Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 626 The Difficult Amaterasu

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The gloomy sky, thunder and lightning from time to time, pouring heavy rain from the sky, shrouded the city of Rio in hazy water vapor.

"Clap clap clap"

Accompanied by a series of splashing sounds, a petite figure in a raincoat was running fast in the streets where the sewage was flowing.

Her speed has far surpassed the holder of the world sprint champion, pulling out a blurry afterimage in the rain.

Suddenly, this little figure seemed to sense danger, and suddenly stopped moving, while bowing his head forward.

A sharp bullet pierced through the rain curtain, passed over her head, and hit the road ahead with a bang. A thick stone slab was instantly shattered, creating a pothole the size of a washbasin.

next second.The gunshots pierced through the rain curtain and came from afar.

"Here she is."

With a shout, a wall on the far side of the street was suddenly knocked over, and a tank rushed out of it.

The turret of the tank rotated rapidly, and the machine gun on it aimed at the petite figure fleeing in front, and fired directly.

Flames spewed out, and countless bullets gathered into a torrent of metal, covering the little girl in front.

The little girl clenched her teeth tightly to prevent herself from screaming. She lowered her head and ran desperately on the street. Numerous bullets followed her footsteps, splashing a large amount of fleeting water columns in the stagnant water.

Seeing that the machine gun could not hit, the tank's main gun immediately turned around and aimed at the petite figure.

The fire flashed, and with the loud noise, the rain on the tank armor was blown away.

The cannonball escaped and shot at the little girl at several times the speed of sound.

Feeling mortal danger, the little girl hastily stretched out her hand, a halo quickly enlarged from her palm, and in a blink of an eye it became the size of a sewer mouth.

She plunged headlong into the halo.

The shell fell to the ground instantly, causing an extremely violent explosion.

When the fire and smoke from the explosion disappeared, a black hole was left in place, and the surrounding rainwater quickly flowed into it, but the little girl disappeared.

Rio de Janeiro has one of the largest slums in the world. In the continuous stretch of slums with scattered heights, a halo suddenly appears.

A petite figure flew out from inside, followed closely by the flames and shock waves from the explosion.

The little girl flew more than ten meters, fell heavily on the ground, and rolled a dozen times in a row in the stagnant water enough to submerge her ankles before stopping.

She was soaked in stagnant water, motionless, and seemed to be dead.

A few minutes later, when the stagnant water flooded her mouth and nose, the little girl woke up from the coma.

She slowly sat up from the stagnant water, the hood of the raincoat fell down, revealing a pale face, she looked about 12 years old.

Thin cheeks, obviously malnourished, black and white hair.

Covering her arms with her hands, the little girl slowly got up from the puddle, then looked around, chose a certain direction, and limped away.

Not far away, at the corner of this muddy dirt road, the little girl just turned around and almost bumped into someone's arms.

She stepped back nervously, looked up and saw it was a young white-haired woman holding an umbrella.

She was as beautiful as a goddess descended to earth, standing out of place in this dirty slum.

"You are hurt."

The white-haired woman held out her hand to the little girl.

Like a frightened animal, the little girl immediately turned around and ran, even if she was limping, she ran very fast.

But before he ran very far, he was blocked by a woman in a raincoat again.

Under the woman's hood was a face that hadn't woken up, and a pair of dead fish eyes were staring straight at the little girl.

The frightened little girl subconsciously activated her ability again to escape from here.

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded from behind.

"Don't be afraid, just look back."

The little girl turned her head subconsciously and was stunned.

I saw the white-haired woman holding an umbrella in one hand, and raising the other hand in front of her, a small light appeared in the palm of her hand.

"You do too, don't you?"

The little girl raised her hand in a daze, and a light appeared in the palm of her hand, exactly like the white-haired woman.

The same ability, but also a faint sense of intimacy, lingering in the hearts of the two.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you, because I am your clan."

A gentle smile appeared on Bai Yuelin's face: "I'm here to save you, and you won't be in danger anymore."

The little girl stared at her blankly, and suddenly her eyes turned red, she pursed her mouth tightly, but the big tears still couldn't stop flowing from her eyes.

Bai Yuelin felt a little pain in her heart, and opened her hands towards her: "Come here."

The little girl hesitated and limped over.

Suddenly, she seemed to feel something, and looked up at the sky in horror.

In the black rain curtain, several armed helicopters are flying towards this side at high speed.

Bai Yuelin looked past the little girl, and landed on Lin Po who was behind: "I'll leave it to you."

"Heavy rain is only suitable for sleeping, not for exercising."

Ringo complained, but still turned around and looked up, looked at the several helicopters a few kilometers away, and raised his hand.

"The target location has been determined and is ready to fire at any time."

On the helicopter, several pilots were communicating with each other on the channel, when suddenly Qiqi's expression changed.

Several helicopters are pulled by some invisible force.They started to wobble and slammed into each other at high speed.

"Get out of the way!"

"Damn, I can't control it."

The loud noise of the explosion spread throughout the slums, and several armed helicopters collided violently in the air, turning into several balls of fireworks in full bloom.

The little girl looked up at this scene, her red eyes filled with disbelief.

The scary big plane that made her run away in panic was solved like this.

"No one can bully you in the future."

Bai Yuelin walked up to the little girl, raised her hand and stroked her head, not minding the dirty hair on her head.

But this touch made her very surprised. She found that the spirit in her body was being sucked out by the little girl uncontrollably.


Immediately afterwards, Ringo's nervous voice sounded.

Bai Yuelin immediately raised her head to look at the sky, and found that the rain in the sky quickly condensed together, turning into a strong man.

The upper body of this man is a human being, but the lower body is water that keeps falling.

He was suspended in the air, staring at the three people below with indifferent eyes.


Bai Yuelin was extremely surprised: "Why is he here?"

Anos is a Celestial tribe active in South America. Not long after the World Tree collapsed, he had a fierce confrontation with Yara, the Brazilian water god, and the two sides were tied.

His full name is Okeanos. In Titan mythology, he is the god of the sea and has the power to control the water.

Anos raised his hand and pointed at the three of them below.

The rain on the ground instantly turned into countless sharp water arrows, shooting at the three people in a covering manner.


Bai Yuelin grabbed the little girl beside her, and instantly summoned a large number of magic rings, covering the three of them.

Thousands of water arrows fell into the magic ring and were sent to other places.

When the magic ring disappeared, the figures of three of them disappeared.

Anos didn't say a word, his whole body turned into liquid and submerged in the majestic rain.

Outside the city of Rio de Janeva, a magic ring suddenly appeared in the suburbs, and then Bai Yuelin and the three rushed out of the magic ring.

The weather in the suburbs is very sunny, out of the category of rain.

Lin Po took off his raincoat and said to Bai Yuelin, "That guy seems to be targeting your little clansmen."

Bai Yuelin nodded slowly. When she came to South America to look for her clansmen, she investigated Anos's information and deliberately avoided the other party's range of activities. She didn't expect to meet here.

She looked down at the little girl who was holding her hand.

The little girl raised her head and raised her palm: "It's raining again."

Bai Yuelin and Lin Po also noticed that the originally clear sky suddenly became cloudy and rain fell from the sky.

"Such a coincidence??"

Ringo could only take out the raincoat he had just taken back.


Bai Yuelin hastily stretched out her hand to grab Lin Po, and with the other hand grabbed the little girl, and led them aside.

A huge water column fell from the sky and landed heavily on where they were standing, blasting a big hole in the ground.

Bai Yuelin had no intention of fighting the Celestials, so she directly summoned a magic ring, and led Lingo and the little girl to jump into the magic ring again.

On the opposite side of the Oculus is a river called the Guaendu River, which is also the main water supply river for Rio de Janeva.

The weather here is also sunny and there is no rain. As soon as Bai Yuelin and the two came out of the magic ring, the moisture in the air immediately increased sharply, and rain fell from the sky.

Without saying a word, Bai Yuelin cast the magic ring again.

This time she didn't stop, but used the magic ring several times in a row, without stopping all the way, and came to Paraty, another city near Rio.

Not to mention the rain here, even the air is hot and dry. It was the middle of the day, the sun was shining brightly, and the beach in the distance looked like a silver-white crescent moon.

After coming out of the magic ring, Bai Yuelin glanced over Lingo and the little girl, and immediately figured out why Anos was able to follow them closely.

"Throw away the raincoat."

While reminding Lingo, Bai Yuelin also reached out to grab the wet clothes on the little girl.

She suspected that Anos tracked them by relying on the moisture left on their bodies.

In just a few seconds, Bai Yuelin quickly took off the raincoat and clothes from the little girl, and threw them to the side.

The clothes were still in the air, and the moisture inside flowed out one after another, instantly condensing into the appearance of Anos.

"Very clever woman, but it's too late."

Anos raised his finger to the three of them: "Die."

In an instant, a large amount of cold air erupted from Bai Yuelin's body, covering all three of them, and the ground tens of meters around was condensed into ice.

Anos subconsciously hid back, but his hands and feet were still covered in cold air, and they condensed into ice cubes.

He raised his knife and cut off his frozen hands and feet, then raised his head and looked forward.

The cold air like a thick fog disappeared, Bai Yuelin was intact, but Lingo and the little girl were frozen into crystal clear ice sculptures.

If others saw this scene, they would probably think that when Bai Yuelin attacked the enemy, he killed his teammates as well.

But Anos knew that Bai Yuelin saved the two companions at a critical moment.

His ability can manipulate the liquid in the enemy's body at close range, directly causing the instant kill effect.

And Bai Yuelin predicted this, and froze the blood in their bodies in advance, offsetting Anos' control.

And she was also covered in icy cold air, isolating Anos's control.

"Good reaction ability, so what are you going to do with this move?"

Anos praised, and at the same time remotely controlled the free water molecules around him, and instantly condensed into countless sharp water arrows, aiming at the three of them and covering them.

Even if it is frozen into an ice sculpture, as long as the ice sculpture is destroyed, the people inside will not be able to survive.

Bai Yuelin raised her hand and summoned several magic rings to block the water arrows.

The water arrows shot into the magic ring, and appeared around Anos' body in the next second, shooting towards him one after another.

These water arrows had already condensed into ice when they passed through the magic ring, instantly piercing Anos's whole body into a hedgehog, and completely freezing his whole body, falling to the ground and smashing into pieces.

"You don't think that's me, do you?"

Anos's teasing voice sounded above his head, Bai Yuelin looked up, and found that the sunny weather was cloudy in a blink of an eye, and heavy rain fell from the sky.

Bai Yuelin fixed her eyes on Anos, and a dozen magic rings suddenly appeared on his body, cutting him into dozens of sections.

"Is it really a dangerous ability?"

Arnold praised again: "It's a pity that it doesn't work for me."

Bai Yuelin's magic ring has a strong physical cutting effect. It can be said that there is nothing she can't cut off, but when she encounters an enemy like Anos, she will be blinded.

Because he is not afraid of physical damage at all, or it should be said that he is not afraid of this kind of cutting damage, unless every water molecule in his body can be chopped into pieces in an instant.

"The whole of Brazil is covered with my moisture."

Anos raised his hand, and countless rainwater gathered in the air, forming a huge upside-down waterspout in a blink of an eye: "You can continue to escape, I just happen to be free now, and I don't mind playing hide-and-seek with you."

A huge waterspout fell from the sky, aiming at Bai Yuelin like a waterfall and toppling down.

Bai Yuelin raised her hand and created a huge magic ring in front of her.

However, the waterspout split into dozens of water snakes in an instant, making arcs and besieging Bai Yuelin from all directions.

The halos kept splitting from Bai Yuelin's body one by one, trying to resist these water snakes, but the water snakes were also splitting, and the number continued to explode.

"How much can you hold back?"

Anos raised his hand again, and he summoned another huge waterspout, hitting Ringo and the little girl who had been frozen into ice sculptures.

A large amount of cold air burst out from Bai Yuelin's body instantly, and the cold air that was far colder than the north and south poles blew in all directions.

All the surrounding liquid, including the rainwater falling from the sky, was frozen into ice in an instant.

Bai Yuelin exploded Elizabeth's power in one breath, directly turning the surrounding several kilometers into a severe winter.

The temperature in the air dropped rapidly, and Anos found that the surface of his body made of water began to condense, and it quickly eroded towards the inside.

A magic ring suddenly appeared in front of him, Bai Yuelin jumped out of the magic ring, and swung Anos's face with an absolute zero punch.

Before the fist hit, Anos' body was frozen into ice, and then he was punched to pieces.

However, Bai Yuelin did not let down his vigilance and continued to look for Anos.

"Water and ice are symbiosis and competition at the same time."

Anos' voice sounded again, but he himself did not appear.

"Water can freeze, and ice can melt into water. It depends on who can take control of the liquid. Can you control the next blow?"

The ground began to tremble, Bai Yuelin turned her head to look into the distance, her expression changed slightly.

The sea water on the beach began to flow backward rapidly, exposing the seabed below, and on the sea surface in the distance, there appeared a white water line that could not be seen at a glance.

With her excellent eyesight, Bai Yuelin could see that it was a huge tsunami.

The tsunami flooded the beach and port, flooded the city and the building, and in a blink of an eye, it formed a terrifying wave hundreds of meters high, rushing towards Bai Yuelin.

The screams of countless ordinary people resounded in the city, but soon they disappeared in the huge waves.

Bai Yuelin didn't expect that the battle between Anos and her would have no regard for the life and death of the hundreds of thousands of residents in the city.

This huge tsunami couldn't help Bai Yuelin, but it was essentially to compete with her for control of the surrounding water molecules.

Once he turned this place into a vast ocean, could Bai Yuelin still be able to freeze all the liquid?And the more water there is, the stronger Anos will be.

Bai Yuelin turned around and went back to Lingo and the little girl, ready to take them away.

"The big show is already on the stage, so running away now, isn't it a little bit of face for me?"

Following Anos' playful voice, heavy rain fell from the sky again, breaking through the extreme low temperature area.

Every drop of rain is a deadly weapon, Bai Yuelin had to summon the magic ring to resist the attack, and was delayed in escaping.

And that monstrous huge wave was already close at hand, with the aura of engulfing everything, it swooped over to cover the sky and cover the sun.

Bai Yuelin raised her hands high, about to activate Elizabeth's power again.


Suddenly, a cold shout sounded.

The white glare covered the entire world in an instant, and time seemed to stand still.

A huge wave of light came from a distance and swept across the tsunami.

The huge tsunami, which had grown to hundreds of meters high, was cut in half by the middle. Hundreds of millions of tons of seawater were blown away by a terrifying force, and instantly turned into a billowing mist. Even the distant building that was submerged by the tsunami The city was also swept away by this blow, and countless high-rise buildings were uprooted.

"who is it?"

Accompanied by Anos' exclamation, a very familiar figure Bai Yuelin appeared in the sky.

"Take a good look at Qianhe, the Yata mirror is used in this way."

This mature and plump woman with a long ponytail grabbed the Yata mirror in her hand and threw it in a certain direction.


The invincible Anos uttered a scream, and the dark clouds and rain all over the sky dissipated instantly.

Seeing an acquaintance, Bai Yuelin breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and came to Lin Po and the little girl, and thawed them out.

Relying on Elizabeth's power, it can be guaranteed that people who are frozen will not die, but they cannot be frozen for too long.

"You two, long time no see."

A figure with a sword in his arms appeared in front of the two of them and greeted them.

Ringo looked at her in surprise: "Sarina, why are you here?"

Sharina explained: "We happened to pass by Paraty and found someone fighting here, so we came to have a look. We didn't expect it to be you."

"Sarina, are you free?"

Yusi Qianhe descended from the sky and landed in front of the three of them: "Why don't you block the front and let that kid run away."

Sarina apologized helplessly: "Sorry my lord, I will pay attention next time."

Ringo blinked in surprise, Mitera Chizuru didn't have such a domineering character in his memory.

Bai Yuelin smiled slightly: "Master Amaterasu, congratulations on finding your own strength."

"You still have some eyesight."

Amaterasu, who occupied Mitera Chizuru's body, looked at the little girl: "Little devil, is the fragment of the World Tree in your body?"

The little girl was so frightened that she hid behind Bai Yuelin, holding onto her clothes tightly.

"World tree fragments?"

Bai Yuelin patted the little girl's head, comforting her, and at the same time asked Amaterasu: "Master Amaterasu, what is a World Tree fragment?"

Amaterasu went offline as if I was too lazy to explain to you, and threw his body back to Chizuru Midera.

Mitera Chizuru and Bai Yuelin looked at each other, and then showed helpless expressions at the same time.

Such a god is really difficult to serve, and there is no way to drive her away.

Yuji Qianhe felt a little regretful in his heart, he knew that he should have persuaded Xu Cheng in the first place, not to return the power to Amaterasu so easily.

Originally, Amaterasu, who only had his soul left, was just a bit stubborn. After regaining his power, he immediately returned to the deity's style.

Probably only Xu Cheng can cure her, and Mitera Chizuru and Sarina are purely tool people exploited by Amaterasu.

"We came to Brazil to find World Tree fragments."

Mitera Chizuru told Bai Yuelin about the world tree fragments.

Hearing that this was a matter that Xu Cheng and the two goddesses attached great importance to, Bai Yuelin's expression became serious. She suddenly remembered that when she touched the little girl's body before, the spirit in her body was uncontrollably absorbed by her. Let's go, isn't this the characteristic of World Tree fragments?

Bai Yuelin turned around and squatted in front of the little girl, wiped her dirty face with her sleeve: "Tell sister, did you put something strange into your body?"

"It's a green leaf."

The little girl felt very close to Bai Yuelin, so she let go of her guard: "I was very hungry, I thought that leaf could be eaten, so I ate it..."

From the little girl's narration, few people in Bai Yuelin knew that she had been wandering since her parents died after the disaster happened.

Some time ago, I dug out a shimmering emerald green leaf from the garbage dump. It looked like she was salivating, and she couldn't help but ate it after being hungry for several days.

After eating it, the ability hidden in the blood was awakened, but at the same time, it also attracted the pursuit of the gods who ruled almost the entire Brazil.

Hearing the torment the little girl was crying and being hunted down, Bai Yuelin's eyes were slightly red, and she stretched out her hand to hug her.

She is not a very sympathetic person, but the little girl in front of her is her clan, so she is naturally close, so she will naturally empathize with her.

"Sister, I have a younger sister who was also taken away by those villains."

The little girl clutched Bai Yuelin's skirt tightly with both hands, and begged: "She has also eaten that kind of emerald green leaves, please, please save her."

Bai Yuelin was taken aback, and exchanged a glance with Mitera Chizuru.

"I didn't expect Little Brazil to have two World Tree fragments, saving me a few extra trips."

Amaterasu went online forcibly again, apparently eavesdropping all the time, and directly gave orders to Bai Yuelin, regardless of whether she liked it or not: "Get the second World Tree fragment back immediately."

Bai Yuelin suddenly felt deep sympathy for Mitera Chizuru and Sarina. With such a leader who goes his own way every day, I am afraid that he will suffer from insomnia every day.

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