Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 683 Xu Cheng Finally Became a God

Chapter 683 Xu Cheng Finally Became a God

Thousands of miles away from the mountains, the uninhabited sky suddenly twisted, and in the next second, two figures jumped out of the void, suspended in the air like hot air balloons.

Two of the members of the Knights of God: Bazel and Cooper.

After the Supreme King of Gold gave the order, Bazel and Cooper did not dare to delay, and immediately set off from the Palace of Shadows, using the ability to jump through space, to chase after the signal carried by Xu Cheng.

"The signal is broken here."

Cooper pressed his two fingers against his temples, sensing the signal that had disappeared without a trace, and looked ahead at the mountains bathed in countless thunder lights: "Where is this place?"

The turbulent electromagnetic waves interfered with the transmission of the signal, like a sea of ​​green.

Unlike Kobo, who is greedy for enjoyment, Bazel is in charge of intelligence work in the God Cult army, and has a deep understanding of all kinds of gods: "This is the secret place of Thor. After being injured by His Majesty, Thor hid here. place."

Cooper wondered, "Since you know you're hiding in this place, why didn't you send someone to kill him?"

Bazel glanced at him angrily: "They all hide behind and enjoy themselves like you, who will do such a dangerous job?"

Although there are many members of the Knights of God, they have more responsibilities. They really don't have time to deal with these injured gods who are hiding after being injured. They can only wait until they dominate the world, and then slowly eradicate them.

For Bazel's ridicule, Cooper looked disapproving: "The Shadow Goddess came here, is she planning to ask Thor for help?"

"No, there is a deep hatred between Thor and the Shadow Goddess, and it is impossible to cooperate."

Before the Golden High King raised his troops to conquer the world, Bazel had already investigated the relationship between the gods: "The Shadow Goddess probably wanted to defeat Thor while he was injured, and absorb his power to heal herself."

Cooper raised his eyebrows: "Hasn't the Shadow Goddess been personally wounded by the great Lord? Doesn't she still have a lot of power?"

"Of course, otherwise, how did she defeat Lucid in Wan Guo City more than ten years ago?"

Bazel had to warn Cobb: "You'd better be careful, if she still escapes this time, we won't be able to explain to His Majesty."

Cooper, however, still looked foolish, touched his chin with his hand, and smiled: "I heard that the beauty of the Shadow Goddess is no less than that of the Goddess of Beauty, Evedi. I don't know if it's true or not."

Bazel frowned slightly, and was about to warn him not to make mistakes because of his lust, when his expression changed slightly.

A huge magnetic field that is invisible but does exist suddenly appeared around it, which seemed to change the physical rules of this world.

The ground below burst into countless cracks, and flew into the air under the action of the magnetic field, and even more colorful lights appeared in the high sky, which were all kinds of light waves that became chaotic under the distortion of the magnetic field.

Bazel and Cobb looked at each other at the same time. They had rich experience and immediately judged that there was a god inside who was desperately fighting. Perhaps the battle between the Shadow Goddess and Thor had reached the most critical moment.

The two no longer hesitated, and immediately flew into the mountains.


Thousands of miles of mountains, no, maybe they can no longer be called mountains. Countless peaks have been shattered under the agitation of the magnetic field. Trillions of tons of soil and rocks were sucked into the air by the rotating magnetic field, flying towards the huge electric ball in the middle.

The whole world became dark, only the electric ball still emitted a dazzling glare.

Aying hid in the Faraday cage that Xu Cheng made for her to avoid the interference of the magnetic field.

She put down the death arrow she was using to scare Thor, and looked up at the electric ball in the air.

Although her injury didn't get worse, she couldn't make any real attacks and could only put on airs.

However, Thunder God had left a big enough psychological shadow on his past failures, and was really bluffed by A Ying, and successfully created an opportunity for Xu Cheng.

From now on, Ah Ying can't help with anything, and can only rely on Xu Cheng himself.

In the electric ball in the center of the magnetic field, Xu Cheng and Thor were engaged in the most dangerous confrontation.

Xu Cheng succeeded in attacking by relying on the old wound left by Aying on Lei Shen's soul, and the power of pain was tearing his soul.

But Thor is also an old-fashioned god who has lived for an unknown number of years. His spirit is extremely tough and powerful, and he cannot be killed all at once.

He endured the severe pain in his soul and fought back desperately. Even if he couldn't win, he would take Xu Cheng away with him.

Thunder God desperately tried his best regardless of the consequences, and the power of his soul was like a tsunami, constantly washing away Xu Cheng's soul.

Xu Cheng's God's Heart can't play any defensive role in this kind of spiritual confrontation, he can only rely on his own soul to resist.

Even though he had tempered his soul to be extremely tough in the gate of hell, it was still far behind the soul of Thor.

He felt like a small boat in a sea storm, which might capsize at any moment.

This kind of confrontation of souls is the most dangerous, and there is no possibility of any tricks, just like the battle between the god of life Axo and the demon king of hell, Sartos, the two sides are not equal, and in the end they only ended up dying together.

Xu Cheng's current soul is weaker than Thor's divine soul, so he can only defend hard, and then counterattack with the power of pain.

Thunder God's eyes were red, and the pain caused by the power of pain tore apart the soul, instead aroused his fierceness, and he wanted to take Xu Cheng away with him in death.

Both parties have given their all, and there is no possibility of backing down.

As time goes by, Xu Cheng's soul is like a candle in the wind, getting weaker and weaker, and it may be extinguished at any time.

On the other hand, Thor's soul is full of cracks, and these cracks are constantly expanding, and every crack brings great pain to Thor.

Both sides have reached their limits.

"go to hell."

Thunder God roared like thunder, and his soul was instantly torn in two, but the terrifying power of the last desperate blow also broke through Xu Cheng's last defense and completely drowned his soul.

The two sides actually died together at this moment.

【mission failed】

The world has been suspended in time, and Xu Cheng, whose soul is gone, can't see anything, floating in the empty space.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it still fell short, but Xu Cheng was not discouraged.

In the end, Thor could only perish with himself, which shows that the strength of both parties has reached a certain balance point.

Only a little external force is needed to break the balance and tilt the balance towards one's own side.

Xu Cheng chose to watch the replay, and after watching it repeatedly, he finally found a way, and then chose to reopen.

Time began to turn back, back to the time when Xu Cheng and A Ying were about to enter the mountains.

Xu Cheng didn't go in in a hurry, but turned his head to A Ying who was lying on his back and said, "I want to prepare a trump card, you can help me."

A Ying asked in surprise: "What killer weapon?"

The only trump card is the power of pain, but whether it can defeat Thor is another matter.

Xu Cheng grinned: "Don't I have one year left to live? Don't waste it."

"One year's lifespan can't change much strength..."

A Ying blinked her eyes, and suddenly realized: "Did you predict the future again?"

"more or less."

Xu Cheng can only continue to maintain this character setting: "I saw myself and Thor dying together."

Ah Ying's heart tightened suddenly, she looked at Xu Cheng's white hair, and after a few seconds of silence, she agreed: "I will help you."

The two entered Lei Shen's mysterious realm again, and everything was the same as before the reopening, and once again came to the time when Xu Cheng and Lei Shen were fighting desperately.

A Ying looked up at the electric ball in the air, subconsciously clenched his palms.

She only hoped that the final trump card would be effective and avoid Xu Cheng and Lei Shen's ending together.

In the electric ball, the confrontation between Xu Cheng and Thunder God finally came to the most critical moment.

Xu Cheng's soul was already crumbling like a candle in the wind, and Lei Shen's soul was full of cracks.

Sensing that Xu Cheng had reached his limit, Lei Shen let out a loud shout and struck desperately, preparing to take Xu Cheng away with him.

"Go to hell...uh..."

Thor's roar stopped abruptly.

The moment he opened his mouth, Xu Cheng suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a tiny black steel needle, which hit Thor's eyebrow.

This steel needle was Xu Cheng's trump card made for him in the last year of his life, and Ah Ying used his power of death to help him.

The steel needle sank into Thor's brain and burned violently.

The power of death can attack the soul, and the effect is even better than the power of pain. Otherwise, Ah Ying would not be able to shoot the goddess of pain to death with one arrow, and one arrow would leave permanent wounds on Thor.

This small steel needle, in normal times, of course cannot cause any harm to Thor.

But at this moment, he and Xu Cheng have reached the ultimate balance, and only a small external force is needed to break the balance.

At this special moment, the small steel needle has also become a deadly trump card.

Lei Shen's eyes widened to the limit, he wanted to die with Xu Cheng, but the steel needle that fell into his soul was like the last straw that broke the camel's back, triggering a chain of collapse.


Amid Thor's unwilling roar, his soul, which was torn apart by the power of pain and cracked all over, finally completely disintegrated in front of Xu Cheng.

Finally won.

Xu Cheng let out a long breath, and his own soul was also on the verge of collapse, as if standing on the edge of a cliff, a gust of wind could push him off.

But now is not the time to relax, Xu Cheng immediately cheered up again.

After Thor's death, his thunder and lightning power was left over, and Xu Cheng grabbed it. As long as he absorbed it, he could obtain a more powerful thunder and lightning power.

But Xu Cheng kept A Ying's words in mind, he could use this thunder and lightning power as a nutrient to strengthen his own thunder and lightning power, but he could not absorb it, otherwise he would not be able to complete the Trinity at all.

Whether it is successful or not depends on this.

According to the method taught by A Ying, Xu Cheng stripped the divine power from the power of thunder and lightning, leaving only the purest power of thunder and lightning.

This method will lead to a lot of waste, but these divine powers are harmful to Xu Cheng.

The pure power of thunder and lightning entered Xu Cheng's body, and his body frantically absorbed this pure power like rain after a long drought.

Xu Cheng originally worried that the power of thunder and lightning converted from chaotic energy would be incompatible with the power of lightning stripped from power, so he and A Ying would have done nothing.

However, he was deeply relieved that there was no rejection reaction between the two, and the chaotic energy of the thunder system absorbed all the external lightning power as it was ordered.

The upper limit of the chaotic energy of the sixth level thunder system is constantly rising, and soon reaches lv2 and lv3, and then breaks through the seventh level.

But the seventh level is not the limit, the chaotic energy continues to upgrade, until it stops at level 3.

Xu Cheng's heart suddenly rose. He remembered that the dog management said that the upper limit of chaotic energy could be raised to the seventh level.

But he never expected that the seventh level is not the limit of becoming a god, and he needs to be promoted to the eighth level.

He hurriedly asked the dog management: "What are the conditions for breaking through the eighth level?"


【End of detection】

[Your God's Heart has reached the Trinity standard, but your soul and power want to evolve again, and you lack two materials that can cause a qualitative change]

Xu Cheng's heart sank suddenly. He thought it was just a lack of strength, but he didn't expect that his tenacious soul would not be able to complete the trinity.

Desperation shrouded Xu Cheng's heart. He had used up the last of his life span. If he couldn't complete the trinity in a short time, he would die within a few days.

However, the more desperate the situation, the calmer Xu Cheng became. Instead of giving up on himself, he asked the dog management: "What should I do to find the two materials in the shortest possible time."

【You always have two materials】

Xu Cheng was stunned and said, "What material?"

[Ability cards and killer cards, sacrificing killer cards can strengthen your soul, and sacrificing ability cards can break through the upper limit of the level]

[But after the sacrifice, you will permanently lose these two character cards]

Xu Cheng was silent for a while.

It's not that he feels sorry for these two character cards, but that he didn't expect such a coincidence, which is suspiciously coincidental.

It happened that he lacked two kinds of materials, and he just happened to be able to use two character cards. He had never heard that these character cards could be sacrificed before.

【I know what you are doubting】

The dog management suddenly spoke.

[But there is no need to doubt that these two character cards were originally prepared for you to complete the Trinity]

"Where are you from?"

For the first time, Xu Cheng asked the question that had been hidden in his heart: "What is your purpose? Both Elizabeth and Amaterasu said that you are the sands of time, but I believe it is not that simple."

【I can't tell you yet】

【You just need to know that our purpose is the same, when you come to the end of time, you will understand everything】

"Stop playing with me about the Riddler, I need to know now."

However, no matter how Xu Cheng threatened, the dog management remained silent. Maybe it knew that even if it didn't say anything, Xu Cheng couldn't separate from itself.

Indeed, Xu Cheng was severely manipulated by the dog management. Although he really wanted to kick the riddle dog away, this idea was just a thought.

Among other things, the reopening of the dog management is the guarantee for Xu Cheng's survival to this day. As long as he has this, he can't make up his mind to say goodbye to the dog management.

Suppressing the anger and suspicion in his heart, Xu Cheng finally chose to sacrifice the ability card and killer card.

【Ability Card-1】

【Killer Card-1】

[Obtain: Divine Soul]

[Obtain: Chaos power]

At the moment of sacrificing the two character cards, Xu Cheng felt that his brain was completely empty, and he flew up as if he lost gravity.

What flew up was his divine soul, which had evolved from a soul, and his perception was instantly amplified, just like electromagnetic induction, constantly expanding between the heaven and the earth.

Also enlarged is his Chaos Energy, or should we say Chaos Power now.

His thunder and lightning power is essentially converted from chaotic energy, and upgrading is also an upgrade of chaotic energy. After evolving into power, he is also equivalent to mastering the power of thunder and lightning.

After the spirit and power were magnified to the limit, the two were completely integrated in the sky and the earth, regardless of each other, and then began to collapse.

Just like the lifespan of a star came to an end, the soul and power collapsed sharply, collapsed into the heart of God, merged with the heart of God, and finally formed a sphere with extremely high density and high mass.

After hearing Thor's unwilling roar before he died, Ah Ying kept staring nervously at the electric ball in the air without lowering his head.

Killing Thor is only the first step, borrowing Thor's power to upgrade the power of thunder and lightning is the second step, and completing the Trinity during the upgrade process is the third step.

Each stage is more difficult than the last, especially the completion of the Holy Trinity.

Don't look at Aying's vows when she told Xu Cheng, but in fact she has no idea in her heart, and she is not sure whether she will succeed.

It's just that she didn't dare to tell the truth, for fear of affecting Xu Cheng's confidence.

Because no matter whether it is successful or not, Xu Cheng, who has only a few days left to live, has to try it. Rather than disturbing his confidence, it is better to hide it.

Under Aying's nervous gaze, the attraction of the electric ball in the air became stronger and stronger, and began to shrink, finally forming a ball about the size of a basketball that emitted a dazzling glare, but Xu Cheng was nowhere to be seen.

Seeing this sphere, Ah Ying froze in place, and finally let out a breath, eyes full of surprise.

It turned out to be a success! !

The heart of God is a creation of extremely high quality. It is originally a sphere, but it will change into various shapes under the control of the soul.

The same is true for the sphere in the air. It melted like a liquid, and then slowly grew hands, feet and a head, and finally turned into Xu Cheng's appearance, and his white hair finally returned to black.

At this moment, he has successfully completed the trinity, became a real god, increased his lifespan to infinite numbers, and solved the danger that is close at hand.

Xu Fu, who gave Xu Cheng the heart of an artificial god, hopes that Xu Cheng can see a higher scenery instead of him.

He finally did it, fulfilling the silent agreement with Xu Fu.

"This is what you want to see."

Xu Cheng shook his hands, and said to himself, "It's really beautiful, but I don't have time to appreciate it slowly."

As soon as the words fell, he turned into a flash of lightning, and instantly came to Ah Ying, picked her up, and then chose a certain direction to start running wildly.

A Ying was very surprised: "What's wrong?"

Xu Cheng glanced back; "The enemy is coming, two members of the Knights of God."

At the moment of becoming a god, he had completely eliminated the signal that Lucid had left in his body.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

In his perception, two strangers are rapidly approaching.

Before becoming a god, Xu Cheng could only guess the identities of these two strangers, but after becoming a god, his sensitivity to energy reached an unprecedented level.

The energy in the two strangers has a certain divinity, which is exactly the same as Lucid, and they are obviously members of the Knights of God.

Hearing Xu Cheng's words, Ah Ying's heart also tightened.

Xu Cheng has just completed the trinity, and it is not strong enough. It must go through a period of precipitation, and he cannot experience fierce battles in the short term.

And every member of the God's Knights has the fighting power of the gods, two of them came at once, and Xu Cheng still has the burden of A Ying, fighting them is not a rational choice.

A hundred kilometers away from Xu Cheng and A Ying, Bazel and Cooper had already noticed their existence.

Not only that, but they also sensed Xu Chengcheng's movement and his strange aura, and they were a little surprised for a while.

It turns out that besides Thor and the Goddess of Shadow, there is a third party, and the Trinity has just been completed.

Thor's aura has disappeared, and it is clear that the Shadow Goddess has won the battle.

Although they didn't know who this guy who had just become a god was, Bazel and Cobo were fearless, and more than one or two gods died at their hands.

"Is it too late to run now?"

Cooper laughed, turned to Bazel and said, "Let's do it."

Without his order, Bazel has already acted.

He hovered in the air, with his hands crossed on his chest, his eyes closed tightly, a golden light shone behind him, and a scale appeared faintly.

Suddenly, Bazel opened his eyes, and his eyes seemed to pass through a distance of [-] kilometers, locking tightly on Xu Cheng and A Ying who were running away.

For a moment, both Xu Cheng and A Ying felt cold all over, as if they were being watched.

At the same time, an indifferent voice sounded in the ears of the two.

"In the name of the judge, I sentence you to guilt."

Hearing this voice, Ah Ying's face suddenly changed.

"Judge Bazel?!"

Before Xu Cheng asked who this person named Bazel was, Bazel's voice sounded again: "I sentence you to the crime of beheading."


Crazy laughter suddenly sounded.

Xu Cheng and A Ying looked up at the same time, and saw a man with a short cut appeared out of thin air.

He was naked from the upper body, with symbols of the Holy Light tattooed on his chest and arms, and he was holding a golden sickle.

"Kob the Executioner!"

Ah Ying reminded Xu Cheng in a hasty voice: "Be careful, don't let him..."

Kou Bo's golden sickle swung violently, broke through the space, came in front of Xu Cheng and A Ying in an instant, and slashed at their necks.

"Get out of the way!!"

A Ying's reminder was too late, and Kou Bo's speed was too fast.

Xu Cheng only had time to raise his hand to block, and at the same time summoned Thunder to launch a counterattack against Kou Bo.

A thick thunderbolt fell from the sky, hitting Kou Bo right in the middle.

But Kou Bo's sickle passed through Xu Cheng's arm, and swept across his and A Ying's necks.

Xu Cheng didn't feel any pain, but his God's Heart and God's Soul's head were disconnected, and the dog management notification sounded immediately after.

【mission failed】

The world's time was stopped, and Xu Cheng, who was beheaded, was stunned for a long time before the flying head let out a sigh.


He had just become a god, yet his head was beheaded. Is there any reason for this?Is there still Wang Fa?

The frustrated Xu Cheng chose to reopen.

(End of this chapter)

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