Great warships

Chapter 124 Qin Tao's Friend Is My Nikolai's Friend

Chapter 124 Qin Tao's Friend Is My Nikolai's Friend
The water of the Amur River flows slowly.

On the banks of this river stands Komsomolsk, Lao Maozi's most important industrial city in the Far East.The city is divided into two by the river. The west side is the administrative, commercial and cultural center, as well as the location of the steel factory and the shipyard.At the same time, it is surrounded by low mountains on the east, west and north sides, and there are lakes and swamps in the south.The scenery is very nice.

In 1932, it was still an ordinary Permskoye village. A large number of members of the Communist Youth League came here and built it into a city with their hardworking hands.

After the establishment of the Amur Steel Plant, it rapidly developed into a large-scale industrial center with heavy machinery manufacturing and ship repairing industries.The oil extracted on Sakhalin Island was refined here, and factories for wood processing, construction materials, and papermaking were established.

The Gagarin Aircraft Factory, as long as you listen to the name, you can know how famous it is. This factory is named after the first astronaut who flew into space. The code name of Lao Maozi is called Factory 126.

The aircraft factory has a long runway, and the special plane of the inspection team landed on this runway.

When they got off the plane, they welcomed Alexei, the director of the aircraft factory, Nikshev, the chief designer of the Su-27, Pugachev, the famous meritorious test pilot, and others.Simonov, the chief designer of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, led the team and stood in front of these people. He happened to be here for inspection, and when he heard that guests from the East were coming, he happened to receive them here.

Besides them, there were also several officers from the Far East Military Region. When Qin Tao got off the plane, he was taken aback for a moment.

Among the crowd, he suddenly saw Nicholas' figure!

When the four eyes met, Nicholas was also very curious, isn't Qin Tao a traitor?How did you get mixed up with these people?

This time it was just an inspection and would not involve specific negotiations, so the atmosphere was very friendly.

Everyone entered the aircraft factory and looked at the Huangpi Su-27 being produced inside.

There is no assembly line in the production of aircraft, which belongs to the station production method. In the large production workshop, there are countless installation stations and various high platforms. Workers push parts to the stations and install them one by one.

Although it is inefficient, it is also the current international method.

Everyone looked very engrossed.

Qin Tao slowly fell behind the crowd, and stood with Nicholas, taking advantage of other people not paying attention, Nicholas asked in a low voice: "My friend, you haven't been here for a long time, I I even started worrying about you."

After a few business deals, Nicholas made a lot of money, and he was counting on Qin Tao to come to him for business, but who would have thought that Qin Tao would never show up again.

"My friend, I'm really sorry. My newly recruited secretary was born in a military family. I was confused and made some mistakes. As a result, I can only be with my secretary. Recently, I am helping my future father-in-law. ,No time."

Zhao Ling was also among the visiting crowd, so there was no way to hide this matter, so Qin Tao simply told Nicholas clearly.

Man, this kind of thing is understandable.Nicholas smiled knowingly: "Qin, you are really lucky to be able to participate in this level of investigation group."

"Don't mention it, my old friend." Qin Tao said: "I prefer to live the life before. By the way, can you help me? Let me win some face with my future father-in-law."

"Of course, leave it to me." Nicholas was very generous.

After inspecting the aircraft factory for a whole day and watching the Su-27 flight performance the next morning, most of the delegation returned by special plane, and only the navy remained.

"Everyone, since you are Qin's friends, you are my friends." Nicholas looked at several people in the navy and said, "I will take you to inspect some of our factories. Now, let's go to Gongqingcheng to build ships first. Factory, I will take you to inspect the most advanced submarine manufacturing factory of our Soviet Navy!"

Wu Shengli and the others were excited for a while.

Qin Tao bartered things several times and got back a lot of good things. Of course, the navy knew that Qin Tao had already hooked up with Nicholas, but he didn't know how the relationship between the two parties was.

Now, by saying this, Nicholas is doing Qin Tao a lot of face.The two are good friends.

Gongqingcheng not only manufactures aircraft, but also manufactures ships. It began to build submarines in the late 30s. During the Cold War, it manufactured a variety of advanced nuclear submarines. It successively built Y-class ballistic missile nuclear submarines and DI-class ballistic missile nuclear submarines. , In the late 1970s, the construction of the Victor-III class attack nuclear submarine and the Akula class attack nuclear submarine began. (All of them are NATO code names. The old Maozi here are all numerical numbers. For example, the Akula class, their number is 971. The Kursk, which tragically sank in the Barents Sea, belongs to the 949 class.)
Hearing what Nicholas said, Qin Tao was a little humble: "My friend, there are a lot of secrets in your submarine manufacturing factory, right? Is it convenient for us to investigate like this?"

"Of course no problem." Nicholas patted himself on the chest: "Our Type 877 submarine has already begun to be exported, and at your level, it is accessible."

Only then did Qin Tao realize that Nicholas had saved his hand. Of course, it was impossible for his side to visit the nuclear submarine. The well-known conventional submarine, nicknamed by Lao Maozi himself is Flounder, and the West is more accustomed to calling it the Kilo class.

That's right, it's the famous oceanic black hole, the Kilo-class submarine!

This submarine also has a great relationship with the motherland. Among the Kilo-class submarines imported by the motherland, one was built at the Komsomolsk Shipyard.Therefore, although Qin Tao felt a little regretful about Nicholas' proposal, he still accepted it gladly.

"In this case, let's go and see the most advanced Soviet diesel-electric submarine."

Wu Shengli nodded.

The inspection team left some people to continue to visit. Of course, Lao Maozi will continue to receive them. However, since Nicholas took the initiative to take the remaining members of the inspection group to visit, Lao Maozi's superiors also felt relieved and bold. handed over to Nicholas.

Nicholas led the crowd to the shipyard.

It's already June, the weather here is very refreshing, and the Komsomolsk Shipyard is also a bustling scene.

Who would have thought that in a year and a half, the huge empire would collapse, and these shipyards would become motherless children?

Qin Tao's heart was full of emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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