Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 417 Nagumo Asuka's Courage

Hearing Nanyun Asuka say that, Xu Cheng was a little surprised.

In his impression, this girl is a cooking lady, and has almost nothing to do with the martial arts faction, so why did she suddenly make such a request.

But looking at her extremely serious eyes, Xu Cheng didn't refuse, and nodded: "No problem."

The training ground destroyed by Lei Huojian has been restored to its original state. This is the strangeness of Gao Tianyuan, it can be restored automatically, otherwise it will become a one-off if it falls into Xu Cheng's hands.

In the empty training ground, Xu Cheng and Nanyun Asuka stood clearly on both sides, facing each other across the air.


Nanyun Asuka took a few deep breaths to suppress his nervousness.

She really doesn't have much interest in fighting, but since entering Gao Tianyuan, no one knows that Nagumo Asuka is the one who works the hardest. Apart from cooking, she goes to the training room every day.

You must know that after entering the practice room, one cannot come out without dying a hundred times. The pain of death is exactly the same as the real one.

Nagumo Asuka wanted to become stronger, to support her belief, to protect her sister.

But now, Nanyun Asuka has another reason to enter the practice room - to have a common topic with Xu Cheng.

In fact, in the past month, she quietly went fishing to cultivate a fishing hobby for herself.

"Mr. Xinghai, I'm about to start, please be careful."

"Haha, let the horse come here."

Nanyun Asuka's eyes froze suddenly, as if stars appeared in her eyes, and she used her super power.

In an instant, Xu Cheng's body was ignited with flames, and the temperature was so high that it burned his clothes in an instant, which shocked him.

The next moment, the air around his body was even ignited by flames, forming a large sea of ​​flames in an instant.

The flames quickly gathered to form a ball, enveloping Xu Cheng in it, and the temperature was getting higher and higher.

The fireball exploded suddenly, and Xu Cheng, who had entered Vulcan mode, appeared from the fireball, looked at Nanyun Asuka in surprise, and praised: "Good job!"

The body strengthened by Amaterasu's qi refining technique will not be afraid of burning, but the pain is also more obvious, so he has to use the Vulcan state to eliminate the flames.

Hearing Xu Cheng's praise, Nanyun Asuka suppressed the corners of his mouth that wanted to turn up, his eyes became sharper, and he stared closely at Xu Cheng.

The scattered flames seemed to have life, and they condensed into the posture of several huge tigers, roaring and rushing towards Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng condensed into a flaming whip with one hand, smashing all the fire creatures that rushed up, but if one was smashed, new tigers would appear immediately, and more and more tigers would surround Xu Cheng.

Nanyun Asuka's gaze converged into one point, and landed on Xu Cheng's chest, his eyes seemed to burn like flames, emitting a strong light.

Xu Cheng felt a heat in his chest, and a ball of flames appeared in his chest out of thin air, instantly burning all internal organs of his body, and even went straight to the brain along his throat, and the flames shot out from his five sense organs.

Fortunately, Xu Cheng is also in Vulcan mode now, otherwise this move might really make him suffer a little.

He was really surprised. He didn't expect Nanyun Asuka to be completely reborn after a month's absence, making full use of her own abilities.

After using this trick, Nanyun Asuka felt his eyes stinging, and had to end the release of superpowers ahead of schedule. …

In order to impress Xu Cheng, she has always tried her best to display her abilities, and even used her best tricks.

"Sorry, Mr. Xinghai, my ability can't last...huh?"

Nanyun Asuka was about to speak, but found that Xu Cheng's figure had disappeared.

"It's behind you."

The voice sounded from behind, and before Nanyun Asuka had time to turn around, he felt a pain in his buttocks, was kicked and fell forward to the ground.

Fortunately, it was grass, so there was no risk of losing his appearance.

"Mr. Xinghai, why are you kicking me?"

Nanyun Asuka looked back at Xu Cheng, with doubts and grievances in his tone.

She thought that Xu Cheng would be impressed by her achievements in cultivation and would praise her a few times, but she didn't expect to get beaten in exchange.

"Didn't you ask me to help you check the results?"

Xu Cheng looked down at her: "The enemy won't show mercy just because your ability can't last. Stand up."

Of course, Nanyun Asuka knew this very well. In the training room, that ruthless NPC would not take it easy just because she was a girl, and would kill her every time.

It was only because the person he was facing was Xu Cheng that he relaxed his vigilance so much.

She patted her butt, stood up from the ground, put on an offensive posture, and took a deep breath: "Then, please advise!"

Xu Cheng nodded in satisfaction, then waved to her: "Let's attack."

Nanyun Asuka stepped on his feet, and rushed towards Xu Cheng like an arrow from the string, launching an attack.

Her offense is quite fierce, and she is also very proficient in punches, uppercuts, elbows, knees and other tricks.

Xu Cheng stood there without moving, and deflected her attacks one by one.

After fighting for dozens of rounds, he said, "I'm going to start a counterattack, so be careful."

Nagumo Asuka nodded solemnly.

The next moment, she felt that Xu Cheng, who had been defending all the time, suddenly counterattacked, and the palm of his hand slammed down at an extremely fast speed.

Nanyun Asuka was startled, and hastily raised his hand to resist.

Xu Cheng's offensive continued, like a tide, which quickly made Nanyun Asuka flustered, revealing more and more flaws.

Instead of surrendering, she gritted her teeth and held on, but the huge hard power cannot be smoothed out by holding on. Soon Nanyun Asuka felt that her limbs were hit and became sore and weak. Immediately after her feet were empty, she was kicked fell to the ground.

She was lying on the ground, looking up at the starry sky, she was not annoyed, she just sighed secretly.

Sure enough, he was still too bad.

Xu Cheng's face appeared in sight, and he smiled slightly.

Behind him is the bright starry sky, and his smile is handsome and gentle.

Nanyun Asuka felt that the softest part of his heart was hit all of a sudden, and stared blankly at him.

"Flying bird? Flying bird?"

Xu Cheng yelled a few times before Nanyun Asuka woke up from his distraction, and found that Xu Cheng had been waiting for him with his hand outstretched.

Showing a shy look, she grabbed Xu Cheng's hand and was dragged up from the ground by him.

"Sorry, Mr. Xinghai, I'm still too weak."

"No, you are already very good."

Xu Cheng wasn't joking, it's hard to imagine that Nanyun Asuka was just a high school student with relatively good academic performance a year ago, and he had to ask him for help when he encountered an idiot in the tail. …

But now, she is already a female warrior who is very powerful in both superpowers and melee combat, very close to a fourth-level ability user.

Well, the female high school student warrior fits the image of Japan very well.


Xu Cheng's praise made Nanyun Asuka happy, showing a bright smile.

Xu Cheng was slightly taken aback. The Nan Yun sisters looked almost identical, but their temperaments were quite different.

Nagumo Narumi's smile is usually middle school two plus a bit naive, but Asuka's smile is full of femininity at this moment.

Xu Cheng suppressed the strangeness in his heart, and continued: "However, you still lack some experience in adapting to changes, and the practice room is not a panacea, so go back."

Nanyun Asuka nodded, and then took the initiative to reach out to Xu Cheng.

Handshake grip addicted belongs to be.

After the two returned to the shrine, they took a bath first, and then returned to the living room.

Xu Cheng was sitting in front of the coffee table making tea, and Nanyun Asuka was sitting on the other side, drying his hair with a hair dryer, and at the same time telling Xu Cheng what happened during the more than a month since he left.

The biggest thing is that the Chong Mysterious Society absorbed the Moke Sect, becoming the largest organization unique in Japan in one fell swoop, and it is still devouring other small forces.

Xu Cheng didn't respond to Xu Fu's solicitation, and silently refused, Xu Fu didn't make any movement, and the Chong Secret Society didn't attack the Tokyo government because of it.

However, after the annexation of the Moke Sect, the Tokyo Prefecture was completely surrounded by the Chong Mystery Society.

Although there was no conflict on the surface between the two sides, the confrontation in private has always existed and is very frequent.

Hoshizaki Yukina, who is the new chairman of the committee, is Alexander every day. He was so anxious that he had to call out Ryo Uehara, who was dying in the practice room, to help maintain the scene.

In the end, even Nagumo Narumi, Lulu, and the prophet were all called away. Nagumo Asuka originally wanted to go out to help, but considering that the base camp of Gao Tianyuan could not be without people, she had no choice but to stay. .

Now in the entire Gaotianyuan, Nagumo Asuka is the only one left, and he only goes out once in a while when he feels lonely.

Xu Cheng was surprised: "You don't worry about Ming Hai going out?"

Nanyun Asuka usually kept an eye on her younger sister like a mother, afraid that she would bump into her, but now she was relieved that she would go out to help.

Nanyun Asuka was silent for a few seconds before saying: "She is much stronger than me now, and I can't hold her by my side forever."

After Nanyun Minghai passed the second practice room, she and Lu Lu joined together, and none of the people left behind was her opponent, and she became the number one master in the entire Tokyo Prefecture.

After the two sisters had a long talk all night, Nagumo Asuka chose to trust her sister and stopped holding onto her all the time.

While drinking tea, Xu Cheng talked about his experience of this month, and only picked out some interesting things to say.

While listening, Nanyun Asuka stared at Xu Cheng's side face, gradually fascinated.

Now it's rare that there are only two people alone, they are the only ones in the whole Gaotianyuan, no one will disturb, this is the only chance.

Although Nanyun Asuka is just a cook, she has always been a courageous person. At school, she dared to stand up and stop Xu Cheng when he killed someone. Now she dares to seize the opportunity and directly attack. …

"Mr. Xinghai..."

Nanyun Asuka plucked up the courage to speak: "I like..."

"Flying bird!"

Xu Cheng suddenly interrupted her with a serious face: "Emotional matters can never be casual, maybe you have some affection for someone who doesn't know where it comes from, but have you ever asked yourself, do you really like him? Can you really tolerate his shortcomings?"

The interrupted Nagumo Asuka blinked, then fell into deep thought.

When did you start to have a crush on Xu Cheng?
At first, she was just a deskmate in school, and because of her introverted and gloomy personality, she left a little impression on her.

Later, the sudden murder made Nagumo Asuka sympathize with his experience.

Then, Xu Cheng helped her solve the trouble of the stalker, and she was only grateful to Xu Cheng at that time.

The one who really started to have a good impression was when his sister was taken away and even himself was in danger. When he was in despair, it was Xu Cheng who saved his sister and saved her.

The same age, handsome, strong, good personality, mysterious, and also kind to himself, have friendship at the same table.

Any female high school student would willingly fall for such an opposite sex.

At that time, Nanyun Asuka already had a little affection for Xu Cheng, but he didn't say it out, because he felt that puppy love was not good.

At that time, she even imagined that after graduating from high school and entering university, the two of them would have a natural relationship, and they could enter the palace of marriage after graduating from university.

So when there were so many opposite sexes around Xu Cheng who were obviously close to him, Nan Yunfei kept acting normal without saying anything, and the whole girl's heart was actually split into eight pieces.

She can only hide this feeling deep in her heart, hoping that it can be smoothed over time.

Unexpectedly, as time went by, this feeling not only did not disappear, but became more and more inflated.

On the one hand, it was Xu Cheng who attracted her more and more, on the other hand, all the outstanding women around her showed more or less admiration for Xu Cheng, and Nanyun Asuka was naturally deeply affected.

One thing, I really like it, and people around me who are better than me like it. In this environment, can I go against my will and hate him?

After a long silence, Nanyun Asuka suddenly said, "Mr. Xinghai, let me tell you a story."

Xu Cheng nodded: "Say it."

Nanyun Asuka pondered for a while before he said: "There is a group of birds that are very close, among them there is a male bird who is very beautiful and strong, attracting the love of many female birds, and there is a female bird who dislikes the male bird. , she suppressed her liking for the male bird, left the flock, and traveled around. She wanted to find a new male bird, but after searching, she felt that other male birds were not as good as the original male bird. As time passed, the love for him in her heart not only did not disappear, but became stronger and stronger. Finally, she returned to the flock of birds. Even if she could not get the favor of the male bird, she was already very happy as long as she watched him from a distance. "

After hearing Nanyun Asuka's story, Xu Cheng understood what she meant.

This male bird is so good that the female bird's vision has become too high, and she can't see other male birds.

He thought for a while before persuading him, "But this male bird is too carefree. Do you think the female bird can accept such shortcomings?"

Nanyun Asuka said in a low voice: "The female bird will not accept it, but will endure it. Compared to enduring such shortcomings, they cannot accept the consequences of leaving the male bird."

Seeing that Xu Cheng remained silent, she continued: "Besides, the female bird expresses her liking to the male bird, not because she wants to happen, but because she just wants to express her heart, and she doesn't want to keep it in her heart for the rest of her life and turn it into a regret. "

This is Nanyun Asuka's courage, she would rather say it, even if there is no result, than hide it in her heart and become a regret.

Xu Cheng didn't know how to respond for a while.

Being liked by such a beautiful girl, it would be a lie to say that you are not happy.

But he is not a person who thinks from the lower body, and he cannot refuse everything.

And Nagumo Asuka is not only a child in his heart, but also a junior in the eyes of others, and a student of Mitera Chizuru.

If they attack her, Xu Cheng can be sure that he will be sprayed to death by their saliva.

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