Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 373 The Half-Brother

Seeing that Kouji Chikawa was defeated so easily, the three arhats didn't dare to come to the rescue, they got up, turned around and ran away.

Mitera Chizuru grabbed the eight-chi mirror, pointed at the three of them from a distance, and reflected the figures of the three in the mirror.

The three arhats who were fleeing were suddenly frozen in place, unable to move.

"Cough cough..."

Kouji Qianchuan coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, struggling to get up from the ground.

Mitera Chizuru raised her foot and stomped on the ground!
The solid concrete floor collapsed, and the force spread out like an earthquake, breaking Chikawa Koji's limbs that were close to the ground.

He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell down again.

A piece of gravel was thrown up by the shock, and Chizuru Mitera stretched out his hand to grab it, gently crushed it into three pieces, and then waved his backhand.

Three pieces of gravel were shot out by her, like three bullets, respectively shooting at the three immobilized Arhats in the distance.

Accompanied by the sound of puff puff, the bald heads of the three arhats were smashed by the gravel, like three rotten watermelons.

"It's boring."

Mitera Chizuru wiped off the dust on her hands, showing a dull expression.

Whether it is Chikawa Koji or the five Arhats, their output ability is very strong, but their bodies are too fragile, similar to ordinary people, and they will shatter with a light touch.

Even if Mitera Chizuru didn't use Hachikage, he could blow their heads off with just physical strength.

Seeing that Chikawa Koji still had some breath, Mitera Chizuru lowered his head and asked, "Whose enemy do you worship the secret society?"

Chikawa Kouji started killing the followers of the Moke Cult, which really made Mitera Chizuru relax a little bit of vigilance.

Who knew that he would in turn cooperate with the Arhat of the Moke Sect to besiege Yuji Chizuru together, making it unclear which side they were going to cooperate with.

Could it be that it belongs to Teddy, whoever he sees will date?

"Cough cough..."

Kouji Qianchuan coughed, his face became paralyzed and his face turned ashen, and he was dying soon: "That's my personal has nothing to do with the secret society..."

He is a member of the Worship Society, but he is also a devout Christian believer.

After the Moke Sect occupied half of Tokyo, it exterminated all other religions, including the Christianity, so Chikawa Koji himself hated the Moke Sect.

The Chong secret society sent him to cooperate with the Moke Sect to deal with Mitera Chizuru. He clearly accepted the task, but in his heart he wanted to let the Moke Sect and Mitera Chizuru die together.

Mitera Chizuru did not expect that the idea of ​​rotten fish and rotten shrimp is quite beautiful: "You worship the Mystery Society, so you are determined to cooperate with the more dangerous Moke Sect?"

The Moke Sect, which can open the black hole, is obviously more harmful, but the Chong Mystery Society is still secretly colluding with this cult, which makes people puzzled.

"I have no idea……"

Chikawa Koji is just a middle-level cadre, and he can't understand that the higher ups want to cooperate with the cult.

"Don't kill that nun, she has nothing to do with me..."

At the end of his life, Chikawa Koji did not beg for mercy for himself, but pleaded for the innocent nun who was protected by him.

Mitera Chizuru frowned slightly, she had no intention of killing that innocent nun. …

But Chikawa Kouji's intercession made it seem like she was a villain who liked to kill innocent people indiscriminately.

"I do things, it's your turn to teach?"

Mitera Chizuru sent Chikawa Kouji, who was still half breathed, back to his hometown, then took out his mobile phone from his body, ready to call Xu Cheng to ask about the situation.

When I picked it up, I realized that the phone had no signal.

After the disaster, the damage to the network signal in Japan was not serious, but there were no personnel to maintain the follow-up base stations, resulting in network outages in many places.

Mitera Chizuru had no choice but to put away her phone and leave this place. She wasn't worried about Xu Cheng, but was a little worried about Uehara Ryo who pretended to be Xu Cheng.

He was walking with the superpowers who worshiped the secret society. If someone found out that his identity was fake, he might be beaten to death.


Ryo Uehara... No, it should be Xu Cheng who pretended to be Ryo Uehara, and he was assigned with Kenichi Kimo, and the two went to the Moko Sect stronghold in Edogawa District.

Kimo Kenichi is a very talkative person, and he is very good at maintaining the topic and atmosphere of the conversation, making people feel like a spring breeze. He is a social talent.

Along the way, in order to avoid being seen through his identity, Xu Cheng was not interested in talking, but under the guidance of Kenichi Kimo, he started chatting with him unknowingly.

Moreover, Kenichi Kimo, intentionally or unintentionally, kept guiding Xu Cheng to talk about some internal topics about Tokyo Prefecture during the communication.

Xu Cheng had discovered this a long time ago, but he didn't expose it, but continued to follow his words.

"Peace Messenger, do you know? I was the one who specially recruited him before. I was just talking about his status, but I am his senior."

"So there is such a thing. I didn't expect Mr. Uehara to have such a high status in Tokyo Prefecture. I underestimated you before. I'm really sorry."

Kimo Kenichi complimented Xu Cheng while apologizing.

"Haha, it's not that tall, just a little bit taller than the others."

Xu Cheng put his arms around Kimo Kenichi's shoulders: "In the future, when you go to Tokyo Prefecture, report my name if you have anything to do, and I guarantee that no one will dare to trouble you. I am Uehara Ryo in Tokyo Prefecture, so I belong to the crab, you know What do you mean? Walk sideways!

Kimo Ken kept a humble and flattering smile on his face, but he sneered in his heart.


In fact, Ki Motake had heard of Ryo Uehara's name a long time ago, after all, he is also a character who often shows his face in Tokyo Fuchu.

The first contact tonight, I didn't expect this person to be so arrogant and stupid.

Kimo Kenichi just wasted a little saliva, and as a result, he easily obtained a lot of important confidential information from him, but he didn't notice it at all, and instead boasted about his status.

If there are such people in Tokyo Prefecture, then there is nothing to worry about.

The contempt and disdain of Kimo Kenichi almost couldn't be controlled overflowing from his eyes, which was captured by Xu Cheng keenly, but he didn't care.

Because the confidential information about Tokyo Prefecture that he revealed to Kimo Kenichi was all temporarily compiled.

After all, you can't expect a person who has never been to work to know the company's internal secrets.

Although Xu Cheng is the leader of the Tokyo Prefecture, he has no eyes on the internal situation of his organization. Bai Yuelin asked everyone to report to him every month, but he never listened carefully once. …

Along the way, under Kimo Kenichi's deliberate compliments, the two have maintained a harmonious atmosphere, and even felt a little bit reluctant to meet each other, so they almost became half-brothers on the spot.

Soon, the two arrived at their destination, where the Moke Sect occupied a shrine as a stronghold.

Like the other two places, Moke Sect also distributes food here, but because the shrine is built on the mountainside, believers need to climb a long approach to receive food.

From a distance, the crowd almost formed a long dragon, meandering towards the mountainside.

Of course Xu Cheng had no interest in pretending to be an ordinary believer and walked up slowly. Under the suggestion of Kimo Kenichi, the two climbed up the mountain from the side slope and went around to the back of the shrine.

Behind the shrine is a large courtyard, just after jumping over the wall, the strong smell of blood hits the face.

Xu Cheng almost thought that he had come to a slaughterhouse. The backyard was filled with a large number of corpses. Some were still fresh and seemed to have died not long ago, but some had already rotted and stinked.

These bodies were not thrown away at random, but soaked in individual crocks, reminiscent of pickles.

Judging from the clothing of these corpses, they are all priests of the shrine, all of them are men, and none of them are women.

"A cult that destroys humanity."

Ki Motake sighed, and looked at Xu Cheng: "Mr. Uehara, let's go in, we must destroy this dangerous cult."

Hehe, don't laugh at the bald ones, your worship of the secret society is not much better.

Xu Cheng didn't forget that after the Chong Mystery Society gathered capable people and arrested them, they drained their blood.

Their behavior is essentially no different from that of the Moke Sect.

It's just that the cult can always come up with something new in terms of tricks.

The two entered the interior from the back of the shrine. The interior was a courtyard, and various blushing voices could be heard from a distance.

Xu Cheng and Kimo Kenichi followed the sound and found that an open meeting was being held in the courtyard.

The witches in the shrine are all here, and they are communicating with the monks of the Moke religion.

Xu Cheng was still wondering why the priests of the shrine were all turned into kimchi, while the witches were all gone, so they were turned into RBQ.

"Good guy, you won't wait for me to have a sex party, will you?"

With excitement on his face, Xu Cheng quickly walked into the courtyard.

Kimo Kenichi didn't move, just stood behind with his arms folded, staring at his back with mocking eyes.

As soon as Xu Cheng stepped into the courtyard, the monks immediately abandoned the witches and stood up, and surrounded him in an instant, and the witches hurriedly covered their bodies with their hands, and left the scene with small steps.

"Clap clap clap!"

A burst of applause sounded from behind, Xu Cheng looked back and saw Mu Mao Kenichi clapping lightly with a smile on his face.

"It's astonishingly stupid, Mr. Uehara."

Kimo Kenichi's smile was full of wonder, as if he didn't expect that there would be such a stupid person in the world: "I was still thinking about how to lead you into the encirclement, but you rushed in with your head covered. If I had known you were so stupid, I would There is no need to waste words to win your trust."

"What, so this is a trap you set up?"

Xu Cheng pretended to be panicked: "Mu Maosang, didn't we agree to become half brothers? Why do you treat me like this?"

The eyes of many monks looked over, making Kimo Kenichi's face a bit ugly, and he waved: "I will leave him to you, and you can deal with it whatever you want."

Falling into the hands of a cult would be worse than death, but Mu Maojian just wanted to get out of here and go back to hand in the task.

He has no intention of intervening. Although Liang Uehara's strength is not weak, the Moke Sect has a full five descending demon arhats in this stronghold, which is enough to easily defeat Liang Uehara.

The moment Kimo Kenichi turned around, he heard a deafening bang from behind.

It seemed that a thunderbolt fell from the sky, and the dazzling light shattered the darkness of the long night.

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