Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 577 Give him a drudgery

The bright and clear moon sprinkled silver light from the sky, illuminating the sea surface and the beach. Under the moonlight, the sea water glowed a light blue, sometimes calm and sometimes undulating.

The waves beat gently against the coastline, and the coconut trees swayed with the wind, making a rustling sound, intertwined with the sound of the waves, forming a soothing and wonderful music.

Xu Cheng and Qiu Gongyue, who left the underground base, came to this uninhabited beach, walked on the fine white sand, and left two lines of footprints.

Qiu Gongyue's mood was very low, even this beautiful scenery could not cheer her up.

Xu Cheng turned his head to look at the lingering boredom on her face, then suddenly stopped and started to undress.

Qiu Gongyue was surprised: "What are you doing?"

"Swimming, didn't you ask me to come to the beach just to swim?"

As Xu Cheng answered, he stripped off his clothes, revealing a perfect body that would make women unable to close their legs.

Qiu Gongyue had a speechless expression, not sure if Xu Cheng was pretending to be stupid on purpose or ignored her own meaning: "I have something to discuss with you..."

"Let's talk later."

Xu Cheng walked up and began to pick Qiu Gongyue's clothes: "It's such a good environment, it's a pity not to go swimming."

"No... I didn't bring a swimsuit."

"Just don't wear clothes."

"Get out, I don't have your hobby of outdoor exposure."

Qiu Gongyue firmly refused, but was still half-forced by Xu Cheng to strip off her clothes.

Although there was no one on this beach, she subconsciously blocked it with her hands and stared at Xu Cheng with dissatisfied eyes.

Seeing her shy and annoyed expression, Xu Cheng almost couldn't help throwing her down on the spot.

He used the king of lust to control his emotions, then reached out and grabbed Qiu Gongyue, dragging her into the sea.

It was far from summer at this time, and the sea water at night was very cold, but it had no effect on the two of them at all, even if it was changed to the North Pole.

Qiu Gongyue floated on the sea, watching Xu Cheng swimming in the sea like a wild dog, showing a helpless expression.

"Come here."
Xu Cheng kept waving at her: "You don't mean to pretend you can't swim and let me rescue you? No way? No way?"

Qiu Gongyue gave him a funny and angry look.

He obviously called him out to discuss important matters, but he was still so out of tune and dragged himself into trouble.

However, under Xu Cheng's urging, Qiu Gongyue gradually let go of her reserve and swam towards him.

Her figure is extremely graceful, although she is not naked, she does not have the slightest sense of obscenity, but is full of beauty and holy brilliance.

Xu Cheng grabbed Qiu Gongyue's hand, and the two of them were like two mermaids, swimming around in the sea.

Float on the surface for a while, dive into the bottom of the sea for a while, sit on the back of a giant sea turtle for a while, and compete with the dolphins you encounter for a while.

Qiu Gongyue gradually let go of the entanglement in her heart and immersed herself in this free sea.

Unknowingly, the two were dozens of kilometers away from the Andaman Islands, floating side by side on the endless sea, looking up at the starry sky above their heads.

The stars are dotted on the dark sky, like countless diamonds, shining with mystery and romance

"It's beautiful."

Qiu Gongyue murmured to herself, she and Xu Cheng had been admiring the night sky outside the atmosphere all night before, and she was a little tired of watching it, but now watching it again, it seems that she has a new understanding.

Xu Cheng turned to look at her without saying a word.

Qiu Gongyue noticed his eyes, and turned to look over: "What's wrong?"

"The starry sky is beautiful."

Xu Cheng reached out and caressed her face: "But in my eyes, you are more beautiful than the starry sky."

Qiu Gongyue has never been a romantic person, but she couldn't resist Xu Cheng's rustic love words, her cheeks became hot all of a sudden, her eyes were shy and timid.

She couldn't say any love words, but slowly approached Xu Cheng's face.

Just when the two were about to kiss, Xu Cheng suddenly burst out laughing.

Qiu Gongyue asked strangely: "What are you laughing at?"

Xu Cheng raised his finger and pointed at her: "Your buoyancy is so strong, even if we are ordinary people, we won't be drowned by relying on you."

"You bastard……"

Qiu Gongyue was suddenly ashamed, she covered her hand with one hand, and raised the other hand to chase Xu Cheng.

The two started playing in the sea, and it took Xu Cheng to subdue her, hugging her and floating on the sea.

"Are you feeling better?"

Qiu Gongyue lay on Xu Cheng's chest and nodded slightly.

After the communication with Yueyue ended, she was always in a bad mood, but she didn't show it.

Now I go out to swim and play with Xu Cheng, and I feel much better all of a sudden.

Xu Cheng wrapped his hands around her slender waist and asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

Should he stay and help Yueyue revive the Goddess of Shadow and his parents by the way, or should he refuse Yueyue's invitation and go to Guangming Mountain for revenge.

Qiu Gongyue looked up at him: "What do you think I should do?"

Xu Cheng was very surprised, usually Qiu Gongyue made such a decision by himself, and even asked him sometimes.

In his surprised eyes, Qiu Gongyue lowered her long eyelashes slightly: "You are my boyfriend, shouldn't I ask your opinion?"

She is no longer an orphan, and has relatives and friends, so it is natural to ask the opinions of those closest to her.

"My opinion is no opinion."

Xu Cheng hugged her tightly: "No matter what decision you make, I will support you. If you hate Yuedu, then don't agree. If you want revenge, then I will accompany you to Guangming Mountain."

Qiu Gongyue's heart warmed up. She used to worry that she was too dependent on Xu Cheng, but now she has fallen into this dependence and cannot extricate herself.

"I made a decision!"

There was a cold look in Qiu Gongyue's eyes: "Isn't Yuedu going to resurrect the Shadow Goddess? Then I will grab all the powers of the Shadow Goddess, and I will see how he resurrects."

In order to resurrect the Shadow Goddess, Yuedu even abandoned the hatred of the Moon Clan, and the Moon Clan was destroyed because of him. Qiu Gongyue hated him very much, and it was impossible to help him resurrect the Shadow Goddess.

As for the resurrection of her parents, there is no need for Qiu Gongyue to rely on the hands of Yueyue. She can learn from Xu Fu, collect all the powers of the Shadow Goddess, and resurrect her parents herself.

And it can also shatter the ideal of Yuedu, killing two birds with one stone.

Xu Cheng was surprised: "Do you know where the power of the Shadow Goddess is?"

Qiu Gongyue reminded her: "Have you forgotten? Evelyn's ancestor Joelsa told me that although the whereabouts of the saint who was taught by the goddess hundreds of years ago is unknown, the power given to her by the goddess returned to the saint. Among the ethnic groups, a suitable heir has not been found so far."

Xu Cheng remembered that the Shadow Goddess bestowed two powers on her subordinates, one was called Assassin's Inheritance, and the other was called Shadow Gift.

The gift of shadows is in the hands of the saintesses of the Goddess Cult. The whereabouts of the saintess who followed the goddess of shadows to fight against powerful enemies is unknown, but her power has returned to the race of saintesses.

The Saintess tribe left Guangming Mountain to settle in North America, and after splitting, some stayed in North America, and the other followed the black ship into Japan, which is the origin of the Moon Clan.

Qiu Gongyue is considered a descendant of the saint. Qiao Ersha saw that she had the qualifications to become a saint, so she told her the secret.

Although neither the Assassin's Legacy nor the Gift of the Shadow can be regarded as the true power of the goddess, the two have the same origin, which is also the key to Yueyomi's resurrection of the Shadow Goddess.

Xu Cheng suddenly understood Qiu Gongyue's plan, and was about to shatter Yuedu's dream, so he couldn't help but smile: "You are so bad!"

Qiu Gongyue bit her lower lip: "I am this kind of woman, can't I?"

"Too much punishment, I just like bad women."

Xu Cheng put his hands down and grabbed it.

Qiu Gongyue snorted softly, and bit his mouth with her mouth open.

The two were entangled on the surface of the sea, and soon sank to the bottom of the sea.


Early the next morning, Qiu Gongyue and his friends came back to Yueyue.

Compared with yesterday, Yueyue has recovered from his injuries and energy, and looks younger than his son.

"Is it really possible to resurrect my parents?"

Qiu Gongyue showed a tangled attitude, as if she was willing to believe, but afraid of being deceived.

"of course can."

Yuedu replied calmly: "The goddess of shadow is in charge of the power of death, and has resurrected her believers many times in history."

He could see that Qiu Gongyue was very much like his own son, and cared about his family and relatives very much, so he made such a condition to lure her to help.

Qiu Gongyue whispered to herself: "Reviving my parents... This is indeed a very tempting reason."

"It's not just your parents."

Gucheng Changyue strikes iron while hot: "There are also all the members of the Moon Clan. As long as the Shadow Goddess is revived, they can all come back."

"Sounds wonderful!"

Qiu Gongyue smiled, but her eyes became sharp in an instant: "But, I refuse!"


Gu Chengchangyue was taken aback, not understanding why Qiu Gongyue suddenly changed her attitude.

"The enmity of the Moon Clan, I will personally go to Guangming Mountain to take revenge."

Qiu Gongyue stared at Yuedu, and said sarcastically: "Just hold your dream of resurrecting the goddess, and die in this crappy place."

Tsukidu, who had been calm all this time, had a flash of astonishment in his eyes.

He was sure that Qiu Gongyue would not refuse the request to resurrect his parents, but he did not expect that she would refuse.

It didn't even occur to him that Qiu Gongyue was going to give him a drudgery and take away the power of the goddess in advance.

"Ah Yue, well said!"

Ito Rika cheered loudly from the side, and then raised her middle finger at Yueyue: "Did you hear that, old man, you will rot to death in this place, don't appear in front of us, or you will be beaten once, and your scalp will be plucked off. "

She used to regard Yuedu as an idol, the legendary killer, but after hearing Qiu Gongyue tell the truth about what happened that year, she immediately regarded Yuedu as a scum even worse than Xu Cheng.

"That's right, see and hit once!"

Dinah also cheered and cheered, and pinched the Snow Wolf God in her arms, making the dog subconsciously let out a howl.

Evelyn put her hand to her forehead, feeling a little humiliated.

"The Clan of the Moon once split from North America. Today, I follow the example of my predecessors and draw a clear line with you."

Qiu Gongyue waved her hand and stroked the ground, and the sword energy drew a deep ditch on the floor: "From now on, I will inherit the Moon Clan and create the New Moon Clan, which has nothing to do with your branch. "

Gucheng Changyue and his sons looked shocked, and watched Qiu Gongyue turn away with his companions.

Xu Cheng walked last, and said to Yuedu: "For the sake of the new moon, I'll let you off once, it's best not to make any small moves, otherwise..."

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and the whole base shook violently in an instant. Countless gravel and dust fell from the ceiling. In the entire underground space, except Yueyue, everyone else couldn't stand and fell to the ground one after another.

The shock lasted for at least half a minute, and when Gu Cheng Changyue got up from the ground, he found that Xu Cheng had disappeared.

He and his sons were still in shock, and it didn't take long to see a few subordinates running in in a panic and telling him what happened outside.

This base was built in a mountain, and Xu Cheng just snapped his fingers and summoned a thunderbolt, which split the mountain in half.

Looking at the picture sent back by the drone, Gucheng Changyue trembled all over, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Yuedu: "Father..."

If Xu Cheng's lightning strikes were accurate, they would have completely destroyed their Shadow Sect by now.

Yuedu didn't say anything, just closed his eyes tiredly.

On the other side, Xu Cheng and his party had already come to the ground. Looking at the half of the mountain that had been destroyed, they all twisted and looked at Xu Cheng.

"Look at what I do?"

Xu Cheng looked up at the clear sky: "It thunders in broad daylight, someone must have done something wrong."

Ito Rika died and said: "Sisters are all kind-hearted. If you want to say that you have done something wrong, you can only step on a few boats... Ah!"

Before she could finish speaking, she was shocked by an electric shock and jumped up on the spot.

Qiu Gongyue ignored her best friend who wanted to die, and asked Xu Cheng, "You're going back, aren't you?"

Xu Cheng was a little embarrassed, he came and left in a hurry every time: "Do you want me to accompany you to Guangming Mountain?"

Qiu Gongyue did not refuse: "I will go and get the power of the goddess first, and you will definitely appear by my side then."

She came up and gave Xu Cheng a hug.

Both Evelyn and Dinah were a little bit reluctant, and they also came up to hug him one by one.

"Archer, can't you stay with us for a few more days?"

"Why don't you go back to Japan with me?"

Dinah struggled for a while, but finally shook her head and decided to go with her sisters.

Xu Cheng let go of her, and then opened his hands towards Ito Rika: "Come on, say goodbye."

Ito Rika was so shocked that her butt went numb, and she gave Xu Cheng a hard look, but in the end, with an expression of "cheap you", she came up and opened her hands.

The moment she was about to hug him, Xu Cheng snapped his fingers, and he disappeared suddenly, leaving her with nothing to hug.

Ito Rika froze in place, realizing that she had been tricked, her pretty face gradually flushed red, and Dinah's unceremonious mocking sound sounded beside her.

in the underground base.

The black widow, who was imprisoned and looking for the cell, suddenly felt the whole base shake violently, and the door of the cell was broken and damaged in the vibration.

She was overjoyed, and while there was no one guarding her, she turned into a black shadow and rushed out of the cell, escaped from the base in the chaos, and returned to the ground.


Standing in the deserted jungle, the black widow couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

But the next moment, the human skin covering her body turned into a deadly bomb, which exploded with a bang, blowing her to pieces.

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