Council.

"Make a bet."

Xu Cheng ignored everyone's stares at Da Zhiming, and said directly: "You give me a real reminder, if I can't find you within three days, then I will admit defeat, and from now on I won't bother you to defend the Congress."

Sarina let out a surprise, and soon became serious: "Mr. Xinghai, are you serious?"

"of course."

Xu Cheng didn't hesitate at all: "I can swear to God Amaterasu, as long as you are willing to provide true information, then I will abide by the oath, or let me be hacked to death."

For the Guardian Council, which believes in Amaterasu, this oath is really a bit heavy.

"Sorry, Mr. Xinghai, I can't make a decision, can you please wait for a while?"

"no problem."

In the National Defense Council, Sarina quickly reported the news to Elder Zong.

After hearing this, Elder Zong chuckled. It was obvious that Xing Haiguang couldn't find where the Guardian Council was, so he was in a hurry and thought of such a solution.

So Elder Zong directly made a decision: "Tell him."

Xu Cheng waited for about five minutes before he got Sarina's reply.

"Mr. Xinghai, I hope you will not underestimate the oath you made to God Amaterasu, especially us special people."

Sarina advised Xu Cheng first, and then said seriously: "I am the maiden of Amaterasu Imperial Palace, this is the reminder we gave you, I wish you success."

After Xu Cheng finished his oath, the two parties ended the call.

But upon hearing this so-called reminder, Mitera Chizuru and the others were speechless all of a sudden.

Amaterasu Great Imperial Palace refers to Amaterasu, and the translation of Sarina's words means that I am the witch of Amaterasu.

This hint is a lonely ah.

Everyone felt that Xu Cheng's behavior this time was really reckless.

Mitera Chizuru couldn't help asking: "Xiaocheng, if you can't find the Guardian Council after three days, do you really plan not to be hostile to them?"

"how is this possible."

Xu Cheng shook his head: "I'm just lying to them, to see if I can get some useful information."

Nanyun Narumi seemed to know him again: "Mogu, you are so shameless, you don't trust me at all."

"To deal with demons and heretics, what credibility do you have?"

Xu Cheng plausibly said: "And as long as I have no morals, others can't kidnap me, you know nothing."

Everyone was left speechless by his righteousness.

"Then you still swear?"

"Don't worry, I often swear to update every day or there will be a thunderbolt, don't you think it's fine now."

"Update what?"

"It's nothing."

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, no matter how everyone searched, they couldn't find the relationship between the witches of the Amaterasu Imperial Palace and the Guardian Council.

Of course, Xu Cheng was also intact and was not hacked to death.

The investigation of Ito's family in Kanto has also come to an impasse, because Kanto belongs to too much of Kanto, and there are countless people with the surname Ito. There are several big families, and it is impossible to tell which one is a member of the National Defense Council.

Just when Xu Cheng thought that all his previous efforts had been wasted, he received news from Qiu Gongyue.

In the past few days, when she went back to the deceased to inquire about the past cooperation with the Guardian Council, she finally found some clues - every time the deceased cooperated with the Guardian Council, an anonymous huge sum of money would be transferred to the account of the deceased. In one of the hundreds of records, real names were used and not anonymized.

Qiu Gongyue continued to investigate and found a bank manager in the Kanto District.

She had already paid a friendly visit to the bank manager, and learned from the other party that he was working for a mysterious client, and that the payment to the deceased's account was also ordered by the other party.

Once he accidentally made a mistake and had to secretly transfer money through his private account. He thought it was just a trivial matter, so he didn't take this flaw to heart.

The bank manager didn't know the specific identity of the mysterious customer, but during an exchange, the other party said that he was from Saitama County.

After receiving the precious news from Akimiya Tsuki, Xu Cheng immediately asked Hoshizaki Yukina to investigate whether there is a big family named Ito in Saitama County.

Originally it was just luck, but Hoshizaki Yukina soon found out that there is indeed a rich family named Ito in Saitama County, who is a local rich man.

After in-depth investigation, it was found that the Ito family used to be one of the old Chinese people in Edo, and only moved to Saitama County to settle down after Japan's defeat in World War II.

The experience of the Ito family is exactly the same as that of the Mitera family.

Adding the information provided by Mitera Reiko, and the clues that Akimiya Tsuki found in the deceased, the two sides are added together, and the answer is self-evident, this Ito family is one of the members of the Guardian Council.

"Finally let me catch you."

Xu Cheng heaved a sigh of relief, this National Guard is like a sixth child, it is really not easy to catch them.

(End of this chapter)

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