Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 543 The Beloved of the Goddess of Destiny

In the archives room of the former Kyoto government in Japan, Nanyun Yun Asuka and Sato Kyoko immersed themselves in the mountains of materials, flipping through various materials of different years mixed together with a numb expression.

Nagumo Narumi was also present, but her eyes were empty, her hands unconsciously flipped through the documents in her hand, obviously she was on a errand.

On the other side, Lulu split seven or eight hands at the same time, flipping through the documents like flying, making a rattling sound, far faster than the other three.

Not only in this archive room, but also in more than a dozen archive rooms under the entire Kyoto government, they sent a large number of people to search for the trace of the technician from the massive amount of information.

The technician who betrayed Xu Fu had worked for the Japanese government in Kyoto before, so he left a lot of traces in the files.

However, affected by the disaster, these files became very messy, and the whereabouts of the original managers were also unknown, so we had to start searching from scratch.


Nan Yunyun Feiniao, who had been lying on the table for several hours, finally couldn't help stretching her waist, her huge bust stretched her neckline to the limit.

A button finally couldn't bear it and broke off, hitting Sato Kyoko's forehead just right, creating a red dot.


Sato Kyoko let out a cry of pain and rubbed her forehead with her hand.

Seeing this, Nanyun Feiniao quickly apologized: "Are you okay, Xingzi?"


Nanyun Narumi, who came back to his senses, just smiled and lay down on the table: "Kyoko, haven't you made a prophecy for yourself today?"

Sato Kyoko glared at her dissatisfied, and then said to Nanyunyun Asuka, "I'm fine."

While speaking, she subconsciously glanced at Nan Yunyun Feiniao's chest with resentful eyes.

I really don't know what the twin sisters grew up on, but they can even use this kind of breast cannon that only exists in legends.

Noticing Sato Kyoko's eyes, Minami Yunyun Asuka covered her chest in embarrassment, and then forcibly changed the subject.

"It's really tiring. Didn't you always say that Japan's technology is very advanced? Why are you still using this old way of storing data?"

Hearing Nagumo Asuka mention this, both Sato Kyoko and Nagumo Narumi became united in hatred.

"It's just bragging, all the money was spent on publicity."

"Yes, the sight of floppy disks and fax machines makes my scalp tingle."

The three Japanese all started to complain about Japan's backwardness.

When other countries, even developing countries, have established electronic archives and can use online databases for search and query, the Japanese government, as a developed country, is still using all paper documents for office work, and everything is either hidden in paper files. , or hidden inside a floppy disk.

Moreover, the management was very chaotic, which led them to spend a lot of manpower to find the trace of the technician in the vast sea of ​​paper materials.

After complaining for a while, everyone felt a sense of relaxation in their tired hearts. Just as they were about to continue working, the door of the reference room was suddenly pushed open with a bang.

"found it!"

Miki Fujiwara rushed in excitedly, waving a document in his hand, and shouted to everyone: "I found the information of that technician!!"

Sister Nanyun and Kyoko Sato stood up in surprise, and hurriedly gathered in front of Miki Fujiwara.

According to the information, the technician was once sent to Kyushu City on Kyushu Island for a business trip, and settled in Kushiro City, Hokkaido for a period of time.

Kyushu City and Hokkaido are located in the south and north of Japan respectively, corresponding to the sentence left by the technician.

Nan Yunyun Asuka was about to check the information of these two places, Nanyun Minghai immediately asked Lulu: "Lulu, are there any buildings or areas that match these two places?"

During this period of time, Lulu checked the information, and her head was already full of various things. After a little thought, she got the answer.

"There is a huge ancient tree on Yakushima in Kyushu, called the Millennium Cedar, which is believed to have a history of more than 2000 years. There is a Lake Akan Park in Kushiro City, Hokkaido, and the locals call it Akan Pond."

"That's right!"

Fujiwara Mixi said excitedly: "Nan Sheng Qiao Mu, North Man Han Chi, both match!"

The words left by the technician before his death were "the sun rises in the east spring, the moon sets in the west river, the trees grow in the south, and the cold pool grows in the north". .

Sato Kyoko had already taken out a map of Japan and put it on the table, and Nanyunyun Asuka took out a pen to mark the four hard-earned locations.

However, it's not enough to just find four locations, you have to find out exactly where it's hidden.

Just when everyone was deep in thought, Nagumo Narumi took a pen from his sister, and unceremoniously connected the four locations with a cross.

"What are you guessing, guess, so you can find the answer?"

Everyone looked up at her in unison.

Sato Kyoko asked, "How did you come to this conclusion?"

Nagumo Narumi put his hands on his hips, confidently: "Isn't it always done like this in movies?"

Everyone: "..."

But having said that, Nagumo Narumi provided an obvious idea.

The intersection of the four locations is just north of Nagano City in Nagano Prefecture, Japan, and it is right at the very famous Togakushi Shrine.

The technician happened to be a Shinto believer, and the data showed that he had visited various shrines many times, so it was no surprise that Dong XZ was in the shrine.

Southern Yunnan Yunfei Bird immediately calculated the latitude and longitude of the intersection point on the map, and then said to Lulu: "Lulu, take us there."

Instead of guessing here, it's better to go to the field to take a look and find it!
"no problem!"

Lulu immediately jumped on the top of Narumi Nagumo's head, then split her hands, grabbed Nanyun Yun Asuka and Sato Kyoko at the same time, used the teleportation ability, and led the three of them to disappear in the archive room in an instant.

"Wait a moment!!"

Miki Fujiwara looked at the place where the three disappeared, and said dumbfounded: "I haven't got in the car yet!?"


Togakushi Shrine, Nagano Prefecture, Japan.

With a gust of wind blowing, sisters Nagumo and Kyoko Sato, with the help of Lulu, appeared at the gate of Togakushi Shrine out of thin air.

This shrine is very old and is traditionally regarded as one of the patron saints of the Japanese royal family. There are many gods enshrined in it, the most famous is Togakushi, and tens of thousands of tourists and pilgrims come here every year to visit and Prayer is one of the most important religious places in Japan.

Although the three of them had never been to this place, they had heard of the name of this shrine a long time ago, just like many Chinese have never been to the Great Wall, but they must have heard of it.

Originally, they thought they would see an ancient shrine full of history, but unexpectedly, the shrine that appeared in front of their eyes at this moment looked very dilapidated, old, full of dust, and looked eerie.

Nanyun Narumi shook his head: "Lulu, did you go the wrong way?"

"That's right, this is the place."

"Then why is it so broken?"

"You ask me, who am I asking?"

"I remember!"

Sato Kyoko suddenly said: "I read the report of the secret society when I checked the information before. After the disaster, Togakushi Shrine gathered a large number of citizens who took refuge here. Later, some appalling things happened in the shrine, causing people to die. It’s all gone, it’s deserted now, and even the secret society hasn’t sent anyone to take it over, so you’d better not ask about the appalling thing.”

Nagumo Narumi asked curiously: "What is it?"

"I won't be able to eat after listening to it."

"How do you know I can't eat if you don't tell me?"

"If you don't shut up, you won't have dinner tonight."

Nanyun Asuka interrupted his sister's stalking and asked: "It's all here, let's go in and have a look."

She is holding a handheld GPS device in her hand. Now that there is no Internet, she can only use this thing to calculate latitude and longitude.

The three of them, plus a slime, walked towards Togakushi Shrine, which looked eerie even in daytime.

With a creak, the closed gate of the shrine was pushed open, and with the falling dust, a stench came over the face.

I saw a large number of decomposed corpses lying on the ground in the spacious and dark temple.

The three subconsciously covered their noses, but they were already immune to the corpse, and instead of being afraid, they began to look at it carefully.

Most of these rotting corpses were mutilated, and they must have suffered unimaginable torture before they died.

Nanyun Asuka checked the GPS device in his hand, and found that he still had to walk a certain distance to reach the intersection on the map.

She vaguely felt that something was wrong with this shrine, and turned to Sato Kyoko and said, "Kyoko, make a prophecy."

Sato Kyoko nodded, put her fingertips against her temples, closed her eyes and meditated.

Soon she opened her eyes and reminded: "Be careful, there are very dangerous things hidden in this shrine."

Nagumo Narumi couldn't help but ask, "How dangerous is it?"

Sato Kyoko glanced at her: "If you don't take Lulu with you, I can beat you ten times."

"Hmph, don't look down on people, I'll show you how I beat ten of them!"

Nagumo Narumi held his head high, and was the first to step into the temple, followed by the rest.

The door at the back suddenly closed automatically with a bang, locking the three of them inside.

A gust of wind came along with the stench, and the entire temple instantly became darker and darker.


At the same time, it was the laughter of a woman, sounding from the darkness.

Nanyun Narumi, who was walking in front, was not only not afraid, but took a step forward, pointing in the direction of the woman's laughter: "Bold monster, I want you to show your true colors, Lulu, come on!"

Lulu gave her a blank look, then jumped into the air, her chubby body instantly burst into dazzling light, like a small sun.

The entire dark temple was instantly illuminated, and a vague female figure floated in the air, illuminated by the light.

She had a pretty face, but her mouth was cracked below her ears, revealing a ferocious bloody mouth, and she screamed at the three of them.

Under Xingzi's reminder, the three of them covered their ears in advance to resist the rolling sound waves.

The rotting corpses that were lying on the ground were getting up staggeringly at this moment.

Nanyun Asuka opened her eyes and looked around. She used her ability, and the dead body caught by her sight instantly ignited spontaneously and let out a mournful howl.

Nagumo Narumi jumped up and grabbed Lulu in the air with both hands, and threw it hard at the screaming female ghost.

The female ghost subconsciously wanted to run, but Lulu suddenly accelerated, her chubby body suddenly turned into a cross, pierced into the female ghost's chest, and nailed her to the wall.

The female ghost couldn't break free, just as Nagumo Asuka looked over and set her fuzzy body on fire.

Amidst the howls of the female ghost, it was burned to ashes by Nagumo Asuka's flame that could harm spirits in an instant, including the surrounding dead bodies.

This female ghost possesses physical immunity, and her combat strength is at least equivalent to that of a level [-] ability user, yet she was killed so easily.

Nanyun Narumi sprayed out water to put out the fire, and then hummed to Sato Kyoko twice: "Kyoko, do you see that, this is our true strength!"

Sato Kyoko is not interested in exposing her, it all depends on the tacit cooperation between Asuka and Lulu, this dead girl is just spraying water, and her role is similar to that of a cheerleader.

After solving the monsters entrenched in the temple, the three continued to walk into the shrine.

This shrine is not small, with a large number of buildings, the most famous of which is the Kagura Hall. According to Sato Kyoko's prophecy, they finally found something in the Kagura Hall.

So the three of them didn't get lost and went straight to the Kagura Hall.

This shrine seems to have become a large mass grave, with corpses everywhere, and there are not a lot of ghosts and ghosts.

Fortunately, the combat power of their small group is not weak at all, otherwise, even if other fourth-level ability users come in, they may die without a place to die. No wonder Chong Mystery would give up this place directly.

Kai Wushuang came all the way to the Kagura Hall, and saw the Togakushi God enshrined in the hall.

However, the statue of this great god has been destroyed so that only the body remains, and the mind and limbs have disappeared.

Under the reminder of Sato Kyoko, everyone found a secret compartment behind the statue, and after opening it, there was a passworded suitcase hidden inside.

Nagumo Asuka took out the suitcase and looked at Sato Kyoko: "What's the password?"

Sato Kyoko did not answer, but looked at Nagumo Narumi.

"What do you see me doing? You don't want me to guess?"

Nagumo Narumi pointed at himself, and after getting a positive look, he said casually, "Then enter the technician's birthday backwards."

Nanyun Asuka tried it, and found that the password box was successfully opened, and looked at his sister in shock: "How did you guess it?"

Normal people would guess the technician's birthday even if they guessed it, so how could they think of entering the birthday backwards.

Nanyun Narumi put his hands on his hips, raised his head and laughed three times: "Because I am the daughter of destiny, the darling of the goddess of destiny."

Seeing her stinky fart, Nanyun Asuka suddenly lost the will to ask questions and opened the password box.

The password box was filled with several stacks of paper materials, and each sheet was filled with small print.

"Why is it a paper document again?"

Nanyun Narumi complained: "Can't you get a hard drive? It doesn't cost much for one."

"The hard drive is here."

Nanyun Asuka also found several hard drives in the lockbox: "These paper materials should be backups."

After successfully finding what the technician hid, everyone was filled with excitement and achievement. From what Xu Cheng said, it was related to the technology of making the Heart of God and the theory of the Trinity.

Just as they were about to leave with the lockbox, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.

"Thank you for your hard work."

The three of them were taken aback, turned their heads suddenly, and saw a gentle-looking young man standing behind the three of them.

It turned out to be Xu Fu!

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