Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 678 Goddess of Pain

Chapter 678 Goddess of Pain
Imagine being in the darkness where you can't see your fingers, and the surrounding is dead silent, and you can't hear anything.

And he was bound so tightly that he couldn't even move his fingers.

In this case, ordinary people can't hold on for a few hours, and they will go completely crazy in two or three days.

And Xu Cheng was buried for three full years. If it weren't for A Ying to communicate with him and relieve the mental pressure, he might have gone crazy too.

So after the injury improved slightly, Xu Cheng immediately couldn't wait to dig the two of them out of the ground and regain their freedom.

On the contrary, it was Ah Ying, she just wanted to continue to bury it in the ground, and after hundreds of years, the injury should be able to recover.

But she didn't stop Xu Cheng from coming out.

She knew that although Xu Cheng's soul was tough enough, he still failed to complete the Trinity and would still be tortured mentally.

After a few more years of burial, even with her by his side, there is a high probability that he will go crazy.

After coming out of the soil bag, Xu Cheng directly put A Ying on his back, and then, relying on his intuition, he chose a random direction and started to move.

He has already fully understood the situation of this green sea from A Ying's mouth. There is no road at all in this place. Even if you walk straight in one direction, you can't leave without turning halfway.

Because the geographical environment and climate here are constantly changing, the southeast, north and south are also in chaos.

Unless you are very lucky, if you get lost in it, there is a high probability that you will not be able to get out for the rest of your life.

"Look at the sky, how blue it is!"

"Look at the land, how green it is!"

"Look at the wind, how cool it is!"

Xu Cheng carried Ah Ying on his back, talking endlessly as he walked, as if he suddenly became a chatterbox.

A Ying lay on Xu Cheng's back, listening silently, only occasionally replying with a sentence or two.

The two of them had been buried underground for the past three years. Except for the secrets that should not be said, they had already talked about any topic, and there was nothing to say afterwards.

Now that he finally regained his freedom, Xu Cheng was excited, but also full of desire to talk, as happy as having found a new topic.

After chatting on and on for several hours, Xu Cheng finally shut up.

He and A Ying didn't speak any more, walking around the endless prairie with the cool breeze blowing, looking down from a bird's-eye view from a high altitude, their small figures were as insignificant as ants on this green land.

Because of meeting that weird lamp woman three years ago, Xu Cheng didn't stay in any place for a long time, and kept walking forward with A Ying on his back.

The stars move, the sun and the moon alternate.

One year, two years, three years...

The sun and the moon in the sky come and go in a hurry, rising in the east and setting in the west, and occasionally rising from the south and setting in the north.

The weeds under the feet kept growing, reaching the height of the waist, and then began to die in large areas, turning into dead branches all over the ground, repeating the cycle of life and death.

The climate also keeps changing back and forth in the four seasons.

The cold wind was howling, and the gloomy sky was snowing like goose feathers.

The endless grassland seems to be covered with a thick white quilt.

With A Ying on his back, Xu Cheng trudged through the snow that submerged his knees, leaving a long footprint behind him, which was covered by heavy snow in a blink of an eye.

The heavy snow has disappeared, the sun is shining, and the sinister sun hangs high in the sky.

All the vegetation has withered and died, the ground is cracked inch by inch, and the air is gradually distorted by the high temperature.

Xu Cheng walked with A Ying on his back in the nearly Baidu heat wave, sweating profusely.

A Ying lifted up her black skirt and covered Xu Cheng's head to shield him from the scorching sun.

The dead vegetation covered the ground with a thick layer of dead branches. I don't know how long it had passed, and green shoots emerged from the dead branches, growing tenaciously.

The dry land was covered with green again, and then a violent storm ushered in. Countless tornadoes connecting the sky and the earth raged on the grassland, sweeping away everything visible to the naked eye.

Xu Cheng dug a deep hole on the ground with his shadow, buried himself and Ah Ying again, and waited for the storm to pass.

"How long have we been walking?"

"Three thousand seven hundred and fifty nine days."

"Has it been ten years?"

In the dark, Xu Cheng and A Ying chatted face to face. He grabbed A Ying's hands and counted them one by one.

Buried on the ground for three years, and then wandering in the green sea for another ten years, the two have become friends who talk about everything, and even partners who relieve each other's loneliness.

However, the only person who needs to relieve loneliness is Xu Cheng, and Ah Ying doesn't need it, but she still has nothing to do with Xu Cheng talking nonsense and playing some boring games.

"How long can you live?"

In the darkness, Ah Ying opened her eyes, looking at the white hair on Xu Cheng's head.

When she first entered the green sea, she thought that Xu Cheng would die soon, but she didn't expect to persist for so long.

"Don't worry, my lifespan is still long enough to be impatient."

Xu Cheng looked indifferent, but he was far less optimistic than he appeared on the surface.

He originally thought that 30 years of life was left, but he burned for ten years to avoid danger, buried in the ground for three years, and then wandered with Aying for ten years.

He only has seven years left to live. Even if he survives these seven years safely, his injuries will not heal.

Not to mention Ah Ying, her injuries would take at least 500 years to heal.

Although Xu Cheng was very optimistic, A Ying had been with him for more than ten years, and she had seen through this man long ago, and was extremely familiar with him.

But she didn't say anything.

The storm passed quickly, Xu Cheng controlled the shadow, dug up the soil again, and came out of the ground with A Ying.

He stood up, facing the grassland full of stagnant water, raised his hands and stretched, then took a deep breath of the damp wind.

But soon, he froze in place.

"what is that?"

Ah Ying was cleaning off the grass leaves on her body, when she heard Xu Cheng's words, she raised her head subconsciously and was also stunned.

The storm has not gone far, the sky is covered with thick dark clouds.

Under the gloomy sky, a pyramid appeared at the end of the grassland.

Although it was very far away and subtle, with the eyesight of Xu Cheng and A Ying, they could still see clearly that it was indeed a pyramid.

Xu Cheng recovered from his surprise, and looked down at A Ying.

A Ying frowned slightly, revealing a look of surprise and uncertainty.

"It seems that there have been changes in the green sea that I don't know about."

According to Aying's understanding, there is no human civilization in the green sea, and of course there will be no human buildings here.

Now that a pyramid appears out of thin air, it means that the green sea has changed.

"It's normal, haven't you been in for hundreds of years?"

Xu Cheng chatted with Ah Ying about countless topics until the last time she entered the green sea was hundreds of years ago. It is also possible that the green sea will change in these hundreds of years.

"No matter what it is, you will know it at a glance."

As soon as Xu Cheng picked up Aying, he chased after the pyramid in the distance. .

There is no need to communicate, the two now have a full sense of tacit understanding, knowing that the appearance of this pyramid is an accident, maybe it is also an opportunity, which can solve their current predicament.

Especially since Xu Cheng only has seven years to live.

The pyramids seem to be right in front of our eyes, but they are far away in the sky. After walking for a long time, there is no change in our vision.

Xu Cheng can no longer be stingy with the power he has accumulated so hard, lest the pyramid suddenly disappear again.

He summoned a shadow, wrapped himself and Ah Ying, and quickly moved towards the pyramid.

Moving at high speed, the pyramid finally gradually enlarged in the eyes of the two, which also made them breathe a sigh of relief, which meant that the golden tower was not a phantom like a mirage.

After more than an hour, Xu Cheng and A Ying finally came to the bottom of the pyramid.

This pyramid looks as magnificent as a mountain, with square strips of boulders inlaid on it, and the surface is covered with green moss.

When Xu Cheng and A Ying came to the bottom of the pyramid, they found that seven or eight lost people had gathered here.

Lost people are people who are lost in the green sea and cannot leave. Xu Cheng and A Ying are also considered lost people now.

It's not that there are no living people in the green sea, but most of them are dead, and those who can survive, without exception, have considerable abilities.

Xu Cheng and A Ying have been wandering for ten years, and have encountered lost people several times along the way.

Noticing the approach of Xu Cheng and A Ying, this group of mutually exclusive lost people cast vigilant gazes at the two of them at the same time.

These lost people should have been trapped in the green sea for many years, with more or less mental problems, just like autistic patients, who are very vigilant against other lost people.

Xu Cheng didn't want to ask for trouble, because he and A Ying were very weak now, and the current situation of mutual vigilance couldn't be better.

"See what?"

Xu Cheng turned his head and asked A Ying.

Aying looked up at the towering pyramid in front of him, and looked at the boulders covered with moss.

There are many mysterious symbols engraved on the boulder, which should be some kind of ancient characters.

A Ying stared intently at these mysterious words, and said in a rather puzzled tone: "These words belong to some countries that have already been destroyed, but why are they here?"

The sky is still gloomy, thick dark clouds seem to be within reach, lightning flashes and thunder rumbles, and the whole pyramid exudes a strange and gloomy atmosphere.

Suddenly, a clear bell sounded from the top of the pyramid, resounding throughout the grassland.

After hearing the bell, the lost people in the vicinity showed excited expressions, knelt down towards the golden tower, and tried their best to start self-mutilation.

Some took out their weapons and stabbed them directly into their own thighs, causing blood to flow horizontally. Some grabbed their fingers and broke them off forcefully, causing cold sweat to break out from the pain.

Xu Cheng was taken aback when he saw this scene.

What's happening here?
Can the sound of the bell hypnotize others to commit suicide?But why I have nothing to do with Ah Ying.

"I see."

Ah Ying suddenly spoke, and a gleam of light appeared in her eyes: "So she escaped here!"

"who is it?"

"Goddess of Pain."

Aying looked at the lost people who were self-harming around her: "She holds the power of pain, and her whereabouts were unknown after the defeat about 300 years ago, and she was hiding in the green sea."

There is not complete peace between the gods, and occasionally there will be enmity, and even death.

The Goddess of Pain is such a god. She fought against her enemies for many years after she became enemies, and finally she was defeated and the country she protected was also destroyed.

Her followers love to please the Goddess of Pain by self-mutilating in order to gain her blessings.

So seeing this group of lost people suddenly start self-mutilation, Ah Ying immediately recognized that this pyramid was the site of the Goddess of Pain.

The bells from the pyramid were still ringing non-stop, and the lost people who were self-harming all stared at Xu Cheng and A Ying with angry eyes.

Only now they are not self-harming.


A lost person closest to him yelled at Xu Cheng and A Ying with a ferocious expression. It may be because he has not spoken for many years, which made his words very jerky.

Both Xu Cheng and A Ying could see that self-mutilation was probably some kind of ritual related to the goddess of pain and the pyramid, and if they stood here indifferently, it might cause the ritual to fail.

Xu Cheng was not in a hurry to act, but looked at A Ying: "How to say?"

"Do it with them!"

Aying looked up at the pyramid in front of him: "If the goddess of pain is really hiding here, maybe we can solve the injury through her."

Without further hesitation, Xu Cheng summoned a shadow and poked him in the abdomen, causing blood to flow instantly.

Although the defense of God's Heart is strong enough, it is still easy for him to hurt himself.

The lost people looked at Aying, as if they also wanted her to commit self-harm.

At this time, the bell of the pyramid suddenly disappeared, and a staircase from the bottom to the top appeared.

The lost people all showed excited expressions, ignoring A Ying, and rushed up the stairs one by one.

Xu Cheng looked at their backs and frowned, "Are they all followers of the Goddess of Pain?"


A Ying said: "However, they used self-mutilation to please the Goddess of Pain, and they should hope to obtain some kind of blessing from the Goddess."

In this weird place like the Green Sea, there is no need to fight other than survival.

So getting power from a goddess doesn't make sense, it should be something else.

Xu Cheng and A Ying looked at each other, and they both guessed it by coincidence.


The lost people please the Goddess of Pain, most likely in order to use the power of the Goddess to leave the Green Sea.

Xu Cheng immediately carried A Ying on his back, and was about to rush towards the steps of the pyramid, but was stopped by A Ying: "Wait a minute."

Xu Cheng turned to look at her: "What's the matter?"

Aying stared at the pyramid in front of her eyes: "I'm not familiar with the Goddess of Pain, so I'm not sure if she will help us, or even harm us."

"What is the probability?"


"That's enough for a gamble."

Xu Cheng raised his leg again, rushed up the stairs with A Ying on his back, and followed closely behind the other lost people.

A Ying felt that Xu Cheng was a little reckless, but she also admired his unafraid of hardships and his indomitable momentum. This is called heroism, and many goddesses like this.

But Xu Cheng's idea is very simple, anyway, it can be reopened, half the probability is enough for him to take a gamble.

If Ah Ying said that the success rate was only [-]%, he might turn around and leave.

The stairs were very high, at least several thousand meters long. When Xu Cheng climbed to the top with A Ying on his back, he found a dark entrance here, and other lost people had already rushed in.

Xu Cheng entered it with A Ying on his back, and soon came to an empty place, where all the lost people had gathered, panting heavily.

In front of everyone is a high wall, under which stands a woman.

The woman is in her 30s and has a very beautiful face, but her face is covered with steel needles. The ears, nose, cheeks, and mouth are all pierced with steel needles, which looks painful.

"Welcome to the City of Pain, everyone."

The woman smiled slightly, and a voice came from her throat: "I am the goddess' apostle, you can call me Abatha."

No one spoke, except for Xu Cheng and A Ying, the rest of the autistic patients stared at her, as if silently urging her.

"You must have all heard the legends circulating in the Green Sea, and some people are not even coming here for the first time."

Abatha said slowly: "You are all lambs lost in the green sea, only the goddess can save you and lead you out of the sea of ​​suffering, but you also have to offer the most precious gift to the goddess."

The breaths of the lost people became quickened, and one of them urged, "Don't...don't talk nonsense... hurry up..."

Abatha didn't mind, and stepped aside, revealing a door in the wall behind her.

She raised her hand as a gesture of invitation: "Go, complete the test of the goddess, and then express your wishes to the goddess as much as you want."

The lost people scrambled to rush into the door.

Xu Cheng didn't rush to follow, but came to Abasha: "We want to see the Goddess of Pain, can you inform us?"

Abatha still maintained the invitation gesture: "Please complete the test of the goddess, and you will be able to meet the goddess."

Xu Cheng could only let Aying go out.

A Ying can only reveal her identity: "Go and tell your goddess, just say that A Ying is here."

"Sorry, the goddess is not here."

Abasha apologized in a low voice: "I can't contact the goddess without authorization. Only those who pass the test will be sent to the goddess by this city of pain. If you want to see the goddess, you can only complete the test."

A Ying and Xu Cheng looked at each other, but they didn't expect this to happen.

In this way, the two have to compete with the group of lost people to meet the goddess of pain.

Xu Cheng didn't struggle any longer, and entered the door in the wall with A Ying on his back. There was a long passage inside, and when he reached the end of the passage, a spacious pool blocked the way.

However, the pool is not filled with water, but with boiling oil.

Only one lost person stood by the pool, hesitantly daring to go down, while the other lost persons should have already lay down.

Xu Cheng never thought of jumping over the pool, this kind of cheating is definitely not allowed.

He jumped directly into the boiling oil with A Ying on his back, walked over without changing his expression, and landed from the opposite side.

Seeing that he fell into the last place, the lost man who was still standing by the pool gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and jumped into the pool.


Both Xu Cheng and A Ying heard the screams behind them, and when they looked back, the lost man fell into the boiling oil.

Lost people who can survive in the green sea must have strong abilities, but it does not mean that their physical strength is very high.

The physical strength of this lost person must be very average. He struggled and rolled in the boiling oil, and the screams quickly disappeared. The whole body floated on the boiling oil, and his skin was already crisped.

Xu Cheng and A Ying continued to walk forward, not interested in sympathizing with a lost person they had never met before.

Follow the passage to the next empty room. The ground is covered with a large number of sharp steel needles. There is no way to stay in the gap in the middle, so you can only step on it.

Seeing a lot of blood dripping from the steel needles, one knew that many lost people had passed through them.

Xu Cheng walked over the steel needle with A Ying on his back, but he couldn't break through his God's Heart defense at all.

After rolling the oil and the steel needle, there is a non-stop rotating drum. There are countless sharp blades in the drum, which looks like a mixer, and you need to climb through the drum.

There were many bloody pieces of meat and cloth hanging from the blade, as well as mutilated internal organs and hair. A lost person must have been smashed inside.

Xu Cheng led A Ying through the roller, and these sharp blades couldn't break through the God Heart defense of the two of them at all, even the black veil skirt on A Ying's body couldn't be cut.

After going through various scalp-numbing trials, Xu Cheng and A Ying finally reached the finish line.

Of the seven or eight lost people, only the last two remained. They were bruised and bruised, their hands and feet were broken, it was simply horrible.

Seeing that Xu Cheng and A Ying were intact, especially A Ying's clothes were not damaged, the two lost people stared at them with eyes wide open in surprise and anger.


"You... two bastards... dare to cheat?"

Even the clothes are not torn, so what is it if it is not cheating?

Abasha, who reappeared in front of everyone, also looked at Xu Cheng and A Ying with sharp eyes.

She couldn't see what the origin of these two people was, but cheating was not allowed.

"My companion didn't come to take part in the test, she just came with me."

Xu Cheng explained helplessly: "As for me, your test can't break my skin, and I can't help it."

The two lost men stared at him angrily, not believing his words at all.

But Abasha knew that what Xu Cheng said was true, the tests along the way really couldn't break through his defenses, and if the woman in the black gauze skirt didn't come to participate in the test, then they couldn't be considered as cheating.

However, Xu Cheng's downplaying attitude made Abasha very dissatisfied, because she designed all the tests of this pyramid.

"Don't talk too much, the next thing is the real action."

Abatha clapped her hands, and with the applause, a fiery furnace rose from the ground next to her, filled with red-hot iron blocks.

"The next test is to swallow these iron blocks, at least ten pieces will be considered to pass the test."

Abasha looked at Xu Cheng with provocative eyes: "If you quit now, there is still time."

The faces of the other two lost people changed drastically, and they stared at the red-hot iron block in front of them with horrified eyes.

Each piece was the size of a goose egg, not to mention it was red hot, even if it wasn't red hot, swallowing ten pieces would burst the entire stomach.

Xu Cheng raised one hand and made an inviting gesture to the two lost people: "You guys came here before me, let you go first."

The two lost people were not fooled, but retorted: "You are...suspected of come first!!"

Abasha urged Xu Cheng like she was watching a play: "There is no priority here. If you want to prove that you haven't cheated, you should be the first to accept the test."

(End of this chapter)

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