Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 509 Do the current bosses like to pretend to be cute?

Chapter 509 Do the current bosses like to pretend to be cute?

Staring at the car disappearing from sight, Diwana calmly took out a hard, poorly shaped object from her body.

Seeing this thing, a black line suddenly appeared on Diwana's forehead.

This is what Xu Cheng gave her before setting off. As long as she holds it in her hand, it can guide her in the exact direction even if the distance exceeds tens of kilometers.

But the shape of this thing is really terrible. Not only is it lifelike, but there are even two eggs behind it. Xu Cheng definitely wanted to make this shape on purpose, and even emphasized to her that it was copied in a 1:1 ratio.

If it's not that she can't beat her, Diwana must let him know what will happen to her for molesting her.

Diwana spread this forearm-thick thing on the palm of her hand, like a compass, her head pointed in the direction Xu Cheng was going away.

More than ten kilometers away, Xu Cheng sat quietly in the car, and no one communicated with him the whole time.

The weather was fine today, the sun was setting, and there were no clouds in the sky. His electromagnetic induction easily covered the entire city of Kharkov, and he soon discovered that the car was heading to the outskirts of the city.

On the way, many more vehicles joined, and gradually formed a convoy, driving to the suburbs of Kharkov.

Ukraine has a large plain that is rarely seen in Eastern Europe, but near Kharkov, there are still undulating mountains.

Escorted by drones, a convoy of dozens of cars drove into the mountainous area. Along the way, Xu Cheng could sense all kinds of secret sentries hiding on both sides of the road.

More than ten kilometers away, Diwana drove along while holding the compass that Xu Cheng gave her.

Suddenly, the compass vibrated slightly, obviously vibrating three times.

This is the signal agreed upon by the two. Three vibrations means there is a secret sentry on the road. If you drive directly to follow it, you will definitely be discovered.

Diwana had no choice but to drive the car into a ravine beside the road, then abandon the car, relying on the compass to guide the direction, and ran wildly in the snow.

She deliberately wore white clothes, and the sky was getting dark at this time, as long as she didn't foolishly run to the faces of those dark whistles on both sides of the road, she didn't have to worry about being discovered.

After bumping in the mountains for more than an hour, the convoy finally stopped.

"Get out of the car, we have arrived at our destination."

The driver sitting in front greeted him.

Xu Cheng took off his hood, opened the car door and walked down. He saw the convoy parked in a very spacious courtyard, and in the distance were several tall buildings brightly lit in the night.

Before he got out of the car, his electromagnetic induction could clearly feel this place. This is a group of villas hidden in the deep mountains. It is a bit like the emperor’s palace when he is on vacation. It is high-end, elegant, luxurious, and the guards are extremely strict. You can see it everywhere. Soldiers patrolling with cameras and guns.

If the global signal is intact, this place can be easily found by taking pictures with satellites, but now the satellites are gone. If there is no specific route, it is almost difficult to accurately find this place in the mountains.

Many people came down from the convoy, all of them were well-dressed young men and women, the oldest would not exceed 30 years old, and the youngest looked very young, all of them looked like celebrities.

"Come, come, come with me, don't get lost, otherwise no one will save you if something happens."

Zarin was like a homeroom teacher taking elementary school students on a trip, beckoning everyone to follow by clapping his hands.

Xu Cheng sensed Diwana's approach, sent a signal to the compass made of chaotic energy in her hand, and followed Zarin, and a group of people entered the building.

The building is resplendent and luxurious like a palace, with expensive carpets on the floor, famous paintings and exquisite chandeliers on the walls.

The nearly one hundred men and women who were brought in were like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden with envy and restraint in her eyes.

After passing through the promenade with seven turns and eight turns, under the leadership of Zarin, everyone finally came to an extremely spacious restaurant.

A sumptuous buffet and drinks had already been prepared in the restaurant, and Xu Cheng heard that many people around him were secretly swallowing their saliva.

Zarin looked at the nearly one hundred young men and women who had been carefully selected, and ordered: "You have dinner here first, and then go in for interviews one by one, and only those who pass can stay."

The originally harmonious atmosphere suddenly became tense, and this group of young people began to look at each other with the eyes of competitors.

Xu Cheng originally thought that Maganov was looking for the beauty that would provide him with animal desires through coercion and lure, but after he came here, he realized that he was wrong. Except for him, the rest of the people probably came here voluntarily. of.

It's true to think about it, Maganov wants to be a socket. If the plug has hatred for him, it is easy to hurt him, so we must make sure that these people will not feel resentment.

And in this chaotic world, life is at stake, as long as you can sell your body, you can get the security of life, not to mention women, I am afraid that even men are willing to try, as long as the sex is not so dead.

And Maganov is a person who doesn't care about gender, and has given many men a chance to make money while lying down.

Zaarin gave everyone a number plate, and then let them move freely in the cafeteria.

This group of young people originally wanted to be more elegant, so as not to be outdone by their competitors, but attracted by the delicacies of mountains and seas, they still couldn't help eating.

Xu Cheng found that there were many cameras in the restaurant. It would be too strange if he didn't eat, so he also ate slowly, but everything he ate was wrapped in chaotic energy and hidden in the shadow .

After so many experiences and lessons, he has long learned a truth - no matter where he goes, don't just eat other people's food.

Soon the interview started, some people never came back, some people came back with a sad face, obviously failed and could not stay in this place.

Xu Cheng suspected that their fate was not being sent back, but recycling. After all, Maganov was not the only one here to vent.

In a blink of an eye, it was Xu Cheng's turn. He came to a room with a number plate. The interviewer was Zarin, and there was an old man who looked like a housekeeper.

Zaarin said to the old housekeeper: "This is the top-notch stuff, and Greve paid tribute to the old man. What do you think?"

The old butler opened his eyes and looked at Xu Cheng, and soon showed a satisfied expression: "That's right, this is all for tonight, the master hasn't eaten meat for a long time."

Zalin showed joy, pulled Xu Cheng aside after the interview, told him to take good care of Maganov, and taught him various secrets in bed.

Xu Cheng pretended to obey, but at the same time he was puzzled, feeling that it was a little too easy to go too far.

Outside the villa complex, Diwana had already taken advantage of the night to avoid the dark sentry, quietly came outside the wall, and hid in the snow.

She has already received the signal from Xu Cheng through the compass in her hand, and she just needs to wait patiently.

According to the plan, if Xu Cheng successfully met Maganov, he would find an opportunity to control him, and Diwana created a movement to attract firepower, creating an opportunity for Xu Cheng to take away Maganov.

In the villa, Xu Cheng took a shower under the service of several maids, and then was sent to a luxurious room to wait.

As soon as he entered the door, he felt that there was a pinhole camera hidden in the room.

The camera will generate a tiny current when it is running, Xu Cheng can clearly feel it with his electromagnetic induction, and Qiu Gongyue was often followed by a pinhole camera before, which made him very sensitive to this kind of thing.

If this place was where Maganov used to blow off steam, how could he tolerate the presence of pinhole cameras?


In a secret room with walls made of steel, the three of Ivan sat on the sofa neatly, staring up at the two large screens on the front wall.

Two different pictures appeared on the big screen. On the left was the figure of Xu Cheng sitting in the room waiting, and on the right was the figure of Diwana hiding in the snow, but the distance was a bit far, and an infrared camera was used.

The three of Ivan never thought that their betrayal was predicted by Diwana in advance, and Diwana used their betrayal to find Maganov's hiding place in turn. woman.

What they didn't expect was that Diwana's actions were also expected by Maganov, and then he created a trap to attract her and Xu Cheng.

This made the three of them feel very fortunate. Fortunately, they did not follow Diwana to deal with Maganov, otherwise they would not even know how to die. They deserved to be a warlord who can stand out in troubled times.

The door of the secret room was suddenly opened, and Maganov walked in side by side with a man.

"Your Excellency Maganov!"

The three of Ivan hurriedly got up to say hello, they were very respectful, and they were completely unruly when facing Xu Cheng and Diwana.

Maganov is a bald, gloomy middle-aged man, giving people a sense of oppression, but when he saw the three of Ivan, he still smiled and stretched out his hand: "You are welcome, I have already known your names." I have heard that you are welcome to join.”

The three of them were a little flattered and shook hands with Maganov, and Marina quietly ticked Maganov's palm with her little finger, and winked at him, but Maganov was indifferent to her hint, even Not even looking at her.

Marina admired him deeply. As expected of a tycoon, he could be so calm in the face of the temptation of beauty.

Maganov introduced the man standing beside him to the three: "Three, this is Yakovich from the Celestial Race."

The three of them were suddenly taken aback.

Kharkov has always been in a neutral state, and several rulers have considerable differences on joining the Winter Goddess or the Celestial Race.

Maganov has never stated his position on the surface, but now he meets people from the Celestials in such a private place, which is obviously a complete fall to the Celestials.

The name Yakovich sounds like a Slav. He looks ordinary, but he just nodded to the three of them lightly, but the three of them could feel a very strong aura from him, much stronger than Greve.

"Sit down, don't stand up."

Maganov invited the four of them to sit down: "Three, you and Yakovich will be responsible for the search for the ruins. You need to communicate well."

The reason why he accepted the surrender of these three guys was mainly because of their experience in searching for ruins.

It's a pity that the most experienced Diwana has a problem with her identity, otherwise she would be the best candidate in Maganov's mind.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency Maganov, we will do our best to find the whereabouts of the ruins for you."

The three of Ivan hurriedly agreed, and this was exactly what they wanted, to return to their old profession instead of being Maganov's thugs.

"No hurry, let's watch a good show before talking about the details of the cooperation."

Maganov clapped his hands, and the door of the secret room was opened again. Greve was escorted in by two soldiers, covered in bruises and dejected.

When Xu Cheng and Diwana left with the convoy, Greve was captured by the people sent by Maganov, and then secretly brought back to this place.

Seeing Maganov, Ggrave, with tape on his mouth, made a whining sound, as if he wanted to rush over to beg for mercy, but was firmly held down by two soldiers beside him.

Maganov pointed to the two screens on the wall, and said to Greve, "Take a good look, this is the person you betrayed me and chose to cooperate with. After following me for so many years, your vision still hasn't grown at all."

Greve looked up and saw the figures of Xu Cheng and Diwana on the screen, and realized that they had also fallen into the trap, feeling desperate.

Diwana, who was hiding in the snow, suddenly felt something was wrong with the air.

She couldn't tell what was wrong, but she felt that the air she smelled now seemed a bit chilly compared to just now.

Intuition is a very important thing, and when you think something is wrong, something bad is going to happen.

It was because of this that Diwana was able to avoid various dangers during the expedition many times, and has survived smoothly until now.

At this moment, she felt something was wrong, subconsciously wanted to stand up, but found that her body suddenly became weak and weak.


Diwana's heart sank immediately, this chilly air might be some kind of fast-acting new anesthetic.

Seeing Diwana's reaction, the enemies lurking around stopped pretending and came out of the snow one after another.

In a blink of an eye, dozens of soldiers with gas masks on their faces formed an encircling circle, densely packed with guns pointed at her, and many sniper rifles were hidden in the dark.

Diwana felt short of breath, light-headed, and barely able to function.

Seeing that she had fallen into the encirclement, she was very sensible, and tried to raise her hands, making a national military salute.

In the secret room, seeing Diwana choose to surrender on the screen, the three of Ivan were overjoyed, and they no longer had to worry about being retaliated by this woman.

Greve, on the other hand, cursed secretly in his heart—this stinky woman was so smart when she plotted against me, why is she so stupid now?

Yakovich asked Maganov, "Is this the anesthetic newly developed by your chemical factory?"

"That's right, mass production of this fast-acting new anesthetic has already begun, and it is indispensable for me to get to where I am today."

Maganov lit himself a cigar and smiled lightly: "If you Celestials need it, we can cooperate."

Yakovich nodded: "I will apply to the higher authorities."

This new type of anesthetic developed by Maganov is especially effective for those with abilities. Because it is colorless and odorless, it is difficult to detect when it evaporates in the air. Many people will be anesthetized and fall to the ground without anyone noticing.

Everyone looked at another screen, and in the end only this unknown traveler was left.

In the room, Xu Cheng, who was resting with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, loaded with insight magic eyes.

Under the observation of the magic eye of insight, it can be seen that a large amount of mysterious gas with unknown composition is gradually sprayed from the ceiling of the room, which is invisible and intangible, and only the magic eye of insight can capture it.

In the electromagnetic induction, a large number of heavily armed soldiers and more than a dozen ability users have gathered in the corridor outside the room, the lowest level is also three.

Several of the soldiers squatted in three rows, carrying bazooka launchers on their shoulders.

"This hairy girl is really smart."

Xu Cheng sighed slightly, Diwana calculated and calculated, and finally the car overturned, and she still had to wipe her ass by herself.

However, her contribution is still there. At least she managed to find Maganov's hidden place.

Xu Cheng stood up from the bed, twisted his neck and wrist.

Since coming to Kharkov, I have been compromising and enduring for the task, and now I can finally vent a little bit.

In the secret room, everyone was puzzled when they saw Xu Cheng suddenly stand up and do warm-up exercises.

Subtle and sensitive, Maganov immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "Do it!"

The soldiers guarding the corridor pulled the triggers one after another, and ten rockets shot out, hitting the door of the room.

In the room, Xu Cheng, who had finished warming up, raised his hand and punched the closed door.

Terrifying stellar energy and scorching flames spurted out from his body, forming a violent fire tornado in an instant.

The door was blasted open in an instant, and the fire tornado slammed into it with ten rockets.

Boom boom boom!

The violent explosion instantly resounded through the entire villa complex. Ten rockets were detonated by the fire tornado, and the resulting violent explosion instantly completely destroyed the corridor.

The power of the fire tornado remained undiminished, wrapped in the shock wave of the explosion, and rushed towards the soldier ability user far away in the corridor.

This group of people was caught off guard, and their bodies were torn into pieces by the strong wind, and then burned by the flames, turning into coke all over the ground.

In the secret room, everyone showed surprised expressions. They didn't know why Xu Cheng didn't put down the new anesthetic, and they all turned to look at Maganov.

"Anesthetics are not a panacea, otherwise I would have ruled the entire Kharkov."

Maganov explained, then smiled and said: "Yes, this young man is very capable. I will save his life later to see if he wants to work for me."

In the room, Xu Cheng punched out the enemy squatting outside, the ceiling above his head suddenly exploded, and a figure descended from the sky with a terrifying aura, like a meteor, hitting Xu Cheng's head.

Xu Cheng raised his hand.

Terrifying power poured into the ground along his arms and body, and the ground tens of meters around was instantly shattered, turning into countless undulating fragments.

Xu Cheng looked up and saw a strong man with a bald head, but the skin all over his body was silvery white, shining with metallic luster.

Recalling the information provided by Diwana, he immediately recognized that this is the most powerful metal man under Maganov, who can turn his body into an extremely strong alloy.

"Boy, Greve said you are very strong."

The metal man showed a wild smile: "Then let me see it."

While speaking, he raised his other hand violently and slashed at Xu Cheng's head.

Xu Cheng grabbed his wrist, grabbed his whole body and slammed him on the ground, creating a big hole in an instant.

A shock that was far more terrifying than before instantly spread throughout the entire villa, and the ground with a range of hundreds of meters was shaken to create countless cracks.

"Hahaha, any physical attack is useless to me!"

The metal man jumped up from the big hole on the ground and rushed towards Xu Cheng again.

Xu Cheng's arm turned into Lei Yan, his body flashed, and he passed the metal man.

The metal man looked down at a bright red wound on his chest, from his chest to his back, with a frozen smile on his face.

His metal body could withstand [-]-degree heat and was safe and sound, but Xu Cheng's hands cut it off as easily as a hot knife through butter.

"Your temperature...why..."

The metal man made a murmur, and the severed upper body fell to the ground, but the heavy lower body was still standing.

"It seems that your physics grades are not very good, you must be a scumbag."

Xu Cheng looked up at the pinhole camera in the corner of the ceiling, and then released his own electromagnetic induction, forming a powerful electromagnetic pulse, which instantly washed away the entire villa complex, destroying all electronic equipment.

This is a new ability developed by Xu Cheng. It is the legendary EMP bomb, which can instantly destroy all electronic equipment in a large area.

The electronic equipment in the secret room was also destroyed, and it suddenly became pitch black, but no one spoke, and the dead silence remained.

In everyone's mind, the scene they saw just now is still playing back.

Metal Man is Maganov's number one general, and the only guarantee for him to have the position of power he has today.

In the entire Kharkov, the metal man's reputation is known to everyone. He is one of the strongest capable people. It is said that the Winter Goddess and the Celestial Race have sent people to win him over.

Such a strong man was killed in Xu Cheng's hands after only two rounds.

In the dead silence, the door of the secret room was suddenly knocked open, shocking everyone.

It was Maganov's men who rushed in, holding a makeshift torch in their hands, and said anxiously: "Sir, the backup power supply has also been destroyed."

Everyone looked at Maganov in unison, and found that his state of being in control of everything had disappeared.

"Everyone, don't worry."

Maganov's voice remained calm: "This secret room is hidden at a depth of tens of meters underground, and the other party will not be able to find it even if they search for it."

But anyone who is careful can notice that Maganov's finger holding the cigar is trembling slightly.

Yakovich on the side, with a very serious face, realized that his trip to win over Maganov on behalf of the Celestials might be a waste of time.

The three of Ivan looked at each other, and they could see each other's anxious expressions, and their hearts were full of regret.

Only the devil knew that this traveler who appeared out of nowhere was so terrifying, he was simply a monster.

You said earlier that you were so strong, and we directly tied Oleg to you, how could we betray Diwana?

Does the current boss like to pretend to be cute so much?
Only Greve lowered his head, desperately suppressing the smile on his face.

The gunshot rang out suddenly, and a muzzle appeared on Greve's forehead. He looked at the indifferent Maganov in astonishment, and fell on his back.

After executing the traitor, Maganov put away his pistol. He has experienced many life-and-death crises, and he can still remain calm: "Everyone, let's leave this dangerous place through the secret passage first. No matter how strong the person above is, As long as we can't find us, it doesn't make any sense..."

Before the words were finished, the metal ceiling of the secret room suddenly exploded, and a thick beam of thunder flames descended from the sky, illuminating the entire secret room with dazzling light.

Maganov's subordinates were just standing under the Leihuo Sword, and they were gasified in an instant, and they didn't even have time to scream.

Terrifying high temperature swept the entire secret room, directly turning this sealed space into a furnace.

Everyone's hair ignited spontaneously without fire. Maganov was bald and had no hair to burn, but he was relatively close, and the clothes on his body were immediately ignited by the high temperature.

Fortunately, Yakovich on the side shot in time, spraying a burst of ice mist from the palm of his hand to extinguish the fire for Maganov to cool down.

The Thunder Fire Sword quickly disappeared, leaving only a huge hole connecting the secret room to the ground, and a large piece of burnt liquid metal remained on the surface.

Xu Cheng, who entered the Leiyan mode, fell from the void, and in the eyes of everyone, he looked like a god descending from the sky.

Xu Cheng scanned around, and saw Greve with a surprised face, Ivan with extreme fear, and a strange face.

Finally, his eyes locked on Maganov, and he said dissatisfiedly: "You are really easy for me to find."

Maganov showed a bitter face: "Your Excellency, you have such great power, if you want to see me just say it, why bother?"

Xu Cheng smiled: "I'll give you another chance to reorganize the language, will you really meet me?"

Maganov was silent, knowing that he would not.

Being vigilant by nature, he would never take the risk of appearing in front of a strong man of unknown origin like Xu Cheng. If he had known that Xu Cheng's strength was so abnormal, he would have left Kharkov overnight and hid as far away as possible.

Xu Cheng looked at Ivan and the other three, noticing his gaze, the three trembled in unison.

Ivan barely showed a flattering smile, and was about to speak when his expression changed drastically.

A huge electromagnetic field enveloped the three of them, instantly depriving them of their sense of direction and balance. At the same time, three thunderbolts fell from the sky.

If the three were given time, they would be able to adapt to this strong electromagnetic field, but the battle would only be decided in an instant, and the three who lost their sense of balance were struck by lightning, turning into three charcoals in an instant.

Marina and Alex died on the spot, only the strong Ivan was still alive.

Xu Cheng left him to Diwana, then looked at Yakovich.

Yakovich's heart trembled, and he immediately distanced himself from Maganov: "Your Excellency, I am not one of Maganov's subordinates, but a member of the Celestial Race."

"Oh~~ So it's from the Celestial Race."

Xu Cheng immediately lengthened the ending: "That's such a coincidence, I and the Celestial Race are also old acquaintances."

Yakovich immediately felt something bad, and immediately used his ability to turn himself into ice crystals.

A thunderbolt fell from the sky, splitting his whole body into ice cubes all over the ground.

These ice cubes seem to have legs, rolling and fleeing in all directions.

With a wave of Xu Cheng's hand, countless thunderbolts fell from the sky, turning the entire secret room into a minefield, smashing all the rolling ice on the ground.

Yakovich, who was about to escape, uttered a scream, and was wiped out in the thunderstorm.

(End of this chapter)

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