Something's wrong with my roommate

Chapter 691 The opening of the drama

Chapter 691 The opening of the drama

City of Heaven.

After the Supreme King of Gold ruled the world, the city ushered in its heyday. Whether it was population, scale, or prosperity, it far surpassed the city of all nations, which was once the number one in the world.

According to the civilization cycle theory, there are similar development trajectories among different civilizations, and they alternately appear, prosper and decline in history.

While one civilization is in a phase of decline and death, another new civilization is rising and experiencing prosperity.

However, this does not seem to apply to the global empire built by the Golden High King.

First of all, there is no second country or civilization on this planet.

Secondly, the current ruler of this global empire has the highest military power. Even if the bottom has accumulated countless contradictions for hundreds of years, it is still impossible to use violence to overthrow this country from within.

Nearly 600 years have passed, and the human beings in the world have been replaced for many generations. They have even forgotten that there used to be many other gods and countries in this world.

The people of the empire have been born, and in their world view, there is only one country in the world, and this is the only civilization.

As long as there is a Golden High King, the country seems to be able to last forever, and all citizens are convinced of this.

It wasn't until recently that the Supreme King of Gold suddenly announced that he would give up his life and take the initiative to go to the kingdom of heaven, which made everyone realize that change will come after all.

Is it getting better, or getting worse?

Everyone is uneasy, feeling confused and fearful about the future.

The second son of the Golden Supreme King, Silver Star, took over the throne. In order to celebrate the new king's enthronement, and to offset the fear of the Golden High King's departure, the City of Heaven held a very grand enthronement ceremony for this.

Through this enthronement ceremony, it is announced to the world that even without the Golden High King, the empire will continue forever.

Lie Xing, who had just participated in his brother's enthronement ceremony, got off the dragon carriage and strode into the gate of the palace with no expression on his handsome face.

The guards guarding both sides of the gate knew that the third king was in a bad mood, so they all bowed their heads in a salute to avoid being angered.

Lie Xing returned to his palace all the way, repelled his subordinates, took off his heavy armor, and came to the back garden alone.

He was walking slowly along the quiet path in the garden, with a hideous expression on his face, he suddenly stopped and stretched out his hand to pat the side.

Next to it is a big tree with three people hugging each other, which is more than [-] meters high from the root to the crown.

Under Lie Xing's blow, the entire tree was instantly shattered into powder and dissipated with the wind.

"Father is really old and confused. He actually passed the throne to that idiot."

Lie Xing raised his head, eyes full of resentment, looked at the World Tree covering the entire city of heaven in the sky, gritted his teeth and said: "My lord, why don't you answer my call? Are you the same as my father, too old? Confused?"

As the third son of the Golden Supreme King, Lie Xing is brave and good at fighting, resourceful and resourceful, and he is also good at government affairs.

After the eldest son of the Golden High King was deprived of his status as heir, Lie Xing always believed that he was the best heir.

However, before his father went to heaven, he actually handed over the entire empire to his second brother Yinxing.

If it was the eldest brother who was sentenced to life imprisonment because of falling in love with the old god, then Lie Xing would have nothing to say, but his second brother Yin Xing is a guy with mediocre qualifications, and he is inferior to him in every aspect. he.

Lie Xing thought that the throne that must belong to him was taken away, Lie Xing wished he could rush to the kingdom of heaven to question his father.

He also prayed to the great lord in secret, hoping that the great lord would issue an oracle and change his father's decision.

Unfortunately, the Great Lord has never responded to his expectations.

"Your father is indeed confused."

Lie Xing, who was in a powerless rage, suddenly heard a woman's voice behind him.

He was startled, turned around suddenly and looked back, and saw a seductive mature woman leaning under a tree, looking at him with a smile.

This woman is so beautiful and has amazing charm, far surpassing Lie Xing's dozens of concubines, which made him a little distracted for a while.

But after all, he is the youngest son of the Supreme King of Gold, Lie Xing immediately got rid of the state of being seduced, and shouted: "Who are you?"

The woman propped her cheek with one hand, showing off her beautiful figure to the fullest.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I can help you ascend to the throne."

Lie Xing's heart skipped a beat, but he wasn't fooled. Instead, he immediately recognized the woman's identity and sneered, "The god of heresy? You dare to appear in the city of heaven, aren't you afraid of being discovered by the great Lord?" ?”

Although when Lie Xing was born, the Golden Supreme King had already ruled the world, but when he served in the Knights of God, he still learned a lot about the heretic god.

So he is not afraid at the moment, it is just a group of bereaved dogs defeated by his father.

"The Great Lord has never appeared since he entered the World Tree, and he may have died in it long ago."

Being recognized, the goddess was not nervous, and continued to speak slowly: "Besides, you just insulted the great lord for being stupid, which is a crime of disrespect. You are not afraid that the great lord will be the first to deal with you after he comes out." ?"

Lie Xing's eyes turned cold. He dared to scold the Great Lord for being stupid just now because the Great Lord hadn't appeared for a long time.

Originally, I was just saying hello in private, but I didn't expect to be overheard.

"Are you trying to piss me off?"

Lie Xing's eyes were like lightning, and his momentum was rising steadily, locking the goddess firmly, as if he would strike at any time.

"I didn't mean to provoke you. As I said just now, I'm here to help you ascend to the throne."

The goddess stood up from the grass and walked slowly towards Lie Xing: "You have perfectly inherited your father's talents, you are brave and resourceful, but your elder brother is a mediocre person, the throne falls into his hands, not only is it bad for you Fairness is not a good thing for the whole country, so are you willing?"

Seeing the goddess approaching, Lie Xing still didn't make a move after all, but sneered: "Wouldn't it be better for you beggars to pass the throne to mediocre people?"

Although he agrees with what the goddess said in his heart, it doesn't mean he can't see that this heretical god has ulterior motives.

The goddess smiled faintly: "It's indeed better, but we still can't beat the Great Lord and your father, so it doesn't make much difference to us who the throne goes to."

Lie Xing was a little confused for a while, since the difference is not big, then you still said that you want to help me ascend the throne?
"Let me tell you a top-secret news."

The goddess came to Lie Xing's side and whispered in his ear; "The Great Lord is about to die."

Lie Xing was indifferent, but looked at her with eyes like an idiot, and didn't believe the news at all.

"I know you don't want to believe it, but your father slaughtered too many gods and creatures in the process of conquering the world. Their curses and resentments are all concentrated in the World Tree."

The goddess began to circle around Lie Xing, stroking his shoulders and arms with her slender hands: "In order to save the World Tree, the Great Lord has to enter the World Tree to absorb these curses and resentment, and then die, and when he dies, This is your chance to take back the throne."

Lie Xing was still unwilling to believe the nonsense that the great lord would die, but the words of the goddess still shook his heart a little.

He sneered and said: "If the great Lord is really going to die, you heretic gods don't take the opportunity to jump out to overthrow the empire, but instead help me ascend the throne? Do you think I'm a fool?"

"You don't understand, we dare not overthrow this empire."

The goddess stuck to Lie Xing's back, and the sound of breathing was clearly audible in his ears: "Your father can come back from heaven at any time, we don't want to be driven out by him a second time, but if we help you climb up As for the throne, as the new king, will you agree to a small request from our group of old gods?"

Although Lie Xing was unwilling to believe the future described by the goddess, he still couldn't help asking: "What request?"

"No longer regard our old gods as enemies, and set aside a piece of land from your empire as our habitat."

The goddess licked her red lips: "Isn't this request too much?"

Lie Xing snorted coldly: "Wishful thinking."

"Compared with the precious throne, I believe our request is not too much."

The goddess blew lightly on Lie Xing's ear: "There is still some time before the passing of the great lord, you can think about it slowly."

As soon as the words fell, the goddess had disappeared without a trace, as if she had never appeared.

Lie Xing stood there motionless, just like the statue at the gate of the palace.


Molten City.

This is the third time for Xu Cheng to patronize this floating volcanic city. It has been nearly 50 years since he last came here to participate in the gathering of the gods.

I came here this time because Vulcan Baroque finally built the secret weapon that can destroy the world tree, so I invited Xu Cheng and Aying to visit together.

Vulcan did not greet him at the gate like last time, so Xu Cheng and A Ying had no choice but to enter the Molten City by themselves, and came to Vulcan's palace.

As soon as I came here, I saw the figure of the goddess of fate.

"You guys are too late."

When the goddess of fate saw the two people appear, she began to complain: "I sent you a message two days ago, but you just arrived today, do you not think of me?"

"Which eye are you talking about?"


Even the goddess of fate who likes to have fun was choked by Xu Cheng's rhetorical question.

Ah Ying looked around: "Where is Vulcan?"

"In his forging field, he hasn't come out since the weapon was forged. If I didn't pull it, he would have wanted to marry that weapon."

"Is it such an exaggeration?"

"Just take a look and you'll know."

Led by the Goddess of Fate, Xu Cheng and A Ying came to the Vulcan forging field, and saw the Vulcan who was maintaining the weapons.

With just one glance, Xu Cheng and A Ying's attention was attracted by the weapon in his hand.

The shape of this weapon is not special, it is the style of an ordinary long sword, and the whole body is pitch black.

But this kind of black is not ordinary black, but a deep darkness similar to a black hole, where even light cannot attach to it, like a sword-shaped outline being dug out of space.

Just staring at it for a long time, Xu Cheng and A Ying felt a little dizzy, as if they were looking at the face of the goddess of fate.

Obviously, this sword has also been infused with the power of fate by the goddess of fate, so it cannot be watched for a long time.

Under the reminder of the goddess of fate, Vulcan realized the arrival of Xu Cheng and A Ying.

"Look, this is the weapon I imagined."

Like a child showing off his favorite toy, Vulcan handed the black sword to Xu Cheng and A Ying: "Fortunately, I finally built it. This is the highest masterpiece in my life. It is enough to be recorded in the annals of history and forever remembered by history."

Vulcan sighed and was excited, but at the same time he did not forget to thank Xu Cheng: "Thank you for the materials you brought, I was able to make this weapon."

"And what about me?"

The Goddess of Fate said dissatisfiedly, "If I hadn't spent 50 years collecting the power of the gods for you, your weapon would be a shit-stirring stick. Why don't you thank me?"

"Yes, yes, your contribution is the greatest."

Vulcan expressed his gratitude insincerely. In his opinion, he deserved the most credit, and then Xu Cheng, and anyone can do the job of Goddess of Destiny, it would be the same with her or without her.

"Hey, what's your tone?"

Goddess of Fate certainly heard his perfunctory, and immediately rolled up her sleeves annoyed, ready to have a good argument with him.

"All right!"

Aying had to hold Goddess of Destiny down to avoid her misleading the topic, and then asked Vulcan, "Have you got a name for this weapon?"

"not yet."

Vulcan was still a little apprehensive towards Goddess of Destiny. When he saw A Ying's question, he immediately replied: "I invited the two of you over. Apart from telling you the good news, I hope you can give this weapon a name."

As a blacksmith, he certainly hoped to name this weapon himself.

But he also knew that this weapon might cause an epic event in the hands of the three gods in front of him-destroy the world tree.

Therefore, out of self-knowledge, Vulcan finally chose to keep only the name of the forger, and gave up the naming right, although he was very reluctant in his heart.

Hearing Vulcan's words, Aying and Goddess of Destiny subconsciously looked at Xu Cheng.

Whether Xu Cheng contributed the most important materials, or his status as a "breaker", the right to name this weapon should belong to him.

Xu Cheng also did his part and took the black sword from Vulcan's hand.

As soon as he got it, he felt a strong attraction, as if he wanted to suck all the power in his body into the black sword.

And this black sword is also like a black hole, with extremely high density and weight. It may be as heavy as the Himalayas. Xu Cheng feels a little unable to hold it.

It's a pity that he is really a waste of names, after thinking about it for a while, the result is that his head is empty, and he is full of titles such as "endless", "destroyed" and "black cut".

In the end, he still decided to use the old name of the black sword.

"Let's call it the Broken God's Edge."

As soon as the words fell, a stream of light seemed to flash on the black sword. For a moment, except for Xu Cheng, the other three gods felt the sharpness coming towards them, and a sense of deadly threat arose in their hearts.

As expected of an epic weapon, Xu Cheng started this black sword out of thin air with just one word.

Showing his sharpness, the three gods present felt an obvious threat.

"Good name!"

Vulcan couldn't help but praise, his eyes were both excited and envious. His name will be recorded in history along with this God-shattering Edge.

Xu Cheng waved it casually a few times, seeing that Godbreaker's Edge could easily cut open the space, he hurriedly put it away and hid it directly in his body.

"Three, my mission has been completed."

Vulcan said a little tiredly: "I have to rest for a while, and let me know when you are going to do something."

"You have a good rest, then leave it to us."

A Ying looked at the goddess of fate. How long will it take for the great lord to pass away? Only the goddess of fate knows the exact time.

"Almost another 50 years."

Goddess of Destiny raised a hand to the three of them: "You can prepare now, 50 years later, the big show will be staged."

Ah Ying estimated the time in his mind, and asked, "Where are the other gods?"

"The God of War is gathering a group of supporters, and is preparing to directly attack the city of heaven after the death of the great lord."

Goddess of Destiny told the gossip she knew: "The other group of guys secretly instigated the youngest son of the Supreme King of Gold, and used the throne to lure the other party to become the ghost. We will have a show at that time."

Aying was a little worried: "Will it affect our actions?"

The goddess of fate waved her hand: "Don't worry, everything is under control, let them make trouble, the more lively the trouble is, the more likely our plan will be successful."

Seeing that the goddess of fate is so confident, Xu Cheng already knew in his heart that there must be some fatal loopholes in her plan that could lead to failure.

Because for Xu Cheng, this was a difficult task, which meant that he had to fail at least five times, otherwise he would be ashamed to meet people.

Hey, it's up to him to save the world in the end.


For ordinary people, 50 years is enough to live most of their lives. For those with a shorter life, the grass on the grave may be several meters high.

But from the perspective of the gods, 50 years can only be regarded as the blink of an eye.

Xu Cheng was lucky enough to experience this feeling of the rapid passage of time. After he got the reforged God of Breaking Edge and returned to the secret realm with A Ying, it seemed that 50 years had passed in the blink of an eye.

It was an ordinary day, and Xu Cheng was training with Xinghu, who looked like a 15-year-old girl.

Suddenly, he felt heart palpitations, and his mind went blank for a while.


Xinghu knocked down the iron sword in Xu Cheng's hand with one blow, and cheered immediately.

Looking at his daughter who was jumping and jumping, Xu Cheng seemed to be in a daze and didn't move, then slowly turned his head and looked in a certain direction.

Gods are considered advanced creatures, extremely sensitive to changes in the environment.

Just a second ago, Xu Cheng clearly felt that the disappearance of a powerful existence between heaven and earth made the world oppressed by him easier.

If the world really has self-awareness, maybe it will laugh happily at this time.

"Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Xu Cheng was in a daze, Xinghu curiously reached out and waved his hand in front of him.

"It's nothing."

Xu Cheng stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek: "Beautiful job, you were able to knock down my weapon. I will reward you with a little red flower."

"I'm not a child anymore, I don't want little red flower."

A shadow appeared between the father and daughter, condensing into the appearance of Ah Ying.


Xinghu threw away the weapon in his hand, rushed over and hugged her: "Why do you have time to come here?"

Normally, her mother would never leave the gate without leaving the second door, and she refused to step out of the palace for life or death.

Ah Ying touched her daughter's head with her hand, and then exchanged glances with Xu Cheng, both seeing the seriousness and expectation in each other's eyes.

Both of them clearly felt the change between heaven and earth just now, and knew what it meant.

The Great Lord is dead!
After 700 years, they finally waited for this moment!

(End of this chapter)

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