Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 520 Thunder's Authority

Chapter 520 Thunder's Authority

Xu Cheng desperately opened his eyes to look at the past, and his eyes were flooded by endless thunder in an instant. Not only his eyes, but also his brain, his spiritual world, were roaring with thunder.

His mind went blank, his ears were buzzing, he could hardly think, and his CPU was on fire.

The chaotic energy of the sixth level is desperately turning, like icy running water, constantly cooling down Xu Cheng's head.

Amidst the bursts of cold touch, Xu Cheng's thinking ability gradually recovered, and finally he could vaguely see the thunder that tore through the endless darkness.

At this moment, he had a vague understanding in his heart.

This thunder represents the origin of life and the ultimate power of everything.

Xu Cheng felt that he had also turned into a lightning bolt, his thinking speed was countless times stronger, and he could vaguely pass through the limitation of the speed of light and touch the passage of time.

His mind wandered in a long, constantly flowing tunnel, with countless stars and pictures flashing around him.

In these pictures, Xu Cheng accurately captured the trace of Dao Lei.

It appeared before life was born, when the earth was just formed, in the ancient times when all things competed and gods came together, and in the distant future when the world was destroyed and everything was nothingness, thunder could still be heard.

This thunder has traveled through time and space, and its presence can be seen in every corner of history.

Xu Cheng wanted to reach out and touch it, but it seemed close at hand, but in fact it was far away, separated by millions of years.

With the help of chaotic energy, he remembered the appearance of this thunderbolt, and remembered its flashing posture.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he was suspended in the sky above the snowfield, and the endless spiritual particles in the atmosphere were rushing into his body like a storm, almost bursting his whole body.

The crazy movement of the aura pulled the air, and gradually began to spin around Xu Cheng, forming a vortex.

The speed of rotation was getting faster and faster, a pitch-black whirlwind rose from the ground, and the strong air flow formed a huge tornado in an instant, and the strong wind kept rushing towards its heart, making a piercing buzzing sound.

The tornado keeps getting bigger and the wind howls. The dark clouds in the sky seem to be pulled down and turned into a black vortex, showing a black and white shell. This is because it swallows the dust in the air and the snow on the ground. Lightning appeared, and there was a rumbling noise from it, which made people tremble with fear.

The strong wind uprooted a large number of pine trees on the snow field, and scraped away the thick snow on the ground layer by layer.

In the center of the tornado, Xu Cheng, who was being infused with spirit seeds, felt his whole body was changing. Originally, if he wanted to use lightning, he had to first create chaotic energy, and then convert the chaotic energy into thunder.

But now he doesn't need to create chaotic energy, what is born after operating his ability is pure power of thunder.

Xu Cheng opened his eyes and found that his body was gradually transformed by the power of thunder, turning him into a body of pure energy. A large amount of lightning escaped from his body, turning the entire tornado into a sky-piercing thunderstorm.

In Kirov, Bai Yuelin stands on the roof of Martha's residence, looking at the snow field in the distance.

She knew that Xu Cheng was going to improve his abilities, so she didn't follow because she didn't want to disturb him, but from just now until now, her eyes have never left that direction.

Suddenly, she saw a huge tornado storm appearing on the wide snow field. This tornado seemed to connect the sky and the earth, and a large number of thunder lights flashed in it, and even kept walking among the clouds like a brontosaurus, forming a very spectacular scene .

Waves of thunder that seemed to be beating in the heart came from the snow field and resounded throughout the city.

In the villa, Martha in pajamas was also standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of a certain room, looking at the huge thunderstorm in the distance, because Xu Cheng had warned in advance, so no matter what happened, there was no need to panic, so she did not send anyone to Check.

But such a terrifying power made her feel terrified from the bottom of her heart, as if she was facing the goddess of winter.

Before, she thought that Xu Cheng's strongest was a superpower, and he was definitely not as good as a goddess, but now she realized that she had far underestimated the strength of this man.


If you look down from the perspective of space, you can see that most of the land in the night time zone of the entire earth is in darkness, and only a few places are lit.

There are also very few lights at night in Ukraine, and only two places, Kherson and Volyn, which are located at the two ends of the country, have more intensive lights.

Because these two places are the core areas ruled by the Goddess of Winter and Zhidong of the Celestial Race.

Kherson, which originally belonged to the frontier continent of Ukraine, has an underdeveloped economy and a sparse population.

But since the Goddess of Winter appeared from Kherson and settled here, it has formed a siphon effect that can only be found in a mega city, attracting nearby population and resources continuously.

After a period of construction, Kherson seems to have formed a new big city that has emerged after the disaster.

Under the protection of the goddess of winter, the rare peace and order are enjoyed here, and people live and work in peace and contentment once again.

In the center of Kherson City, stands a huge ice and snow palace, the whole building is forged from ice, and is known as the Winter Palace by the residents here.

In the eyes of the Slavs, the goddess of winter is their female czar.

In the core area of ​​the Winter Palace, in the silent hall, there is a luxurious Ice Throne.

There was no one on the throne, only a faint blue brilliance flickering with a certain frequency.

In the silence, the group of brilliance suddenly let out a surprise.

It was suspended directly from the throne, penetrated the dome of the Winter Palace, rose directly to an altitude of [-] meters, and then "looked" in a certain direction.

"Where is... Kirov?"

This group of Guanghua muttered to himself in a gentle voice: "The powerful people who spied on Lei Ting...are they enemies or friends?"

Meanwhile, on the far side of Ukrainian territory, Volyn Oblast.

Like Kherson, it has also become prosperous and stable due to the rule of the Celestials, and a large number of surrounding populations have been siphoned to form a new big city.

There is a low mountain in the center of the city, and on the top of the mountain, a vast and luxurious manor is built.

In the study room in the manor, Zhi Dong, one of the members of the Celestial Clan, was dealing with official business.

Zhidong has an exquisite and beautiful appearance, and a head of silver-white long hair, exuding a deep chill all over his body, freezing the surrounding air into pieces of ice.

These ice shards fell to the floor and seats, and quickly evaporated, turning into a biting chill that shrouded the entire study room.

This kind of chill is extremely deadly to ordinary people, who will be frozen into ice sculptures after staying for a while, but it is just right for Zhidong, making her feel comfortable.

Unlike her good sister Yaoguang who passed away, Zhidong doesn't like to hide behind the scenes, but prefers to stand in front of the stage as a ruler, handling all affairs with ruthless laws.

She didn't spend resources to create God's Blessed or Blessed Warriors, because she believed in personal strength more, and her strength was far beyond Yaoguang, and she belonged to the middle and upper reaches among the members of the Celestial Clan.

When he threatened to kill Gospel, he was not joking, but he really had the strength to do it.

After finishing the official duties, Zhi Dong stretched his waist and was about to take a rest when suddenly he frowned and turned his head to look in a certain direction.

Her whole body instantly disintegrated, turning into countless scattered ice shards.

At a height of [-] meters above the manor, a large number of ice chips condensed together, turning into the appearance of the end of winter.

She frowned, looked into the distance, and muttered to herself: "'s farther away, who is it?"

Because of the farther distance and some unknown reasons, Zhidong felt far less than the Winter Goddess in Kherson.

She could only vaguely feel some unusual aura coming from afar.

This breath didn't look like the revival of the old god, but it also made her feel very uncomfortable.

"No matter who it is, you are not allowed to disturb me!"

In this area of ​​Eastern Europe, her goal is the Goddess of Winter, and she will never tolerate any third party to intervene, whether it is an enemy, a passerby, or a brother and sister of the Celestial Race.


The thunderstorm and tornado lasted for half an hour before it ended, and the manic airflow gradually stopped and calm returned.

In the sky, the originally pitch-black clouds were rolled out into a huge hole leading directly to the universe, and the stars could be seen twinkling all over the sky.

On the ground, the ice field that was originally covered with thick snow was scraped out into a huge circle with a diameter of several kilometers, exposing the dark and solid frozen soil under the ice layer.

Xu Cheng was suspended in the air, and his whole body had completely turned into lightning, flashing a very eye-catching thunder in the night.

This is a more advanced Thor body than Vulcan wreck and Thunder Flame mode.

"What exactly is B's movement?"

Xu Cheng turned his head to look in a certain direction, and then looked back to the other side.

When he was upgrading just now, he vaguely felt a strange sense of prying from two directions.

One of them is very clear and seems to have good intentions, while the other is more vague and distant, but it carries strong hostility.

On the land of Eastern Europe, if there is anyone who can spy thousands of kilometers away, it is nothing more than the two people standing at the top.

Goddess of Winter and Solstice.

Xu Cheng didn't expect his upgrade to attract their attention.

But Xu Cheng was not nervous. He could sense prying in reverse, which meant that they were most likely on the same level, so there was no need to be afraid.

Sooner or later, we will meet each other, Xu Cheng let go of his thoughts, and his whole body turned into a bolt of lightning, appearing forty kilometers away in an instant.

Although it is still far from reaching the speed of light, this speed is terrifying enough, faster than hitting it with an electromagnetic cannon, and it can even escape the shackles of the earth's gravity, only a little slower than teleportation.

With a wave of Xu Cheng's hand, a beam of thunder shot out from his hand, drawing a deep trench more than five kilometers long on the ground, cutting through the thick layer of ice.

He turned into a bolt of lightning and shot into the sky again, and broke through the clouds in a blink of an eye, turning into countless shining lightning snakes, constantly wandering in the clouds, and Kirov who was dozens of miles away could see it clearly.

In the end, all the lightning shrank into an object like ball lightning, which fell from the sky at an extremely fast speed and hit the snow field.

There was no violent explosion or huge movement, but the glare of light was fleeting, and a huge hole with a diameter of more than [-] meters was annihilated on the dark permafrost. The surface of the hole showed a layer of red after the land was burned. molten layer.

Xu Cheng who turned into lightning descended from the sky, suspended above the void, admiring his masterpiece with his head down.

This attack was just his temporary idea, and it was also a move he was going to develop that was more powerful than the Thunder Fire Sword - it was called the plasma cannon, also known as the plasma cannon.

Plasma is one of the four states of matter, divided into solid, liquid, gas and plasma.

As long as enough energy is input to the charged ions, it can evolve into a plasma state, and then use the power of the electromagnetic field to wrap the charged particles into a ball, form a huge pressure and launch it, which is the simplest plasma cannon.

This is just Xu Cheng's idea, whether it will be successful is still up for debate, but the power that has just been revealed has already surpassed the Thunder Fire Sword.

The highest temperature of the Thunder Fire Sword is only [-] degrees, and the temperature that the plasma can reach is at least several million, but this is far from the upper limit. The plasma in the artificial sun can even reach [-] million degrees Celsius, which is several times higher than the sun.

After Xu Cheng briefly experimented with the basic power of the plasma cannon, he released his electromagnetic induction.

When the chaotic energy is only at the fifth level, the range that Xu Cheng's electromagnetic induction can detect is [-] kilometers, and the range that can be detected carefully is [-] kilometers.

At this time, the maximum range of his electromagnetic induction has extended to at least three thousand kilometers away, covering nearly half of Ukraine's land area.

This is just a vague perception like radar. At most, it can only perceive the landscape of mountains and forests, as well as large objects moving at high speed in the air.

The scope of detailed investigation was extended to about [-] kilometers.

Within this [-] kilometers, Xu Cheng could clearly feel the detailed landform features and building communities, and even the smallest creatures, such as mice, could not escape his perception as long as they could emit a biological magnetic field.

He can even create a strong electromagnetic field with a huge range, manipulate various charged particles free in the atmosphere, and create a lightning storm.

He suddenly raised his hand and grabbed Kirov who was tens of kilometers away.

In the city, a steel bar inserted into the wall suddenly trembled violently. In the next second, it seemed to be pulled out forcefully by an invisible hand, and then flew in the air at an extremely fast speed.

The steel bar flew faster and faster, quickly breaking through the speed of sound, and glowed red and hot under the intense friction of the air.

In just a few tens of seconds, the steel bar traveled a distance of tens of kilometers and arrived in front of Xu Cheng, and the top was already burnt red.

This is the new ability brought to him by electromagnetism-manipulating metal, and the priority of manipulation may even be stronger than Ringo's superpower.

Holding the steel bar with one hand, Xu Cheng began to energize the steel bar. In less than two seconds, the whole steel bar was burnt red, melted and turned into molten iron, dripping down to the ground.

He was as excited as a child getting a new toy, constantly experimenting with the powerful power brought by the sixth-level chaotic energy.

(End of this chapter)

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