Chapter 582 Molten City
The only entrance to the ruins is in the volcano. If you want to enter it, you can only go through the crater, which happens to be the entrance to the dragon's lair. Unless you have special abilities, you will be discovered by the dragon once you get close.

Francois originally planned to wait here patiently for ten days and a half months, waiting for the dragon to go out for food before sneaking in. Unexpectedly, the dragon just went out at this time. It was a godsend.

So he ignored the trouble of looking for Xu Cheng and others, and directly announced his departure, and even relaxed the conditions to the extent that those who saw the treasure had a share.

"Clap clap clap!"

The ability users immediately applauded, cheering for Francois' generosity.

Originally, Eurostar, as the organizer, definitely wanted to get the big head, but now that Francois offered generous conditions, it depends on who has the ability to get more.

Without further ado, seeing that everyone agreed, Francois immediately announced his departure.

However, going to the volcano is also a problem. Although the distance seems to be very short now, it is actually more than ten kilometers. If there is no transportation, it will take a lot of time to walk there, and many capable people here have not rushed Ability.

But for this, Francois has long been prepared.


Following his order, a male subordinate behind him immediately stood up from behind him.

He walked to an open place, opened his mouth and inhaled continuously, his whole body puffed up at a speed visible to the naked eye, directly tearing the clothes on his body.

In a blink of an eye, this guy named Damian swelled to a size bigger than a house, and the whole street couldn't hold his body, and he flew slowly towards the sky.

When flying into the air, his hair was also growing crazily, like the roots of a banyan tree, hanging down to the ground in large numbers, densely packed.

"Everyone, please grab your hair. Damian will send you safely to the volcano. Of course, if you have the means to get to the volcano, you can do it yourself."

After all, Francois directly flew into the air with a few subordinates behind him: "I'll take a step first and wait for you at the volcano."

Many ability users with the ability to fly also jumped into the air one after another and flew towards the volcano.

The rest could only reach out and grab the hair hanging down from the human balloon, choosing to hitch a ride.

Xu Cheng and Diwana looked at each other, they didn't expect that the giant lava dragon would go out to look for food at this time.

If the dragon didn't come back, and the expedition team successfully found the treasure or Vulcan's relic, wouldn't their plan fail?

But Xu Chengxin thinks it's not that simple. This is an ordinary difficult task. With his current strength, he might have to start it again. The people from the expedition group are probably going in to deliver food. Needless to say, accidents will definitely happen.

Maybe when the Vulcan relic is found, the Celestials hiding in the dark will appear immediately.

Hundreds of capable users grabbed the ropes hanging from the sky, and the huge human balloons took them into the sky.

Seeing this scene, Naruto Nagumo was eager to participate, but Xu Cheng would not squeeze the bus with this group of people, and directly wrapped Diwana and Narumi Nagumo in a magnetic field, and flew towards the volcano.

In the abandoned city, many homeless people have seen this magical scene. On one side is an erupting volcano, and on the other side is a huge human balloon, with people like bunches of grapes hanging under their long hair.

When Xu Cheng came to the crater, Francois and others who set out first had already arrived here.

The volcano that is erupting is extremely dangerous. The whole mountain trembles violently like an earthquake. A large amount of gravel is shaken into the crater. The lava is continuously gushing out like boiling water, splashing in all directions, and the air is filled with Suffocating poisonous gas.

The mountain was divided into small island-like areas by a large amount of molten lava, and there were only a few places where one could settle down. The sky was filled with smoke and fireballs fell from time to time, which was very dangerous.

Francois glanced at Xu Cheng and the others, but did not come up to make trouble.

Although he was annoyed at Diwana, a woman who spread the rumor that he was gay in private, he could also distinguish the priorities of the matter. The most important thing now was to enter the underground ruins to find the relics of the gods. Afterwards, he would have a lot of time to punish the other party for his outspokenness.

Not long after, the human balloon also came to the volcano.

A large number of fireballs fell from the sky and hit the human balloon, but were easily bounced away.

The balloon landed on the slope of the volcano, and the ability users hanging from it loosened their ropes and jumped down.

Seeing that everyone was here, Francois didn't delay, and turned to a female subordinate behind him and said, "Let's get started, Caroline."

Corolla is a white-haired woman in her 30s. She took a step forward and jumped off the crater amid the exclamation of the crowd. She landed on a red-burned boulder, stepped on it with her feet, and immediately let out a sizzle. There was a sizzling sound, and bursts of light smoke came out.

Ignoring the high temperature under her feet, Caroline raised her hand to aim at the boiling lava in front of her eyes, and swiped out of thin air.

Just like Moses divided the sea, the molten lava that kept rolling in front of him was abruptly separated, exposing the scorched black rock layer pouring down below.

Everyone was surprised by Caroline's displayed ability. This is definitely a fourth-level ability user, and a strong one in the fourth level. It is nothing to separate the lava, but to resist the high-temperature energy brought by the lava, It's not easy.

Diwana was also secretly surprised, this woman's strength was comparable to hers, but she was just a subordinate, fortunately she had Xu Cheng by her side, otherwise she wouldn't dare to make trouble here.

Damian, who recovered from the human balloon, put on the pants that he carried with him, and then distributed the portable walkie-talkies to all the capable users one by one.

Francois looked back at the hundreds of people below: "Everyone, it will be very dangerous next time. Let me confirm again. If you want to withdraw now, it is still too late."

No one chose to quit. Those who can come here are a group of guys who are not afraid of death. Of course, they will not miss the good opportunity to enter the ancient ruins because of a little danger.

"Very well, let's go then."

François jumped off the crater first, followed by the rest.

The three of Xu Cheng mixed with the crowd and followed the large force into the separated magma.

Caroline walked in the forefront, using her mental ability to continuously separate the molten lava in front of her, and even formed an invisible shield, protecting hundreds of people in it and isolating the scorching heat.

However, the exposed black rock formations cannot cool down, and the soles of many people's shoes will be melted immediately when they step on it. This can only be done by themselves.

If you can't even solve this little difficulty, then you'd better run away as soon as possible.

As soon as Xu Cheng walked a few steps away, he felt his back sink, and Nagumo Asuka, who dribbled into someone with the ball, had already jumped onto his back.

Subconsciously, Xu Cheng put his hands back, holding her buttocks, instantly distinguishing the difference in feel from his sister Nanyun Asuka.

It was just an accident, and he quickly moved his hands to the crook of his legs.

But Nagumo Narumi didn't care. She took out her mobile phone and took a picture of this shocking scene. She planned to make a documentary about her adventurous career and leave it to future generations to enjoy.

The large army followed the sloping rock formations in the volcano, and soon entered the bottom of the lava. Looking around, there were constantly tumbling hot magma everywhere, surging upwards with the eruption. It was like being in hell. middle.

If Caroline directly withdraws her mind power at this time, I am afraid that hundreds of people will be buried at the bottom of this magma.

After arriving at the bottom, in the separated lava, there appeared a group of continuously rotating light, which looked like the center of the storm.

Xu Cheng is very familiar with this thing, the entrances of the two tombs of heroes look like this.

The rest of the ability users showed signs of excitement. According to the news from the Italian provisional government, this twirling light is the door leading to the ancient ruins.

Francois jumped in first, followed by the rest.

After experiencing the familiar feeling of weightlessness, Xu Cheng opened his eyes and found that he had come to a dark underground space.

It looked like an underground cave somewhere, with a large number of strange stalactites hanging from the top, and a trail leading to the dark depths.

There is a large cavity at the top of the cave not far away, and a large amount of lava is flowing down from it, converging into a red river on the ground, and high-temperature air is coming.

Xu Cheng was about to put Nanyun Minghai off his back, but her thighs clamped Xu Cheng's waist tightly, and her chin rested on his shoulder.

"Mushroom, will there be unhatched dragon eggs in it?"

"You ask me, who do I ask? That dragon might belong to the male."

"Male ones may also lay eggs."

"Where did you get the eggs?"

"Didn't you bring two with you?"

Diwana on the side listened to the exchange between the two, and a black line appeared on her forehead.

More ability users came in from the outside, and hundreds of people quickly crowded this not-so-spacious place to the brim.

One capable user was squeezed so close to the river formed by the lava.

The calmly flowing lava suddenly bulged into a big bag, and the next moment the big bag broke open, and a monster that looked like a dragon and not a dragon, and a tiger and not a tiger jumped out of it, its whole body was made of molten lava.

The monster threw the ability user who was too close to the ground from behind, and aimed at the head and opened its mouth to bite.


The capable user let out a scream of pain, not only was he bitten, but the monster directly scalded his body with its scorching heat.

The sudden change shocked everyone, but they were all experienced ability users. Immediately, someone shot a bone-piercing cold air, cooling the monster into rocks.

The person next to him raised his foot and kicked it to pieces.

Although the monster had been dealt with, the ability user who was thrown down by it still died unfortunately, and half of his head was bitten off.

"Don't get close to the lava..."

Francois was about to give orders, when a large number of bags suddenly bulged in the lava river, and after each bag burst, a molten monster jumped out and pounced on the ability users.

boom! boom! boom!
Caroline, the telekinetic, directly cast her ability, turning it into an invisible wall, and the monsters bumped into it and made loud noises.

More monsters crawled out of the lava, and the numbers kept increasing.

"Come on!"

Francois pointed to the path leading into the darkness, and rushed forward immediately, and the others hurriedly followed.

There is a tree-root-like stream formed by a large amount of lava in the cave, and monsters continue to crawl out of it, besieging the group of uninvited guests.

The ability users were forced to fight back while running, and the sound of the battle echoed continuously in the silent cave.


Nanyun Narumi was surprised: "Mushroom, why don't these monsters attack us?"

She was planning to show her skills, but she didn't expect that these monsters turned a blind eye to her and Xu Cheng, and Diwana who was on the side was stared at several times.

Xu Cheng also noticed this problem. Some monsters had obviously rushed in front of them, and they deliberately bypassed the two to attack Diwana.

The cave soon came to an end, and the field of vision in front of him suddenly widened, and a huge underground space appeared, which could hardly be seen at a glance.

Numerous magmas continuously fell from the upper rock formations, forming a hot sky. These magmas fell from high places and gathered below to form huge red lakes and rivers. The black land was divided into islands.

On the "water swamp" made of lava, stands a magnificent giant city made of black rock and red volcanic rock. Its area is even larger than the city outside the volcano, enough to accommodate tens of millions of people.

All those who arrived here for the first time were shocked by the spectacular scene before them.

Even Xu Cheng couldn't help being slightly distracted, and a thought came to his mind.

The City of Molten Fire is worthy of its name.

"Everyone, there is no time for us to appreciate slowly."

Francois' voice awakened the shocked ability users.

He raised his finger and pointed at the magnificent city in the molten flames: "The treasure you need is hidden in it, let's go, don't hesitate."

Hundreds of ability users cheered, and then rushed down the steep slope ahead.

Xu Cheng reached out and grabbed Nagumo Narumi who was also cheering and wanted to rush down. He and Diwana looked back and saw that Francois did not start immediately, but stood aside with the members of Eurostar, They were discussing something in a low voice.

With a slight movement of Xu Cheng's ears, he heard the communication between them.

"Everyone is in place, and act according to the plan we have rehearsed in advance."


Dozens of members of Eurostar began to move towards Molten City. Xu Cheng noticed that they were carrying a huge box. Observing through electromagnetic waves, it was immediately something that looked like a bronze bell.

Francois was at the back, and seemed to feel something, and glanced at Xu Cheng with indifferent eyes.

"There's something wrong with this group of people."

Diwana whispered in Xu Cheng's ear.

Xu Cheng turned his head and smiled, "Aren't you afraid of being heard again?"

"What are you afraid of? He's gone far away."

Francois in the distance glanced back again, making Diwana's expression awkward on her face.

"Ma'am, it's not a good habit to speak ill of people behind their backs."

Francois narrowed his eyes and warned: "Also, I'm not gay, you'd better stop spreading rumors about me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Diwana was so embarrassed that she couldn't help herself: "Sorry, I will pay attention."

Francois snorted coldly, turned and left.

"Homophobia is closet."

Nagumo Narumi was like a famous detective washing machine, pointing at Francois's far away back: "There is only one truth, the more you argue, the more guilty you are, he is gay."

Francois, who had already walked away, almost staggered, turned around and stared at him fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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