Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 671 Can I Give You a Slap

Chapter 671 Can I Give You A Slap

Xu Cheng didn't expect that the target he was looking for would suddenly appear in front of him.

This woman named A Ying wore a veil on her face, her long black hair was coiled behind her head, and only a pair of big and bright eyes were exposed.

Her eyes were extremely beautiful, even perfect. Xu Cheng knew so many goddesses, but he couldn't find anyone more beautiful than these eyes.

Moreover, these eyes gave him a sense of familiarity, as if he had seen them somewhere before, reminding him of the goddess of beauty, Evedi, who also wore a veil on her face.

But he can be sure that this woman is not Eveti, because the shape of the eyes is different, and the temperament is also different.

She stood quietly behind the broken wall like this, exuding an aura of indifference from the inside out, as if she didn't care about everything in the world.

This should be the goal of the mission, but Xu Cheng didn't agree directly, otherwise it would be too strange: "We have never met before, why do you ask me to send you to a certain place?"

"You can understand it as a transaction."

A Ying said lightly: "If you help me, I can give you a generous reward."

"It's not a question of pay."

Xu Cheng pointed at himself: "You don't even know who I am, so you dare to ask me to send you off?"

A Ying is as good as a gentleman: "Then who are you?"

Xu Cheng: "..."

He felt that this woman was very strange, with an indescribable feeling, as if she didn't know much about the world.

"My name is Xu Cheng. I'm a wandering traveler. You can also call me a pioneer."

Xu Cheng created a fake identity for himself: "Aren't you afraid that I'm a bad person if you ask me to send you off?"

Ah Ying asked back: "Then are you a bad person?"

Xu Cheng: "..."

He said angrily: "I'm not a bad person, but I'm not a horse and a cow at the beck and call of others. What if I don't send you off?"

"I can give you a good reward, can you send me?"

"I said it's not a matter of remuneration."

Xu Cheng felt that it was difficult to communicate with this woman who seemed to have some brain problems. He looked down at the short-haired woman's body under his feet and asked, "Who is this to you?"

A Ying glanced at the dead body, her eyes were impassive: "She is my servant."

"Then she died, why don't you feel sad at all."

The short-haired woman obviously died to protect A Ying, and even before she died, she hoped that Xu Cheng could protect her.

But Ah Ying was indifferent to this, very indifferent, like a dead pet dog... No, even if the pet dog died, the owner might be very sad, but she didn't even react at all.

"I'll bring her back to life later, if you wish."

Ah Ying looked at Xu Cheng again: "Can you send me off now?"

"What is my hope? This is not my servant."

Xu Cheng finally discovered that the weirdness of this woman was not just indifference. She revealed a superior attitude in her speech, but now she was asking Xu Cheng for help, so she showed a very perfunctory attitude—— I agreed to your request, hurry up and do as I said.

Her status must be very high, so high that she doesn't care about human life at all.

If it wasn't for the task requirements, Xu Cheng would probably give her a set of Professor Yang's set meal, so that she could wake up and understand her situation.

He took a deep breath and asked patiently, "Where are you going?"

Ah Ying blurted out almost without thinking: "Send me to Wan Guo City."

Xu Cheng knew about Wan Guo City, he had heard of it in the gate of hell.

Wan Guo City is not affiliated to any country. It is an independent and self-governing city-state. It is located at the transportation hub in the center of the world and is extremely prosperous.

And it's Xu Cheng's old acquaintance, the city protected by the God of War Cronus.

But he has only heard of it, not been there.

"I don't know Wan Guo City, so I don't know how to get there."

"I can tell you."

A Ying came out from behind the broken wall, picked up a small stone on the ground, and lightly drew it on the ground.

She moves with the utmost grace and beauty, looking like a royal princess with the highest education... no, the queen.

In a blink of an eye, Ah Ying had already drawn a simple map from Silver Light City to Wan Guo City with stones on the ground.

"It's about three months' journey for an earth dragon to walk without sleep."

Aying threw away the stone and stood up: "You may encounter the army of the Outer Gods on the road, which is a little dangerous, you have to be mentally prepared."

Xu Cheng asked strangely, "Army of Outer Gods?"

"It is the army that is now preparing to conquer the world."

Ah Ying didn't explain further: "We can go now."

"Wait a moment."

Xu Cheng dug a hole on the spot and buried the short-haired woman's body. After all, she was a loyal servant, and she couldn't be left dead in the wilderness like this.

Seeing Xu Cheng's behavior, Ah Ying suddenly said: "If you like him, I can give her to you."

I'm not a fucking necrophile, why do I want a corpse?
Is it hot?
Xu Chengcheng couldn't help it, covered the corpse with the last touch of soil, and then looked back at A Ying: "Can I give you a slap?"

A Ying opened his eyes wide and looked at him fixedly, seeming a little puzzled: "I'm sorry if my words made you feel uncomfortable."

Although he apologized, there was no sincerity in his tone.

Xu Cheng could tell that this woman probably didn't do it on purpose, maybe she was born with such a personality that she deserved to be beaten.

Forget it, there's no need to get angry with a mission person.

Xu Cheng manipulated the electromagnetic field, began to wrap Aying's body, and lifted her into the air.

After becoming a god physically, his control over chaotic energy has greatly increased, and now he can easily use the electromagnetic field to fly people without worrying about causing damage to the opponent.

According to the mission prompt, this woman is still a wounded person, and the mission is to protect her until she recovers, so she must be careful.

A Ying did not resist, and allowed Xu Cheng to pull herself up from the ground, but her mouth did not stop: "You shouldn't have killed all the soldiers in the city, this will lead to our whereabouts being discovered, and we should be more careful next time, Instead of leaving from the sky with great fanfare, otherwise it will attract pursuers..."

"To shut up."

Xu Cheng took Aying up into the air, followed the simple map she drew to identify the direction of Wan Guo City, and then turned into a bolt of lightning and set off. Aying, who was wrapped in a magnetic field, was hung behind and flew together.

Flying forward at the speed of a fighter jet, Aying showed no fear on his face, nor did he shut up because of Xu Cheng's warning just now.

"Are you an apostle of Thor?"

"Using thunder and lightning must be the apostle of Thor?"

"Thor is a very stingy god who rarely allows humans to use his power."

A Ying said: "What's more, you are a human being who has become a god in the flesh. You should not be unknown. Could it be that what you told me just now is a pseudonym?"

Even if I tell you the pseudonym, you shouldn't ask directly.

Xu Cheng turned his head and saw that this woman could still see that she was a god in the flesh. What is her identity?
At such a high speed, it is unscientific that the veil on Ah Ying's face is still quietly attached to his face and has not been lifted off.

Just as Xu Cheng was about to speak, he suddenly turned his head and looked in a certain direction.

In his electromagnetic induction, he can sense that some powerful creatures take off from the ground hundreds of kilometers away, and fly towards him.

"Is it a coincidence? Or was it discovered?"

No matter which one it was, Xu Cheng was unwilling to take the risk because he still had a wounded person by his side.

He immediately speeded up, ready to throw off the pursuers behind him.

In terms of speed, unless he meets someone with spatial abilities, no one would dare to admit that he would be number one if he dared to be second.

He gradually accelerated, increasing the speed to the upper limit that the electromagnetic field could withstand, which was enough to break through the earth's atmosphere and become a humanoid rocket.

The pursuers were quickly left behind.


A surprised expression appeared on Xu Cheng's face.

The pursuers who were thrown away by hundreds of kilometers actually crossed a distance of one hundred kilometers in an instant, narrowing the distance between the two sides.

This made Xu Cheng feel bad, because it represented two bad news.

First, the opponent is really chasing soldiers, and second, the opponent has mastered the ability to jump faster than Thunder and Lightning.

"Have we been discovered?"

Ah Ying's observation ability is very keen, and she even judged the truth of the matter from Xu Cheng's sudden acceleration.

Xu Cheng looked back at her: "Is there still time for me to land now?"

"That's too late."

Ah Ying was not angry because of Xu Cheng's behavior of attracting pursuers, and said coldly: "Be prepared to be bitten to death, it will be difficult for us to get rid of the pursuers."

Xu Cheng is not nervous, he has long been used to all kinds of dangers and accidents brought about by difficult tasks.

"If you can't escape, just kill them all."

Ah Ying is not as confident as Xu Cheng: "Even the gods will flee when they see the army of the outer gods. Maybe I shouldn't ask you."

"It's too late to say that now."

In Xu Cheng's perception, the pursuers behind have been continuously jumping in space, quickly closing the distance between each other.

The next moment, a few kilometers in front of Xu Cheng, a bright light appeared out of thin air.

In the dazzling brilliance, nineteen griffins appeared out of thin air, causing obvious shocks to the space and setting off circles of ripples visible to the naked eye.

On each griffin sits a knight in golden armor and holding a hammer.

Xu Cheng's expression became serious.

The strength of this group of pursuers is not weak, and the worst ones have the level of superpowers, just like the golden armor general who was killed by him in Silver City just now.

And the most powerful one is an ultimate ability user.

Xu Cheng's eyes locked on the strongest griffin among them, and on his back sat a middle-aged strong man in golden armor with a strong figure.

A Ying introduced in a cold tone: "The candidate for the Knights of God, Anxi Hegman, and his eighteen knights."

"Hegman's strength is very strong, especially forming a Holy Light Formation with the Eighteen Knights. You can borrow the power of the Great Lord. If you want to deal with him, you must first clear the Eighteen Knights around him."

The following words from Ah Ying were very faint, like flowing water, flowing into Xu Cheng's ears, and only he could hear them.

Hegman's eyes were sharp, and after sweeping across Xu Cheng, he landed on Aying, and said angrily, "It really is a damned heretic, it's so cruel that it slaughtered all the soldiers in the city."

His voice was like thunder, rolling in the sky, startling countless birds and beasts in the forest below.

After hearing this, Xu Cheng couldn't help complaining: "Isn't it cruel for soldiers to slaughter the city?"

Only then did Hegman turn his gaze to him: "Silver City is all heresy, and believers in the gods of heresy should die."

"Good guy."

Xu Cheng suddenly lost interest in communicating with this religious lunatic, and if he talked too much, his brain would be polluted by the other party's words.

Seeing that Xu Cheng remained silent, Hegman felt that he had nothing to say, and snorted coldly: "Your brutal behavior has exposed your whereabouts, especially you, under the fate established by the great Lord, you will eventually kill me hands, die."

"A lot of nonsense."

Xu Cheng turned into a flash of lightning and shot straight at Hegman.

"Good come."

Hegman clamped his legs, and the griffin's wings fluttered. Its huge body was wrapped in golden light, and it charged towards Xu Cheng.

The distance between the two sides was several kilometers in an instant. Hegeman raised the hammer in his hand and struck Xu Cheng hard, hitting the end of the thunderbolt.

Xu Cheng bypassed him in an instant with a clever movement, and went straight to the eighteen knights behind him.

"Damn it, stop!"

Hegman suddenly understood what Xu Cheng was going to do, turned around and threw the hammer in his hand towards him.

The eighteen knights also remained calm in the face of danger. At the same time, they raised the war hammers in their hands, gathering the energy of the eighteen people together to form a huge energy beam, which collided with Xu Cheng who was rushing over.

At the same time, the war hammer thrown by Hegman also hit Xu Cheng in the back.

There was a loud noise, dazzling glare accompanied by countless thunderclaps erupting from the sky instantly, drowning everyone.

The sight of the eighteen knights was disturbed at the same time.Having experienced many battles, they did not let down their vigilance because Xu Cheng was hit on the back, and began to search for his whereabouts.

The expressions of the outermost knights suddenly changed drastically, Xu Cheng did not know when he was covered by the strong light, and touched in front of him.

He swung the hammer in his hand and struck Xu Cheng's forehead. The force contained in this blow was enough to level a mountain.

Xu Cheng raised his hand to resist, and the other hand thrust forward with lightning speed, directly piercing through the defense of the golden armor, piercing into the knight's chest, and the lightning was released, burning his entire body into coke.

After killing this man, Xu Cheng's whole body split into seventeen lightning bolts, each of which rushed towards the remaining seventeen knights.

Although the knights were taken aback, they were also very brave. They swung their war hammers and attacked them.

"Damn heresy!! Crap!!"

Seeing that Xu Cheng was hit on the back and not only did not get hurt, but instead killed a knight with a sneak attack, Hegman cursed angrily.

These knights are all his retinues carefully cultivated, each one is extremely precious, and losing one would make his heart bleed.

However, Hegman had a lot of combat experience, so he didn't go back to rescue immediately. Although Xu Cheng avoided him and attacked the eighteen knights, he was also entangled by the eighteen knights in turn.

With a wave of Hegeman's hand, he summoned back the war hammer he had thrown out, and at the same time pulled the reins to activate the space jump ability.

He jumped in front of A Ying in an instant, held up the warhammer in his hand, summoned a golden holy light, and slashed hard at A Ying, and the holy light drowned her whole body.

But Hegman didn't feel joy on his face, because he felt that he had hit the air with a hammer.

He looked up, and found that there were hundreds of shadows densely packed around him, and it was impossible to tell which one was the real one.

This space has been covered by Xu Cheng's electromagnetic field. Electromagnetic waves can not only modify light, but also create air vibration and gravity changes, forming various noisy sounds, which seriously interfere with the enemy's judgment.

For a moment, Hegman couldn't tell where A Ying was. With his legs pinched, the sitting griffin raised its head and let out a terrifying scream, rolling sound waves, pouring out.

Hundreds of shadows around him distorted and disappeared at the same time, and only one remained, running more than ten kilometers away.

She snorted, showing a pained expression.

The sonic attack of the griffin caused a lot of damage to her.

Hegman was about to use the space jump to catch up again, when a flash of lightning shot from behind and hit him directly on the back.

After killing the three knights, Xu Cheng finally rushed back.

The warhammer in Hegman's hand hit backhand, and collided with Xu Cheng's thunder light, making a loud noise that could almost burst eardrums.

Aying was wrapped in the magnetic field and shot into the distance. She left the scope of the battlefield. She looked up and saw the terrifying thunder and lightning entangled with the holy light. The whole sky was covered by the wandering electric snake and the scattered light.

Xu Cheng's hand tightly grasped the war hammer that Hegman swung down. Even if he entered Thor's body, the war hammer could actually attack his flesh.

Fortunately, his body is hard enough.

"I see."

Hegman gritted his teeth: "You damn heretic, you have become a god in the flesh!!"

No wonder just now that Xu Cheng took him and the Eighteenth Knight's back and forth attack, it turns out that he has become a god physically, and ordinary attacks can't hurt him at all.

Hegman didn't have Aying's vision, so he couldn't see it for a while, and he didn't realize it until now when they fought at close range.

This crucial intelligence lapse caused him to lose three followers.

"I eat both salty and sweet tofu. Who dares to say that I am a heretic?"

Xu Cheng made a confident voice, running the chaotic energy to the limit, and countless electrons around him were activated by him, forming a high-temperature electric field, launching an all-round covering attack on Hegman.

The golden armor on Hegman's body gleamed, and the resulting holy light covered himself, including the griffin he was sitting on, resisting the lightning attack.

He swung the hammer and fought Xu Cheng for thousands of rounds in an instant.

No matter which direction Xu Cheng attacked from, he blocked it.

When the two sides were in a stalemate, Hegman shouted loudly.

"Holy Light Array."

The remaining fifteen knights were already ready to take their positions, surrounding Xu Cheng and Hegman from all directions, while raising their warhammers high, arousing all their strength.

With them as nodes, a huge magic circle was activated.

Xu Cheng wanted to leave the Holy Light Array, but was entangled tightly by Hegman. At the same time, his whole body exploded with strength, like a lightning rod, receiving the power attracted by the Holy Light Array.

The sky that was originally covered with dark clouds was instantly pierced by a huge golden beam of light, which instantly fell into the center of the magic circle.

This holy light is composed of extremely high-concentration energy, capable of breaking down all matter into the most basic atoms.

Xu Cheng, who was entangled by Hegman, couldn't dodge in time, and was submerged in the holy light in an instant.

The holy light sank into the earth, disintegrating everything it touched.

The ground trembled violently, and the energy leaked caused a terrifying storm, blowing away the surrounding trees.

The attack of the holy light lasted for a full minute before it ended. When the holy light disappeared, it left a huge hole with a diameter of several kilometers and a bottomless bottomless hole on the ground.

Except for Hegman, the other fifteen knights all looked exhausted. This blow fully gathered the power of Hegman, the ultimate ability user, and the power of fifteen super ability users, to usher in a great victory. the light of the Lord.

If the scope of the attack is expanded, it can even easily destroy a large city with hundreds of thousands of people.

Xu Cheng had disappeared, but Hegman did not relax, and was still searching for his traces.

"Are you looking for me?"

A relaxed voice suddenly sounded above his head, Hegman raised his head and saw Xu Cheng hovering in the air intact.


Hegman's face changed, because Xu Cheng killed the three knights ahead of time, which caused a loophole in the holy light array, and Xu Cheng escaped at a critical moment.

The reason why Xu Cheng didn't run away at first was mainly to induce the knights to use this move and consume their strength.

Hegman already planned to back down, but Xu Cheng had already aimed at him from the air and rushed straight down.

With a wave of his arm, a lightning sword with a temperature of 10,000+ degrees hits the head.

Hegman raised his warhammer to resist, and the terrifying heat of the Thunder Light Sword burned his warhammer red, and he felt a burning pain in his palm.

"Come on!"

While resisting Xu Cheng's attack, Hegman stopped the surrounding knights who wanted to rush forward to help: "I'll hold him back, you all go back and ask for help."

Under his order, the knights turned around one after another, preparing to disperse and leave.

"Want to run? Come here!"

Xu Cheng made a move with both hands, and the faces of the fifteen knights flew upside down uncontrollably.

He was not idle when he fought Hegman, he had been secretly creating a huge magnetic field, and at this moment it suddenly activated, turning dozens of kilometers around into an electromagnetic field.

The terrifying magnetic field changed the gravity, and the fifteen knights flew towards the center uncontrollably, and the griffin they were sitting on struggled desperately to no avail.

Hegman's expression changed, and he drove the griffin towards Xu Cheng, trying to stop him.

Xu Cheng raised his hand to grab Hegman's hammer and continued to fight him.

The fifteen knights below were sucked in and slammed into each other fiercely. Then, under the pull of the magnetic field, they began to spin rapidly on the spot.

No matter how hard they struggle, they cannot break free from the shackles of the magnetic field, and the speed of rotation is getting faster and faster.

Seeing this, Hegman wanted to rush down to rescue them. He has the ability to jump in space, and as long as he catches everyone, he can take them all away.

But Xu Cheng stood in front of Hegman, not giving him any chance to rescue him.

The rotation speed of the magnetic field became more and more violent, and in a blink of an eye, a huge storm covering dozens of kilometers was formed. Countless vegetation on the ground was uprooted, and even a thick layer of the ground was scraped out, exposing the rock layer below.

In the middle of the storm, the terrifying rotation speed made the fifteen knights feel like their brains were about to be shaken into a paste. The terrible pressure of the magnetic field was squeezing their bodies even more. The dozen or so griffins had been crushed. His whole body was covered in blood, and he was dying.

Hegeman, who was blocked, suddenly flashed his figure, and even left the griffin he was sitting on, and came to the center of the storm in an instant, ready to jump away with all the knights.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Xu Cheng also rushed down, at such a short distance, it was no different from a flash to him, and he punched Hegman in the face.

Hegman hastily activated the ability to jump in space, and his face changed drastically in the next second.

In the middle of this strong magnetic field, the changed gravity made the space extremely unstable, and he couldn't use his space jumping ability, and if he used it forcefully, he would only be torn apart.

In other words, he can come in, but not out.

Under Hegman's flustered eyes, Xu Cheng punched him in the face, distorting his entire face.

At the same time, the magnetic field rotated to the limit, and the central area was under the high-speed rotation and high pressure of gravity. The high temperature generated by the violent friction of countless molecules finally formed a plasma ball with a temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees, and the temperature was still rising rapidly.

This is the move that Xu Cheng developed before - artificial sun.

(End of this chapter)

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