Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 445 The Final Competition

Chapter 445 The Final Competition
The two sides exchanged a few pleasantries. Unlike Evelyn and Anna's verbal confrontation, the communication with Virgil was very polite and clichéd.

It's just that under this cliché, the two sides are quietly testing each other.

The patriarch's agent waited for the two competitors to fully communicate before coughing to attract everyone's attention, and then began to announce the content of the final round of competition.

Because the patriarch's competition spans more than decades, and it has been repeated for more than half a century, the rules and content are actually different each time, and the current patriarch will formulate it.

No one knows exactly what the content is until it is announced.

Not only Evelyn and Virgil, but everyone else in the conference room was also ready to listen carefully.

The patriarch's agent took a deep breath and said slowly: "The final round of competition will start tomorrow. The content is that the two candidates will personally lead the team to the depths of the snow mountain. Each of you can bring up to three followers and unlimited equipment. Whoever can reach the destination within ten days will pass."

Both Evelyn and Virgil showed surprised expressions after listening. The content of this competition is not too difficult, but too simple.

What's so difficult about just leading a team into the mountains?
The patriarch's agent seemed to have expected them to have this kind of expression, and added: "The cable car up the mountain has been closed, you can only climb up the mountain, and the danger on the road is taken care of by yourself. The patriarch is waiting in the depths of the snow mountain You, there may be other tests."

This supplementary sentence contains a lot of information, making Evelyn and Virgil deep in thought.

Now if you want to enter the mountain, you have to rely on the cable car, and you have to climb the cliffs and endure the severe cold in the mountain on foot, which is a very dangerous thing.

In addition, the two also remembered at the same time that there are mutated snow wolves raging on the mountain right now, and walking up the mountain may pass through the area where the wolves are active and be attacked by mutated snow wolves.

The last thing is... Evelyn and Virgil glanced at each other—the two sides would probably send someone to sneak up on the way, or set up a trap to hinder the progress.

However, the area of ​​the snow mountain is so large, if you don't know the opponent's route, it is definitely not a simple matter to find the opponent in the vast mountainous area.

In general, the difficulty of competing content has increased hundreds of times, and both candidates are feeling the pressure.

What's more, it's not over after arriving at the destination. The patriarch who lives in seclusion in the mountains may have other tests.

The patriarch's agent took out two maps from his briefcase, put them on the table, and pushed them to Evelyn and Virgil respectively: "This is your course of action and destination, take a look."

The two picked up the map and opened it at the same time, while guarding against each other's peeping.

Just when both parties were about to keep the route in their minds and destroy the map directly so as not to leak it, the patriarch's agent suddenly smiled: "Sorry, I took the wrong one, you took the other party's map, please change it back, if If you don’t change it, it will only be regarded as a failure.”

Evelyn: "..."

Virgil: "..."

Originally, they didn't know each other's route into the mountain, and they couldn't send people to stop them, but now it's all right, spoiling each other.

This clearly means that the two sides will fight each other, increasing the difficulty, and blocking the possibility of them taking advantage of loopholes.

Evelyn and Virgil looked at the patriarch's agent at the same time, and the two pairs of eyes full of pressure made the smile on the patriarch's agent's face gradually stiffen, and said quickly: "This is the patriarch's idea, and it has nothing to do with me."

If he still wanted to spend his old age in peace, he couldn't offend these two candidates at the same time, otherwise no matter who won, he would have nothing to eat.

Evelyn threw the map in her hand towards Virgil, and he raised his hand to catch it, and threw the other map back.


He put away the map and said with a smile: "The content of the competition is so difficult, why don't we send people to torture each other?"

"I agree, but do you believe this? Sorry, I don't believe it either."

Evelyn took the map: "Let's do our best and see you in the depths of the snow-capped mountains."

Virgil nodded, watching Evelyn and Xu Cheng get up and leave, the smile on his face gradually faded and became gloomy.

It's a pity that Qiu Gongyue didn't want to help him carry out the assassination, otherwise how could she tolerate this woman being arrogant in front of him.

Both Evelyn and Xu Cheng could feel the hostile gaze from Virgil, but they didn't care.

It's all a life-and-death competitive relationship, of course you have to tolerate the opponent's hostility.

After returning to the manor, Evelyn immediately silently wrote down the route into the mountain that she had just memorized, and then called Captain Ed of the Guards and Minister of Intelligence Teresa, and asked them to immediately formulate a plan to lead people into the mountain overnight. An ambush was carried out on Jill's only way into the mountain.

Conversely, I believe that Virgil will definitely arrange for people to stop Evelyn, which is something that both parties have tacitly understood.

As for the candidates to enter the mountain, Evelyn decided to bring Xu Cheng, Ito Rika, and vice-captain Daniel.

"I want to go too!"

The study door was suddenly pushed open, and Dinah, who was hiding outside, broke in.

Seeing Dinah still eavesdropping, Evelyn was very annoyed: "No, go back to your room."

Dinah remained stubborn and turned her gaze to Xu Cheng.

Xu Cheng thought for a while, and asked Evelyn, "Will it be dangerous to keep Dinah?"

If Virgil arranges a manpower raid on the Snow Mountain Manor and captures Dinah, it may make Evelyn feel like a mouse.

"Anna has already done this, do you think I will be defenseless?"

Evelyn said coldly: "After we leave, someone will take her to hide. The safety is much higher than going into the mountain with us, Dinah, stop messing around, are you really going to make me angry? ?”

Xu Cheng could only shrug his shoulders at Dinah. He couldn't take the little girl into the mountains for adventure because of her waywardness.

Dinah bit her lower lip, looked at her sister resentfully, then turned and left without saying a word.

Ito Rika smiled and said, "I think she will quietly follow us into the mountain tomorrow."

Evelyn snorted softly: "If she can really keep up, then I'll take her directly into the mountain."

Xu Cheng and Ito Rika looked at each other, feeling that she had set a big flag.

Many people didn't fall asleep that night. Evelyn and her subordinates worked out a plan overnight and sent people to advance into the mountain. In addition to adding obstacles to Virgil, they also had to conduct reconnaissance and exploration of the route into the mountain.

Although the patriarch's agent required each candidate to bring only three people into the mountain, he intentionally made a mistake in the road map, secretly encouraging both sides to send more people.

Early the next morning, the vehicle arranged by Evelyn had already sent Dinah away. The little girl got into the car with a sullen face and didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, obviously still quarreling with her sister.

After the convoy left, Xu Cheng and Evelyn were also ready to enter the mountain.

"Miss, please go back early, we are waiting for you at home."

The servants all gathered at the gate to say goodbye to Evelyn, and most of them had worried expressions on their faces.

No matter what Evelyn's character is, she doesn't say anything about her attitude and treatment towards the servants, so the people below sincerely hope that she can win and come back safely.

Evelyn said nothing encouraging, told everyone to go back and wait, and then set off on the road.

She, Xu Cheng, and Ito Rika all carried professional equipment for mountaineering, while the vice-captain Daniel carried a huge package by himself.

The servants watched the group disappear on the way into the mountain before they gradually dispersed.

At the same time, in the lakeside manor, Virgil was also preparing to leave.

"Jill, you must come back safely."

The fiancee wiped her tears, hugged Virgil tightly, and told her reluctance.

Virgil was like a gentle and good man, gently stroking his fiancée's face with his hand: "Don't worry, wait at home for me to come back."


The fiancée stood on tiptoe and offered a kiss to her fiancé, but took the opportunity to look around, not seeing the vixen who seduced her fiancé.

But she knew that the vixen must be hiding nearby.

I want to prove to her that the relationship with my fiancé has not deteriorated at all.

She guessed right, Qiu Gongyue is nearby, and Virgil also knows this. He keeps close to his fiancee just to prove to Qiu Gongyue that he is a gentle and dedicated person.

The servants around looked enviously at this pair of gods and couples, but they didn't know that their intimate interaction was all pretending to be seen by another woman.

It's a pity that Virgil and his fiancée's performance can be regarded as winking to the blind, because Qiu Gongyue doesn't care about them at all.

She stood on the top of a huge pine tree near the manor, looking up at the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

During this period of time, she has been running around in the entire Violet family territory, but unfortunately, she has not found any clues about Ito Rika.

This made her wonder whether Ito Rika's disappearance was really related to Violet.

But this is the only clue, so she can only bite the bullet and continue to investigate. If Virgil still can't find the whereabouts of her best friend after becoming the patriarch, then she can only change her target first.

Up to now, Qiu Gongyue has completely given up hope whether Ito Rika is still alive, but just wants to find her bones, at least to know what happened to her.

In the distance, Virgil had already bid farewell to his fiancée, and took three of his men on the road into the mountain.

A gust of cold wind blows over, and the autumn palace moon on the pine tree has disappeared.


This snow-capped mountain is very steep and steep. For hundreds of years, the Violet family only found out a few ways to enter the mountain. Later, with the development of technology, they spent a lot of money to build a mountain-climbing cable car.

Now that the cable car is not allowed to be used, we can only retake the mountain road that no one has walked for nearly a hundred years.

It stands to reason that if you are afraid that your competitors will set up an ambush on the road in advance, the best way is to change the road, but this method does not work now.

Because there are only a few roads into the mountain, the only end of changing roads is to get lost in the deep mountains, and the destination is delineated. There is no second option except to follow the road given by the map.

It was easy when I first started on the road, but gradually, the snow began to cover my knees, and every step was a difficult trek.

Fortunately, the four people who entered the mountain were not ordinary people. Evelyn had been trained strictly in the snow-capped mountains since she was a child, and Ito Rika was a professional killer with breathing techniques and an expert in wild survival.

Daniel is very talented. Although he has a mentality that is bigger than a human being, he climbs the mountain very easily.

Daniel originally had a lot of dissatisfaction with Xu Cheng and took the lead in cold violence against him, but now he only has respect and admiration, especially after knowing that Xu Cheng killed Anna and Feld.

Along the way, he never stopped talking, and what he talked about was his admiration for Xu Cheng.

After climbing for a long time, when I looked back, the ground was already completely white, and the buildings of the manor could not be seen clearly at all.

The four of them did not stop to rest, and continued their efforts until night fell, before they found a sheltered place to rest and set up a tent.

The weather inside the mountain changed as soon as it was said. The tent had just been set up when the wind picked up outside, and then it snowed heavily.

Daniel made a windshield for the stove, and was about to get into the tent when he found Xu Cheng walking outside.

He asked in surprise, "Master Archie, where are you going?"

"Go out and pick up a hand warmer."

Xu Cheng replied, and then walked into the pitch black snowstorm.

"Pick up a hand warmer?"

Daniel was stunned for a moment. Seeing that Xu Cheng's voice was about to disappear, he hurriedly stood up and wanted to follow.


In another tent, Evelyn was sitting at the door, stirring the stove with a branch, and saying, "Let him go."

According to Xu Cheng's words, she had already vaguely guessed the reason in her heart, but she just didn't want the truth to happen.


Daniel was quite hesitant. It would be very dangerous to get lost in the wind and snow, especially in this kind of bad weather. The footprints would be covered soon, and you might not be able to distinguish north, south, east, and west when you turned your head.

However, Daniel chose to believe in Xu Cheng's strength in the end, and did not rush to follow.

A few minutes later, Xu Cheng went back and forth, holding a trembling girl who was almost shrunk into a ball in his hand.

Daniel's eyes widened: "Miss Dinah? Why are you here?"

The hand warmer picked up by Xu Cheng is undoubtedly Dinah who followed secretly.

But at this time, her limbs were already stiff from the cold, and her teeth kept chattering, so she couldn't answer Daniel's question at all.

Sure enough, Xu Cheng and Ito Rika guessed correctly, and she finally followed up secretly.

In fact, Xu Cheng had already discovered her since she followed her quietly, but Xu Cheng didn't tell anyone, just wanted to see how far Dinah could last.

The result was unexpected, as a pampered and pampered young lady, she actually followed for a whole day, gritting her teeth and persevering all the way.

After nightfall, she dug a snow cave for herself to rest. If it wasn't for the sudden snowfall, she really planned to stay in the snow all night.

Even though she had expected it, Evelyn's heart sank suddenly when she saw Dinah appear here.

But she didn't get angry, instead, she quickly came to Dinah with the coffee she had just brewed, and fed her bit by bit.

After everyone's busy work, Dinah, who was almost frozen to death, finally calmed down. Fortunately, her hands and feet did not suffer from frostbite.

"Miss Dinah, it's really great that you're all right."

Daniel almost cried, and then turned to look at Xu Cheng with grateful eyes: "Thank you, Master Archer, thank you so much."

Xu Cheng: "..."

I saved my aunt, thank you fart.

(End of this chapter)

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