Great warships

Chapter 105 Using Imported Equipment

Chapter 105 Using Imported Equipment

We are a big company, and we will never make mistakes. At this time, Kazuki Yamamoto has such an attitude.

"After our analysis, the main reason for your problems with this batch of steel is that the blanks were not cleaned thoroughly during the hot rolling process, the high-pressure water pressure for washing was insufficient, or the water gun was eccentric. The result is that part of the scale residue is hot-rolled into the surface of the steel, which leads to the appearance of pitting, Mr. Sasaki, you are a professional, are you right about what I said?"

"Impossible, how do you know?" Sasaki was shocked and asked, standing up from his seat.

Of course he is aware of the defects of this batch of steel, but since the steel has been produced, it cannot be wasted like this, so they boldly sold the steel to the Huating Shipyard. It is possible to check it out, even if pitting is found, it is impossible to suspect that it is a problem with the steel itself, and they can safely and boldly shirk the omissions that occurred during transportation and storage.

Who would have thought that the other party would dare to come to them for compensation, and could tell the real reason for the steel defect, which surprised him very much.

"Mr. Sasaki, have you finally admitted that there is a problem with this batch of steel?" Qin Tao said seriously: "Now that you have admitted, then let's go through the compensation process! According to international practice, the compensation should be tripled. The total amount of the batch of steel is 170 million US dollars, and if the compensation is tripled, it will be..."

"No, we didn't admit it, Sasaki, you idiot, sit down immediately!" Kazuki Yamamoto shouted: "All of this is your speculation, what we are asking for is evidence, evidence!"

"Of course the evidence is there, everyone. We can leave the conference room now and go to the inspection department to conduct metallographic inspections, pickling experiments, and cross-sectional low-magnification experiments on these steel plates, so that those steel plates that have not yet had pitting It has been revealed that the pits on these steel plates will still appear according to certain rules, and the geometric shapes are similar." Qin Tao said: "Now, let's go and have a look, facts speak louder than words."

Kazuki Yamamoto frowned, eyes gloomy.

"Your inspection equipment does not meet international standards, and we do not trust your inspection results." Kazuki Yamamoto said while sitting there.

So far, all the Chinese people attending the meeting have seen that these islanders know that their products have problems, but now they have the cheek not to admit it!
"Mr. Yamamoto, we have close cooperation with you and have a large number of import and export contracts. If you can neither provide favorable theoretical explanations nor do experiments to verify, then we will doubt your sincerity. We We will consider whether you have the sincerity to continue to cooperate with us." Leader Xue of the Metals and Minerals Import and Export Corporation opened his mouth to apply pressure.

Although the country has been open for more than ten years, the import and export has not been fully opened to domestic private companies. The metal and mineral import and export company monopolizes the import of foreign metal and mineral products. Every shipyard needs to go through them. To import foreign steel plates.

Therefore, the words of Leader Xue are still very important. There are many steel companies in the world, in addition to Kobe Steel, Krupp, and US Steel.It is not possible to hang them on a tree.

Kazuki Yamamoto's eyeballs rolled rapidly, apparently still unwilling to flinch.

"Since this gentleman suspects that there is a problem with our testing equipment, let's change it." Qin Tao said: "We go to the warehouse to pick a piece of Kobe plate at random, and then use a grinding wheel to remove the rust spots on the surface to confirm that the surface is intact. , and then go to the shot blasting machine we imported from abroad to carry out the shot blasting operation. After the shot blasting is over, if pitting still occurs and exceeds the standard, then it can be proved that it is the problem of the steel itself? Mr. Sasaki, you are a professional Yes, what do you think of this proposal?"

Sasaki didn't speak.

"His Excellency Kazuki Yamamoto, if you think about it again, what excuses do you have?"

"No, no, we are not looking for excuses, we, Kobe Steel, will not go wrong!"

"Still stubborn." Qin Tao said: "How about this, let's find four steel plates, as long as one of them does not exceed the standard of pitting after shot blasting, we will lose, how about it? Four to one, if you still agree , Hehe, let’s announce this to the whole world!”

"Okay." Kazuki Yamamoto gritted his teeth and agreed to this request: "We can find four yuan at random, as long as one piece does not exceed the standard, you lose, and you have to compensate us for the loss of reputation!"

Leader Xue and the others were surprised again. Even if we wanted to force these people to agree to the test, we wouldn't talk so much, would we?Such an agreement is obviously not good for us!

However, Qin Tao looked like he had the chance to win: "Okay, let's start now!"

Factory Manager Wang was the audience throughout the whole process. On the one hand, it was because Qin Tao had the initiative, so Qin Tao naturally played it. Don't talk about it.

Now, the islanders have agreed, so we have to proceed with a tough head. However, seeing Qin Tao like this, Director Wang has a premonition that the islanders will definitely lose.

Shot peening is a surface strengthening process widely used in factories. In addition to making the steel surface harder, it can also make the surface dull, descale and eliminate the residual stress of casting, forging and welding parts.

Shot peening is similar to sand blasting, both use high-pressure wind or compressed air as power to blow the medium out at high speed and impact the surface of the workpiece to achieve cleaning effects, but the selected medium is different, and the effect is also different.After sandblasting, the surface of the workpiece is the natural color of metal, but the surface is rough, without metallic luster, and the surface is dark.

After shot peening, the dirt on the surface of the workpiece is removed, the surface of the workpiece is not damaged, and the excess energy generated during processing strengthens the surface of the workpiece and looks shiny.

Now, shot peening has a new purpose: to punch out the residual scale that entered the steel plate during the hot rolling process, so that pitting can be exposed earlier.

The four steel plates were placed next to the shot blasting machine, and the shot blasting operation started while everyone was watching.

The conditions at the shot blasting site were very bad, and they had to wear thick masks. However, no one cared about this burden. Devices like pig's mouths hung on everyone's mouths, and they looked at the workbench through the goggles.

The first steel plate entered the shot blasting machine slowly, and when it came out, the surface was covered with pockmarks!
"You don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin." Qin Tao muttered.

The islanders clenched their fists.

The second steel plate, continue to operate, when the steel plate comes out, the pitting, not to mention the intensive phobia patients, the scalp of ordinary people will feel numb after seeing it.

"Until the Yellow River, I will never die." Qin Tao continued to mutter.

The islander frowned.

The third steel plate came out of the shot blasting machine, and this one is more serious.

"If you don't hit the south wall, don't look back." Qin Tao glanced at the islander, and Sasaki's legs seemed to have begun to tremble.

The fourth steel plate enters the shot blasting machine.

"No..." What should I do next?

Qin Tao hadn't finished speaking when he saw Kazuki Yamamoto walk a few steps to his side, then bent down and bowed deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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