Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 673 Halftime Champagne

Chapter 673 Halftime Champagne
According to the truth revealed by the goddess of beauty, Evedi, Cronus will suffer a disastrous defeat in this battle with the Golden Supreme King, and then flee.

When he ran away, he even left his wife behind, and of course he didn't care about Wan Guo City.

The city will soon fall, and how happy this group of God of War believers are now will be how sad they will be after a while.

"Don't you like Cronus?"

A Ying noticed the subtle expression on Xu Cheng's face, it was a look that everyone was drunk and the only one was sober.

Xu Cheng didn't make any astonishing predictions, but said to Ah Ying, "Do you want to make a bet?"

"What are you gambling?"

"I bet that Cronus will fail soon, and the City of Nations will fall."

A Ying frowned slightly: "Do you think the great master will personally take action?"

Cronus is one of the most powerful gods. In terms of combat power, he is even unmatched. The Golden High King is at most equal to him, even with the Knights of God.

The reason why Ah Ying asked Xu Cheng to send her to Wan Guo City was because this was a place protected by Cronus, which was far safer than other places.

Unless the Great Lord strikes again, Kronos won't lose so quickly.


Xu Cheng shook his head: "Cronus will lose to the Golden High King, do you want to bet with me?"

Aying stared at Xu Cheng with big eyes, not understanding why he was so sure that Cronus would lose.

"What's the stake?"

"If I lose, then I don't get paid."

Xu Cheng looked directly into A Ying's eyes: "If I win, tell me your identity."

Aying looked at him for a few seconds, then nodded: "Okay."

This bet was just for Xu Cheng to have fun while he was idle, it was not important.

Looking at the fanatical crowd around him, he asked Ah Ying, "We've arrived at Wan Guo City, where are you going next?"

"Send me to the City Lord's Mansion."

Aying replied: "When you get there, your escort mission will be completed. No matter whether you win or lose the bet, I will give you a generous reward."

"Let's talk later."

Xu Cheng led her through the dense crowd and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion in Wan Guo City.

Along the way, I was able to meet troops preparing to go to the front, and received warm farewell from the people, who kept throwing flowers and fruits to them.

The morale of the army was also extremely high. The news that Cronus had personally rushed to the front line was a shot of stimulant to them, completely overwhelming the fear of going to the battlefield.

Xu Cheng had a delicate expression on his face. The higher the morale of the army, the faster the collapse would be once the news of Kronos' defeat came.

The best way for Kronos to deal with it is to go to the front line, but not to fight against the Golden High King, but to maintain the morale of the army as his god of war.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Xu Cheng to speak out loudly about what will happen in the future, otherwise it will definitely arouse public outrage.

Wan Guo City is too vast, and Xu Cheng and A Ying can't blatantly rush through the sky, so they can only walk slowly.

After walking for a long time, the two finally arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

It is said to be the City Lord's Mansion, but it is actually a very large palace. The ruler of this city is no different from a king, and its population of several million is even larger than that of some countries.

There were many people coming in and out of the magnificent gate of the City Lord's Mansion, but because of the proximity of the war, the security was also very strict, and identification was required for entry and exit, Xu Cheng and A Ying couldn't walk in carelessly.

"Send me in quietly, don't disturb too many people."

A Ying said to Xu Cheng: "Find the person in charge among them."

Her attitude still had a condescending taste, and she spoke in a commanding tone.

Xu Cheng didn't have the same knowledge as Ah Ying, so he brought her to the side of the City Lord's Mansion, and then used a dark secret technique to wrap the two of them, climbed over the towering wall, and entered the City Lord's Mansion.

The entire City Lord's Mansion is like a high-speed machine at this moment, and countless people are too busy to keep their feet on the ground.

The army's expedition, the gathering of refugees, and the price fluctuations caused by the war, the deterioration of public security and other issues have made the officials of the City Lord's Mansion very busy.

Ronald.Duke is the chief administrator of the city lord's mansion, and his status is only under the city lord.

At this moment, he was buried in a mountain of documents, the corners of his mouth were bubbling, his eyes were red, obviously he hadn't rested for several days, but he still kept his spirits up, and his hands never stopped.

His assistants are coming in and out, constantly taking out the approved documents and sending in new documents, just like the assembly line of a factory.

After approving a thick document, Duke reached out and groped on the table, found a water glass, and poured it into his mouth, which was almost on fire, without looking at it, only to find that there was no water in the glass.

He put the water glass on the table, and subconsciously called his assistant to come in and pour himself a glass of water, when suddenly he heard the sound of water.

He turned his head in surprise, and found a man standing beside him at some point, holding a kettle in his hand, adding water to himself.

Behind the man was a woman with a veil on her face.

Suddenly seeing two strangers appear, Duke did not panic, but asked sharply, "Who are you? How did you get in?"

While speaking, his other hand has already touched under the seat quietly. There is a magic stone installed there. As long as he presses it lightly, the surrounding guards will rush over immediately.


Xu Cheng put down the kettle and put the water glass in front of Duke: "I'll pour the water for you myself, will it be shameful if you don't drink it?"

Duke's expression froze slightly. Under Xu Cheng's gaze, he slowly brought the water glass over and brought it to his mouth. The water in it looked very clear, and he wondered if it had been poisoned.

He pretended to blow, delaying time.

"Stop frightening him."

A Ying came up from behind and said to Duke, "Take me to meet your city lord."

Duke took advantage of the opportunity to put the water glass on the table, and his other hand had already touched the Philosopher's Stone under his buttocks, and he suddenly felt confident.

"Sorry, the city lord is very busy right now."

Duke said in a very formulaic tone: "If you have any questions, you can tell me first."

A Ying didn't explain, and took out a pendant from his body, with a black gemstone hanging from the pendant.

"Do you know this?"

Duke frowned and looked at the black gem in her hand, and quickly recognized what it was, and seemed to guess A Ying's identity.

He stood up from the chair suddenly, accidentally bumped into the table, the water glass fell over, and the scalding water splashed out and fell on his thigh.

He didn't care about being burned, his head was sweating profusely, and his tone became stammered: ""

A Ying put away the black gemstone and repeated: "Take me to meet your city lord."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Duke hastily bowed to salute, stretched out his hand, and made an invitation gesture: "Please come with me."

Xu Cheng also noticed Duke's drastic change in attitude, but he didn't see through it.


The core location of the City Lord's Mansion is the place where the City Lord rests and works.

The city lord's name is Occam, a big fat man, humming a ditty in the office, and trimming a potted plant.

He has always been indifferent, and the work has been left to the people below, but this behavior of throwing away the shopkeeper did not prevent him from firmly holding the power in Wan Guo City.

Because he is the most trusted believer of the God of War. In the kingdom protected by the gods, the trust of the gods is more important than anything else. No matter how outstanding his subordinates are, they cannot shake his position.

The Holy Cult Army has successively defeated many gods and annexed many surrounding countries, causing panic, but this is not a headache at all for Occam.

As all God of War believers firmly believe - as long as God of War attacks, everything will be fine.

Accompanied by the sound of a slight bell, a servant walked in with low eyebrows and knelt on the ground: "My lord, Duke asks to meet you."


Occam was a little surprised: "He doesn't work, what is he doing here?"

"I don't know, he brought two strangers over."

"Then let him in."

The servant retreated, and after a while, Duke brought A Ying and Xu Cheng into this extremely luxurious office.

The ground and walls are made of pure gold, and even the furnishings are inlaid with rare gems.

This is not so much an office as a place to display wealth.

Occam was still trimming the potted plants as if no one else was there. When he heard the sound of footsteps, he asked without turning his head, "Duke, why don't you work hard and come to me?"

Duke didn't know what to say for a moment, he glanced at A Ying quietly, and then said in a low voice: "My lord, you'd better turn around."

"What did you say?"

Hearing Duke utter such unreasonable words, Occam slapped the scissors on the table hard, then turned around.

Just as he was about to scold him, his eyes couldn't help being drawn to A Ying.

Although this woman wore a veil on her face and her figure was covered by a loose black dress, she could be judged to be a peerless beauty only by a pair of perfect eyes.

The number of beauties Occam has dealt with is beyond count, but he has never seen a woman with such outstanding temperament and beautiful eyes.

He seemed to have misunderstood something, and the anger in his heart subsided a little, and he nodded Duke with his hand: "You boy, it's this time, and you still engage in these crooked ways, okay, this woman stays, what's the matter with this man?" ?”

Hearing the city lord's rebellious words, Duke's face turned pale, his legs softened, and he knelt down on the ground without daring to raise his head.

Xu Cheng couldn't help but laugh, what's the matter with this fat pig?

How could such a stupid person be the lord of Wan Guo City?
Occam still didn't understand what was going on. Seeing Duke kneeling down, he asked in surprise, "Duke, did you make a mistake?"

Duke trembled, not daring to say anything.

Aying said lightly: "Occam, don't you remember me?"

"who are you?"

Seeing that Ah Ying called her by her own name directly, Occam frowned and looked at her, suddenly becoming more and more familiar with her.

This outfit...and these eyes...

Occam's eyes gradually widened, his face quickly turned pale, and all the blood faded.

Like Duke, his legs went limp, and he fell to his knees on the ground, his mouth trembling, completely speechless.

Aying looked back at Xu Cheng: "I will rest here for a while, and your reward will have to wait for a while before it can be cashed."

Xu Cheng didn't care: "Are you going to wait for Cronus to come back?"

A Ying's injury is not healed, Xu Cheng has to continue to protect her, and she can't go anywhere.

"It depends, if he can hold off the Golden High King."

A Ying looked at Occam who was kneeling on the ground, and ordered: "Arrange a place for him."

The terrified Occam just came back to his senses at this moment. He subconsciously wanted to get up from the ground, but found that his legs were unbelievably weak and he had no strength at all. He hurriedly ordered Duke: "Did you hear that? Not too soon Arrange a residence for this gentleman, and ask for the best."

He hated this subordinate who didn't warn him in advance.

Facing Occam's resentful eyes, Duke looked terrified, but was very disappointed in his heart. Why didn't the lady kill the fat pig on the spot?

That's right, he just didn't remind Occam on purpose that he wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, but unfortunately his calculation failed.

Xu Cheng followed Duke outside, and asked, "When did Cronus leave?"

Duke, who was still in deep thought, felt subconsciously angry when he heard that this guy dared to call the God of War by his name.

But he immediately realized that this gentleman came with the lady, and just now he called the God of War by the name of the God of War in front of the lady, and the lady did not object.

What is his identity?
Duke became more respectful, and bent his straight waist: "Your Majesty, the great God of War, set off this morning, maybe he can return with a big victory tomorrow."

Every believer has unlimited confidence in Cronus.

Xu Cheng didn't disturb the other party's dream. The victory between Cronus and the Golden Supreme King should be decided soon. Maybe he will hear the news of the defeat tomorrow. He must be prepared in time.

Inside the mayor's office.

Occam's fat face was swollen into a pig's head, but he still didn't dare to stop, and kept slapping his face with all his strength.

Although he is the most trusted believer of the God of War, if the lady in front of him wanted his life, the God of War would probably personally kill him and make amends for the lady.

Aying had no interest in Occam's self-abuse behavior, and after he beat himself bloody, he asked, "When did Cronus set off?"

Occam was granted a pardon, and hurriedly knocked his head to the ground: "Your Majesty set off this morning."

"Before he left, did he explain anything?"

"No, His Majesty just asked us to wait for good news."

This is indeed what Cronus would say, iron-headed, reckless, but always capable of creating miracles.

Aying believes that even if Cronus can't turn the tide, at least he can hinder the Golden Supreme King for a while, and the Great Lord can't make frequent shots for the stability of the World Tree.

But for some reason, Xu Cheng's words just now surfaced in A Ying's mind.

Why, he thought Kronos would lose quickly?

It's impossible no matter how you think about it.

"I'll rest here for a while, don't bother me if you have nothing to do."

A Ying turned and walked out. She was going to rest in Wan Guo City for a period of time, waiting for the winner between Cronus and the Golden Supreme King, and then deciding on the next step.

"You walk slowly."

After A Ying left, Occam lay on the ground like a dead pig, gasping for breath.

Soon, he suddenly slapped himself hard again, thinking about remedial measures in his heart.


Xu Cheng and Ah Ying just stayed in the City Lord's Mansion.

Although he received extremely warm hospitality, Xu Cheng was ready to run away at any time. After all, Cronus would soon be defeated and flee, and when the news came back, the entire Wan Guo City would definitely be in chaos.

But unexpectedly, the defeat of Cronus did not occur, and the frontline kept sending back good news.

Since Cronus arrived at the front line, he has defeated several God Knights one after another, but the Golden High King chose to avoid the battle and did not confront Cronus in the first place.

This made the morale of one's own camp skyrocket, thinking that the God of War had frightened the Golden Supreme King, and even began to prepare for a counterattack.

After Wanguo City got the good news, the whole city was boiling, and it even started to decorate and celebrate like a new year.

After Xu Cheng learned the news, he didn't show his face in front of A Ying for a few days, so as not to be laughed at by her.

But he doesn't think he's been slapped in the face.

If this is not a parallel world, if the gods of later generations have not lied, then Cronus will definitely lose once he fights against the Golden Supreme King. The City of Nations is currently opening champagne at halftime.

And the Golden High King didn't know that Cronus was a coward. He avoided fighting, probably to paralyze Cronus's nerves and encourage him to be proud and underestimate the enemy.

Of course, Xu Cheng didn't say what he said ignorantly, so as not to be regarded as a fool.

"Mr. Xu."

A week after living in the City Lord's Mansion, Duke walked into Xu Cheng's residence with a smile on his face.

During this period of time, he came to Xu Cheng almost every day to get close and make friends. He didn't know whether it was Occam's instigation or his own behavior.

"Not going, not going."

Seeing Duke coming in, Xu Cheng waved angrily to express his refusal.

The way this guy builds a good relationship with him is to take him to Goulan to listen to the music.

At first Xu Cheng went with him with an expression that any man could understand, only to find out that the place he went to was actually a formal place, and there was no plot that the people would like to see.

He didn't want to be a ladybug, he just wanted to experience the entertainment industry in this world.

But, I don't want it, you can't help but go on the road.

Duke is also very wronged, you are the person next to that lady, the devil knows what kind of relationship you have, how dare I blatantly take you to whoring, do you want to kill me?
"I'm not going to the dance today."

Duke explained: "Didn't you always want to know the news from the front line? Today, an army just came back to rest, and I was going out of the city to meet them. If you want to know the first-hand news, come with me."

"Say early."

Xu Cheng and Duke put their arms around each other: "Let's go, let's go together."

He wanted to learn about the situation of the God Cult army from the frontline soldiers, especially those God Knights. Xu Cheng guessed that his enemies on this mission should be mainly these people, and he needed to know their abilities in advance.

The two left the City Lord's Mansion together and took the dragon carriage to the outside of the city.

There was a lot of traffic along the way, and there were crowds of people everywhere.

Because of the continuous good news from the front line, the cloud of war hanging over Wan Guo City has dissipated. The rich people from several annexed countries nearby have fled here, pushing the prosperity and prices here to a whole new level.

But Xu Cheng could already imagine what kind of tragedy would happen when Cronus was defeated and fled, and when the gods' army approached the city, the city was full of heresies.

He's not a savior, has no feelings for the city, and can't stop that future.

Soon, the two arrived outside the city, and a large number of officials and military personnel had already gathered here, preparing to welcome the army who came back to rest.

Xu Cheng sat on the dragon carriage, wandering around with Duke, thinking about how to get the information he wanted.


Suddenly, he covered the entire city's electromagnetic induction, and felt violent energy fluctuations from the City Lord's Mansion.

At the same time, the time of the whole world seemed to be paused, and everyone stopped.

Only the manager's prompt appeared in front of Xu Cheng.

【mission failed】

Xu Cheng sat on the dragon carriage in a daze, and after a long time, he said, "Fuck!"

What is going on?
Why did the mission suddenly fail? Is there something wrong with Ah Ying?
He immediately chose to watch the replay, from the beginning to the end, but he didn't find anything unusual during the whole process.

Due to the failure of the bet and some embarrassment these days, he didn't appear in front of Ah Ying.

If I don't see you for a few days, you'll give me a whole bunch of moths.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Cheng chose to reopen.

Time began to turn back, but he was as nervous as when he first chose to reopen.

Now is the age when the gods are everywhere. If he uses a dog to manage the reopening, will he be discovered?
Once you are targeted by the Golden Supreme King, or even the Great Lord, then don't do the task, and find yourself a geomantic treasure in advance to bury it.

The time reversal ended, and Xu Cheng returned to his residence. Duke had already walked in from the outside, with a smile on his face: "Mr. Xu."

Xu Cheng looked up at him and smiled.

"Are you taking me outside the city?"

"how do you know?"

The shadow under Xu Cheng's feet shot out in an instant, split into several pieces, easily bound Duke's hands and feet, and another sharp shadow was directly on his neck, piercing his skin.

"Mr. Xu?"

Duke was taken aback: "What are you going to do?"

He didn't understand why Xu Cheng would suddenly attack him. Could it be that he was dissatisfied with not taking him to whoring?
Xu Cheng slowly stood up from the chair: "Who asked you to take me outside the city?"

Duke opened his mouth: "Isn't it you?"

"I just asked you to tell me the military information on the front line, and didn't ask you to take me outside the city."

Xu Cheng came over and asked forcefully, "Why did you take me out at this time?"

During this period of time, he has been hiding in the city lord's mansion, guarding Aying and not going anywhere. It is definitely not a coincidence that something happened on Aying's side just after leaving the city today.

The sharp shadow had cut the skin on Duke's throat, and blood flowed horizontally.

He yelled in pain: "It's the lord of the city, it's Occam. He asked me to find a way to take you out of the city today. Just as a rested army came back from the front line, I will find an excuse to take you out."

"Why did he let me out of town?"

"I do not know either."

Duke shouted his grievances loudly. Before he plotted against Occam, he was severely put on his little shoes. Now he is low-key and loyal to carry out Occam's orders.

Xu Cheng controlled the shadow, wiped off Duke's neck, and rushed out of his residence.

(End of this chapter)

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