Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 345 Xu Cheng, My Superman

Hearing that Joyce said that he would show him the background of the Goddess Cult, Xu Cheng was immediately full of interest and anticipation.

He couldn't help asking curiously, "Is it Gundam?"

Joyce's smile froze on his face: "No."

Xu Cheng asked again: "Could it be a Star Destroyer?"

The corner of Joyce's mouth twitched: "No."

If Gundam or Star Destroyer really appeared, the style of painting would be wrong.

Xu Cheng's interest has obviously dropped a lot: "Could it be a cheat left by the goddess?"

Joyce couldn't help retorting: "There is no such thing."

Xu Cheng suddenly became uninterested: "This is neither that nor that, how dare you say it is the background?"

Joyce gave a constipated look.

Damn, if we had so many powerful things, we would have wiped out the Senate a long time ago, and it's your turn to beep here.

A group of people continued to walk down the secret passage, and the whole secret passage was like a long snake that twisted and circled, spinning downwards non-stop.

After walking for nearly half an hour, the space in front of my eyes suddenly opened up, but it was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers.

Relying on his powerful night vision ability, Xu Cheng could see that this place was very desolate and rugged, with irregular terrain and gravel everywhere, and there were still a lot of car wreckage in the middle.

But Qiu Gongyue recognized it at a glance: "Is this the bottom of the valley?"

Before, in order to get rid of the dark assassin's tracking, she deliberately threw a car into the deep valley.

"Yes, this is the place."

Joyce didn't have that strong night vision ability, but he looked up at the faint starlight in the night sky at the top of the deep valley, and raised his hand to perform a secret technique. The extremely faint starlight gradually gathered in his hand and gradually became brighter, as if grasping live a star.

His ability is to capture starlight to strengthen himself, so he also has the nickname of Silver Star Killer.

The strong light illuminated the ground in a radius of more than ten meters nearby, providing everyone with a vision.

"Come with me."

After identifying the direction, Joyce led the crowd to climb up the bottom of the valley.

After walking for about ten minutes, I finally came to a place with hidden terrain.

He pushed a big stone away hard, revealing the hole hidden behind. When everyone entered the hole, they found another upward secret passage.

Seeing the secret path, Xu Cheng had vaguely guessed what the background of the Goddess Cult was, but he still couldn't help asking Joyce, "Is this the background you said?"

"That's right, this secret path was dug out by countless ancestors of the Goddess Cult quietly under the noses of the Senate, and it leads directly to the Senate's ass."

Joyce explained with a little pride, but seeing Xu Cheng's constipated expression, he couldn't help but said: "If the Goddess Sect really had such a strong background, we wouldn't be forced by the Senate to become what we are now. appearance."

Qiu Gongyue at the side glanced at him: "You seem to be aggrieved. The Shadow Goddess should have left a lot of good things. Why don't you Goddess Cults have even one?"

Joyce opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, with a sad look on his face.

The Shadow Goddess did leave behind a lot of good things, but almost all of them were in the hands of the Senate.

Don't forget, the Senate was also the Goddess Sect at the beginning, and it was the highest institution that held power. The Goddess Sect was an opposing force that split off later, and hardly took away any of the goddess' legacy.

Of course, these are the reasons of the seniors, and have nothing to do with the current Joyce, but he is also worried about the current situation of the Goddess Cult.

The current fierce confrontation between the Goddess Cult and the Senate is more like a flashback, a last resistance before death.

If the imprisoned goddess cannot be successfully rescued this time, then the future of the Goddess Cult may only end in extinction.

This is also the reason why Joyce insisted on sticking to the Goddess Salvation Plan. In his opinion, this was the last straw, and he had to seize it no matter what.

Everyone climbed up along the secret path. The environment here is very depressing, and oxygen is also very scarce.

Fortunately, every believer who followed had at least the strength of the three-level breathing method, so that he would not collapse due to lack of oxygen.

After climbing for more than half an hour, I finally climbed to the top of the secret passage. It turned out to be a dead end, and there were many digging tools beside it, all of which were rotten.

Xu Cheng looked at these tools, and asked Joyce, "Could you bring us to dig a hole?"

"of course not!"

Joyce subconsciously lowered his voice, stepped forward and stroked the earth wall covered with excavation marks with his hands: "There is only a thin layer of soil between here and the Senate."

Qiu Gongyue asked: "Which location is the Senate inside?"

"It is the most secret place of the Senate."

Joyce actually took out a simple map from his body and opened it in front of Xu Cheng and Qiu Gongyue.

The map depicts the entire structure of the Senate, including the research institute hidden underground.

"The Goddess Cult has been infiltrating the Senate for many years, and has almost mastered the internal situation of the Senate."

Joyce pointed at the map: "The reason why we say almost is because there are still two places that we cannot penetrate."

The two places he pointed to, one was the research institute, and the other was an underground building hidden deeper than the research institute.

"Although we can't enter the research institute, the researchers inside will occasionally come out. Through contact, we already know that the goddess is not in the research institute. Only the last place is beyond our reach no matter what we do."

Many years ago, the Goddess Cult knew that there was a secret building hidden deep underground in the Senate, but no matter how much sacrifice and effort they put in, they were still unable to get close to that building, and they didn't know what was hidden inside.

But judging from the strict defense of the Senate, there must be something very important to them hidden inside.

Radicals of the Goddess Sect believe that the legacy of the goddess is hidden inside, while moderates believe that this is the place where the goddess is imprisoned.

Because it has been unable to get close to this mysterious building, the Goddess Sect simply found another way, digging up from the deep valley, digging a secret passage leading to the bottom of the Senate.

When excavating, they were afraid of being discovered by the Senate. The Goddess Sect digs secretly every time, and dare not start large-scale construction. This secret passage took them several generations, and finally excavated to the present place. Only one step away.

But at the last step, the Goddess Sect had no chance to cross it.

At that time, it happened to be the time when Yuedu was on the rise, and the relationship between the Senate and the Goddess Cult was relatively relaxed.

Seeing the opportunity to seize power from within, the Goddess Sect shelved the plan to enter the mysterious building through the secret passage, so as not to be accused by the Senate.

After Tsukuyomi defected and the Moon Clan was wiped out, the Goddess Cult suffered a huge loss in strength, experienced internal turmoil and division, and this secret path has been shelved until now.

Let alone the Senate now, even within the Goddess Cult, there are many people who don't know the existence of this secret passage.

After listening to Joyce's narration, Xu Cheng's expression also became serious.

From the map, the mysterious building is the core of the Senate. If you break in from the front, you might be blocked by five elders, even Xu Cheng can't break in.

But adding this secret passage is different. They dug directly under the buttocks, and when the Senate reacted, they had already entered it.

From a strategic point of view, this is indeed the legacy left by the Goddess Cult.

After both Xu Cheng and Qiu Gongyue understood the meaning of this secret passage, Joyce said to one of his subordinates, "Aile, go in and see what's going on inside."

A taciturn young man nodded, stepped forward and pressed his hands on the earth wall, his whole body melted into it and disappeared.

Xu Cheng looked at this scene with great interest. The killers in the headquarters were different from those in the branch. The breathing method was only the basis for strengthening one's body, and more of using secret techniques to improve one's combat effectiveness.

Half an hour later, a young man named Aile emerged from the dirt wall.

Joyce didn't ask, but just handed him a pen and map.

After Ailer took it over, he began to write and draw on the back of the map, and soon, a crude map was drawn by him.

Everyone walked over and took a look, and found that the map showed that the structure inside was very simple. There were several areas distributed, and Aile had marked the living area, work area, and even the entertainment area with words. Only the last area was blank, because Ayler couldn't sneak in.

It looks like a small research institute inside, and there seems to be nothing unusual. Only the innermost area that Ayler cannot explore can attract everyone's attention.

The situation inside was a little bit unexpected, but the arrow had to be launched, and here, there was no room for backing down.

Joyce looked at the time and found that there were less than ten minutes left before the time agreed with the other bishops.

He immediately assigned tasks to the group of subordinates around him to ensure that he could control the audience as soon as he entered.

But Xu Cheng and Qiu Gongyue are free. Except for resisting the possible elders, they can do whatever they want in the rest of the time. Joyce will not and dare not instruct them to work for him.

Time passed by every minute and every second, except for Xu Cheng and Qiu Gongyue, everyone else became tense, subconsciously staring at the earth wall in front of them.

Meanwhile, on the ground.

Eugene has already returned to the Senate, and the guardians are still hunting around the city for the whereabouts of the believers of the Goddess Cult.

Tonight was almost a sleepless night, too many things happened, and the Senate was also struggling to deal with it.

Eugene stood at the gate of the Senate, looking at the Guangming Mountain shrouded in night, with deep eyes.

A subordinate was standing behind him reporting the results of tonight's battle, but Eugene became more and more annoyed the more he listened.

Under the intelligence advantage brought by Owen's betrayal, the veteran personally led people to raid the theater. As a result, only a group of low-level believers were caught, and none of the real weight was caught.

Taking out this kind of victory, not only is it not considered a credit, but it will seriously damage Eugene's prestige.


Just when Eugene stopped his subordinates, there was a violent explosion in the distance.

The loud noise of the explosion quickly spread throughout the entire Guangming Mountain, and a huge fireball soared into the sky, almost illuminating the entire night sky.

The location of the explosion was very close to the Senate, and Eugene standing at the gate could almost feel the oncoming heat wave and shock wave.

The next second, another explosion sounded from the other side of the Senate.

Ferocious explosions appeared around the Senate one after another, and groups of scorching fireballs bloomed like fireworks in Guangming Mountain.

Seeing this scene of blooming everywhere, Eugene's face turned livid. Such a large-scale attack is beyond his ability to handle, and the rest of the elders are bound to be alarmed as well.

Even if it can be resolved afterwards, his ability will definitely be questioned, and the elders are not united.

Those Assassin families who originally supported him will also be shaken by this.

In the secret passage, when the agreed time was reached, Joyce swung his raised hand down suddenly: "Do it!"


The burly Moore let out a roar, rushed forward like a chariot, and slammed into the dirt wall in front of him.

With a bang, the earth wall was knocked down, including the reinforced concrete wall inside.

Through the collapsed gap, a spacious corridor appeared in front of everyone.

Joyce took the lead and rushed in, followed by his subordinates. According to the previously assigned tasks, they quickly divided into two teams, each rushing from both sides of the corridor, and soon there were fierce fighting sounds.

When Xu Cheng and Qiu Gongyue arrived, the guards here had been wiped out, and more than a dozen researchers were captured alive.

The whole process was unexpectedly smooth. Under Joyce's pressing, the researchers revealed that they had lived and worked in this place for more than ten years.

According to the requirements of the Senate, they must work here for [-] years before they can leave.

Joyce sneered when he heard the words: "I have never seen anyone leave from here, but people often come in. Are you sure you can really leave alive?"

The faces of the dozen or so researchers were ashen. They had already guessed in their hearts, how could the Senate easily let them go with such a big secret in their hands.

It's just that people have to bow their heads under the eaves, and can only pretend to have such a hope in their hearts.

The content of their research is naturally related to the gods, and there is even a god imprisoned in this place and used as an experimental subject.

Joyce and the believers became agitated. If the information Xu Cheng brought back from the research institute was only indirect evidence, then the confession of these researchers was a reassurance.

Xu Cheng and Qiu Gongyue looked at each other, and were extremely surprised in their hearts. They didn't expect that there were gods imprisoned.

Does the Senate really have that much power to imprison a god?
And the guards here don't look very tight.

The excited Joyce could no longer think too much, and immediately grabbed a few researchers to lead the way to the place where the gods were imprisoned.

A group of people came to a place that Aile could not explore, and were blocked by a thick metal gate, unable to enter,

A researcher explained with a sad face: "Only the five elders have the key to open the door. Every time we need an experiment, we must pass an application and wait for the elders to open the door."

Moore tried to open the gate, but when he hit it, his whole body was bounced off, and the gate remained motionless.

The researcher who has no eyesight is still pouring cold water on the side: "It's useless, this door is [-] centimeters thick, even a missile can't blow it open."

"damn it!"

Joyce hammered the door hard, his eyes were red, and he almost gritted his teeth.

The reason why they took the secret path was to avoid the elders, but in the end they still needed to get the key from the elders.

Wouldn't that be a waste of time?

"Get out of the way."

A familiar voice sounded, and Joyce looked back, and saw Xu Cheng who had already rubbed out a cloud of thunder flames with one hand.

Seeing Xu Cheng stand up at this desperate moment, Joyce almost burst into tears, and almost shouted in his heart - Xu Cheng, my superman! !

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