Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 535 Don't You Think Four Hands Are Handsome?

Chapter 535 Don't You Think Four Hands Are Handsome?

Seeing Xu Cheng walking towards the hero's arm, Diwana hesitated to speak.

The reason why she worked so hard to find the ancient ruins was to satisfy her hobbies on the one hand, and to find the power of the godslayer on the other hand to help the Super Association fight against the Celestials.

Now that God Eater's arm was in front of her eyes, she dared not say anything. Once she said that she wanted this arm, she might suffer disaster immediately and destroy the harmonious relationship that had been so hard-won.

Whether it is Xu Cheng or Elizabeth, they can kill her as easily as an ant, and Bai Yuelin or Ringo are stronger than her.

People had to bow their heads under the eaves, and Diwana could only smother the little signs in her heart.

Before Xu Cheng came to the hero's arm, he had already let go of his spirit and allowed the consciousness attached to the arm to invade. Gradually, he felt that his consciousness began to become blurred, and his eyes darkened into darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Cheng regained consciousness, opened his eyes again, and found himself in a strange place.

Because of his previous experience, he was not nervous at all this time, and began to look around.

The last time he turned into an ordinary soldier, he was on a battlefield among millions of troops.

Now he is also in the battlefield, but it is the battlefield after the war.

On this hill that undulates like waves, there is a strong breath of death at this moment. The land is completely destroyed, and there are broken walls and messy corpses everywhere. The pool of blood coagulated by blood has soaked the ground .

Xu Cheng still remembered the scene from the last time - millions of troops spread all over the mountains and fields, with flags covering the sun, and you couldn't see the edge at a glance. There were giant dragons flying in the sky, and there were even huge figures standing in the clouds, like gods.

Compared with the scene of corpses strewn across the ruined land in front of him, there is a fleeting moment.

He remembered that the enemy of a million armies was the master of the two arms, known as the godslayer.

In the ancient times when gods coexisted, those who dared to call this kind of title were either hard-headed or really had two brushes, and the godslayer was obviously the latter.

Xu Cheng subconsciously looked for the figure of the God Slayer, but he couldn't find it, but he could catch a huge crack in the sky in the distance, which seemed to split the entire sky in half, and the lights of various colors were flickering fiercely.

He realized that there was a fierce confrontation there, so he dragged his body and rushed there.

This time he was possessed by a surviving ordinary soldier, ordinary but extraordinary, because Xu Cheng could feel that the strength of this ordinary soldier had already reached the fourth-level ability user.

In other words, the bottom-level combat power of this million troops is the fourth-level ability user, who can directly overthrow all countries on the earth, and it is useless to directly launch nuclear bombs.

Such a force capable of destroying the world is now just cannon fodder.

Moreover, Xu Cheng also discovered that these soldiers were very similar to the God's Favored Ones created by Yaoguang, and each of them gave him the same feeling.

Could it be that what Yaoguang wanted to create in the first place was such an army of divinely favored ones?
With doubts and thoughts, Xu Cheng continued to move forward in the battlefield, walking past piles of corpses, stepping over blood pools that drowned his knees, and walked towards the place where the battle was still in the distance.

After walking for a long time, a majestic giant city built on the plain appeared in his vision. At first glance, he thought he had come to the location where Lord of the Rings 3 was filmed. It looked very much like the pure city called Minas Tirith. White City.

Xu Cheng recognized that this city was the ruins of an ancient city left in the secret realm, but it was a pity that it had been completely destroyed in the battle between him and Zhidong.

Xu Cheng headed towards the giant city, and soon passed through the unguarded gate and entered the city. The city was in chaos: overturned carriages, broken weapons and armor, and terrified people fleeing in all directions.

He came to the square in the center of the city and found that there were many fountains and exquisite statues, as well as luxurious palaces in the distance.

However, there have also been fierce battles here. Broken limbs were scattered all over the place, corpses were scattered, and soldiers in military uniforms fell in the corner, all of whom seemed to be struggling in pain for the last moment of their lives.

Among the ruins, some survivors stood alone, with despair and sadness on their faces.

Some people showed panic after seeing Xu Cheng, and subconsciously turned around and fled.

This made Xu Cheng realize that the relationship between this city and the millions of troops outside was likely to be hostile.

A thought suddenly popped up in my mind, this is the army belonging to the great lord, this is a battle of conquest, the army crushes countless empires, destroys countless old gods, and the soldiers are pointing and looking down.

Right now, this giant city, as well as the godslayer who knows no heights and depths, will become the souls of the dead under the horseshoes of the army.

This was not Xu Cheng's thought, but the thought of the soldier he possessed, full of strong faith and pride.

"The great master... the battle of conquest..."

The amount of information is a bit large, and it is worth going through it carefully, but now is not the time to think about it. Xu Cheng stood in the middle of the square and looked up at the sky.

There are countless lights and shadows flickering in the sky, the thick clouds are stirring violently, and the deafening sound of thunder is transmitted down.

It is very likely that the godslayer is fighting with the gods on the top. Unlike the fear last time, this time Xu Cheng can't wait to run up to watch it up close, and lie on the back of the godslayer to watch.

Unfortunately, limited by this body, he couldn't see anything clearly.

Fortunately, before Xu Cheng was kept waiting, the body of a god fell from the sky, and landed somewhere outside the city like a meteorite, causing a typhoon and earthquake comparable to a magnitude [-].

The entire giant city shook violently, and the survivors in the city suffered terrible disasters again.

And this kind of disaster was not the only one. In the following time, accompanied by earth-shattering roars and screams, corpses of gods fell from the sky one after another.

The earth trembled like the end of the world, and the survivors in the city were all killed and injured, only the solid city was still holding on.

Finally something fell from the sky, right in the middle of the city square, causing a huge shock.

Xu Cheng noticed that what fell was something in the shape of an arm. Before he could see it clearly, his whole body was blown away violently, crashing through countless walls one after another, and flying all the way to the city wall before stopping.

He lay on the ground, realizing that the soldier he possessed was about to die.

At the last moment of death, he raised his head and saw a majestic figure suspended in the sky, emitting a strong light like the sun, illuminating the entire sky.

This stalwart figure has healthy limbs, and is obviously not a godslayer who has lost his arms.

Could it be Godslayer's opponent, the one who defeated him in the end?
With doubts, Xu Cheng's consciousness fell into the darkness again, and he did not know how long it had been before he woke up again.

He opened his eyes and found himself standing on the ground, in front of him was the hero's arm who was lying quietly on the ground, and the rest of the people were looking at him with worried eyes.

"Are you OK?"

"I am fine."

Xu Cheng slowly lowered his breath, looked down at the hero's arm on the ground, as if seeing a story that happened to him countless years ago.

Pick it up and inherit the glory that belongs to the hero.

A voice seemed to say so from the bottom of my heart.

Xu Cheng adjusted his mood and was about to go over and lift his arm up, when Elizabeth's voice suddenly sounded.

"Have you considered?"

The expression on Elizabeth's face became serious, and she reminded: "Take this arm, and you will inherit the power of the Godslayer, and you may also inherit his tragic fate."

The rest were taken aback.

Xu Cheng was not surprised because he had already heard about it from Xu Fu once.

He looked back at Elizabeth: "Do you know the owner of this arm?"

"There was a relationship."

Elizabeth hesitated for a moment before saying truthfully: "His life experience is not very good, and he was cursed by God. If you inherit his power, you may also inherit his curse."

Bai Yuelin and Lin Po immediately showed worried eyes, but they would not rashly open their mouths to make decisions for Xu Cheng on such an important issue.

Xu Cheng smiled: "If you had told me a year in advance, I might still have been concerned. It's too late now."

"too late?"

Elizabeth was slightly taken aback, then reacted, and asked in surprise: "You already have his other arm?"

"Yeah, maybe I'm already under the curse."

Although Elizabeth said it was very dangerous, after getting the hero's right arm, Xu Cheng felt good except that he couldn't use it casually. This arm had saved him many times.

It is impossible for him to give up the other arm for some illusory curse. This is the insistence of a patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"In that case, go pick it up."

Elizabeth's eyes fell on her arm: "After so many years, his strength has not disappeared, and perhaps he has been waiting for a destined successor."

"This is not an inheritance, but my spoils of war."

Both arms were snatched by Xu Cheng by force, and he didn't think he was his successor.

He walked over, bent down and stretched out his hand, and grabbed his arm on the ground.

The moment he touched it, before he had time to feel what it was like, the whole arm turned into a bright spot of light like a star, sinking into his body.

He had already experienced it once, so he was not surprised by this kind of movement that didn't even have special effects.

[Obtain: Hero's Left Arm]

The manager's notification tone suddenly sounded.

Xu Cheng immediately opened his personal attributes.

【Xu Cheng】

[Cultivation method: Amaterasu Alchemy Qi Art lv2]

[Equipment: Killer Card, Ability Card]

[Special: The right hand that breaks the extinction (seal), the left arm of the hero, the wreckage of the Vulcan (strengthened), the fragment of the heart of God]

【Mission points: 1】

[Random enhancement: 0]

[Evaluation: Don’t you think the four hands are handsome? 】

Seeing this comment, Xu Cheng couldn't help but want to complain: "How handsome is it? I remember that there was a trick that I killed before called Four Hands."

[You can play with your phone, eat, go to the toilet, and pick your nose at the same time, it’s so cool]

"Handsome ass, do you think everyone else is like you, eating while eating? Self-produced and sold?"

[Only two computers are needed, and you can walk down the road in a double queue by yourself]

Xu Cheng scoffed.

"There are not too many people who want to find me in duo, I need to play by myself?"

And now that the global network is cut off, apart from stand-alone games, online games have long been unplayable.

[You can use four fishing rods at the same time to catch four fish at the same time]


Xu Cheng suddenly became silent, because he couldn't deny it against his conscience, which is really cool.

The names of the two arms are different, this is because the right arm of the hero has been unsealed once by Amaterasu, while the left arm is still in its original state.

Although he knew the reason, the name was different, which still made him, a man with obsessive-compulsive disorder, feel uncomfortable, and he didn't know what the ability of the second arm was. If it was the same as the first arm, then the functions would overlap.

The rest of the people stood there in a daze after seeing Xu Cheng absorbed his arm. After waiting for a while, Bai Yuelin couldn't help asking: "How do you feel?"

"I'm fine."

Xu Cheng came back to his senses and turned to look at Elizabeth: "The matter is finally over, but there are still many things that need to trouble you."

Elizabeth smiled and nodded: "It should."

Xu Cheng has fulfilled his covenant, and it is the turn of the Winter Goddess to fulfill the agreement between the two parties.

There was nothing to stay in this empty secret place. After Xu Cheng got his arm, everyone immediately got up and left, and soon returned to the ground.

The great plain on the ground was destroyed by Xu Cheng's artificial sun, just like the scene after the hydrogen bomb nuclear explosion. After everyone came to the ground, they found that the temperature here was still very high, with obvious heat radiation remaining.

Xu Cheng was not good at leading people around, so Elizabeth could only transform them into a gust of wind and snow to envelop the three of them, cross most of Ukraine, and return to Kherson the same way.

The people of Kherson and most of the officials did not know that the goddess had left. Only Sarah was one of the few insiders who had been waiting anxiously in the Winter Palace.

Seeing that everyone returned safely, and that Elizabeth still appeared in reality, Sarah's face showed uncontrollable ecstasy.

Lady Goddess took back her container, which meant the complete defeat of Zhidong.

Next, with the support of the goddess, the forces she belongs to can easily drive the forces of the Celestials out of Eastern Europe and rebuild a country of ice and snow belonging to the Slavs.

Even if Sarah is not a person greedy for power, she can imagine what status she will have after unifying the entire Eastern Europe, which is enough to be recorded in history.

Elizabeth ordered the excited Sarah to go down to prepare the celebration banquet, and then said to everyone: "Everyone, this trip is really hard for you, go down and have a good rest, wash off the dust on your body, and see you in the evening."

This proposal was approved by everyone. Xu Cheng is still fully clothed. Even if Bai Yuelin and the other three are just watching, they are covered in dust. take a shower.

After night fell, Sarah not only prepared an extremely sumptuous celebration banquet, but even took the initiative to distribute supplies to the people, so that everyone could celebrate the Lady Goddess taking back her own container.

Under the power of Elizabeth, Kherson was not hit by the snowstorm, and the whole city was decorated with lights and festive atmosphere.

Inside the Winter Palace, a grand celebration banquet is also in progress.

(End of this chapter)

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