Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 426 Don't Seduce My Nephew Again

Chapter 426 Don't Seduce My Nephew Again
In the warm and luxurious living room, Maria clasped her hands and fidgeted.

During this period of time, her heart was filled with intense regret. She clearly had the opportunity to be by Xu Cheng's side, but in the end she decided to be smart and throw away the opportunity with her own hands.

If Xu Cheng was just an ordinary guard, Maria's regret would not be so strong. As an intern in her clinic, it would not be difficult to find a guard as a marriage partner.

But when Evelyn announced that Xu Cheng was her nephew, Maria was completely dumbfounded.

Only then did she realize what a precious opportunity she had given up.

Now every night, when she is alone and sleepless, the strong regret is like a knife, severing Maria's heart, and the pain makes her unable to sleep all night.

If Xu Cheng hadn't been abandoned back then, perhaps she would have left the clinic a long time ago and lived in the Snow Mountain Manor, enjoying the life of a master.

Regret tortured Maria a lot, and it also prompted her to make up her mind. After learning that Xu Cheng was awake, she ran to Snow Mountain Manor to see him.

Maybe he will drive himself away, maybe he will stay because of the friendship that took care of him before.

No matter what the possibility is, even if there is only a [-]% probability, Maria will desperately seize a chance.

The waiting time was too long, and the fidgeting Maria could only look around her surroundings to divert her attention.

Looking at the luxurious furniture and decorations in the living room, they are both practical and ornamental. Each piece is priceless and has a long history.

Not to mention Maria, who grew up in the family territory, even men and women who are used to the world of flamboyance outside, are attracted to this so-called low-key luxury and connotation of aristocrats.

Maria was gradually fascinated by the scene, imagining that she also lived here, when the sudden sound of footsteps startled her, she hurriedly sat up straight.

It's a pity that it wasn't Xu Cheng who came, but a maid, who walked up to her with a blank expression while carrying a cup of hot water on a plate.

"Thank you!"

Maria didn't dare to sit still, she hurriedly got up to thank her, and took the water glass with both hands.

But the maid didn't respond to this, she didn't even want to look at her more, she put down the water glass and turned away.

The smile that had just emerged from Maria froze on her face, and she could clearly feel the maid's contempt for her.

A feeling of aggrieved came to my heart, and then turned into anger, veins popped out of the hand holding the water glass.

Even if you are of direct blood, why do you dare to despise me, a servant of the collateral line like me?
After taking a few deep breaths, Maria managed to hold back the anger in her heart.

The maid's contempt strengthened her determination to stay, no matter what method she used, she must take Xu Cheng down.

While Maria was cheering secretly, footsteps sounded outside again, and there was more than one person.

Maria quickly sat up straight, with her slender legs close together, showing a smile that she had practiced at home for a long time.

But it was not Xu Cheng who broke into her field of vision, but a beautiful and proud girl like a princess who hurried in with two maids.

Maria's smile froze slightly on her face, why wasn't Xu Cheng the one who came?

She works in the clinic and occasionally sees this Miss Dinah, knowing that under her seemingly polite and elegant appearance, there is a proud heart of a child.

"You're looking for Archer?"

Dinah came in front of Maria aggressively, looked down at her condescendingly, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

She is not as beautiful as herself, her figure is not as good as her own, and she is older than herself, so she is an old girl.

Facing Dinah, Maria didn't dare to sit still, so she hurriedly stood up and replied, "Yes, my name is Maria..."

"Stop! I don't care what your name is."

Dinah interrupted her unceremoniously, then turned around and sat on the sofa. The two maids stood side by side behind the sofa like guards.

She looked at Maria with contempt, and ordered: "Tell me, how did you know Archer?"

In front of Xu Cheng, Dinah acted like a naive little girl, but in front of these collaterals, she showed the posture of a gentleman to the fullest.

It's not that she has good acting skills, but that people have many faces, and they will show different attitudes when facing people of different classes.

Dinah's posture made Maria feel deeply pressured, and she didn't dare to sit down any longer. She honestly told Xu Cheng that she was seriously injured and that she was assigned to take care of him.

She really wanted to add fuel to the story, but she was afraid that Xu Cheng would think that she was a woman who liked to lie, so she could only tell the truth.

"Seriously injured?!"

Dinah's heart tightened suddenly, she really didn't know about it, because she didn't care about it before.

She had even forgotten that when Xu Cheng signed up for the selection assessment, the two had met once.

Thinking of her nephew being alive and kicking, Dinah felt relieved again: "Since you have separated, why do you still come to him?"

Maria had already thought of the reason and showed a concerned expression: "I heard that he was injured again and was in a coma for more than ten days, so I wanted to visit him."

Dinah waved her hand and said, "He's healed, let's go back."

Maria's concerned expression froze on her face. She hadn't seen Xu Cheng yet, so how could she go back willingly: "Miss Dinah, can you let me meet Master Archer?"

Dinah became impatient, now even Miss Ben can't find where he is, what are you, dare to ask me?
Originally, I wanted to give Maria a step down, but I didn't expect her to be so ignorant, so I didn't give it.

"Shut up, don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

Dinah crossed her hands and snorted coldly: "Why didn't you come to visit Archer when he was in a coma? Didn't you come here until now because my sister announced his identity to the public? Remember, you went to take care of Archer back then, It's because my sister asked Dr. Gerald for help, and Dr. Gerald ordered you to take care of him. That's your job, not your kindness to Archer. want to climb up."

Although Dinah was young, she was very smart, and she had seen a lot of women like Maria since she was a child. I don't know how many maids tried to seduce his father to take the position, and they used all means.

"NO, I have not……"

Maria's eyes were red, she looked wronged and wronged, and her heart was extremely flustered.

I didn't expect Dinah to be so merciless, digging out her purpose naked.

Dinah crossed her fingers and stared at her with immature but sharp eyes: "I warn you, put away your little thoughts, don't seduce my nephew again, and don't appear in front of him again, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." , Although the lake at the foot of the mountain is not big, it is still no problem to drown a few people, before I change my mind, get out of here."

At this moment, she vaguely has the demeanor of her sister Evelyn.

Maria was so frightened that her face turned pale, trembling and unable to answer, and soon a maid called two guards to send her out with weak legs.

It was said to be a gift, but it was actually dragged outside the gate of the manor.

As soon as the two guards let go, Maria fell onto the snow-covered road.

She sat on the ground motionless, not daring to turn her head, and vaguely felt that there were countless eyes mocking her daydreaming, falling on her back.

This is actually an illusion. In the entire Snow Mountain Manor, except for the two guards standing guard at the gate, no one cared about Maria who was thrown out.

Girls who can't figure it out like this have long been used to it in big families, and it's not even news.

But Maria didn't know, she just felt that this was the greatest shame and pain in her life, and every word of Dinah was like a knife, deeply piercing her heart.

In fact, although Dinah's words were harsh, they were not too much, not even a single swear word.

As an intern nurse, Maria had heard countless times worse than this.

However, the status of the speaker is different. The more important the person is, the more people care about what they say.

Maria didn't care how people who were inferior to her scolded her, but Dinah's words made her feel worse than death.

After sitting on the ground for a while, she turned her head to look at the Snow Mountain Manor. Tears were streaming down her face, and her makeup was ruined by the tears, but her eyes were filled with extremely strong hatred.

She swore in her heart that if Dinah fell into her hands one day, she would scratch the face of this dead girl, cut off her limbs, and throw her into a slum full of men, making her life worse than death.

While imagining Dinah's miserable appearance, Maria got up, walked to the bicycle parked aside, and rode away.

Before going down the mountain, she took one last look at the Snow Mountain Manor, and finally left sadly.

She knew that she might never be able to avenge Dinah's humiliation in her life, and she dared not even go back and speak ill of her.

When the distraught Maria came to the middle of the mountain, a car suddenly stopped in front of her, blocking the way.

The car door opened, and Maria, who was a little panicked, immediately became cautious when she saw the people in the car, and bowed to salute: "My lord, I send you my greetings."

A voice sounded from inside the car: "I saw you came out of the Snow Mountain Manor, looking very sad, did you get bullied?"

Maria didn't dare to hide anything, and told her story with trepidation. Of course, it was an embellished version, such as Xu Cheng's reckless abandonment of her, and Dinah's inhuman trampling and humiliation of her.

After listening to Maria's narration, there was a faint voice in the carriage: "So, do you want to take revenge? If you want to, come in."

Maria was startled.

Although she is short-sighted, she is not an idiot. She realizes that she may be used, otherwise the adult in front of her has no reason to help her.

She was very scared and wanted to refuse, but when she thought of Dinah's contempt and threat to her, she immediately hesitated.

When hesitating, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

You have lost a precious opportunity, do you want to pass up another opportunity?

This thought made Maria's heart firm. She gritted her teeth, dropped the bicycle in her hand, and bent down to get into the car.

The car door slammed shut and drove down the hill.

(End of this chapter)

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