Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 266 Transformation 1 into a big nuclear person

Chapter 266
Behind Domegi Park is a mountainous area, which belongs to the remnants of a certain mountain. The altitude is not high, only about 300 meters.

Under the night, the originally peaceful mountain peak suddenly heard a rumbling sound from the ground.

The ground shook violently, and the huge tremor caused all the trees to shake and tremble. Countless birds perched on the trees were startled and fled in all directions.

The violent vibration instantly caused the mountain to crack, and a large amount of gas and flames spewed out from the cracks, forming an extremely spectacular scene.

Huge cracks spread across the entire mountain in an instant, and the upper half of the mountain was torn apart, and then began to collapse downward amidst rumbling and thunder-like muffled noises.

The upper part of the mountain collapsed, and millions of tons of rock and soil rolled down, extinguishing the flames produced by the nuclear explosion, but stirring up countless smoke and dust, rushing into the night sky.

The collapse of the entire mountain only lasted for a short while, and the originally arched peak turned into a ring-shaped basin with a huge pit in the middle, and the surrounding mountains were also covered with cracks, and a second collapse would occur at any time.

The smoke and dust from the collapse of the mountain, as well as the thick smoke from the nuclear explosion, converged into a huge smoke column that shot straight into the sky.

Fortunately, it is night now, otherwise people tens of kilometers away could clearly see it.

At the bottom of the smoke column, a little light suddenly appeared, and the light quickly climbed towards the sky, flew back and outward, and soon left the range covered by the thick smoke.

Xu Cheng, who was in Vulcan state, stopped flying and turned around to look back. With his excellent night vision ability, he could clearly see the giant smoke column rising into the sky.

After the plume of smoke disappears, the dust blown into the sky will fall, and the next dust rain will probably form within a range of more than ten kilometers nearby.

Xu Cheng never expected that the Celestial Gods would use a true nuclear bomb against him.

The detonation procedure probably has something to do with Chongshan, he detonated the nuclear bomb as soon as he lost, and didn't even give him a chance to escape.

Although it was only a small tactical nuclear bomb, it was also a real nuclear bomb. It was much more powerful than the Dongfeng Type I that Xu Cheng himself made with chaotic energy.

Looking at the collapsed mountain in front of him, Xu Cheng had to sigh in his heart: "The equivalent of Dongfeng I is still far from enough. We need to find a chance to upgrade the chaotic energy to the fifth level."

Fortunately, at the moment of the nuclear explosion, he entered the Vulcan state, directly resisting the shock wave and heat radiation, as well as the collapsed mountain, and finally escaped successfully.

As we all know, although Japan once possessed two nuclear bombs, they have exploded and are now a country that is not qualified to possess nuclear bombs.

Where did this tactical nuclear bomb come from?

Either it was secretly transported to Japan by the United States for hiding and intended to be used, or it was made by the Celestials themselves.

No matter which one it is, it means that the Celestials have the ability to destroy Bai Yuelin's camp in one breath, because except for Xu Cheng, the rest of them do not have the ability to survive a nuclear explosion.

I didn't use it before. On the one hand, it might be because I was afraid that the impact would not be good. On the other hand, I probably couldn't find a chance for Bai Yuelin and his group to get together.

This is thanks to Bai Yuelin, it was she who strongly urged everyone not to gather as much as possible during the incubation period.

But it will be hard to say in the future. After Xu Cheng took the lead in flipping the table, the Celestials might not follow suit—anyway, the dead are all Japanese.

Before the last Japanese is dead, the Celestials will definitely not care, and now is the proof.

In the underground space, in addition to Xu Cheng, there are Zhongshan and a large number of subordinates of the Celestial clan, including Mitsui Masaki.

But Yaoguang detonated the nuclear bomb without mercy.

Xu Cheng's mood was heavy, and then he looked down at his palm, feeling even worse.

Although he resisted the nuclear explosion in Vulcan state, Xu Cheng felt that his flame had become a little strange, as if it had been polluted by some kind of virus.

In this case, the only explanation is that he was polluted by strong nuclear radiation when he was in the center of the nuclear explosion.

The Vulcan wreckage is essentially a divine fire, which is now contaminated by a nuclear explosion, and the flames born are also nuclear radiation.

With Xu Cheng's knowledge, it is difficult to explain the reason for this, but he can clearly feel the strangeness in the flame.

But Xu Cheng himself didn't feel any discomfort, but he couldn't be negligent, maybe the symptoms would be delayed, and he had to observe for a while.

He flew directly away from the collapsed mountain and flew back the same way.

Halfway through the flight, he found a convoy of all Masaki Mitsui loyalists coming down below.

It turned out that they were refused to stay outside Domegi Park, but after hearing the news of the nuclear explosion, they couldn't help breaking in directly to find Masaki Mitsui.

Seeing this group of mice delivered to his door, although Xu Cheng felt very embarrassed, he could only accept it with a smile.

There were more than [-] people in total, and many of them were capable people of Ryo Uehara level, but in the end they were all accidentally beaten to death by Xu Cheng, and only five survived.

Xu Cheng started experimenting with these five people. First, they burned them directly. Needless to say, they burned immediately.

Then there was a severe burn, and he passed out directly, and died after a while.

The third was a moderate burn, the fourth was a minor burn, and the fifth was coming close to the flames but not touching them.

Xu Cheng patiently observed the remaining three mice.

A few minutes later, the moderately burned mouse started to feel nauseous and vomited, and then vomited blood. The nose, eyes, and ears were bleeding, and large pieces of skin fell off, just like the symptoms of severe burns.

In less than ten minutes, the little white mouse fainted from shock, breathing weakly.

Ten minutes later, the mildly burned mice also began to have the same symptoms as above, but the symptoms were milder, with mouth ulcers, bleeding gums, and a piece of hair falling off.

Fifteen minutes later, he started to suffer from severe diarrhea, and his buttocks also began to fester. It was more blood than poop, and the old man couldn't even open his mouth.

The last little white mouse just watched from a close distance and did not touch the flame.

After about half an hour, the man, too, began to feel tired and unwell, with aches and pains all over his body.

Xu Cheng had no interest in doing more experiments, and ended the suffering of these three people directly.

It has been confirmed that his flame now has the effect of nuclear radiation, which can make the burnt person also receive continuous damage from nuclear radiation.

Even if you are not burned, you will be affected by nuclear radiation if you stay close to the flame for a long time.

The experiment is over, but now there are two most important things that bother Xu Cheng.

First, after canceling the Vulcan status, will he himself be affected by nuclear radiation.

Second, whether the Vulcan wreckage has been completely modified to be radioactive, or is it simply polluted, and the nuclear radiation will disappear after a while.

If these two issues are not clarified, Xu Cheng will not be able to go back for the time being, otherwise he may accidentally hurt Bai Yuelin and the others.

After all, nuclear radiation is too dangerous, and it’s okay if it’s mild. Once it’s too much, there’s no cure.

This unpredictable situation made Xu Cheng very upset, because he had transformed into a veritable big-core person.

It's really far from the original score, just look at it.


In Tokyo, somewhere in a private airport.

Iwasaki Koji and Sumitomo Kazuhiro sat together in the waiting hall, looking at the plane on the tarmac outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, undecided.

After learning that Masaki Mitsui had been attacked, the two immediately made plans to seek refuge abroad and walked to the airport together.

But before boarding the plane, the two hesitated again.

Because they cannot guarantee that they will be safe after going abroad. Once they are in danger, they have no choice but to save themselves. After all, their capital and status can only exert their greatest effect in Japan.

Moreover, Mitsui Masaki had already asked the Celestials for help. Although Yaoguang's backhanded use of him as a bait was chilling, but once the peace messenger was resolved, the two of them would not have to run away.

During the boring waiting, Iwasaki Koji chatted with Sumitomo and Hiroichi, but both of them looked absent-minded.

Suddenly, Iwasaki Koji's assistant secretary came over with a panicked expression, and whispered in Iwasaki Koji's ear.

Sumitomo Kazuhiro smiled and said, "Is your wife urging you to go back?"

Unlike Masaki Mitsui, Kou Iwasaki is not good at managing women, and he is still a strict wife, and he is quite afraid of wives who are married.

Hearing Sumitomo Kazuhiro's joke, Iwasaki Koji had an ugly expression on his face: "Mitsubishi's research institute was destroyed just now."


Sumitomo and Hongdae were taken aback: "Hasn't the Messenger of Peace been lured away by Mitsui Masaki? No..."

Only then did he realize that the Messenger of Peace is not just one person, but a group of people.

Besides the Peace Messenger, the other side also had a lot of powerful forces. It was only because the Peace Messenger was too unruly and would flip the table at every turn, which made people subconsciously focus all their attention on him.

With this in mind, Sumitomo Kazuhiro quickly took out his mobile phone and called the person in charge of the Sumitomo Research Institute.

After Sumitomo's research institute was destroyed last time, reconstruction started immediately the next day, and it has already reached a considerable scale.

The person in charge said on the mobile phone that everything was fine, which made Sumitomo and Hiro a sigh of relief.

But the next moment...

"Who are you? Stop!"


There was a scream from the mobile phone, which made Sumitomo and Hong Teng stand up, their faces livid, and he dialed back, but found that the connection was no longer available.

Unlike other chaebols, this is the second time Sumitomo has been beaten up.

Why are you always catching a sheep?

Iwasaki Koji had no time to laugh at his old friend. After all, his own business was also suffering. He began to use his contacts to contact the helm behind the scenes of other chaebols, including Fuji, Quanye, and Sanwa. These are all chaebols who work closely with the Celestials .

After a round of communication, it was discovered that the research institutions invested by these chaebols all suffered a devastating blow tonight.

Although the research results and personnel are well preserved as a whole, most of the important experimental subjects must be properly placed immediately. Unless the tree of life will take over immediately, otherwise there will be an immeasurable huge loss.

After learning the news, Iwasaki Koji, Sumitomo and Hiroshi looked at each other.

They originally thought that the enemy was just a group of terrorists relying on their ability to do whatever they wanted, but now they realized that the enemy must have a huge force in their hands to simultaneously destroy the research institutions of six top chaebols.

"Bai Yuelin..."

Sumitomo Kazuhiro gritted his teeth: "We underestimated this woman."

Although the president of the Super Association is from the Baiyue family, the Baiyue family can only be regarded as a new rich family, far from a real chaebol.

After the Super Association was banned, the couple of Bai Yue's family immediately left their adopted daughter to go abroad and disappeared without a trace.

This kind of behavior caused many people in Japan to despise Bai Yuejia and Bai Yuelin, thinking that she was just a stupid woman following terrorists.

But now they understand that this woman is not stupid, she is clearly full of ambitions, and she has accumulated such a threatening force without everyone's knowledge.

Koji Iwasaki comforted his old friend: "Don't worry too much. Since they have been exposed from the dark, they are mice running out of the gutter. Are we still afraid in terms of strength and background?"

Now that Bai Yuelin has exposed her power, it is bound to usher in the joint attack of the six chaebols.

In Japan, apart from the United States, who else can bear the wrath of the top chaebols?

Even if Emperor Xiaochuan angered these chaebols, he had to come to the door one by one to apologize and beg for forgiveness.

Sumitomo Kazuhiro still had a gloomy expression; "Rats can bite people, have you forgotten Masaki Mitsui?"

Iwasaki Koji hesitated and said, "Although the Messenger of Peace attacked Mitsui Masaki, he did not kill him, so there should be concerns?"

As long as the Messenger of Peace dare not kill Mitsui Masaki, then there is nothing to be afraid of for the helm of the chaebol.

Sumitomo Kazuhiro shook his head: "That is the Messenger of Peace wants to use Mitsui Masaki to find the location of the tree of life, not to mention his hands, feet and limbs were crushed, this kind of humiliation is worse than death."

Koji Iwasaki wanted to say something, but the assistant secretary hurried over and handed him the phone.

Koji Iwasaki took the phone in doubt, put it to his ear to answer, the expression on his face changed from doubt to shock, and finally became dull.

"What happened again?"

Seeing that Koji Iwasaki remained silent, Sumitomo and Hiroshi frowned, and grabbed the phone from his old friend: "Hi, I'm Sumitomo Kazuhiro, tell me again, what happened?"

The person on the other end of the phone can only repeat it.

After Sumitomo Kazuhiro finished listening, he showed the same dull expression as his old friend.

Yaoguang set a trap to deal with the peace messenger and failed, and detonated a tactical nuclear bomb. Both Shigeyama and Mitsui Masaki died in the nuclear explosion, and the peace messenger escaped intact.

Any one of these things is a major event that shocks the nerves. Putting it all together, it directly shocked the two well-informed chaebols at the helm to a blank mind.

Sumitomo Kazuhiro was the first to come back to his senses, he reached out and grabbed the hand of Koji Iwasaki who was still in a daze, and dragged him up.

"Go, Japan can't stay anymore, we have to go abroad immediately."

Sumitomo Kazuhiro's usually steady voice finally brought a tremor.

The death of Masaki Mitsui, one of the helmsmen of the six major chaebols, meant that in the fierce confrontation that followed, the lives of these Japanese rulers would no longer be guaranteed.

Sometimes the deterrent effect of killing a person is more effective than dropping a few nuclear bombs.

Yaoguang detonating the tactical nuclear bomb also means that she doesn't care about the life and death of the Japanese at all, and the Messenger of Peace even less.

Tactical nuclear bombs failed to kill the Messenger of Peace. He definitely has the strength to contend with the Celestials. In the next battle between the two sides, it is unknown how many people will be involved.

And these chaebols who work closely with the Celestial Race are the first targets.

Just when the two panic-stricken Japanese rulers were about to board the plane to take refuge abroad, the mobile phone rang suddenly.

The incoming call is a number that is neither unfamiliar nor unfamiliar.

(End of this chapter)

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