Chapter 666
Joyce's expression was very contradictory, with both joy and sorrow. Qiu Gongyue speculated that it might be the simultaneous appearance of good news and bad news that made him show such a contradictory expression.

"The last undercover agent of the Goddess Cult just died."

Joyce looked sad: "However, before he died, he still tried his best to spread two important news."

Qiu Gongyue didn't rush to ask what the good news was, but said a sentence of relief: "His sacrifice will not be in vain. When we solve the Senate and the artificial goddess, the Goddess Sect will be able to regain control of Guangming Mountain."

The purpose of her coming back this time is just to avenge the Moon Clan, and at the same time to find the whereabouts of the Shadow Goddess. She has no interest in Guangming Mountain.

It's no problem to hand over Guangming Mountain to the Goddess Cult who has been providing help.

Joyce waited for this important promise, put away the sad expression on his face, and told the news that the undercover agent had returned.

"Our people have searched almost the entire Guangming Mountain, but we haven't found the whereabouts of the artificial goddess. Our undercover agent discovered that shortly after you left last time, the four elders entered the female mysterious realm together. The artificial goddess is extremely mysterious. It may be locked in a secret place."

"As for the location of the entrance to the secret realm, it has been hidden by the four elders, and only they can open it. However, our undercover agent has found out that the entrance to the secret realm should be guarded by Prime Minister Jefferson."

These two are indeed extremely important news. What Qiu Gongyue is most afraid of is being blocked by the artificial goddess. The elders took the opportunity to hide in the secret realm and closed the entrance, so she was helpless.

Now that it is confirmed that the artificial goddess is locked in a secret realm, and the secret realm may be guarded by the Prime Minister, then you can act freely.

Before Qiu Gongyue discussed the countermeasures with the rest of the people, a believer of the Goddess Sect rushed in and shouted anxiously: "My lord, the dog legs of the Senate have found our location."

Joyce's complexion changed slightly, it must have been exposed in order to send back the undercover news.

But when he saw Qiu Gongyue's person, he immediately felt relieved.

"It seems that there is no time to wait for us to slowly formulate a battle plan."

Seeing this, Qiu Gongyue said directly: "Lixiang, you stay and help them. The rest of you will go to the Senate with me, and try to subdue the four elders at the same time in a short time. Don't give them a chance to escape into the secret realm."

Ito Rika did not refuse. Although she had already practiced the fifth-level breathing method, she was still the weakest among her friends. She couldn't even compare with her two little sisters, so she could only stay and do some odd jobs.

"Set off."

Nagumo Narumi raised his hand and cheered, "Go to the Senate and capture the fourth old man alive."

The past few months have almost suffocated her, and she is just waiting for this day to have fun.

Qiu Gongyue stopped talking, and the shadow under her feet instantly expanded, enveloping Evelyn, Nagumo Narumi, and Dinah, all sank into the shadow, and disappeared.

What she got from the last saint was not only the power of death, but also the power of shadow, and her current power had reached the level of the ultimate ability user.

Seeing the four leave, Joyce's face showed excitement and excitement, but at the same time, he was also full of worry: "Can they succeed?"

Ito Rika yawned boredly: "Simple."

The four veterans were at most at the level of superpowers, and Qiu Gongyue could handle them casually.

The only tricky thing was the artificial goddess, but since it was locked up, there was no need to worry about it.

It happened to be night outside, and the shadow of Qiu Gongyue was swimming quickly in the night, approaching the brightly lit Senate House on the top of the mountain.

In the Senate, the security level has been raised to the highest level, and a large number of guards are patrolling back and forth.

The last undercover agent of the Goddess Sect made quite a commotion, which alarmed the three elders.

Xu Cheng made a big fuss in Guangming Mountain before, which made them quite sensitive to this kind of thing, and now they are a little frightened.

In a luxurious meeting room, two of the four elders have already met here to listen to the reports of their subordinates.

They have already investigated and found out that the explosion just now was made by an undercover agent of the Goddess Sect, mainly for the purpose of sending out some information.

The Senate has sent people to track down the other party's trail, and perhaps tonight will be able to wipe out the last power of the Goddess Cult.

"Hmph, it's really haunting."

One of the elders held a cane in both hands, and slammed the pestle heavily on the ground, making a bang.

The Goddess Sect is deeply rooted in Guangming Mountain, and it involves a lot. Originally, it was difficult for the elders to wipe them out in one fell swoop. However, after the artificial goddess woke up, the elders had enough confidence to adopt the determination of a strong man to cut their wrists, and use the power of the Goddess Sect Clear All.

It's just that I didn't expect to be entangled for so long. The Goddess Cult is like mice and cockroaches in the gutter, and they can't be killed no matter how hard they are.

"The centipede is dead but not stiff. The history of the Goddess Church is longer than our Senate. How can it be cleaned up so easily."

Another elder picked up the report in his hand, glanced at it, and frowned slightly: "The recent attacks are a bit strange. They shouldn't still have such a lot of power. Be careful not to capsize."

"It's just a dying struggle."

The elder holding a cane ordered his subordinates standing aside: "Intensify efforts and mobilize all the guardians. Be sure to find out all the remnants of the Goddess Cult tonight and wipe them out completely."


The subordinate quickly agreed, and then hurried out.

Before he could leave the meeting room, a loud voice sounded outside.

"Don't worry, we're coming."

With a loud bang, the floor-to-ceiling windows of the meeting room were smashed open, and a giant white dog, as huge as a bull, rushed in from the outside, riding on its back two little girls who seemed to be underage.

With a wave of the crutch in the elder's hand, all the shards of glass shot at them were imprisoned in the air, and fell to the ground with a clatter in the next second.

Another elder suddenly stood up from the sofa: "Who are you?"

"We are the League of Sisters-in-law of Justice."

Nanyun Narumi raised his hand and pointed at the two of them: "Dog, bite them."

An invisible wave of light diffused from Lulu above Nanyun Narumi's head, spreading across the entire meeting room in an instant.


The two elders were about to use the secret technique subconsciously, but their expressions immediately changed, as if they were constipated, and they wanted to pull it out but couldn't.

The secret technique can't be used?

It doesn't matter, we still have the method of breathing...

too late.

The Snow Wolf God had already pounced on him, and with a wave of his giant claws, he instantly knocked the two elders into the air, slammed into the wall of the meeting room, and vomited blood.

They have all mastered the fifth layer of breathing method, their bodies are extremely strong, even if they bite the snow wolf god's claws hard, they don't even die.

"So hard?"

Nagumo Narumi was a little surprised, and then commanded: "Change to a magic attack."

Lulu lifted the restraint, and a blue light appeared from Snow Wolf's body, and he let out a low growl.

An extreme chill spread from its feet, freezing the entire meeting room in an instant.

As soon as the faces of the two elders changed, they subconsciously propped themselves up and ran away.

"Don't try to run."

Dinah, who was sitting behind Narumi Nagumo, had already made a move. Under her control, the shadow in the conference room was like an invisible rope, instantly binding the two elders in place.

Before the two elders could resist, they were frozen into two lumps of ice sculptures by the snow wolf god's extreme chill.

Dinah was a little dissatisfied: "This is too cruel, I thought it was a boss, so it's not even an elite monster."

Nanyun Narumi corrected her: "You don't understand, it is also a kind of refreshment for a full-level boss to only pass through Novice Village."

Dinah retorted: "But we are not alone, can't we count as single communication?"

"That's five kings frying fish in the water pool, which means the same thing anyway."

Nanyun Narumi pulled the hair on Snow Wolf God's neck with both hands: "God, let's go."

A large group of guards had gathered outside, and the Snow Wolf God rushed out with the two of them on his back. He opened his mouth and sprayed, turning the scorching hot summer into a world of ice and snow.


On the other side, another elder with white beard and hair, who resembled Gandalf, was walking hurriedly in the corridor, followed by two subordinates.

If Xu Cheng or Qiu Gongyue were here, they would be able to recognize this elder as the Duncan they met underground.

Duncan heard the movement from the Senate in the distance, and thought of the incident of being invaded by Xu Cheng before, and now he couldn't sit still, and was going to rush over to check the situation.

But while walking, he suddenly stopped and couldn't move anymore.

Not only him, but also the two subordinates behind him, the three of them seemed to be frozen in place.

"This is a dark secret technique... No, this is an assassin inheritance."

Duncan was taken aback, and subconsciously blurted out.

The dark secret art is a weakened version of the assassin's inheritance. The dark secret art practiced to the limit can no longer control him silently. Only the legendary assassin's inheritance that has been lost for many years has this kind of power.

"You have a good eye."

Emerging from the darkness, Evelyn had been standing in the hallway, hiding herself with the help of the Assassin heritage, but Duncan hadn't noticed.

Duncan rolled his eyes, looked at Evelyn's face, and found that it was a woman he didn't know.

While trying his best to resist the shackles of the shadow, he spoke with difficulty: "Talk?"

"No need."

Evelyn's face was frozen, and she killed her without hesitation.

The strength of this old thing is not weak, and he cannot be given a chance to resist.

A shadow was like a long snake, quickly crawling up to Duncan's neck, entangled in circles.

Duncan struggled with all his strength, veins appeared on his forehead, and blood vessels on his neck swelled, but the shadow wrapped around him tightened round and round, and finally strangled him to death.

With a thud, Duncan fell on his back, his eyes still wide open, full of unwillingness.

He never thought that he would be so suffocated in the end that he would die in the hands of such a woman he had never met before.

Evelyn exhaled lightly. This old guy's strength is not bad, and he almost broke free from her shackles in the end.

If it wasn't for a sneak attack to imprison the opponent all at once, it would take a lot of effort for the two sides to fight openly.

The two attendants were scared to pee, but Evelyn ignored them, but let them go and let them go back to report.

Next, we will look at Qiu Gongyue.

Nagumo Narumi and Dinah rode the Snow Wolf God, having fun in the Senate, and the noise they created was like boiling water.

In the core of the Senate, in a luxurious study.

An old man with white beard and hair was half lying on a soft sofa, quietly reading a book in his hand.

He is the Prime Minister of the Senate, the elder with the highest status and strength among the four elders.

The sound insulation effect of this study is excellent, the movement outside is only faintly transmitted in, but it does not disturb the Prime Minister's mood of reading.

This was probably the dying struggle of the Goddess Sect. He believed that the other three elders could handle everything and he didn't need to worry about it.

But not long after, the phone next to the sofa rang, interrupting the silence.

The Prime Minister frowned slightly. This call was from the Emergency Center of the Senate, and they would only call to disturb him in extremely serious situations.

Could it be that the three old things outside couldn't even handle the dying goddess cult?

Or did something serious happen?

The Prime Minister put down the book in his hand and picked up the phone to answer: "What's the matter?!"

"My lord, the Prime Minister."

The voice on the phone was full of panic: "The three elders have all been killed."

"What did you say?"

The Prime Minister suddenly stood up from the sofa and shouted in disbelief.

"The three elders have already been killed. The enemy's strength is very terrifying. Come out and preside over the overall situation."

The Prime Minister could no longer hear what was being said on the phone, and the receiver slowly fell from his hand.

Although those three old guys have always been defeated by him in the internal struggle, their strength is definitely not weak. If they are 100 points, then they are 95 points.

And now, the three of them were killed so easily? !
The Prime Minister suspected for a moment that the call was a fraud by the enemy, but his intuition told him that it was impossible.

After a while, he hurriedly turned around and walked back.

Instead of going out of the study to preside over the overall situation, I came to the inside of the study and reached out and pressed on the bookshelf.

Amidst the rumbling sound, the wall rose, revealing a secret door.

An enemy who could easily kill the three elders, even if he went out, would only give away his head.

The only thing he can do now is to hide in the goddess' secret realm so that the enemy can't find him.

After entering the secret passage, the Prime Minister hurriedly ran inside. His usual majestic and calm pace now seemed a bit hasty and messy.

Pass through several doors that need to be unlocked with fingerprints and pupils, and finally come to a closed door.

Behind the gate is the entrance to the female mysterious realm.

The entrance to the Mysterious Woman Realm was open to the public. After the Senate seized power, they remodeled the interior of the Senate and hid the entrance to the Mysterious Female Realm, making it a secret that only the elders can grasp.

The Prime Minister did not hesitate, and pressed his hand on the fingerprint on the door to unlock it.Only the fingerprints of their four elders can open the door.

The unlocking was successful, and with a soft bang, the door in front of me slowly opened, revealing the entrance behind.

Like all the entrances to the secret realm, the entrance to the secret realm here is also a center of a storm that looks like it is constantly rotating, as if to attract people's attention.

The Prime Minister, who was about to enter the secret realm, suddenly found that his legs could not move, as if they were stuck to the ground.

He froze all over, then slowly turned around, and at some point there was a woman standing behind him.

The Prime Minister's face was full of bitterness: "It turned out to be you."

(End of this chapter)

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