Great warships

Chapter 129

Chapter 129 Continue to fool around and sell junk (add more)

tattered?Popov looked over in surprise, glanced at the thing that Qin Tao said was tattered, and then felt a little helpless.

"That machine is not broken. It is our GTD-6000 (M70), which also belongs to our third-generation marine gas turbine. It has been completely tested here." Popov said: "Although the Ashes down there, however, means a lot to us."

Lao Maozi’s gas turbines are also constantly improving. After entering the 80s, the third generation of marine gas turbines M75 (GTD-3000), M70 (GTD-6000), and M90 (GTD-15000) were successfully developed. There are different requirements for the use of warships.

"Isn't it just broken if you put it there to put ashes?" Qin Tao also shook his head with a smile, and then walked towards the cafeteria with everyone.

If there were no those calculators as a foreshadowing, then Qin Tao would definitely be dissatisfied with what Qin Tao said, but now, Qin Tao's words just made the other party smile helplessly, and even, in the other party's mind, some thoughts came up .

In the cafeteria, the atmosphere was harmonious. The tall and thin Li Daming frequently raised his glass to toast with these old men. After a few drinks, Li Daming had gotten used to the atmosphere here. The term on the court, when there is no old man drinking with him, he will drink a few drinks by himself. This kind of good opportunity is too rare, and he cannot waste it.

Sergey found Qin Tao with a glass of wine, and after drinking a glass of wine, Sergey said with emotion: "Qin, you are like Santa Claus, bringing us the most anticipated gift, the three-dimensional law, you Do you have a different opinion?"

Hearing the question asked by the other party, Qin Tao secretly smiled in his heart. As an outstanding shipbuilding expert, Qin Tao also knows a thing or two about the design of various power systems, so when he saw the pile of formulas, he knew it was the best The advanced three-dimensional method, but if there is any problem in it, how can he understand it.

There is a specialization in the art industry. If this kind of thing is handed over to those old experts who have devoted themselves to the study of turbine engines, it is possible to gain something. As for him, of course, it is just a mystery.

What he said was to arouse the other party's interest. At this time, after hearing Sergey's question, Qin Tao said: "Your GTD15000 gas turbine is still not powerful enough. Compared with Western gas turbines, it is not enough. There is a need for improvement. If one more stage is added to the compressor, the total increase ratio is increased to 20, and the turbine inlet temperature is increased to 1250 degrees Celsius, then its power can exceed 25 megawatts, reaching the same level as the LM2500 gas turbine Same power output."

Qin Tao did not answer the other party's question, but changed the topic, which surprised Sergey even more, because his formulas were actually designing the zero-stage blades of the gas turbine compressor, intending to give the original gas turbine Adding one stage increases the total boost ratio.

The methods Qin Tao mentioned are exactly what they are going to use now, so he is even more convinced that Qin Tao knows about them, but Qin Tao seems to have some concerns, so he is unwilling to tell the problems he sees.

"Qin, my friend, you are really amazing, you know everything." At this moment, Nicholas came over.

Qin Tao smiled: "I'm just talking nonsense. It's not easy to improve the power of a gas turbine. There are a lot of problems to consider. A wrong formula may cause serious problems in the entire design. "

Sergey frowned, Qin Tao must understand, but Qin Tao just refused to say it!

"My friend, have you taken a fancy to the rags here?" Nikolay continued.

"Yes, those gas turbines that have been tested have reached the end of their lifespan. They are of no use to you. However, there are some precious metals in them. It would be good if they were disassembled and sold as scrap metal." Qin Tao said: "As far as the one I saw today, I think it's worth a thousand boxes of canned fruit."

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Nicholas's eyes lit up. Even if their research institute here is the most important department of the Soviet Navy, there will be no shortage of food, but usually it is bread and ham. If you want to talk about canned fruit, Haven't had it for a long time.

Even today's dinner, there is no canned fruit on the table!

Sergey swallowed, and then said: "Qin, if it can really exchange a thousand boxes of canned fruit, I'll talk to Popov right now!"

Qin Tao nodded: "Of course, I'm sure."

After Popov left, Qin Tao continued to say to Nicholas: "My friend, I have to trouble you to help with the transportation, so I will pay 50.00% more for the canned fruit as your shipping fee."

The benefit must be given to Nicholas. After all, Nicholas has a high status in the navy, and he has a lot of ways to help with transportation. This kind of big guy can also be loaded into the military column and transported to the Far East. Otherwise, Qin Tao will have to Mobilize the cargo ship and go around half the world to transport here.

Nicholas nodded immediately: "Of course there is no problem."

Qin Tao is not greedy. Although this GTD6000 is Lao Maozi's third-generation naval gas turbine, the output power of this gas turbine is only 6 megawatts, so it is not a high-end product, but a prototype that has been tested and discarded. , so, nothing important.It is supposed to be no big problem to exchange canned fruit and add some benefits to them.

It's nothing to Lao Maozi, but to Qin Tao, it's very important.

Because, in addition to being used on light warships, this kind of gas turbine is also used on bison hovercraft.

For the navy of the motherland, a major mission is to complete the reunification of the motherland. It attaches great importance to cross-sea landing operations, and the hovercraft installed on the amphibious landing ship is a necessary means for cross-sea landing.

Although small hovercraft have been developed in China, there has always been a gap in medium and large hovercraft, until the Bison hovercraft was introduced from Lao Maozi.

On this hovercraft, a full five of these engines are used, two are used to drive and three are used to inflate the air cushion. (Always feel that this number seems to be a bit much)

Of course, this kind of engine has problems, such as large vibration and high noise. Therefore, after purchasing a batch in China and manufacturing five hovercraft, they gave up. Later, after the successful development of the Taihang engine, the QC-70 was improved. gas turbine, replacing this engine.

However, it is still too early for the Taihang engine to mature. Therefore, if Qin Tao can get this prototype back now, it will also give great inspiration to domestic R&D personnel. Therefore, if you use [-] boxes of cans, exchange The prototype of this gas turbine is still worth it.

Although most gas turbines are improved from aero engines, how to improve them is also a big problem. For example, the turbines behind it are completely different from aero engines.

It is also of great significance to bring back an advanced gas turbine prototype to the country. As for the promised cans and the like, of course the Navy will pay for it.

Popov and Sergey walked over together, his footsteps were a little fast, and when he looked at Qin Tao, his eyes were complicated.

"Qin, I take back what I said before. That machine is indeed broken. If we can exchange it for a thousand boxes of canned fruit, we can dispose of it." Popov said.

Sure enough, it was such a success!
This can't be blamed on the greediness of these people in front of me, but on the abnormal atmosphere of the whole old-haired society. After all, in an era of scarcity of supplies, the heads of various units are obliged to seek benefits for their own units. The KGB is using its own means to dump supplies to make a fortune on the black market. Why not get some canned fruit for his research institute to enrich the monotonous menu?
Qin Tao nodded: "Okay, then I wish our transaction goes well."

The wine glasses of several people touched together, and when the glass of wine was drained, Qin Tao continued: "Of course, if there are other good things, we can also help to deal with them, such as pork and ham, high-quality wine, and dog skin Coats, anything is fine, for example, the prototype that is still being tested can exchange at least [-] cases of high-strength liquor."

Popov's eyes lit up again, but thinking that the prototype was more precious, he could only shake his head helplessly: "That machine is still being tested, but there are four more in our production plant." The GTD-16000 gas turbines in stock, since our GTD-15000 has been successfully developed, these gas turbines in stock should be discarded, these gas turbines..."

Qin Tao opened his eyes wide, this Popov is really bold enough!
GTD-15000 belongs to the third generation of gas turbines, while GTD-1600 belongs to the second generation of gas turbines. (There are other numbers, such as M8KF, DT59) This gas turbine is used on the Glory-class cruiser! (That's right, the sunk Moskva used this power system. Glorious class, Lao Maozi's code name is the 1164 cruiser.)
The glorious class with a displacement of more than 1 tons uses four such engines as acceleration gas turbines, that is, for full-speed sailing, and two GTD6000s as cruising gas turbines.

It can be seen that the cruising gas turbine uses the third-generation naval gas turbine, because it was finalized early, and the gas turbine for acceleration is still the second generation.

Now, the third-generation gas turbine for acceleration, that is, GTD-15000, has been successfully developed. Therefore, Lao Maozi must use this gas turbine to replace the previous second-generation gas turbine. The ones they have already built, will be discarded.

This is very old-fashioned, just look at the old-fashioned tank cemetery. Many tanks are obviously repaired and still usable. However, they like the new and dislike the old. After the new tanks are equipped with troops, the old tanks are directly thrown away. up.

Qin Tao was very surprised by Lao Maozi's boldness. The other party dared to sell these gas turbines directly!

Anyway, it's the second generation, and it's not advanced technology, so the other party is really willing to show it!

At the same time, this also shows how chaotic the old Maozi's country is in this era.

Qin Tao nodded: "In this case, how about two thousand boxes of pork ham, two thousand boxes of high-quality wine, two thousand dog fur coats, and two thousand thermos bottles?"

"Deal!" Popov was also very happy.

Those produced gas turbines are still thrown away. They have already stamped the latest GTD-15000 report, and Moscow will definitely approve it. Therefore, instead of throwing old gas turbines in the warehouse to eat ashes, Might as well exchange it for something.

Nikolai is here, as long as he gives Nicholas [-]%, he can manage the navy properly.

In these transactions, Nicholas took advantage of the most, because he didn't have to worry about anything, as long as his identity was enough.

All are happy.

So, everyone raised their wine glasses again, having fun.

Zhao Ling who was nearby was listening to Qin Tao's actions carefully. When she heard his familiar words, Zhao Ling secretly applauded Qin Tao in her heart. What a great job!

At this moment, an old man came to Wu Shengli for a drink, so Zhao Ling became an interpreter again.

That night, the largest hotel in Nikolayev.

Qin Tao turned on the TV, and the ballet performance of the Bolshoi Theater was playing on it. Amidst the beautiful music, Qin Tao reported to Wu Shengli on today's progress in a low voice.

"What, you can replace a gas turbine with a thousand boxes of canned fruit? Worth it, it's really worth it!" Wu Shengli was extremely excited.

The navy wants to buy it, but the navy has no money!Now, no matter what type of gas turbine it is, it is definitely the best way to exchange it with canned fruit.

Qin Tao smiled, what's all the fuss about?This is nothing but a big witch.

After Qin Tao talked about the trade of the four eliminated gas turbines, Wu Shengli frowned: "Well, isn't the exchange ratio a bit high?"

Qin Tao glanced at Wu Shengli, and finally realized that this guy doesn't know what this gas turbine is for!

This can't be blamed on Wu Shengli. His knowledge of foreign warships is mainly about how advanced the warship's weapon system is. As for power, even if he knows about gas turbines, he doesn't know the specific model.

"This gas turbine is used on the 1164-type cruiser, which is the NATO code-named Glory-class cruiser. Four acceleration main engines can push the 1-ton cruiser to a speed of more than [-] knots. Therefore, only Two sets can propel a warship of about [-] tons."

"What did you say?" Wu Shengli's breathing became short of breath.

Wu Shengli would never have thought that Qin Tao could get such a good thing. When he mentioned the model, he didn't pay much attention to it. Now that he gave this example, he was immediately excited.

"How could the old man sell this kind of thing to us in private?"

"It's not because they already have new products, these old ones are useless." Qin Tao said: "Besides, the life of their design bureau is not easy. There was not much food at the banquet today. , can't wait."

Wu Shengli nodded: "Well, after we go back, we will mobilize these goods immediately! With these four gas turbines, we can manufacture two more [-]-ton warships!"

 PS: The hero of East China decided to explode. In addition to the fixed two updates, one more update is added, which is still a chapter of [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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