Great warships

Chapter 132 61 Commune Shipyard

Chapter 132 61 Commune Shipyard (Addition)

The city of Nikolayev has two shipyards, which are definitely strong enough, and the products produced by these two shipyards are different.

The 444 shipyard in the south has the largest slipway in the Soviet Union, with a 445-ton crane, and produces heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruisers with a displacement of tens of thousands of tons. The [-] shipyard in the north produces other heavy warships, such as cruisers.

The Glory, the first of the 1164-type cruiser, has sailed on the ocean for several years and swaggered for several years. It has tracked the American aircraft carrier formation and held the Yalta International Nuclear Arms Control Conference. A few months later, Glory No. will come back for modernization.

The most dazzling ship docked at the outfitting pier is the fourth ship of the 1164 cruiser. Its name is still called the Communist Youth League Member. More than 80.00% of its overall construction work has been completed. It looks like a mighty ship. The momentum is gone.

"That warship is so domineering!" Qin Tao said to Moskalenko who was accompanying him.

"Yes, it is the most powerful warship in our Soviet Union!" Moskarenko was very proud, and looked at Nikolai: "Nikolai, is your Varyag not bad?"

At present, three 1164-type cruisers have been completed. The Varyag, which was completed last year, has been deployed to the Pacific Fleet and has become the main warship there. Together with two heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruisers, it dominates the entire Western Pacific.

Hearing Moskalenko's words, Nikolai nodded: "Yes, it's very beautiful. Our fleet commander asked for a room on it."

Although the two heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruisers are even larger, the whistling of aircraft is always heard on the bridge of those two warships, which is very noisy, so that their fleet commanders prefer to use The Varyag became the flagship.

The Glory class with a displacement of 1 tons is a powerful Soviet maritime combat machine in this era. At this time, Wu Shengli and others looked at the anti-ship missile launch tubes on both sides of the bridge, silently lost in thought.

The anti-ship missile launch tube of the heavy-duty aircraft-carrying cruiser is stuffed under the deck, so it cannot be seen from the outside, but the CM-248 launcher in front of you is arranged on both sides in a mighty and domineering manner, with four rows on each side, and each row Two, such a warship can carry sixteen long-range heavy supersonic anti-ship missiles, which has become a nightmare for the US Navy.

"This warship reminds me of the battleship era." Qin Tao said to Nicholas.

Western warships are either anti-submarine or air defense. Anti-ship seems to be a soy sauce function, but Lao Maozi has always put anti-ship as the top priority. After all, their enemy is the US Navy, which has more than a dozen Even in the 80s, the Americans proposed a naval plan of over [-] warships.

Those huge cylinders contain super weapons tailored for American aircraft carriers.

"Yes, it's like a battleship once." Moskalenko said: "It is loaded with our most advanced P-500 anti-ship missiles, which have a maximum range of 550 kilometers and a maximum speed of up to Mach 2.5. , has a warhead of one ton, and can be equipped with nuclear warheads when necessary, and only one warhead can destroy the American aircraft carrier."

This is the real carrier nemesis.

The defense radius of the American aircraft carrier formation is 12 kilometers. Therefore, if a warship wants to safely fire anti-ship missiles and return alive, the range of the anti-ship missiles must exceed [-] kilometers. This NATO code name is SS- N-[-]'s anti-ship missiles are so tough!
These data are all public, so Moskarenko's disclosure of these data is not considered a leak, and since it was brought by Nikolai, he is not too vigilant.

Qin Tao nodded: "Yes, these anti-ship missiles are too powerful, but you know, and the Americans know it too, so the Americans can expand the defense circle. This kind of warship is still dangerous. I have an idea. .”

"What idea?" Nicholas agreed.

"You can improve your missiles to have a longer range, such as 700 kilometers, or even a thousand kilometers, but you must keep it secret." Qin Tao said: "In this way, when they encounter Yankees, they will still follow the five The range of [-] kilometers is used for defense. As long as your warship does not approach within [-] kilometers, they think it is safe. As a result, you are wandering [-] to [-] kilometers away, and suddenly you shoot out all your missiles , scare those Yankees to death!"

Of course, this is not as simple as scaring to death. If you really hit, you will catch the opponent by surprise, and before the opponent has time to react, the entire army will be wiped out.

Nicholas said with emotion: "Qin, it's no wonder your father-in-law appreciates you so much, you are really very smart."

Although it is a simple proposal, it contains the avenue of Sun Tzu's art of war, soldiers, and tricks.

The other party thought it was safe five hundred kilometers away, but what happened?The anti-ship missile flew hundreds of kilometers away and fired at the American aircraft carrier formation. The scene must be very spectacular.

Hearing Nicholas' emotion, Zhao Ling showed a smile there, and then, after a simple revision of this sentence, she translated it to Wu Shengli.

Nicholas just sighed with emotion, while Moskalenko opened his eyes wide, but neither of them continued to talk about this topic.

Because of what Qin Tao said, they are doing it. The range of the P-500 is still not enough. They want to develop anti-ship missiles with a longer range. However, these are secrets and cannot be revealed.

"I have read foreign literature. They analyze this kind of anti-ship missile and have the ability to fly in formation." Qin Tao continued to talk eloquently. It is also convenient to visit the warship.

"When flying in formation, one of them flies at high altitude as a pilot bomb, uses its own radar to lock the target, assigns targets to other ultra-low-altitude missiles, and conceals itself as much as possible. If the pilot bomb is shot down, then fly again Pick up one." Qin Tao briefly explained this formation flying method.

"Qin, what do you think of this method?" Nicholas asked.

Qin Tao shook his head: "I don't think so."

not good?

Moskalenko also opened his eyes wide: "Why not?"

"Because American aircraft carriers have early-warning aircraft, they can look down at the sea from high altitudes. Flying at ultra-low altitude can avoid the radar of warships, but they cannot avoid the radar of early-warning aircraft." Qin Tao said: "So, if it is a sneak attack, the enemy will not The defense is okay, but if it is in a war, when the American aircraft carrier formation keeps the early warning aircraft cruising at all times, it is not easy to conceal yourself. After all, the radar echoes of these titanium alloy shell missiles are too obvious."

"Yeah, this is a problem. Is there a solution?" Nicholas agreed. Although Nicholas usually likes to get some benefits, he is a senior officer of the fleet after all, and he also pays attention to these tactics.

At this time, everyone had already walked to the side of the Communist Youth League. Qin Tao looked at the tall and mighty warship, looked at the expectant eyes of his companions, and said, "Can we go up and have a look? Stand on the bridge and look down at it. Look?"

"Of course." Moskalenko said, "Welcome!"

On order 106, they just slipped around the deck, but on this project 1164 cruiser, they managed to get on the bridge!

Big, so fucking big!

Wu Shengli had such a thought in his heart.

The bridges of warships are all located at the front and upper part of the hull. Since the bridges gradually shrink upward, the area of ​​the nautical bridge with portholes is supposed to be small.

However, the bridge of this [-]-ton cruiser is really big!It's almost like playing basketball in it!
(The bridge is divided into a nautical bridge and a compass bridge. The oldest 051 destroyer, on the bridge with portholes, also has an open-air bridge with a transparent cover, on which you can operate compass, theodolite and other navigation instruments, so , This kind of compass bridge used to be a must for the bridge, but with the use of various advanced equipment, the compass bridge was abandoned. The last few ships of 051 directly sealed the top of the bridge. I really want to To use theodolite, go on deck.)
The center is the position of the helmsman, the rudder has been installed, and the bulwark adopts the classic color of brown on the top and yellow on the bottom. From the glass porthole tilted outward, you can clearly see various naval guns and anti-submarine launches on the brick-red deck devices, etc.

When more than a dozen people came up, the entire bridge was still empty, with portholes on both sides, but there was a row of cabinets below, the equipment inside had not been installed, and countless wire ends were exposed there, which looked very rough.

"If you remove the porthole over there, you can play golf here," Qin Tao said.

"No, no, there will be a command table in the center." Nicholas said, "It's very good for the captain or a higher-level leader to stand here and command the battle."

In this era, the navies of most countries are commanded standing, and there are no chairs in the bridge, except for the British, who have to sit.

From an institutional point of view, sailors in most countries change their guards every three to four hours, so it doesn't matter if they stand for such a few hours, but the British are six hours, so they can't stand.

On the other hand, the British pay attention to enjoyment. After all, they are the Royal Navy, just look at the top of the head. For the convenience of maintenance, the warships of various countries have various pipes directly exposed on the top of the head.However, the British looked uncomfortable and had to make a suspended ceiling.

Qin Tao was on the bridge, looking left and right, and then looked into the distance.

"Why does the scrap iron over there look like the hull of a Type 956 destroyer? You guys are too extravagant to throw this kind of hull as scrap iron?"

Moskalenko's face was a little embarrassed: "Well, it is indeed the hull of the Type 956 destroyer, and we are now using it as a water warehouse."

There are some things that Moskalenko cannot say. At the beginning, after the Type 956 destroyer was designed, the Zhdanov Shipyard was responsible for the construction work.

However, due to the saturated workload of the Zhdanov shipyard, the superiors arranged for the 61 commune member shipyard to build some ships. Ordinarily, their shipyard builds cruisers. Isn't it a piece of cake to build that kind of destroyer?
With this self-reliance, the first ship "Ganzhao" built by the 61 Commune Shipyard started construction in August 1983. However, a major quality accident occurred just after the hull was welded together.

The superior was very angry, and the shipyard of the 61 commune members was also canceled the construction of the Type 956 ship. This ship that failed to be built was changed to a floating warehouse.

Of course, Moskalenko couldn't say such embarrassing things.

Qin Tao shook his head: "Water warehouses are too wasteful. If we can disassemble and sell scrap iron, we are willing to exchange them with toilet paper of equal weight!"

Qin Tao offered his chips.

The modern-class ship that failed to be built is not of much value. Qin Tao will also dismantle the ship when he gets it back. However, before dismantling the ship, he can have a good understanding of the entire modern-class hull, which will facilitate future research on the modern-class ship of the motherland's navy. Warships are remodeled.

For other warships, it may not be the Mingzhou Shipyard's turn to do it, but the four Hyundai-class ships are bought back and they are based in Mingzhou.

Therefore, the price he offered was not low.

The same weight of toilet paper!

The displacement of the modern level is seven to eight thousand tons, and now this shell is at least one or two thousand tons, which means that it can be exchanged for thousands of tons of toilet paper!
If the people in their shipyard use these toilet papers to wipe their butts, they can be used for ten or eight years, and they can be used as welfare. Of course, they can also sell part of them for a huge profit.

Moskalenko was not as ignorant as Makarov, his eyes flashed with hope instantly, but he still shook his head helplessly: "No."

That thing, after all, is a modern-class hull!It is the most advanced warship they are currently serving. Although this warship is scrapped and has to be used as a floating warehouse for waste, if it is sold, it will definitely alarm the superiors if it loses such conspicuous things.

When the time comes, the superior will track it down, and he will not be able to explain it.

Although he was very greedy, he had no choice but to bear it.

"Yeah, it's inconvenient to operate." Nicholas also said aside: "However, old friend, there are always a lot of useless scrap iron in your shipyard, right? Even if you exchange one ton of scrap iron for half a ton The toilet paper is worth it!"

Moskalenko nodded: "Yes, we have about [-] tons of scrap iron here. If you are willing to exchange, we can sell all these scrap iron to you."

Moskalenko dared not touch the scrapped warships, but Moskalenko still dared to touch the leftovers. Even if he didn't take them, many boatmen picked them up and replaced them when they got off work. drink.

"Of course, the exchange ratio is still one to one." Qin Tao said generously.

Although it was a blind box opening, Qin Tao was still able to make a decision. He believed that his luck would definitely not be bad.Moreover, it is said that it is one to one, who would really weigh these scrap irons, in the end, it must be estimated.

Only this kind of generosity can make friends.

 PS: Add another chapter for everyone, today is [-], please subscribe, please reward, please vote!

(End of this chapter)

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