Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 201 Who Are the 7 Stocks in Life?

Chapter 201 Who is the seventy shares of life referring to (8K)

In the dark environment, only one light was on.

The light was directed downwards, illuminating a black operating table.

Jin Wuya was lying on the operating table with his eyes closed. Nearly a hundred finger-thick transparent rubber tubes were pierced into his limbs and body through needles. The blood in the tubes flowed out one after another.

If it were an ordinary person whose blood was drawn like this, it would take less than a dozen seconds to be turned into a mummy.

But Jin Wuya didn't feel any other discomfort except his face was slightly pale, and even his breathing was very steady, as if he was in a deep sleep.

After an unknown amount of time, the hose suddenly stopped twitching, and the needle was automatically pulled out of Jin Wuyaren's body and retrieved.

The tiny wounds on Jin Wuya's body healed automatically.

He opened his eyes, turned over and got off the operating table, walking barefoot into the darkness.

There are a lot of rubber tubes under the feet, and bright red blood flows inside, all drawn from Jin Wuya.

After walking for a while, light gradually appeared in front of him.

Jin Wuya soon came to an upward step. Instead of raising his leg to step up, he knelt down on one knee and bowed his head deeply.

"Master Yaoguang."

A large number of rubber hoses transporting blood went up the steps, and at the top, you could see a chair with a person sitting on it.

Because of the backlight, it was impossible to see the appearance of this person clearly, only a woman with long hair could be vaguely distinguished.

"Thank you, Jin Wu."

A cold female voice sounded, forming a subtle echo in the darkness.

Jin Wuya quickly replied: "It is my honor to serve you. As an elder brother, I also have an obligation to help my brothers and sisters come to this world as soon as possible."

He would come to this place for blood transfusion every once in a while, using his own blood to speed up the birth of brothers and sisters.

The woman named Yaoguang was silent for a while, then spoke again.

"I heard that Sumitomo's research institute was destroyed last night, with heavy losses, and you also lost all the blessed soldiers?"

Jin Wuya lowered his head even more deeply in fear.

"This is my fault. I didn't accurately predict the enemy's strength. Please punish Master Yaoguang."

"Let's owe it first."

Yaoguang's tone was a little lazy, and he changed the question: "Have you found the entrance to Gao Tianyuan?"

Jin Wuya hurriedly said: "After the collapse of the Guardian Council, we caught many survivors. Their statements about Gao Tianyuan were inconsistent. I suspect that Gao Tianyuan's fixed entrance is fake. The real entrance is only the Tiancongyun sword. I will ask the countermeasures department to switch The goal is mainly to find the whereabouts of Tian Congyun Sword."

Yaoguang hummed lightly.

"You have to speed up, the cracks in the world tree are already widening, and they will collapse at any time. When the time comes, massive blessings will pour out, and the whole world will undergo drastic changes. The remaining old gods are about to move, and it will also bring revival to that ghost. We must take advantage of his weakness to get rid of him.”

"As you wish, Lord Yaoguang!"

Jin Wuya said loudly: "I will definitely do my best to find the entrance of Gaotianyuan, and not let that ghost have any chance to escape."

Yaoguang's eyes sharpened suddenly, passing through the darkness and falling on Jin Wuyaren.

Jin Wuya felt the invisible pressure, and his waist became more curved involuntarily.

After the pressure lasted for a while, Yaoguang said coldly: "I will give you another fifty Blessing Warriors, which have been improved and have stronger power. You are the first God-favored person I created, don't Let me down, or there are many brothers and sisters who can take your place."

The words he threatened Thorn Flower and the two before appeared in Jin Wuyaren's mind, but he didn't expect that now he would also be the target of the threat.

But instead of dissatisfaction and anger in his heart, he was full of fear and uneasiness, and he didn't have the strength to say one thing in the countermeasure department at all.

His head was almost on the ground.

"Lord Yaoguang, I am willing to sacrifice my life to fulfill your entrustment and defend your honor."

Yaoguang stared at him for a few seconds, then waved his hand lightly.

"Go down."

Jin Wuya let out a deep sigh of relief, got up slowly, and walked backwards.

Yao Guang continued to sit motionless, his piercing eyes gradually dimmed.

A large number of hoses passed under her seat and went around behind her.

Pulling up the field of vision, you can see rows of cylindrical training cabins behind her.

The cabin was filled with nutrient solution, and there were naked young men and women floating one by one. When the blood from the rubber tube was injected into the cabin, the heartbeats of these people became stronger and stronger.

Some are still with their eyes closed tightly, while others are already naked.


When Xu Cheng stepped into the door slashed by Tian Congyun Sword, it felt like entering Lingzi's tomb.

The dazzling light made it impossible to open his eyes, and the whole person seemed to have fallen into a vortex, spinning continuously in a weightless environment.

The manager's task reminder sounded at the right time.

【Start of mission】

【You only have five chances to come back, please cherish it】

[Your identity is a three-star killer who bestows the dead, please pass the test of Amaterasu, and help Mitera Chizuru get out of past regrets, if the existence of the mission manager is exposed, it will be considered a mission failure]

[Please go to Takamahara and meet Chizuru Goji]

[Connection code: who is the seventy strands of life referring to]

Xu Cheng was a little surprised, how could this be the mission of the killer card.

But after thinking about it, the Yata mirror was possessed by him when he was performing the task of the killer card, and it is normal to continue the task of being the killer card.

He didn't know how long it had passed, but he felt the return of gravity, and his feet touched the flat ground again. After stabilizing his body, he rushed forward a few steps, and finally left the vortex.

The dazzling light disappeared, and he opened his eyes, stunned for a moment.

What caught my eye was the fiery red dusk.

At dusk, the school playground is in the distance, and several tiny figures are playing football on the playground.

The towering teaching building looks a little old in the setting sun.

Next to it is the flag-raising platform. On the high flagpole, the red flag is fluttering slightly.

Xu Cheng rubbed his eyes and almost thought he was in a dream. He looked down at himself, wearing a sportswear-style school uniform, but a pair of all-terrain slippers under his feet.

The hands are slender and slender, obviously a pair of underage hands.

"I am...?"

Xu Cheng's mind was a little confused, and he couldn't remember the year and month clearly for a while.

He rubbed his forehead with his hands, and suddenly remembered that he returned to school to attend the graduation ceremony after the college entrance examination, and the ceremony had just ended, so why did he come to this place.

He was about to step away when he suddenly heard a slight movement from behind the flag-raising platform.

"Hey, don't squeeze!"

"You are squeezing me!"

"Shh, keep your voice down."

Obviously, there were several people hiding behind the flag raising platform.

A look of doubt appeared on Xu Cheng's face, and he was about to walk over to find them out, but a light flashed in his mind, and he realized why he came here.

During the graduation ceremony just now, he secretly asked his deskmate to meet here because he had something very important to tell her.

His deskmate is a girl with a sweet appearance who looks like first love. The two have been at the same table for more than a year. They have a very good relationship with each other and are in a hazy relationship.

At this time, the college entrance examination was over, and because he and his deskmate had different aspirations to apply for the exam, they were about to part and go to different places.

He realized that if he didn't speak clearly, he might never have the chance in the future.

For a moment, Xu Cheng's heart beat faster. It was the first time he had done such a thing, especially to a girl he had a crush on.

Just when he was nervous, he suddenly remembered that there were still a few cubs hiding and peeping.

He was about to go over to chase people away, but he saw a beautiful figure approaching from the playground.

The deskmate's long hair was tied into a ponytail, with fluffy bangs on his smooth forehead, and the school uniform of the ascetic department could not conceal the well-developed youthful body.

When she came to Xu Cheng, her white, tender and sweet face was blushing, she twisted the corner of her clothes restlessly with her fingers, and said softly, "You asked me to come, what's the matter?"

Xu Cheng felt his heart beat half a beat slower, and wanted to say the words stuck in his throat, but he couldn't spit them out.

Behind the flag-raising platform, a few heads sneaked out, cheering Xu Cheng up with their eyes.

However, because of the presence of these cubs, the courage in Xu Cheng's heart was shrinking rapidly, and the words in his throat were choked back, ready to be replaced by the word 'it's okay'.

The deskmate secretly raised his head, seeing Xu Cheng's hesitation, the anticipation in his eyes gradually turned into disappointment.

"If it's okay, then I'll go back first."

She turned around slowly, ready to leave.

Looking at her back that seemed to be showing a trace of loneliness, Xu Cheng opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything to persuade him to stay, and the cubs beside him also let out a sigh of hatred.

At this moment, there seemed to be a flash of light in Xu Cheng's mind.

He suddenly had a sense of déjà vu, if he didn't speak at this moment, he would regret it for the rest of his life, and every time he thought about it in the future, he would feel so uncomfortable that he couldn't eat.

"Wait a moment!"

Hearing the sound, the deskmate turned around and looked at him expectantly.

Xu Cheng took a deep breath, and his courage was as hot as the setting sun.

He opened his mouth and said the words hidden in his heart: "When did you pay me back the one hundred yuan you owed me when school started?"

Time seems to freeze at this moment.

A few cubs hiding behind the flag raising platform stared at him dumbfounded.

The deskmate also stared at him with a pair of big eyes, and suddenly chuckled: "I've been waiting for you to say this, and if you didn't say it, then I wouldn't have paid it back to you, making a hundred yuan for nothing."

She walked over, took out a hundred from her body, and handed it to Xu Cheng. It turned out that she had prepared it long ago.

Xu Cheng took the hundred, with a relieved expression on his face.

"Goodbye, I will keep in touch in the future."

After the female tablemate waved goodbye, Xu Cheng was also about to leave, when suddenly several figures jumped out from behind the flag raising platform and threw him down.

"I've taken off my pants, so you can show me this?"

"beat him!"

Xu Cheng was resisting with all his strength, when he suddenly found that the surrounding environment had changed again, and he was in a university dormitory.

There is a laptop in front of him, and the game interface is on the screen. The hero he controls is dancing in front of the enemy's base with only a trace of blood left.

"This is……"

Xu Cheng was a little confused, but he quickly remembered.

This was a turbulent qualifying round. From the beginning, Xu Cheng's side fell into a disadvantage, and was pushed by the opponent to only one base left.

But those five cubs didn't tear down the house, instead they chose to abuse the spring, but Xu Cheng found a chance to fight back.

Now it was Xu Cheng's turn to push them to their base, and only a trace of blood remained.

With just one click of the mouse, this is a classic ranking where a round of defeat turns into victory.

But Xu Cheng's heroes were still dancing in front of the opponent's spring, and the resurrection time of the opponent's five heroes was only a few seconds, while the resurrection time of the four teammates on his side was still very long.

The teammates kept signaling, asking him to demolish the enemy's base.

These few seconds, in Xu Cheng's eyes, seemed as long as several hours.

He suddenly had a sense of déjà vu that if he chose to continue dancing, he might be killed by the opponent's revived hero.

Then they pushed straight to the base, turned defeat into victory, and nailed Xu Cheng to the pillar of shame.

He failed to advance, was scolded by his teammates for several days, and was recorded as a video and posted on the Internet to be ridiculed.

In the few years after graduation, every time I think about it, I still feel so uncomfortable that I can’t eat.

When Xu Cheng came back to his senses, he found that the enemy had revived and surrounded him.

This time, Xu Cheng did not choose E to go up, but clicked the mouse lightly to blow up the residual blood base next to him.

When the two big characters of victory slowly appeared on the screen, Xu Cheng let out a long breath, feeling as if he made up for some kind of regret in life.

At this time, the environment in the dormitory suddenly became distorted. He felt empty and sat down on the ground.

The surrounding environment has changed, and it has become a forest with beautiful mountains and clear waters. There is a small stream flowing in the distance, the spring water is ding-dong, the flowers and plants in the forest are in full bloom, and the fragrance is charming.

There are dots of light particles floating in the forest, like fireflies in summer, and like swarms of elves.

The sky is a faint night, with a vast starry sky, and meteors flash past from time to time.

At this moment, all the memories returned, and Xu Cheng realized that he had passed the test of Amaterasu.

There are two regrets in his life. One is that he didn't have the courage to ask his deskmate for one hundred yuan back in high school, and the other is that he was nailed to the pillar of shame like a clown in the qualifying competition in college.

Two regrets have been made up, but this is too simple.

Xu Cheng suddenly remembered that Bai Yuelin said that he came to return the three artifacts, so Amaterasu would not make things difficult for him, the test would be very simple.

He stood up from the grass, patted his body, looked around, and found Mitera Chizuru lying on the grass not far away, and hurried over.

Mitera Chizuru's eyes were tightly closed, but there was a subtle expression on his face, with faint anger, and his teeth were clenched.

Xu Cheng realizes that Yusi Qianzuru is in the test of Amaterasu.

Moreover, she followed in without authorization, and the test she faced was definitely not easy.

The mission prompt asked Xu Cheng to help her pass the test, but how can I help her?

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly felt Yuji Chizuru's breathing stopped, and he stopped breathing in a blink of an eye.


Xu Cheng's eyes turned red all of a sudden, and he quickly began to check the situation of Miji Chizuru, and found that she was dead.

A surge of anger rushed into Xu Cheng's brain in an instant, almost overwhelming his rationality.

He quickly took a deep breath, and used the emotion master of the ability card to draw out the anger and calm himself down quickly.

Bai Yuelin had already reminded that it would be very dangerous for Mitera Chizuru to follow her.

There is only one way to save her now.

Without the slightest hesitation, Xu Cheng immediately raised his hand and pressed it on his mouth, creating a liquid bomb, pouring it into his mouth with a gurgle, and detonated it immediately after drinking a full stomach.

The violent explosion blew him apart.


When Mitera Chizuru opened her eyes, she found herself lying in a familiar room, the decoration and furniture were full of girlish atmosphere.

"here it is……"

She felt a slight headache, stroked her forehead with her hand, and found that her palm had become slender and small.

I am... eighteen years old?

This thought flashed through his mind, and various memories surfaced in Mitera Chizuru's mind.

She has been the eldest daughter of a noble family since she was a child. Although her mother died young, she still has her father and younger brother. She has a particularly good relationship with her younger brother. She grew up in a carefree childhood.

Although the Yusi family has degenerated into a rural rich man, they still have a long family heritage, such as the family's ambergris.

The sister and brother have been smeared with ambergris by the maid since they were young. The father once accidentally said that he leaked his mouth once. This was a preparation in advance for them to become the gods of Amaterasu. .

Mitera Chizuru thought his father was joking, after all, how could Amaterasu exist.

But just today, a group of strangers came to the house and wanted to take her away, saying that they were going to participate in some heavenly sacrifice ceremony.


Father's majestic voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

Mitera Chizuru hurriedly got up from the bed and straightened her clothes: "Please come in, father."

Yuji Changlong with a solemn face opened the sliding door and stepped in.

He is about forty years old, wearing a tattooed hakama, with deep eyes and a serious expression, which makes people daunting.

Mitera Chizuru couldn't help asking: "Father, who are those guys who came today?"

Staring at the daughter in front of him, Yuji Changlong's mind flashed her from babbling, to lively and cute, to her current slim appearance.

He sighed insignificantly, and then his eyes became cold.

"Qianhe, you can go with them tomorrow."

Mitera Chizuru was taken aback, and looked at her father in disbelief.


"Because this is the fate of our Imperial Temple family."

Chimelong's tone became low, and his eyes seemed to be looking into the distance: "From a long time ago, our Yusi family has belonged to a mysterious organization that believes in Amaterasu, called the Guardian Council..."

Mitera Chizuru finally understood that what her father said unintentionally when she was a child turned out to be true.

The two siblings have been the 'sacrifices' that their father prepared to offer to God Amaterasu since they were young.

Her brain went blank for a moment from this shocking fact, and she couldn't hear what her father was saying.


Suddenly, a stern shout woke up Yusi Qianhe.

Yusi Changlong's eyes were deep, and he stared at his daughter closely: "The chance of the family's resurgence depends on you alone. Come with them and go to Gao Tianyuan to become the god attendant of Master Amaterasu. This is the order of the father."

Mitera Chizuru slowly raised her head, staring at the ruthless father in front of her.

She gritted her teeth and said angrily, "I won't go with them. If you want a sacrifice, go and be a sacrifice yourself."

Yudera Changlong didn't shout angrily, he just stared at his daughter coldly: "This time there is only one quota for the Yudera family to sacrifice, if you don't want to, then I can only choose Kirito, Qianzuru, You don't want your brother to go instead of you, do you?"

The expression on Mitera Chizuru's face froze, and she suddenly slapped her father in the face.

Her hand was grabbed by Yusi Changlong. As a family of Yusi family, Yusi Changlong also applied ambergris since childhood, and his strength is extremely powerful.

The father and daughter looked at each other angrily, and in the end, Chizuru Midera was defeated.

She lowered her eyes, gritted her teeth and said, "Give me three days, and I will bid farewell to Kirito."

"Yes! Qianhe, you have always been a filial child, I hope you will not let your father down."

Yusi Changlong slowly let go of his hand, took a deep look at his daughter, and turned to leave.

After her father left, Midera Chizuru stood motionless in the room. After a long time, she raised her head with an expression of reluctance to admit defeat.

She would not be a sacrifice, she said that she would bid farewell in three days just to anesthetize her father, and tomorrow she would sneak away with her younger brother.

She wandered around in the room until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, before she made a plan to escape, and lay down on the bed exhausted.

Just when she was about to fall asleep, a voice suddenly sounded in her mind.


Mitera Chizuru, who was about to sleep but still hadn't slept, sat up suddenly: "Who?!"

It was very quiet outside, only the slight sound of insects could be heard.

Mitera Chizuru thought it was just a nightmare, so she let out a sigh of relief and lay down on the bed again.

But this time I couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning, and a thought gradually emerged in my mind - if I wait until tomorrow to take my brother to escape, will it be too late?
This idea became stronger and stronger, so she couldn't help turning over and getting out of bed, ready to go to Kirito Yudera, and tell him about this first, lest tomorrow it would be too late.

Just as he opened the door, he saw two tall men standing outside the door.

Yuji Qianhe was taken aback, looking at the two family guards: "What are you doing standing at my door?"

The two guards bowed to her and bowed their heads together: "Miss, the head of the house has ordered you not to leave the room for half a step, please go back."


Mitera Chizuru's eyes burst out with anger, she realized that her father was not deceived by the delaying scheme at all, and directly ordered someone to guard her.

She glanced at the two guards coldly, then closed the door.

The two guards looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't want to conflict with the eldest lady of the family.

The next moment, the wooden sliding door broke open, and a white and tender foot was pulled out from inside, hitting the chest of one of the guards, kicking him out.

Before the other guard could react, a samurai sword with a sheath had been slashed out, hitting his shoulder with a slap, knocking him to the ground.

Mitera Chizuru, holding a samurai sword, rushed out of the boudoir and went straight to Mitera Kirito's room.

She has already realized that she is the one who was deceived.

Her father pretended to promise her three days, but turned around and found someone to take care of her. He must have gone to find her brother by now.

Since the siblings are both sacrificial offerings, and Yuji Chizuru is disobedient, he will definitely choose Yuji Kirito, who is more controllable, as the target.

The movement here quickly attracted the attention of many family guards, who rushed out to stop Yuji Chizuru, apparently all of them had received the order of the Patriarch.

Mitera Chizuru was smeared with ambergris since she was a child, and by the age of eighteen, her physical fitness was seven or eight times that of ordinary people. The guards blocking the way were no match for her at all.

Soon, she came to Yuji Kirito's room, and saw two figures, one big and one small, reflected on the sliding door from a distance.

The father really wanted to use his younger brother as a sacrifice instead of her.

A strong anger rushed into Mitera Chizuru's brain in an instant, when she desperately wanted to rush over, there were more and more guards around.

And when she was extremely angry, the strength of the surrounding guards also began to rise steadily, their expressions became ferocious, their eyes turned red, like wild animals.

In a blink of an eye, Mitera Chizuru was besieged. She also found out that the strength of these guards was abnormal, but she couldn't control her emotions, so she could only keep trying to break out of the encirclement and rush in to stop her father.

Suddenly there was a gunshot.

Mitera Chizuru felt as if half of her body had been hit by a hammer, she went numb for an instant, and then severe pain hit her brain.

Yusi Changlong came out of the room at some point, pointed the gun in his hand at his daughter, and the muzzle of the gun was still smoking.

Mitera Chizuru covered the bloody wound with her hands, and looked up at the ruthless father standing in the distance, with an unbelievable light in her eyes.

She fell slowly, and her vision gradually sank into darkness.

"Don't be impulsive! Chizuru! Keep calm and don't be impulsive!"


Mitera Chizuru felt a man calling out to him, it sounded very familiar and seemed to be someone very important to him, but he couldn't remember it.

The darkness quickly disappeared, and Mitera Chizuru found herself lying on the bed in the room.


Father's voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

Mitera Chizuru frowned slightly, why did this scene feel so familiar, as if she had experienced it just now.

She got up and welcomed her father in. Even though her father hadn't spoken yet, she seemed to know what he was going to say.

Under such circumstances, Mitera Chizuru found that her emotions were not as excited as expected.

After seeing her father off, Mitera Chizuru immediately picked up the samurai sword placed by the bed and went behind the door.

There was a slight sound outside, and sure enough, two family guards came to guard.

Mitera Chizuru took a deep breath, then opened the sliding door: "What are you doing standing at my door?"

The two guards bowed to her and bowed their heads together: "Miss..."

The moment the two guards lowered their heads, Mitera Chizuru's hand was already on the handle of the knife, and she swiped twice.

The necks of the two guards were cut open, before they could even make a sound, they fell to the ground spraying blood.

Mitera Chizuru threw away the scabbard, and stepped out of the room with the knife in one hand.

The guards who appeared along the way were not her one-shot enemies, and there were corpses strewn all over the way.

After killing so many people, she found that she was not afraid at all, and her mentality was not like that of an eighteen-year-old, but more like a thirty-year-old woman after going through vicissitudes.

Finally, I came to the door of my brother's room.

Before she could push the door open, there was the sound of father and son talking inside.


Yudera Kirito is a gentle boy who treats everyone with tenderness.

At this time, even if his father said that he and his sister were sacrificed since childhood, he was not very angry, but just sad.

At this moment, he asked softly: "My sister and I are sacrifices, does mother know?"

Chizuru Yudera and Chizuru Yudera standing outside the door were silent.

After a long time, Yusi Changlong said in a cold tone: "She knows, but she also knows that she is powerless to stop it, and can only be depressed."

Kirito Mitera's eyes widened slightly.

The sliding door was suddenly shattered, and Yuji Chizuru, who was extremely angry, rushed in and stabbed Yuji Changlong with a knife.

Mitera Chitaka raised his hand and grasped the point of the knife with only two fingers.


Mitera Chizuru showed a look of astonishment. Although his father's strength was stronger than his own, he was not so strong that he could block the attack with only two fingers.

With a flick of Mitera Chizuru's finger, Mitera Chizuru lost his grip on the samurai sword, and the weapon came out of his hand.

He turned the samurai sword around and threw it casually. The speed was extremely fast, and it instantly sank into Yuji Chizuru's abdomen, and flew out with her whole body, falling into the garden outside.

"how come?"

Mitera Chizuru murmured, his vision gradually became blurred, and finally fell into darkness.

"Don't be impulsive, keep calm."

A familiar man's voice rang in his ears.

Mitera Chizuru opened her eyes suddenly and found herself lying on the bed.

She didn't get up immediately, but looked at her hands.

"keep cool!"

She vaguely understood that the enemy's strength was related to her emotions, the angrier she was, the stronger the enemy's strength would be.


Father's voice sounded outside the door.

Mitera Chizuru let him in with a calm face.

Looking at his daughter's quiet face, Mitera Changlong was silent for a few seconds, his eyes became cold: "Qianzuru, you can go with them tomorrow."

The expected angry reaction did not appear, Mitera Chizuru bowed her head obediently: "I understand, father, I will go with them tomorrow."

"You... uh..."

Yu Sichanglong was stunned, and the speech he had prepared was stuck in his throat.

Looking at his slim daughter, he was suddenly relieved: "Qianhe, you have finally grown up."

"Yes, I finally grew up."

Mitera Chizuru straightened up, staring into his father's eyes: "I won't be naive anymore."

Yusi Changlong nodded in relief, but his expression was still serious: "Very well, this is the daughter of my Yusi family. I know that you have always been a filial child, and you will not let me down."

He told Yuji Chizuru to rest early, then turned around and prepared to leave.



Mitera Changlong looked down at the samurai sword piercing from his back to his chest, his expression froze.

Mitera Chizuru held the knife in both hands, stuck it on his back, and said coldly: "This is my filial piety, father, please go down and reunite with mother."

"After finishing speaking, she drew her samurai sword violently, and blood splashed out from Yuji Changlong's chest like money.

He took a step back and raised his finger to Midera Chizuru, his expression twisted ferociously, his body suddenly swelled up, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a monster that almost filled half the room and was covered with tumors.

There are three heads of Mijimae Takashi growing on the monster, one angry, one cruel, and one kind.

The three heads roared together: "Qianhe, how dare you kill your father?!"

Seeing his father turned into this monster, Mitera Chizuru took a step back in horror.

At this moment, she felt someone approaching from behind, and the familiar man's voice rang in her ears.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

 The last time I attacked that dog, it ended in a tie. Today I went to inquire about its life patterns and activity roadmap, and prepare for the next ambush plan.

  So today there are only [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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