Chapter 90
The co-pilot's door opened from the inside, Uehara sat in the driver's seat, and waved to Xu Cheng: "Long time no see, brat, get in the car."

A few days ago, the two sides were still fighting at the construction site. Now that Xu Cheng has changed his skin, Ryo Uehara can no longer recognize him.

Xu Cheng didn't get into the car right away, instead he said the secret code: "What is the one dish that the American people don't like but have to eat?"

Ryo Uehara was stunned for a moment, and tried to say the secret code that the two agreed on the phone: "Eat a gun?"

The answer is correct.

A hell of an American joke that made both a Chinese and a Japanese laugh out loud.

Xu Cheng got into the car and fastened his seat belt.

Ryo Uehara started the car and asked, "What connection code do you need to meet me?"

Xu Cheng randomly found a reason: "I've been doing some things recently, and I need to be cautious. What about the things you promised me?"

"Didn't I just come here?"

Ryo Uehara was also a little curious. Last time this kid mysteriously disappeared from his home, but he couldn't be found when he tried to find him again. He didn't respond to calls and text messages, just like a scumbag who ate nothing and ran away. .

Until today, he suddenly called himself and said that he was going to visit the Special Response Unit.

Of course Ryo Uehara couldn't wish for it, thinking that Xu Cheng was unhappy in the Super Association and wanted to switch to the special response unit.

Speaking of this incident, Ryo Uehara became angry: "The last time you were at my house, why did you run away without saying hello? Didn't I tell you not to run around?"

If I say hello to you, if you are so outstanding, I won't be able to leave.

Xu Cheng retorted: "Someone assassinated me, so I can't hide? You also said to help me catch my assassin, who?"

Ryo Uehara was speechless.

So many ability users have been assassinated, and no murderer has been caught so far.

Can't you catch it?Not at all, those who died were those capable people who refused to join the government and refused to die. It would be a hidden danger in the society, and the government would like them to die more.

Of course, Ryo Uehara couldn't tell the truth, so he could only stammer: "There is already a clue... I will definitely catch it after a while..."

Xu Cheng thought to himself that the killer lived with me every day, and he didn't see you coming to the door.

Half an hour later, Uehara drove Xu Cheng to the base of the Special Response Force, which is also the headquarters of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters.

Because Xu Cheng was an unfamiliar face, he was carefully checked several times at the gate before he was released.

Uehara Liang even had to sign a guarantee to ensure the safety of the people he brought in.

After entering the gate, Xu Cheng looked at the internal environment and asked, "Will it cause you trouble?"

Ryo Uehara replied indifferently: "It's okay, I just happen to be free now."

Under the protection of Yuji Chizuru, the responsibility for the invasion of Lingzi's tomb did not fall on him, but now he has also been kicked out of the project and suspended for a period of time for reflection.

After parking the car in the parking lot, Uehara opened the door and got out of the car, and warmly greeted Xu Cheng: "Let's go, there are many capable people who are about your age in the base, and you should be able to get along."

I'm not here to make friends.

Xu Cheng shook his head: "I just hope that I don't run into acquaintances."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw two women coming out of the parking lot.

One of them is Aragaki Ayase, the assistant to the president of the Paranormal Association.

The eyes of the two met, and then they froze at the same time.

Xu Cheng suddenly felt the embarrassment of being ready to change jobs and meeting the boss of the original company, even though he didn't come to change jobs.

Aragaki Ayase stared at Xu Cheng and Uehara Ryo with wide eyes, as if the wife who was alone in her boudoir saw her cheating husband and mistress.

Ryo Uehara's attention was attracted by the woman beside Aigaki Ayase.

She is about twenty years old, wearing a sun hat, black hair shawl, snow-white melon-seeded face, brows as elegant as water, Qiong nose and cherry lips, and there seems to be a faint smile on the corner of her lips.

This is a beautiful woman who is gentle and elegant at first glance, but reveals a confident and powerful aura upon closer inspection.

The president of the superpower association, Bai Yuelin, known as Princess Baiyue.

Ryo Uehara knew her. He had only met her once from a distance before. This was the first time he met her at close range. He suddenly felt as if his whole heart was riddled with holes by Cupid's arrow.

Until a loud reprimand woke him up.


Aragaki Ayase pointed at Xu Cheng and said loudly, "Why are you here?! Are you going to change jobs?"

Ryo Uehara looked over, and suddenly found that Aragaki Ayase's very beautiful face in the past became ordinary beside Bai Yuelin, and she was not feminine at all.

The embarrassment in Xu Cheng's heart was fleeting, so he didn't want to quarrel with Ayase Aragaki here, and explained, "I'm just here for a visit."

"Visit? You haven't even been to the headquarters of our association, but you came here to visit?"

Ayase Aragaki felt her chest was about to burst with anger, like watching a wife whose husband was taken away by a mistress: "You dare to come to visit today, and dare to hook up with this wretched guy like Uehara Liang tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow you may even have children It's all there."

She finally pulled Xu Cheng into the super power association last time, and originally wanted to take the opportunity to improve their relationship, but who knew that he disappeared like a scumbag, and he couldn't be found no matter what.

When they met again, they hooked up with Uehara Ryo, a coquettish bitch.

She felt the anger of being pried into the corner of the wall.

Bai Yuelin also thought that Xu Cheng was pried over by Uehara Ryo, and stared at him with elegant eyes.

Under Bai Yuelin's eyes, Liang Uehara felt like a virgin and became at a loss, and his eloquent mouth in the past also became clumsy.

He was afraid of being misunderstood by Bai Yuelin, his head was empty and he didn't know what to say, so he blurted out subconsciously: "Xing Yuan-san, don't talk nonsense, I and Mr. Xinghai are innocent, and he hasn't promised me yet."


The scene suddenly fell into silence, and Bai Yuelin and Aragaki Ayase looked at the two men with strange eyes.

Xu Cheng's hair was black, and he couldn't help but curse: "Crazy, what are you talking about?"

Only then did Ryo Uehara realize that there was a problem with this passage, and explained in a hurry: "No, I mean that I don't have the relationship you think with Mr. Xinghai. He hasn't agreed to my invitation to live in my house. No, he entered my house Here..."

Seeing Uehara's flustered look, Bai Yuelin chuckled: "Uehara-kun, don't be nervous, there is fair competition between us, and the Super Association is free to come and go, and members will not be restricted from changing jobs."

She turned her head to look at Xu Cheng. She had only seen photos before, and this was the first time she had seen him in real life.

In terms of temperament, he is indeed not an ordinary young man, with clear eyes, very calm and calm in front of her, especially against the backdrop of Ryo Uehara.

Originally, Bai Yuelin really hoped that this young man with full potential could join the super power association and strengthen the association's strength.

But if he doesn't want to stay, Bai Yuelin won't force it.

The main reason is that Aragaki Ayase is a beautiful girl who seems to be less attractive than Uehara Ryo, so she can't seduce Xu Cheng.

What a failure to be a woman.

(End of this chapter)

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