Great warships

Chapter 142 Qin Tao Picks Fruits

Chapter 142 Qin Tao Picks Fruits

"Old man, you have to think about it carefully. There is a shortfall of 800 million in their steel plant. If we take over, there will also be a problem of tight cash flow." Qin Tao said: "If it doesn't work, our plant will also be implicated , or even collapse."

Now it was Qin Baoshan's turn to frown.

The steel factory is no longer a sweet potato, and the steel factory is about to be in debt for several million. At this critical moment, who will take action?

Of course it's Qin Tao's selfless father, this is his consistent principle of doing things!
"Currently, we are renovating the floating dock on Chongming Island. This requires a large amount of investment. I just talked with the Huating Second Water Pump Factory about the acquisition. Renovating their production lines will also require a huge investment." Qin Tao continued: "It would be bad if we choked to death if we didn't eat one bite!"

Qin Baoshan hesitated there.

"Director Qin, you are the only ones who can save our Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant. I beg you to lend a helping hand!" Liu Mingxi said as he left the chair, and with a plop, he actually knelt down for Qin Baoshan.

Qin Tao was also stunned, there is no need to make it so realistic, right?You should be awarded an Oscar statuette!

"Xizi, get up, what are you doing?" Qin Baoshan quickly pulled him up: "I have a very good relationship with Gangzi, now, how can I watch your steel factory collapse, since the leader has already spoken, then I, Qin Baoshan has nothing to say, I must..."

"Old man, stop!" Qin Tao hurriedly recalled what his father was going to say next: "We are powerless now, are you sure we want to do this?"

"Little bastard, can we still do nothing and watch the steel factory collapse? No one is willing to take this responsibility, I am willing!"

"In this case, while all the leaders are present, let's talk face to face and explain everything clearly." Qin Tao said: "Old man, please sit down first, and I will report to the leaders about the operation status of our factory."

The relationship between father and son is very strange. The leaders are full of worries, and they are not in the mood to tease.Leader Zhang nodded: "Qin Tao, tell me."

"At present, the account in our factory has a balance of more than 2000 million."

Everyone was surprised for a while, knowing that their shipyard has made a fortune, but they didn't know that their shipyard was so rich, more than 2000 million!
"At present, we plan to convert an oil tanker into a floating dock, which will cost about 500 million yuan." Qin Tao began to talk: "We also plan to acquire a water pump factory and transform it into a water jet propulsion factory for the navy. Manufacturers, this project will probably cost about 1000 million, that is to say, there are still a few million left in our factory."

The leaders began to frown.

"Now, if the mess of the Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant is forced on us, then we need to borrow a sum of 500 million yuan from the bank." Qin Tao said: "I hope that the leaders can coordinate with the bank."

"Well, as long as you are willing to take over the steel plant, we can come forward to coordinate, but..."

Before Leader Zhang finished speaking, Qin Tao continued: "We are shipbuilders, not steelmakers. Although we have overlaps, we are not professional. So, if something goes wrong, leaders, please don't complain."

Leader Zhang originally wanted to say it, but you have to promise me that the factory will be done well. Who would have thought that Qin Tao would actually say it in advance. If it doesn't work, don't blame us.

Now, the meeting room became quiet again.

"For our shipyard, this is a burden that was given to our shipyard by the leaders." Qin Tao said: "For us, it's okay even if the steel factory collapses. There are steel factories in neighboring counties. You can also cooperate with neighboring counties..."

"Little bastard, why don't you have the slightest sense of responsibility?" Qin Baoshan was dissatisfied: "Can the steel plant in the neighboring county pay taxes for our Mingzhou City? If the steel plant collapses, the public officials in the city will have to pay bonuses." Be cut off! You clearly just stand and talk without pain in your back."

Qin Tao secretly laughed in his heart, this old man has to use the right method, what he said now is a divine assist.

Sure enough, the faces of the leaders present were all ugly. Leader Zhang coughed, and then said: "Old Qin, you have to work hard. If you do well, it's yours. If you fail, the city will take care of you."

There is always something to say on the spot, and now in this kind of formal meeting, since Leader Zhang has spoken, it can be regarded as setting the tone.

"Then our shipyard will reluctantly accept it." Qin Tao said.

"Qin Tao, we all know your ability. As long as you get a few more ship dismantling from Lao Maozi and order a few missile boats from the navy, won't the money come in a whizzing way?" Another leader said.

"Yes, Qin Tao is the youngest and most promising. In this era, you belong to young people who are capable and enterprising."

Hmph, didn't you just praise Tao Yongfeng so much?Why are you praising me again now?At this time, Qin Tao really wanted to turn over the old accounts, but thinking that they were all leaders, he decided to give up.

The meeting was finally over and important content was reached.

Mingzhou Iron and Steel Works has become a subsidiary of Mingzhou Shipyard. Mingzhou Shipyard is responsible for all matters of the steel plant, including assets, production, development, etc. As for the leader of the steel plant, it will also be appointed by Mingzhou Shipyard.

Qin Baoshan knew that he didn't have this ability, so he decided on the spot to send Qin Tao to be the factory director.

Anyway, they are all in Mingzhou City, so Qin Tao can run back and forth.As for the shipyard, Qin Tao was often absent, and the work continued as normal.

At the end of the meeting, Qin Tao drove the Santana and originally planned to take his father away, but when he saw Liu Mingxi walking behind slowly, Qin Tao said hello: "Uncle Liu, come, get in my car !"

Liu Ming happily got into Santana's back seat.

The car started and left the government compound. The expression on Liu Mingxi's face became serious: "That Tao Yongfeng has a problem, our factory manager Liu is probably killed by them!"

Qin Baoshan's expression also changed in an instant. During the meeting, he felt a little strange and always felt that something was wrong. But now, Liu Mingxi's words woke him up immediately.

"Taozi, turn around, let's report to the Public Security Bureau!" Qin Baoshan said.

Qin Tao continued to drive slowly and methodically, glanced at the rearview mirror habitually, and said, "Old man, as a factory director, and now the factory director of a large enterprise that has merged a steel factory, can you mature point?"

"Little bastard..." Qin Baoshan was annoyed.

"Director Qin, please calm down. At present, we are only suspicious and have no evidence. Even if we report the case, they will not file a case." Liu Mingxi said, "You need to calm down."

Qin Baoshan nodded: "Yes, just like that, Gangzi is gone, and we can't do anything!"

Qin Baoshan was very emotional.

"Old man, you are old enough to live..." Qin Tao stopped quickly, he couldn't ridicule the old man too much, otherwise he would really turn his face: "At least we already know that the Tao family is the most suspected, and then, we just need to investigate secretly gone."

"Secret investigation? Do you think we are the police?" Qin Baoshan asked.

"Police? Hehe, let's go directly to the Navy for help." Qin Tao said.

With the backing of my father-in-law, of course I have to use it.

"Navy, why do people help us?"

"Drunkards don't mean to drink, these people, what if they covet our shipyard? We are a factory that builds warships for the navy!" Qin Tao said: "These people are very greedy, what happened to them in the steel factory If you don’t succeed, you may have a bigger appetite.”

"Uncle Liu, the next thing has to be done quickly." Qin Tao continued to greet Liu Mingxi.

"Little brat, what are you doing next?"

"Old man, do you really want to know?"

"Nonsense, hurry up, be careful, I will fire you!"

"The project expenditure of the Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant mentioned today is actually just a plan, and the formal contract has not been signed yet."


Qin Baoshan was extremely shocked.

What scares Tao Yongfeng off is that these projects will cost a huge amount of money, and the factory will have to bear a heavy burden. Moreover, the factory has no money left.

If there are still a few million in the account, then Tao Yongfeng will definitely take office happily, and then use various means to turn the money in the factory into his own money. As for whether the factory will collapse or not, it will not belong to him Nevermind.

But now, when he took office, he owed several million in debt, and selling the factory was not enough to fill the hole, only a fool would take over.

Since Qin Tao talked with Liu Minggang last time, Liu Minggang has been very active. He is indeed contacting various suppliers and banks for loans. However, he has not done anything yet, and he has to discuss it with Qin Tao.

However, outsiders don't know, even the deputy factory manager Tang doesn't know that Liu Minggang and Liu Mingxi are responsible for this matter.

Last night, when Qin Tao went to find Liu Mingxi, he expressed his own judgment and analysis, and Liu Mingxi immediately agreed. Even if what he said at the meeting today might let him in, he didn't care.

Moreover, when the name Tao Yongfeng popped up, Liu Mingxi had already judged that it was probably the Tao family who was playing tricks.

"Old man, you already know, then, do you plan to go back and report to the leader, explaining that the state iron and steel plant is still rescued, and let Tao Yongfeng continue to be the director of the plant?"

"Fart, little bastard, you're not that stupid yet, don't worry, I'll take care of this matter for you," Qin Baoshan said.

"In this case, old man, I have another plan." Qin Tao said, "Your cooperation is needed."


"I'm going to make the factory dirty."

"Fart, you are going to ruin the factory, I will not spare you!"


Mingzhou Transportation Company.

The door of the office was pushed open. Tao Honghong raised her head and looked at her son: "Yongfeng, what happened? Why are you like this?"

"Mom, you asked me to come back to take over the steel factory. I thought it was a sweet potato, but it turned out to be a mess! Their factory owes millions of dollars in debt!" Tao Yongfeng said angrily.

"How is it possible? They should have a surplus of several million!" Tao Honghong stood up.

"Hmph, they can make money, and they can spend more. They have already ordered a large number of machinery and equipment, and they have to import them from abroad. Even if the contract is terminated, the compensation will be astronomical." Tao Yongfeng said: "If I go, not only will there be no I can’t transfer the money from the steel factory to fill our company’s holes, and I have to pay a lot of debt, and the factory collapsed, and I have to be scolded!”

"Keep your voice down!" Tao Honghong's complexion changed, and she quickly walked to the door of the office, looked at the aisle outside, and closed the door.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

After listening to Tao Yongfeng's narration, Tao Honghong's eyes rolled: "Why do I feel that this matter is a bit weird?"

She thought again, then picked up the phone and dialed a number.

"Hey, Leader Zhang, I want to inquire about how the matter of the Mingzhou Iron and Steel Plant was handled in the end?"

There was a smile on Tao Honghong's face, and she kept echoing the words inside. When she put down the phone, her face was full of unwillingness.

"There must be a problem inside. The steel factory was annexed by the shipyard in the end and became a subsidiary of the shipyard." Tao Honghong said: "We paved the way, and finally made others cheaper."

"Then what should I do? How about I go and express my determination to ask for the position of director of the steel factory?"

"What do you want? People have already decided, can you change it?" Tao Honghong looked at her son: "You really don't have the slightest courage. If I had known, I would have gone with you."

She originally thought that everything had been settled, and her son was just going through the motions. How could she have thought that her son would be cowardly, and if she wanted to follow her at that time, it would give others the feeling that her son would never grow up.

It was a bad move, and in the end it was cheaper for others!
Thinking of this, Tao Honghong clenched her fists angrily.

"Mom, what should we do then? We can't let their shipyard pick the fruit!" Tao Yongfeng also looked unwilling.

Tao Honghong shook her head: "Hmph, we are the only ones who pick other people's fruits. When will it be someone else's turn to pick the fruits! Isn't their shipyard annexed the steel factory? Then we just need to find a way to get them out, and we will be shipbuilders." The director of the factory will do!"

Tao Yongfeng's eyes lit up: "Yeah, it's really enjoyable to be the leader of the shipyard! Do we need to ask Uncle Jiu to run them to death? Just hit their Santana directly and set it on fire..."

"Keep your voice down!" Tao Honghong scolded her son in a low voice.

Tao Yongfeng stopped talking.

"Once it's an accident, if it happens one after another, people will be suspicious." Tao Honghong said: "We can't expose it. This time, let's write a report letter!"

Report letter?
Tao Yongfeng was a little puzzled.

"During the Chinese New Year, their factory gave a large amount of bonuses, and that Qin Tao even gave himself a bonus of 2 yuan, which is clearly embezzlement of public funds." Tao Honghong said: "Their shipyard is a collective, It is different from our transportation company contracting to individuals. If you embezzle 2 yuan, you will have to go in for three or four years!"

 PS: Thanks to book friends 20220603184908075, book friends 20190703183323142, Tiandu 00, the defeated Erha and other book friends for their rewards, thank you for your subscription and voting, continue to ask for votes, subscriptions, and rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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