chapter 230
early morning
As soon as the biological clock arrived, Xu Cheng opened his eyes, feeling a little heavy in his chest.

Bai Yuelin slept soundly on his chest, hugging him tightly with both hands, the hair that was originally cut like a dog's gnaw had grown back a little, and turned into short hair.

It's been two months.

Xu Cheng has been trapped in this cell for two months, and he has never done such a long task before.

If the manager hadn't told him that he would return to the original point in time after the task was over, he would definitely not be able to sit still.

In the previous month, Dayangma would send wild beasts in to bite Xu Cheng every day, and the number gradually increased, up to fifteen people at a time.

They surrounded Xu Cheng in a corner, punching, kicking, biting and scratching.

Xu Cheng's head was bleeding and his body was covered with cuts and bruises. The blood flowed all over the ground, but he never took half a step back, because Bai Yuelin was right behind him.

This was his most dangerous moment, and he was forced to reopen it once.

But in the end, he still gritted his teeth and persisted. For a whole month, even in the most dangerous time, he protected Bai Yuelin and didn't let her get hurt in the slightest.

From the second month onwards, Dayanmar didn't send anyone again, probably because Xu Cheng's performance satisfied her, and even changed the two of them to a cell with a bathroom.

After waking up, Xu Cheng didn't move rashly, because if he moved, Bai Yuelin would be awakened.

During these two months, Bai Yuelin has always maintained a self-enclosed state, and has never said a word from the beginning to the end. Every day, Xu Cheng needs to feed her food and water, and has to help her brush her teeth, wash her face, toilet and bathe.

Xu Cheng felt like he had become a shit-shoveling officer, raising a rotten white cat.

It feels like there is no time to complete the task. He has done it to protect Bai Yuelin, but there has been no progress on how to gain her trust.

For two months, the connection codes were not correct.

Fortunately, there was no deadline for the task, so he had to be patient and treat it as if he were playing a cultivation game.

After waiting for about half an hour, Bai Yuelin woke up, but she was still lying on Xu Cheng's chest, motionless.

Xu Cheng sat up, carried her to the small bathroom in the corner of the cell, brushed her teeth and washed her face, then took off each other's clothes and began to help her take a bath.

This kind of life that can't be imprisoned is really torture, and there are more and more sentences in the small days.

However, they are all six-year-old brats, and there is nothing to look at at all. Even if they want to do bad things, Jill will not give face.

After taking a shower, Xu Cheng carried Bai Yuelin to the toilet, and had to whistle to help.

It's a pity that the mobile phone can't be used even if it is brought in, otherwise she really wants to record this scene and send it to everyone after the mission is over.

Presumably Bai Yuelin will be moved to tears when she finds out.

After finishing his work, Xu Cheng carried her out of the bathroom and helped her dry her white hair. This was the beginning of an unpretentious and boring day.

Bai Yuelin sat on the bed in a daze, Xu Cheng sat aside and began to practice breathing.

The experience of the first month made Xu Cheng realize that even if he still maintains his fighting skills, the age limit makes him weak like an ant. Any adult with a little force can kill him. strangle.

Therefore, he must find a way to enhance his combat effectiveness.

All abilities are restricted, only the breathing method, which he is familiar with by heart, even without the help of the heart stone and the killer card, his breathing rhythm for the first floor is already close to instinct.

There is an age limit for practicing breathing techniques, at least one must start learning after the age of twelve.

Because the body is too young and the body has not yet matured, practicing breathing method too early will seriously affect the development, just like a child who is too young cannot exercise.

And Xu Cheng is now in prison, even if he is too young, he has to try to practice breathing techniques to seek the power to protect himself, and he doesn't care about affecting his development in the future.

And he has already asked the manager, after the task is completed, the troubles he left now will not affect the future.

What else to say, of course, learning makes me happy.

From the second month onwards, Xu Cheng practiced secretly in private, and within a month now, he has learned the first level of LV1.

Of course, he would not be so stupid as to be exposed, but kept the breathing method deep in his heart as a hole card.

bang bang bang!
The sound of knocking on the iron door suddenly sounded, and a guard stood outside the iron door and shouted to the two: "114, 514, come out."

114514 is the number of Xu Cheng and Bai Yuelin, written on their clothes.

Bai Yuelin didn't respond, Xu Cheng took her hand, got off the bed, and walked out the iron gate.

In the corridor outside the cell, a large number of young prisoners were called out, and under the order of the guards, they walked outside.

Compared with the hesitation and crying when they just came here two months ago, these children have all become silent now, and no one speaks out.

Although Xu Cheng shared a cell with Bai Yuelin, he was not ignorant of the outside world.

The rest of the cells in the prison are full of people, and they have to grab food, drink water, brush their teeth, wash their face, take a shower, go to the toilet, etc., all need to be grabbed by hand.

If you can't get it, you have nothing. In the past two months, Xu Cheng saw hungry people taken away more than once and never came back.

This prison is clearly encouraging prisoners to use violence to solve problems, artificially creating an environment of the law of the jungle, where only the fittest can survive.

Human beings, especially children whose three views have not yet been finalized, must transform into wild beasts in order to survive in this jungle environment.

Only Xu Cheng, who single-handedly overturned more than [-] beasts in a month, was able to share a cell with Bai Yuelin.

Everyone was driven into a wide square. There were about two or three thousand people. Because there were no guards present, the noisy voice gradually sounded.

Xu Cheng took Bai Yuelin by the hand, no one around dared to approach him, even if there were crowds of people, there was still an open space for him, as eye-catching as standing out from a flock of chickens.

Xu Cheng turned over so many people in a month, and the news has spread to all the cells. There are many names about him, such as devil or beast, vulgar and vulgar, but without exception, they are bloodthirsty and brutal.

Xu Cheng was not at all happy to be so feared by a group of little ghosts. He was very curious about what the prison was going to do when it gathered young prisoners together.

He originally thought that the Celestials plundered these children from all over Japan to serve as experimental subjects.

But during the two months of arrest, he was just detained every day, except for artificially creating an environment where the weak can prey on the strong, he didn't care at all.

Maybe he misunderstood the word "experiment". It's not the kind of experiment that is sent to the operating table, but a group social experiment?

On the wall at the edge of the square, there is a row of observation rooms, where many white coats are busy.

Xu Cheng looked up and found an acquaintance - that big ocean horse who likes to wear leather clothes.

In two months, he has figured out that this big ocean horse is called Catherine, nicknamed the Banshee, and is an American soldier who serves as the warden.

There are many rumors about the banshee Catherine in the prison. It is said that she is a pedophile. Many little boys were taken away by her and never came back.

Sitting in the observation room, Catherine raised her legs and looked down at Xu Cheng with aggressive eyes.

At this moment, with the crisp sound of leather boots hitting the ground, a red-haired man in uniform with a hooked nose appeared in the square, followed by a group of guards.

Suddenly, two screams sounded, overshadowing the noise in the square.

Hooked Nose was holding a blood-stained baton, and the two beasts fell in front of him, bleeding all over the ground, and were dragged away by the guards behind.

The square gradually quieted down.

"What a bunch of rowdy monkeys."

Hooked Nose scanned with gloomy eyes, and no one dared to meet his gaze.

His name is Dick, he is Irish-American, and he is the captain of the guard. He is known for his brutality, and his nickname is the beast tamer—the man who tames the beasts.

The number of beasts that fell in his hands was beyond count.

Dick swept across the square with gloomy eyes, and suddenly noticed Xu Cheng's situation.

His eyes fell on the dumbfounded Bai Yuelin, and then strode over.

Watching Dick bring a group of guards over, Xu Cheng realized that trouble was coming, and dragged Bai Yuelin behind him.

Dick came in front of Xu Cheng, still staring at Bai Yuelin, and stretched out his baton to push Xu Cheng aside: "Go away."

Xu Cheng's eyes fell on the observation room, and he found that Catherine was looking at this side with great interest, looking like a tourist who was about to watch the animals and beasts biting each other.

Xu Cheng grabbed Dick's baton and looked up at him: "If you tell me to get out, I'll get out. Then wouldn't I, Fat Tiger, lose face?"

Dick lowered his head, staring at Xu Cheng with jackal-like eyes.

"Little devil, do you want to die?"

The next moment, a guard stood up from behind Dick, raised his baton, and slammed Xu Cheng on the head.

Xu Cheng retreated and dodged, and pushed Bai Yuelin behind him away.

The guard had a fierce look on his face, and he kept waving his baton, making whistling noises.

Compared with a dozen little beasts who can only use brute force, as an adult, the guard's attack is more deadly, as long as he is touched, he will end up bleeding.

Xu Cheng's spirit was highly concentrated, and he had already learned how to breathe, so it was not difficult for him to defeat the guard.

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, he couldn't reveal his hole cards, couldn't use too much force, and could only use skills.

The guard swung his baton in succession but failed to hit Xu Cheng. He was so ashamed by the countless onlookers' eyes that he reached out to grab Xu Cheng's collar.

Xu Cheng dodged sideways and swung a straight right fist. Given his height, he missed the guard's face, and could only hit him in the ribs.


The guard let out a groan of hatred, he didn't expect the brat's fist to be so strong.

He waved his baton in embarrassment, and threw it at Xu Cheng's head.

Xu Cheng leaned over to avoid rushing forward, missed the guard, took the opportunity to kick back, and kicked the guard's hamstring behind his knee.

The guard was kicked until he fell to one knee, but Xu Cheng jumped up from behind and elbowed him on the back of the neck.

The guard fell to the ground with a thump, but was still struggling to get up.

Xu Cheng picked up the fallen baton, hit him hard on the back of the head continuously, and finally knocked him down completely.

In the observation room, Catherine raised her legs, her eyes burst out.

There was even more dead silence in the square. Everyone's eyes widened in surprise, especially a group of guards, who couldn't believe that their colleagues were so neatly dealt with by a six-year-old child.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Cheng didn't use any unexpected power, no emotion, all relying on skills.

This is even more surprising.

The animal trainer Dick also had a flash of surprise in his eyes, and his face was slightly gloomy.

He tapped his left hand with his baton, and a dozen guards stood up behind him.

"Little devil, are you good at fighting?"

Dick grinned, and showed a cruel smile to Xu Cheng: "You know how to spank a fart."

More than a dozen guards came over with a fierce look, each of them was tall and strong with a strong body.

Xu Cheng didn't change his face, but he kept greeting the whole family managed by the dog in his heart.

He was only six years old now, even if he learned how to breathe, he would not be able to deal with more than a dozen fierce adults, and he would definitely die in a fight.

Is this a fucking normal task?
Before Xu Cheng could figure out what to do, a voice suddenly sounded from the loudspeaker: "Dick, what are you dawdling about, start working right away."

It was Catherine's voice.

A dozen guards stopped and looked back at Dick.

Dick looked gloomy, staring at Xu Cheng for a few seconds with jackal-like eyes, then took a deep look at Bai Yuelin who was in a daze, then turned and left.

More than a dozen guards lifted the disgraceful colleague and followed them away.

Xu Cheng heaved a sigh of relief, looked up into the observation room, and found that Catherine was also staring at him, her eyes glowing green like a hungry wolf.

Xu Cheng's scalp was numb, he never thought that one day he would meet such a woman who endangered his virginity.

It's really too much punishment, and there are more and more sentences in the small days.

The guards were maintaining order. Not long after, a fresh and refreshing cool breeze suddenly blew into the square.

As soon as Xu Cheng was blown by the wind, a sense of familiarity welled up in his heart, and he immediately recognized it as Lingzifeng.

Looking at the thousands of children in the square who were immersed in the spiritual wind, Xu Cheng immediately understood what the Celestials were going to do. This was awakening ability users in batches.

There are still more than ten years before the appearance of the Lingzi Tides, and it is not known where they got the Lingzi Wind.

The whole process lasted for about ten minutes and then stopped, and then the guards entered among thousands of children with instruments, and picked out some children with awakening ability and took them away.

Xu Cheng remembered what Professor Fujiwara said, the awakening of ability is the reaction produced after the gathering of spirit particles in the body.

The instruments in the hands of the guards can clearly tell which people have gathered a large number of spiritual particles in their bodies, which is a gift with the ability to awaken.

The spirit child wind blew several times, and about a dozen children who awakened their abilities were taken away, and the rest were all driven back to their cells.

Dick's revenge came quickly, and Xu Cheng would be taken away from the cell every once in a while.

But Dick seemed to be warned by Catherine, instead of letting the guards swarm up and beat Xu Cheng to death, he let him fight the guards one-on-one with bare hands.

Xu Cheng didn't want to show his cards, it was very difficult to win every time, and the guards even started betting against each other, betting when he would lose.

On this day, Xu Cheng was taken to a certain cell again.

He didn't see Dick, who was always here, the cell door opened, and two guards holding batons walked in. They looked at each other, and then walked towards Xu Cheng, swinging their batons.

Xu Cheng remained silent, but his heart sank. This was the first time he faced two adults.

If you don't use your hole cards, it's hard to win by skill alone.

Just as Xu Cheng was thinking about what to do, the manager's prompt sounded suddenly.

【mission failed】

(End of this chapter)

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